Showing posts with label Fantasy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fantasy. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Lenya - Die größte Kriegerin aller Zeiten Movie

Lenya - Die größte Kriegerin aller Zeiten Poster

The Lenya - Die größte Kriegerin aller Zeiten film has Adventure, Fantasy, and Action genres.

Lenya - Die größte Kriegerin aller Zeiten Film was made by ORF, and Phoenix Film The film was successfully completed and released in 2001 The spoken language used in the film is German.

She grows up in a village, protected by a foster mother. Her fearlessness indicates early on that heroic blood is flowing in Lenya's young veins. When her village is raided and many of her friends are murdered, she makes it her business to seek vengeance and fight for justice.

Lenya - Die größte Kriegerin aller Zeiten Movie Stars:

Susanne Bormann as Ayescha, Julian Weigend as Egil von Amelung, Anja Knauer as Lenya, Walter Kreye as Hagir von Amelung, Wolfram Berger as Odin, Sonja Kirchberger as Kundrie, Sylvia Haider as Walküre, Hendrik Duryn as Gero von Gantern, Johannes Thanheiser as Mimir, and Mijou Kovacs as Rana.

Susanne Bormann Photo Julian Weigend Photo Anja Knauer Photo Walter Kreye Photo Wolfram Berger Photo Sonja Kirchberger Photo Sylvia Haider Photo Hendrik Duryn Photo Johannes Thanheiser Photo

Peoples involved in the making of this Lenya - Die größte Kriegerin aller Zeiten film:

Michael Rowitz (Director), and Peter Freund (Writer).

Here are some translations about the film:

Der Abenteuerfilm mit Fantasy-Elementen erzählt die Geschichte der jungen Frau und mutigen Kriegerin Lenya. Ihre Herkunft ist zunächst ein Geheimnis. Behütet von einer Ziehmutter wächst sie in einem idyllischen Dorf auf. Ihr Mut und ihre Unerschrockenheit deuten jedoch schon früh darauf hin, dass Heldenblut in Lenyas Adern fließt. Als ihr Dorf eines Tages überfallen wird und viele ihrer Freunde brutal ermordet werden, macht sie es sich zur Aufgabe, Rache zu üben und für Gerechtigkeit zu…

Language: German


5e siècle après J.C. : Lenya, élevée par Rana, apprend le secret de son origine. Elle est la fille du Roi Thorwald et d'une walkyrie ! Afin d'empêcher les Burgondes de régner en tyran, elle se met en quête de l'épée des Rois ...

Language: French

A misztikus kard kalandorai

A kegyetlen Hagir (Walter Kreye) megtámadja a walsungok birodalmát, a királyt megöli, népét szolgasorba taszítja. De a pápa csak akkor nevezi ki törvényes uralkodónak, ha bemutatja Thorwald király varázserejű kardját. Ezt a kardot keresi Lenya (Anja Knauer) is, az istenek kiválasztottja. Küldetése sikerétől függ népe sorsa. Ha elbukik, a walsungok örökre szolgák maradnak. Lenya az elrabolt pap, Mimir nyomába ered és a nagy harcos, Gero (Hendrik Duryn) segítségével, számtalan veszélyes kaland után megtalálja a kardot. De Lenya számára ez még csak a kezdet.

Language: Hungarian

Lenya: A Guerreira

Uma mulher poderosa, em busca de vingança e justiça... Lenya é uma bela jjovem que foi criada por pais adotivos num pacato vilarejo, longe da violência e das disputas políticas da corte real. Sua verdadeira origem e seu passado ficaram escondidos por anos, e sua força também. Um dia quando é atacada, seus amigos e familiares são brutalmente assassinados. Lenya consegue se salvar e jura vingança. Na busca pela justiça, a jovem desperta seu lado heróico. Ajudada pelo guerreiro Gero, ela enfrentará a terrível bruxa Kundrie para salvar seu povo e ainda terá bastantes descobertas: sobre seu passado e seus sentimentos....

Language: Portuguese



Language: Mandarin

非诚勿扰2 Movie

This 非诚勿扰2 movie has Fantasy, Comedy, and Romance genres.

非诚勿扰2 Movie was made by China Film Group Corporation, and Beijing Fengxiaogang film & culture Studio The film was successfully completed and released in 2010 made a revenue of $76,100,000. The spoken language used in the film is Mandarin.

The odd-couple courtship saga continues of wealthy, middle-aged retiree Qin Fen and serious-minded young air hostess Xiaoxiao. After an amusing prelude in which Qin presides over a lavish divorce ceremony for an amicably splitting married couple, he and Xiaoxiao decide to address their own relationship barriers — her youth and beauty, his cynical, childish sense of humor — by entering into a trial marriage while on a trip to the country's tropical southeast.

非诚勿扰2 Film Backdrop

非诚勿扰2 Film Stars:

Shu Qi as Liang Xiaoxiao, Sun Honglei as Li Xiangshan, Ge You as Qin Fen, Zhang Hanyu as Narrator, Liao Fan as Jian Guo, Jerry Lee as , Bing Shao as Li Jianqing, Yao Chen as Mang Guo, William Feng as , Zhao Baogang as Zhao Xuehai, Zhang Xinyu as Auction Star, Ady An as Xuan Xuan, Lei Jia as Auctioneer, Guan Xiaotong as Chuan Chuan, Yang Le as , Wentao Dou as Pageant Host, Wang Xiwei as Pageant Queen, Wu Yicong as Wu Sang from Hokkaido, and Li Yan as .

Shu Qi Photo Sun Honglei Photo Ge You Photo Zhang Hanyu Photo Liao Fan Photo Jerry Lee Photo Bing Shao Photo Yao Chen Photo William Feng Photo Zhao Baogang Photo Zhang Xinyu Photo Ady An Photo Lei Jia Photo Guan Xiaotong Photo Yang Le Photo Wentao Dou Photo Wang Xiwei Photo Wu Yicong Photo Li Yan Photo

Professional involved in the making of the 非诚勿扰2 film:

Kuo-Fu Chen (Producer), Albert Yeung (Producer), Lü Yue (Director of Photography), Shuo Wang (Writer), Feng Xiaogang (Director), Bernard Yang Ting-Kai (Associate Producer), and Liu Yuting (Sound).

Kuo-Fu Chen Photo Albert Yeung Photo Lü Yue Photo Shuo Wang Photo Feng Xiaogang Photo Liu Yuting Photo

Here are some translations about the movie:

쉬즈 더 원 2

서기의 로맨틱코미디 시리즈물로 유부남 애인이 있는 젊고 아름다운 ‘소소’가 백만장자의 공개구혼을 보고 만난 남자와 사랑을 키워 나가는 내용

Language: Korean

Fei Cheng Wu Rao 2

Na haar terugkeer van Hokkaido in Japan, besluit Xiaoxiao dat de liefde voor haar voormalige vriend Fang over is. In feite heeft ze de liefde voor iedereen opgegeven. Ze zit echter in een fundamenteel conflict met betrekking tot de gecompliceerde relatie met Qin Fen. Hoe hard ze het ook probeert, ze kan maar niet verliefd te worden op hem. Qin heeft op zijn beurt al plannen voor een groots huwelijksaanzoek op een zeer bijzondere plek: De Chinese Muur. Maar het lijkt er op dat Qin nog een lange weg te gaan heeft, voordat hij Xiaoxiao's hart veroverd heeft.

Language: Dutch

Если ты единственная 2

Действие фильма происходит после событий первой части. Сяосяо полностью охладела к Фану, но у нее все еще нет никаких чувств к Цинь Фэну. Они все же решают пожениться (вернее, устроить испытательный период перед женитьбой), но оказывается, что это не очень хорошая идея: Сяосяо однажды напивается и рассказывает Цинь Фэну о своих чувствах. Цинь возвращается в Пекин и становится телеведущим. Потом он узнает, что его друг болен раком. Он устраивает прощальную вечеринку, на которой Цинь Фэн и Сяосяо снова встречаются.

Language: Russian


从北海道回来后,笑笑对方先生死心,但是对秦奋还没有产生爱情,于是两人决定住在一起试婚。笑笑醉酒后,承认自己对秦奋的感情不是爱情,两人日渐疏远。秦奋回到北京,当上了电视台的主持人。秦奋好友、节目制作人李香山患上癌症,秦奋和好友们搞了一场 “人生告别会”,笑笑和秦奋在会上感慨颇多。两人再次走到一起。

Language: Mandarin

Gooby Film

This Gooby movie has Fantasy, Comedy, and Family genres.

Gooby Film was made by Coneybeare Stories Inc. The film was successfully completed and released in 2009 The spoken language used in the film is English.

Imagine if you'd had a six-foot tall monster to help you through the rough times when you were 11! Willy is terrified about moving into the family's new house. He's convinced it's filled with evil space aliens out to get him. In response to his wish for someone to save him, Gooby comes to life as a loveable, full-size, scraggly, orange, furry creature who in fact seems more frightened of the world than Willy. The two have hair-raising adventures and learn something about the power of friendship. In the end, Gooby fulfills Willy's initial wish by bringing Willy and his dad together in a touching and exciting climax.

Gooby Film Backdrop

Gooby Film Stars:

Robbie Coltrane as Gooby (voice), Martin Roach as Younger Cop, Matthew Knight as Willy, Eugene Levy as Mr Nerdlinger, David James Elliott as Jack Dandridge, Ingrid Kavelaars as Elize, Mary Haney as Mrs. Williams, and Derek Scott as Gooby.

Robbie Coltrane Photo Martin Roach Photo Matthew Knight Photo Eugene Levy Photo David James Elliott Photo Ingrid Kavelaars Photo Derek Scott Photo

Those involved in the making of the Gooby movie:

Wilson Coneybeare (Director), Michael Storey (Director of Photography), Wendy Morrow (Production Designer), Nicholas J. Gray (Production Executive), Lisa Parasyn (Casting), Jon Comerford (Casting), Ellen Fine (Editor), Natalie Bronfman (Costume Designer), John Calvert (Co-Producer), Ronald Royer (Music), Kevin Lau (Music), and Sab Ravalli (Executive Producer).

Lisa Parasyn Photo Jon Comerford Photo Natalie Bronfman Photo

What Peoples Said About Gooby Movie:

> Not a superhero to save the world, just a mischievous toyfriend. The outcome was as expected, so I haven't disappointed with it. But sparing time for it was the big decision I had made, knowing a film not for my age. Without a single bit of graphics they have managed it well to tell a story. The production was decent, but the story was too predictable with a below average jokes. I just wanted to clear the air that I was not bored of it, simply not my type of entertainment film, that's all. Perhaps the adult comedy, 'Ted' might have inspired by this, except it is a children's film. The actors were decent, because they did not get a challenging role. With a giant Ted in the title role, it should have been an adventure film. He's here to help the kid and I think his character did nothing big achievement rather boring writing of his character. Everyone knows that's a man was inside the fur, so the stunts would have not cost too much if they had used a stunt artist. Because adding a couple of those scenes would have given a reason for the audience to cheer. The end was a loop, they kept it that way, in case of a sequel planned in the future. But I hope they won't make it, unless a very adventurous. Not recommended unless you plan to show it for your kids. 3/10


Here are some translations about the film:


Филм за силата на детското въображение, дружбата, братската подкрепа и любовта. В центъра на вниманието е 11-годишен тийнейджър, който няма никакви приятели, нито в училище, нито у дома. Така той си измисля въображаем другар, на име Губи - плюшен звяр, не особено страшен на външен вид, мил и добър. Заедно с него, момчето започва да преживява истински главозамайващи приключения, пътешествия и, на края братската дружба и любов ще се докажат след всичко преживяно.

Language: Bulgarian

Installé depuis peu avec ses parents dans un nouveau quartier, Willy, un jeune garçon solitaire et craintif, voit son existence transformée lorsque son ourson Gooby prend vie et se manifeste à lui sous la forme d'une peluche géante.Imagine if you'd had a six-foot tall monster to help you through the rough times when you were 11! Willy is terrified about moving into the family's new house...

Language: French


ווילי (מתיו נייט, הטינה 2 & 3) מפחד לעבור דירה אל הבית החדש של משפחתו.הוא משוכנע שהבית מלא בחוצנים רשעים שרוצים ללכוד אותו.בגלל הכמיהה שלו למישהו שיציל אותו, גובי (מדובב על-ידי רובי קולטריין המשחק את האגריד ב"הארי פוטר") קם לחיים כיצור גדול, חביב וזנוח שככל הנראה מפחד מהעולם אפילו יותר מאשר ווילי.שני החברים יוצאים להרפתקה מבשרת רעות ולומדים על אומץ ועל חוזקה של הידידות.בסופו של הסרט, גובי ממלא את משאלתו של ווילי ואביו (דייוויד ג'יימס אליוט מ"ג'אג") בשיא הסרט המרגש ומחמם הלב.

Language: Hebrew


Language: Korean

Meu Amigo Gooby

Willy está aterrorizado pelo fato de sua família trocar de casa. Ele está convencido de que nessa nova casa existem seres de outro planeta ansiosos para levá-lo para longe da sua família. Em resposta ao seu desejo de alguém que o possa salvar, um ser estranho com nome Gooby vem à vida como uma adorável criatura peluda e de cor laranja, mas que parece ter mais medo do mundo do que o próprio Willy. Os dois irão viver arrepiantes aventuras e aprender algo sobre o poder da amizade.

Language: Portuguese


Фильм о силе детского воображения, дружбы, братской поддержки и любви. В центре внимания — 11-летний мальчик, у которого в школе совсем нет друзей. И тут он выдумывает себе нового друга Губи, — плюшевого зверя, немного страшноватого, но если приглядеться, милого и доброго. Вместе со своим новым другом мальчику предстоит пережить головокружительные приключения, похождения, и, наконец испытать силу дружбы и братской любви.

Language: Russian

환상속의 그대 Film

환상속의 그대 Backdrop

This 환상속의 그대 film has Fantasy, Drama, and Romance genres.

환상속의 그대 Film was made by KT&G Sangsangmadang The film was successfully completed and released in 2013 The spoken language used in the film is Korean.

One summer night, Cha-kyung dies in a car accident, leaving her boyfriend Hyuk-geun behind in the greatest sorrow. One year since she died, Hyuk-geun is still waiting for Cha-kyung to come back. Denying the reality, Hyuk-geun builds a fantasy in his mind where he and Cha-kyung secretly share everyday life. To wake up Hyuk-geun from Cha-kyung’s illusion, Cha-kyung’s best friend, Gi-ok who was secretly in love with him, puts herself in the same accident with Cha-kyung.

환상속의 그대 Film Backdrop

환상속의 그대 Movie Stars:

Gi Ju-bong as Therapist, Park Myung-shin as Myung-shin, Lee Yeong-jin as Gi-ok, Park Mi-hyun as Nurse, Bae Je-gi as Seung-yeon, Lee Hee-jun as Hyuk-geun, Han Yeri as Cha-kyung, and Oh Dae-hwan as Gi-ok's Elder.

Gi Ju-bong Photo Park Myung-shin Photo Lee Yeong-jin Photo Park Mi-hyun Photo Bae Je-gi Photo Lee Hee-jun Photo Han Yeri Photo Oh Dae-hwan Photo

Those involved in the making of this 환상속의 그대 film:

Lee Yeon-jeong (Editor), Kang Jin-ah (Director), Kim Jong-sun (Director of Photography), Je Jeong-ju (Producer), Kim Chang-hun (Production Sound Mixer), Jeong Byeong-jin (Editor), Yang Hee-hwa (Costume Design), and Lee Sang-ha (Martial Arts Choreographer).

Here are some translations about the film:

환상속의 그대

누가 봐도 사랑스러운 연인 차경(한예리)과 혁근(이희준). 첫만남부터 혁근을 사랑했지만 우정을 위해 마음을 감춰온 차경의 오랜 절친 기옥(이영진). 작은 질투 이외엔 아무 문제도 없을 것 같던 세 사람에게 그들의 일상을 송두리째 무너뜨리는 차경의 갑작스런 죽음이 찾아온다. 1년의 시간이 지나도 혁근은 차경은 죽은 게 아니라 조금 늦는 것뿐이라고, 현실을 받아들이지 못한 채 살아간다. 기옥은 상처가 다 나은 것처럼 행동하며 혁근을 향한 오랜 마음을 조금 움직여 본다. 그러던 어느 날 혁근과 기옥의 환상 속에 머물던 차경이 그들 앞에 모습을 나타내고, 상처받은 세 사람의 기억과 일상은 누구도 예측하지 못한 방향으로 내달리기 시작한다.

Language: Korean