Showing posts with label Fantasy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fantasy. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

隠密くノ一列伝 ~秘められた女忍び~ Film

The 隠密くノ一列伝 ~秘められた女忍び~ movie has Adventure, and Fantasy genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2009 The spoken language used in the film is Japanese.

Blowing like a wind and a cloud, a blue-eyed female ninja with a painful destiny has arrived! A blue-eyed ninja, Hijiri, is a fierce and cold-blooded assassin. She encounters a thief after the scroll of esoteric immortality from the treasure house of a Christian daimyo, Rokusha, and she gets into a sword fight with him. In the close battle, she is wounded, but is rescued by a Christian named Seitaro, and they begin falling for each other. But her happy days don’t last. Openly critical of Christianity, “a bad foreign religion”, the Dainichi Shinkyo weaves dark intrigues to kill Hijiri and Christians.

隠密くノ一列伝 ~秘められた女忍び~ Movie Backdrop

隠密くノ一列伝 ~秘められた女忍び~ Movie Stars:

Saori Hara as Hiriji, Akari Hoshino as Kirin, Mutsuo Yoshioka as Seitarou, Kazuo Tsuji as , Masahiko Itoh as Sumataido Naito, Takahiro Tsutsumi as , Ryozo as Lord Jougen, Ryou Jinbo as , Asuka-hiro as , Saburou Kouga as , and Hitomi Serena as Hotaru.

Saori Hara Photo Akari Hoshino Photo Mutsuo Yoshioka Photo

Professional involved in the making of this 隠密くノ一列伝 ~秘められた女忍び~ film:

Kazuaki Kubo (Producer), Jirō Ishikawa (Director), Shigeki Hayase (Action Director), Kotaro Ando (Writer), Naomi Go (Producer), Hiroshi Nagai (Cinematography), and Hirotaka Yamada (Executive Producer).

Here are some translations about the movie:

Onmitsu kunoichi retsuden ~ hime rareta on'na shinobi

Language: French

하라 사오리의 시크릿닌자

일본을 정복한 AV여왕 하라 사오리! 그녀의 폭풍 같은 액션과 뜨거운 에로티시즘!

파란눈의 냉혹한 암살자이며 여자닌자인 히지리는 기독교도 쇼군의 저택에서 영원불사의 비전이 담긴 두루마리를 훔치려는 괴한과 결투후 부상을 당한다. 사경을 헤매던 그녀는 사이타로라는 기독교도 청년에게 발견되어 치료를 받고, 치료도중 서로 사랑에 빠진다. 그러나 그들의 사랑은 오래 갈수 없으니, 다이니치 신교의 교주가 기독교도를 탄압하기 위한 음모를 꾸민다..

Language: Korean

Kadın Ninjanın Hatıraları

Bir rüzgar ve bir bulut gibi havaya uçan, acı veren bir kader ile mavi gözlü bir kadın ninja geldi! Mavi gözlü bir ninja olan Hijiri, şiddetli ve soğukkanlı bir katildir. Bir Hıristiyan daimyo Rokusha hazinesindeki ezeli ölümsüzlükten sonra bir hırsızla karşılaşır ve onunla kılıç dövüşüne girer. Yakın dövüşte yaralandı, ancak Seitaro adında bir Hıristiyan tarafından kurtarıldı ve birbirlerine düşmeye başladılar...

Language: Turkish


Language: Mandarin

騷人 Film

騷人 Backdrop

The 騷人 movie has Fantasy, Drama, and Comedy genres.

騷人 Movie was made by Three Dots Entertainment Co., Ltd. The film was successfully completed and released in 2012 The spoken language used in the film is Mandarin.

2012 Apocalypse is coming! Adam and Guy, two best friends lost at 30 years old, accidentally start a revolution on facebook, dressing up as Michael Jackson and calling people to join together as one in the name of Love. Unexpectedly, the mission spreads like wild fire and becomes a global phenomenon, so big that three "agents" kidnap Adam and take him to a spooky parallel universe. Secret Service? Aliens? These "agents" offer Adam the chance to escape out of Time and achieve immortality? Scam or reality, Adam is headed for an excellent adventure!

騷人 Movie Backdrop

騷人 Movie Stars:

Ven Kao as Klaatu younger doctor, Tsuyoshi Abe as Guy, Wang Bo-chieh as Adam, Tai Chih-yuan as Klaatu elder doctor, Larisa Bakurova as Adele, and Wu Ting-Ting as Klaatu nurse.

Ven Kao Photo Tsuyoshi Abe Photo Wang Bo-chieh Photo Tai Chih-yuan Photo Larisa Bakurova Photo

Those involved in the making of the 騷人 film:

Yin-jung Chen (Director), Dino Acconci (Music), Julio Acconci (Music), Yi-Hsien Chou (Director of Photography), Aileen Li Yiu-Wah (Producer), Frank Cheng Hsu-Chih (Sound Recordist), and Zoey Shih (Costume Designer).

Yin-jung Chen Photo Yi-Hsien Chou Photo Zoey Shih Photo

Here are some translations about the film:


Language: Mandarin

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Left Behind: The Movie Film

Left Behind: The Movie Backdrop

The Left Behind: The Movie film has Fantasy, Drama, Thriller, and Science Fiction genres.

Left Behind: The Movie Film was made by Cloud Ten Pictures, and Namesake Entertainment The film was successfully completed and released in 2000 The spoken language used in the film is Czech, English, Hebrew.

After learning that millions have completely vanished, an airline pilot, a journalist, and others work together to unravel the mystery of those left behind.

Left Behind: The Movie Film Backdrop

Left Behind: The Movie Movie Stars:

Neil Crone as Ken Ritz, Philip Akin as Alan Tompkins, Thomas Hauff as Steve Plank, Jack Langedijk as Dirk Burton, Daniel Pilon as Johnathan Stonegal, Brad Johnson as Rayford Steele, Krista Bridges as Ivy Gold, Gordon Currie as Nicolae Carpathia, Clarence Gilyard Jr. as Pastor Bruce Barnes, Janaya Stephens as Chloe Steele, Kirk Cameron as Buck Williams, Colin Fox as Chaim Rosenzweig, Chelsea Noble as Hattie Durham, David Macniven as Chris, Marvin Ishmael as Fitzhugh, Raven Dauda as Gloria, Sten Eirik as Flattop / Carl, Tony De Santis as Joshua Cothran, Christie MacFadyen as Mrs. Irene Steele, Mairon Bennett as Young Girl on Plane, T.D. Jakes as Pastor Billings, Rebecca St. James as Buck's Assistant, Jay Manchester as Raymie Steele, and Ava van Heerden as Very Attractive Baby.

Neil Crone Photo Philip Akin Photo Thomas Hauff Photo Jack Langedijk Photo Daniel Pilon Photo Brad Johnson Photo Krista Bridges Photo Gordon Currie Photo Clarence Gilyard Jr. Photo Janaya Stephens Photo Kirk Cameron Photo Colin Fox Photo Chelsea Noble Photo Marvin Ishmael Photo Raven Dauda Photo Sten Eirik Photo Tony De Santis Photo T.D. Jakes Photo Rebecca St. James Photo

Those involved in the making of the Left Behind: The Movie film:

Ralph Winter (Producer), Alan B. McElroy (Writer), André van Heerden (Co-Producer), Vic Sarin (Director), Paul Lalonde (Writer), Joe Goodman (Writer), Nicholas Tabarrok (Line Producer), Peter Lalonde (Executive Producer), Cathy Henderson (Casting), James Covell (Original Music Composer), Michael Pacek (Editor), Dori Zuckerman (Casting), Lisa Parasyn (Casting), Arthur Herriott (Production Designer), George Tirl (Director of Photography), Bobby Neutz (Executive Producer), and Ron Booth (Executive Producer).

Ralph Winter Photo Alan B. McElroy Photo Lisa Parasyn Photo

What Peoples Said About Left Behind: The Movie Film:

Well, I was born and raised Catholic...and I'm still Catholic...and this is the kind of movie I avoid. I really don't want to sit down and be preached at, I don't want to watch an overt lecture. And, trust me, that goes just as much for the left as it does the right. But, when the heck, it was free so...I finally came around to watching it and, honestly, YES, it totally does feel like an overt political and religious lecture. And, unfortunately, for some reason, when the conservatives do it the production value is absolute crap and it looks pretty horrible. And lest when the liberals do their propaganda (I'm looking at you Star Wars, Captain Marvel, Disney, Sabrina) they actually put money into it and make it look good. Even though the stories are just as bad. But, I guess the good news is that when conservatives do their propaganda they don't even try to conceal it. What we have here is a lecture with poor production values and, yeah, the acting was pretty OK. At least I can say that most of the acting was decent.


Here are some translations about the film:

Ponecháni napospas

Rayford je pilotem aerolinií. Vztah s jeho manželkou se stává trpkým a tak přemýšlí, zda začít flirtovat s atraktivní letuškou, Hattie. Uprostřed letu do Londýna však tajemně zmizí několik pasažérů a chaos roste, když mizí posádky dalších dopravních prostředků na zemi i ve vzduchu. Mezitím, Buck Williams, televizní moderátor, uvažuje o náhlých zmizeních, zatímco pracuje na článku o Dr. Chaim Rosenzweigovi, izraelském vědci, jehož vynález umožní kultivovat jakoukoli půdu na zemi. Nicméně, Buck má pochybnosti, protože zjistí, že Dr. Rosenzweig uzavřel dohodu se dvěma multimilionáři, kteří se snaží využít vynález k podpoře jejich vlastního plánu mezinárodní nadvlády.

Language: Czech

Dejados atrás

Durante un vuelo intercontinental, docenas de pasajeros desaparecen sin dejar rastro. Este insólito fenómeno se extiende al resto del mundo, donde miles de seres humanos se esfuman inexplicablemente. Mientras el mundo se precipita en el caos, un líder político se alza promoviendo la paz y el entendimiento. Pero ¿son sus intenciones tan blancas como parecen?

Language: Spanish

Kadotettu maailma

Tulevaisuus on avoin kirja.

Kaiken nähnyt journalisti Buck Williams on mukana tuiki tavallisella lennolla, kun jotain uskomatonta tapahtuu. Matkustaja toisensa jälkeen katoaa penkeistään ja haihtuu kuin tuhka tuuleen. Pian selviää, että miljoonat ihmiset eri puolella maailmaa ovat kadonneet samanaikaisesti, samalla selittämättömällä tavalla. Mutta oudot massakatoamiset ovat vasta alkua. Todellinen kaaos ryöstäytyy valloilleen maan päällä, ja Williams päättää selvittää, mistä oikein on kysymys. Kun totuus alkaa valjeta, kokenut lehtimieskin tuntee polviensa vapisevan. Edessä on epätoivoinen taistelu ihmiskunnan pelastamiseksi, sillä ne jotka jäivät jälkeen saavat kohdata kaikki ilmestyskirjan kauhut.

Language: Finnish

נותר מאחור

רייפוד סטיל הוא טייס שמערכת היחסים שעם אשתו התקלקלה. הוא מהרהר שוקל לנהל רומן עם דיילת מושכת, הטי דורהאם. במהלך טיסה, מספר נוסעים נעלמים באופן מיסתורי ובלגן מתרחש כשמספר כלי-רכב באוויר וביבשה לפתע מאבדות את מפעיליהם. וויליאמס, כתב טלוויזיה, מהרהר בפזיזות לגביי ההעלמויות המסתוריות כשהוא עובד על כתבה על ד"ר צ'יים רוזנזויג, מדען ישראלי שהמציא נוסחה שגורמת לכל קרקע בכדה"א להיות קלה לעיבוד. בכל-אופן, באק תוהה אם יש יותר מכך לרוזנזויג מאשר שהוא דמיין לראשונה כשהוא גילה שהד"ר משתף פעולה עם שני מולטי-מיליונרים שמתכננים לתווך את ההמצאה כדי לקדם את האג'נדה שלהם לשליטה בינ"ל.

Language: Hebrew

Az otthagyottak

A Londonba tartó repülőjárat egy utasa a neves újságíró, Buck Williams és az utasszállító első pilótája Rayford Steele tanúi lesznek a történelem leghihetetlenebb eseményének. Több tucat utas egyszerűen köddé válik. És ez még csak a kezdet. Hamarosan kiderül, hogy világszerte többmillió ember tűnik el. A Földön eluralkodik a káosz és az anarchia.

Language: Hungarian

Prima dell'Apocalisse

In un viaggio notturno verso Londra, un pilota e un giornalista, Buck Williams, vedono sparire decine di passeggeri. La loro storia da incredibile si trasforma in plausibile quando appare chiaro che milioni di persone sono scomparse nel mondo. Williams cerca la verità, a qual siasi costo. Arriverà a scoprire una co spirazione che coinvolge le Nazioni Uni te, un dischetto per cui si uccide e uno scienziato che nasconde la sua in- credibile scoperta.

Language: Italian

Buck is een gerenommeerd journalist die tijdens een reportage in Israël enkele bizarre ontdekkingen doet. Vanaf dat moment beginnen er zich op aarde allerlei vreemde verschijnselen voor te doen. Ontploffingen komen uit het niets en miljoenen mensen verdwijnen zomaar van onze planeet. Een tijd van chaos, angst en duisternis lijkt zijn intrede te doen .. Wanneer ook piloot Rayford Steele (Brad Johnson) bij zijn thuiskomst merkt dat zijn vrouw en kind zijn verdwenen, begint voor hem een lange zoektocht naar de waarheid. Een zoektocht die zijn leven ingrijpend zal veranderen.

Language: Dutch

Om bord på et fly oppdager journalist Buck Williams til sin store redsel at den ene passasjeren etter den andre plutselig forsvinner ut i den blå luften. Snart blir det klart at millioner av mennesker over hele kloden er forsvunnet på samme måte. Mens kaos hersker på joden, forsøker Williams å finne ut hva som er skjedd. Og hva som skal skje med dem som er blitt igjen. Da den grufulle sannheten går opp for ham, begynner en desperat kamp for å redde menneskeheten.

Language: Norwegian

Deixados Para Trás 1

Baseado no beste seller "Deixados para Trás", o suspense mostra o desaparecimento de inúmeras pessoas pelo mundo. Intrigados com o fato, um jornalista e um piloto partem em busca de repostas que culminamno misterioso livro do Apocalipse da Bíblia

Language: Portuguese



Language: Mandarin

Dreams and Shadows Film

The Dreams and Shadows film has Fantasy, and Drama genres.

Dreams and Shadows Movie was made by Filmwalker Productions The film was successfully completed and released in 2009 The spoken language used in the film is English.

Billy is a teenage outcast in search of his life's true meaning. Day by day, he slaves away at the local burger joint, only to return home to a paraplegic father, whose own dreams of happiness have faded away in an alcoholic haze. Nonetheless, Billy tries to bond with his delusional father, but cannot break through the many layers of pain and regret that surround him. Frustrated, Billy longs to escape the dead-end existence that has engulfed his father, and now appears to be closing in on him as well.

Dreams and Shadows Movie Backdrop

Dreams and Shadows Film Stars:

James Russo as John Brunette, Kathy Christopherson as Krissy, Shawn-Caulin Young as Billy Brunette, Yoshi Ando as Samurai, Joseph Darden as Tommy, Mary Mackey as Prostitute, Cody Hamilton as Young Billy, Robert Dolan as Lester, Sean Ridgway as Spike, Julie Clark as Lorrie Brunette, Natalie Garcia Fryman as Sarah, James Gibler as Twiggy, and Londale Theus as Eddie Vincent.

James Russo Photo Kathy Christopherson Photo Shawn-Caulin Young Photo Yoshi Ando Photo Mary Mackey Photo

Those involved in the making of the Dreams and Shadows film:

Neely Gurman (Casting), Dania Ridgway (Key Makeup Artist), Adam Sonnenfeld (Editor), Chris Smith (Producer), Grisha Alasadi (Cinematography), Rebecca Scott (Production Design), Tamarat Makonnen (Director), Jeffrey Michael (Music), Vania Ouzounova (Costume Design), and Alex Cohen (Associate Producer).

オーズ・電王・オールライダー レッツゴー仮面ライダー Movie

The オーズ・電王・オールライダー レッツゴー仮面ライダー film has Adventure, Fantasy, Drama, Action, and Science Fiction genres.

オーズ・電王・オールライダー レッツゴー仮面ライダー Movie was made by Toei Company, and Ishimori Productions The film was successfully completed and released in 2011 The spoken language used in the film is Japanese.

Eiji and Ankh team up with Kotarou and Momotaros as they travel back in time to 1971 aboard the Den-Liner to stop three Mole Imagin. But Ankh’s desire to obtain Core Medals while in the past sets off a chain of events that alters the 40-year history of the Kamen Riders by allowing Shocker to take over the world. It’s up to OOO and New Den-O to restore the timeline!

オーズ・電王・オールライダー レッツゴー仮面ライダー Film Backdrop

オーズ・電王・オールライダー レッツゴー仮面ライダー Movie Stars:

Gorō Naya as Great Leader of Shocker (voice), Hideo Ishikawa as Shocker Greeed (voice), Ten-Face Demon (voice), Inazuman (voice), Kenichi Suzumura as Ryutaros / Den-O Gun Form (voice), Garagaranda (voice), Jouji Nakata as Birth Driver Voice, Seizô Katô as General Jark (voice), Kenjirou Ishimaru as Owner, Fumihiko Tachiki as Gaia Memory Voice, Tomokazu Seki as Ikadevil, Rider Amazon, Rider Stronger, Kikaider (voice), Toshihiko Seki as Momotaros / Kamen Rider Den-O Sword Form (voice), Hiroshi Fujioka as Kamen Rider #1 (voice), Hiroshi Miyauchi as Kamen Rider V3 (voice) / Zubat (voice), Isao Sasaki as Man in White, Akira Sasanuma as Mole Imagin 1 (voice), Masaki Terasoma as Kintaros / Den-O Axe Form (voice), Shadow Moon (voice), Shozo Iizuka as Darom (voice) / King Dark (voice), Seizō Fukumoto as General Black, Kazuhisa Kawahara as Apollo Geist (voice), Takeshi Sasaki as Kamen Rider #2 (voice), Koji Yusa as Urataros / Kamen Rider Den-O Rod Form (voice), Rina Akiyama as Naomi, Masaki Suda as Philip / Kamen Rider Double, Roi Hayashi as Shigeru, Shu Watanabe as Eiji Hino / Kamen Rider OOO, Dori Sakurada as Kotaro Nogami / Kamen Rider New Den-O, Hiroaki Iwanaga as Kamen Rider Birth (voice), Fumiki Yoshikawa as Naoki, Renn Kiriyama as Shotaro Hidari / Kamen Rider Double, Ryosuke Miura as Ankh / Shingo Izumi, Riho Takada as Hina Izumi, Hidekatsu Shibata as General Shadow (voice), Daisuke Ono as Teddy (voice), Hisafumi Oda as Mole Imagin 3 (voice) / Shiomaneking (voice), Suzuna Kinoshita as Me-Garima-Ba, Serpent Undead (voice), Yuki Imai as Mitsuru, Yuri Tsunematsu as Nokko, Akira Kushida as O Scanner Voice, Kengo Takanashi as Mole Imagin 2 (voice), Yuki Anai as Additional Voices (voice), Tōru Ōmura as Additional Voices, Yoshimasa Tanno as Additional Voices, Hiroshi Doki as Master of Fumen, Toru Itakura as Additional Voices, Ibuki as Additional Voices, Haga Sei as Additional Voices, and Shioriko Aida as Hopper Dopant (voice).

Gorō Naya Photo Hideo Ishikawa Photo Kenichi Suzumura Photo Jouji Nakata Photo Seizô Katô Photo Kenjirou Ishimaru Photo Fumihiko Tachiki Photo Tomokazu Seki Photo Toshihiko Seki Photo Hiroshi Fujioka Photo Hiroshi Miyauchi Photo Isao Sasaki Photo Akira Sasanuma Photo Masaki Terasoma Photo Shozo Iizuka Photo Seizō Fukumoto Photo Kazuhisa Kawahara Photo Takeshi Sasaki Photo Koji Yusa Photo Rina Akiyama Photo Masaki Suda Photo Shu Watanabe Photo Dori Sakurada Photo Hiroaki Iwanaga Photo Renn Kiriyama Photo Ryosuke Miura Photo Riho Takada Photo Hidekatsu Shibata Photo Daisuke Ono Photo Hisafumi Oda Photo Suzuna Kinoshita Photo Yuki Imai Photo Yuri Tsunematsu Photo Akira Kushida Photo Kengo Takanashi Photo

Those involved in the making of this オーズ・電王・オールライダー レッツゴー仮面ライダー film:

Osamu Kaneda (Director), Hiroshi Sunaga (Editor), Shouji Yonemura (Writer), Masao Inokuma (Director of Photography), Shin-ichiro Shirakura (Producer), Nakagawa Koutarou (Original Music Composer), Naomi Takebe (Producer), Kengo Motoi (Producer), and Kazuhiro Takahashi (Producer).

Osamu Kaneda Photo

Here are some translations about the movie:

Kamen Rider OOO & Den-O Todos los Riders: ¡Vamos KAMEN RIDERS!

El primero de abril de 2011, Kamen Rider OOO se encuentra en batalla contra tres Mole Imagin. Los tres Imagins ven a un niño y saltan dentro de él para escapar en el pasado, antes de que el DenLiner apareciera de repente. Kotarou Nogami y Teddy salen del tren para determinar el destino de los Imagins, el cual es el 11 de noviembre de 1971, sin tener claro cómo los recuerdos del niño se exceden tan lejos en el tiempo. Kotarou y su compañero viajan a esa época para eliminar a los Imagins pero dos personas se suben al tren sin que ellos lo sepan. Ankh y Eiji viajan en el tiempo 40 años en el pasado, pero les explican que lo mejor sería que no bajen de él par ano causar problemas en la linea del tiempo. Pero Ankh rompe con esa regla y a partir de esto la linea de la historia cambia rotundamente y ahora es Shoker quien gobierna el mundo. Es el deber de Eiji y compañía lograr que todo vuelva a la normalidad, y para ello necesitaran la ayuda de varios guerreros del pasado.

Language: Spanish

OOO, Den-O, Tous les cavaliers: Allons Kamen Riders

Le 1er avril 2011, Kamen Rider OOO se retrouve en train de combattre trois Mole Imagin , ignorant qu'ils sont Imagin jusqu'à ce qu'Ankh arrive pour confirmer que les monstres ne sont pas des Yummies. Les trois Imagin voient un garçon et sautent sur lui pour s'échapper dans le temps avant que le DenLiner n'apparaisse soudainement. Kotaro Nogami et Teddy émergent du train pour localiser la destination de Mole Imagin le 11 novembre 1971, confus sur la façon dont les souvenirs du garçon dépassent cette époque. Quand Ankh demande des réponses, Teddy explique qui lui et Eiji Hino sont à Kotaro, qui se présente alors en expliquant leur mission pour faire face à l'escroc Imagin qui perturberait l'écoulement du temps. Ankh demande à Eiji de rejoindre le DenLiner alors qu'il remonte le temps, averti par le propriétaire du DenLiner de rester dans le train afin de ne pas perturber le temps.

Language: French


仮面ライダーオーズは3体のモールイマジンと戦うが、モールイマジンは偶然居合わせた少年の記憶を辿って過去に逃亡。そこへ、時の列車・デンライナーとともに野上幸太郎と相棒のテディが登場し、火野映司とアンクは彼らとともにモールイマジンの後を追って、1971年11月11日の世界に向かう。 1971年の世界で仮面ライダーNEW電王はモールイマジンを倒すが、その際にアンクは自分以外のグリードが復活していないことを理由にメダルの取り放題を企み、映司やモモタロスたちに阻止される。この時、アンクがセルメダルを1枚落としてしまったことに誰も気づかなかった。

Language: Japanese

오즈·덴오·올라이더 렛츠 고 가면라이더

세계여 이것이 일본의 히어로다!

괴인과 싸우는 오즈. 하지만 상대는 야미가 아니라 몰 이마진이었다. 거기에 덴라이너가 출현. 코타로가 이마진에 빙의된 소년에게 패스를 대자「1971년 11월 11일」표시가 뜬다. 어째서 이런 아이에게 40년 전의 기억이...? 그 혼잡한 틈을 타 에이지와 앙크는 덴라이너에 올라타 모모타로스들 덴라이너 일행과 함께 40년 전으로 시간을 거슬러 올라간다. 앙크는 다른 그리드가 아무도 눈을 뜨지 않은 시대로 가서 마음대로 메달을 차지하려고 하지만 과거에의 개입은 허락되지 않아 모모, 우라, 킨, 류의 연계플레이에 붙잡혀 버린다. 하지만... 그 직전 NEW 덴오가 몰 이마진을 쓰러뜨린 뒤의 폭발의 충격으로 에이지가 팔 앙크를 눌러버려 셀 메달이 굴러떨어진 걸 아무도 눈치채지 못했다. 그리고 덴라이너가 떠난 뒤 남겨진 메달을 손에 넣는 것은... 때는 2011년 4월 1일, 에이지와 앙크를 기다리고 있던 건 쇼커가 세계의 대부분을 지배하는, 엄청나게 변해버린 현대였다!!! 앙크가 떨어뜨린 메달을 얻은 쇼커가 가면라이더 1호, 2호를 쓰러뜨리고 그 뒤의 가면라이더는 어느 누구도 탄생하지 않은 세계... 그 가운데 특이점 덕분에 과거로부터의 영향을 받지 않는 코타로 = NEW 덴오, 코타로와 함께 있었기에 아직 라이더로서 존재하고 있는 오즈. 그들은 역사의 수복을 시도하지만 사태는 더욱 혼미의 극에 달하고... 우여곡절 끝에 그들 앞을 가로막는 가면라이더 1호, 2호! 과연 오즈&덴오 팀은 세계를 구할 수 있는 것인가?

Language: Korean

OOO·电王·全体骑士 Let's Go 假面骑士

并不平静的一天,变身为假面骑士OOO的火野映司(渡部秀 饰)协同伙伴Ankh(三浦凉介 饰)与修卡战斗。谁知关键时刻,战局突然发生意外,一列时空列车DenLiner不期而至出现在二人面前。他们见到了可以变身为假面骑士电王的幸太郎(樱田通 饰),为此大为惊讶。二人趁乱登上列车,然而列车长严厉禁止他们下车,以免扰乱历史走向。列车回到了1971年,假面骑士电王与异魔神展开输死决斗,而就在此时,Ankh偷偷留出车厢寻找硬币,最后被映司等人抓了回来。当他们重返自己所处的时代,发现整个世界已经天翻地覆,修卡前所未有壮大,几乎统治了全世界。 不肯认输的映司和Ankh与修卡展开战斗……

Language: Mandarin