Showing posts with label Horror. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Horror. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Near Death Film

This Near Death film has Fantasy, Horror, and Thriller genres.

Near Death Movie was made by Cinema Factory The film was successfully completed and released in 2004 The spoken language used in the film is English.

Ghost hunters find film director's haunted mansion and anger the flesh-eating ghouls inside.

Near Death Movie Stars:

Brannon Gould as Harlan Montgomery, Joseph Haggerty as Dr. Blanchard, Darlene Tygrett as Vena Marshwood, Perrine Moore as June Rivera / Maria, Carl Darchuk as Willie Von Brahm, David Ortega as Young Priest, Carol Rose Carver as Stella, Vida Ghaffari as Priscilla, Scott Lunsford as Billy Strand, and Ali Willingham as Tammy Garrett.

Joseph Haggerty Photo Vida Ghaffari Photo Scott Lunsford Photo

Peoples involved in the making of the Near Death movie:

Ian Phillips (Set Decoration), Jeff Leroy (Director of Photography), Joe Castro (Producer), Steven J. Escobar (Producer), Darlene Tygrett (Costume Design), David Ortega (Producer), Daniel Benton (Executive Producer), Heather Mages (Special Effects Makeup Artist), Paul Mitrisin (Music), Brian Holligan (Visual Effects), and Nick Saglimbeni (Cinematography).

Jeff Leroy Photo Joe Castro Photo

Here are some translations about the film:


1947年著名的电影导演Willi Von Bram 精神错乱。他疯狂沉浸在与漂亮的少女Maria Delarosa的爱恋中。当她拒绝他的激情越轨举动,Von Bram残暴的袭击了她, 卡住她,并挖出勒她的心。绝望中,他跳崖寻死。据传说他那凶残的鬼魂还经常出没于他的海滨大屋,在大厅中穿梭!50年后,一个出色的捉鬼队前来一探 “Maria诅咒”的究竟,解开缠绕人们心头的迷雾!

Language: Mandarin

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Pumpkinhead: Blood Feud Movie

Pumpkinhead: Blood Feud Backdrop

This Pumpkinhead: Blood Feud movie has Fantasy, Horror, and TV Movie genres.

Pumpkinhead: Blood Feud Film was made by Castel Film, Motion Picture Corporation of America, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, Clubdeal, Sci Fi Pictures, Future Films, Lost Junction Films, Pueblo Film Group, and Soho Square Productions No. 4 The film was successfully completed and released in 2007 The spoken language used in the film is English.

During a bitter family feud, Jodie Hatfield, and her boyfriend Ricky McCoy, decide to leave town to avoid being found out, but are soon caught in the act. Wanting vengeance, he seeks out the monster Pumpkinhead, and resurrects it seek revenge on the family. Despite being warned away by the ghost of Ed Harley, his vengeance plan starts out, and the Hatfield family is soon under siege by the powerful demon. Not accepting the legend of the creature and believing their arch-rivals are the real cause, the two families attempt to go to war, only to be stopped when Pumpkinhead attacks the Hatfield house. Putting aside their differences, they band together to stave off the creature before it's vengeance pact is completed.

Pumpkinhead: Blood Feud Movie Backdrop

Pumpkinhead: Blood Feud Film Stars:

Lance Henriksen as Ed Harley, Elias Ferkin as Billy Bob Hatfield, Maria Roman as Sara McCoy, Ovidiu Niculescu as Bobby Joe Hatfield, Catalina Alexandru as Young McCoy Girl #2, Richard Durden as Old Man Hatfield, Amy Manson as Jodie Hatfield, Bradley Taylor as Ricky McCoy, Claire Lams as Dolly Hatfield, Rob Freeman as Sheriff Dallas Pope, Peter Barnes as Papa McCoy, Elvin Dandel as Tristan McCoy, Lynne Verrall as Haggis, Călin Puia as Tommy Hatfield, Răzvan Oprea as Brett Hatfield, Vasilescu Valentin as McCoy Boy #2, Ion Carangea as Jimmy Langford, Rudy Rosenfeld as Abner Hatfield, Bob Gunter a.k.a Bob Sherry Gunter as Pumpkinhead, Dicu Marian as Wayne Hatfield, Daniel Tomescu as Dale Hatfield, Iulia Boros as Mama McCoy, Bart Sidles as Andy Mills, Alexandru Geoana as Town Boy #1, and Alin Constantinescu as Emmett Hatfield.

Lance Henriksen Photo Elias Ferkin Photo Maria Roman Photo Ovidiu Niculescu Photo Catalina Alexandru Photo Richard Durden Photo Amy Manson Photo Claire Lams Photo Rob Freeman Photo Răzvan Oprea Photo

Peoples involved in the making of the Pumpkinhead: Blood Feud film:

Donald Kushner (Producer), Pierre Spengler (Producer), Brad Krevoy (Producer), Karri O'Reilly (Executive Producer), Richard Turner (Associate Producer), Adrian Curelea (Art Direction), Bogdan Moncea (Line Producer), Erik Wilson (Director of Photography), Ioana Albaiu (Costume Design), Robin Hill (Editor), Reuben Liber (Executive Producer), Christian Niculescu (Production Design), Vlad Păunescu (Co-Producer), Dan Toader (Set Decoration), Rob Lord (Music), Carolyn McLeod (Casting), Michael Hurst (Writer), Ben Meechan (Supervising Sound Effects Editor), Miruna Panaitescu (Makeup Artist), and Michel Raviti Ganot (Associate Producer).

Donald Kushner Photo Brad Krevoy Photo Christian Niculescu Photo Vlad Păunescu Photo

What Peoples Said About Pumpkinhead: Blood Feud Film:

**Bloody Romeo and Juliet: if they won't let us marry, we'll slaughter them all.** Soon after the 2006 film, released directly to television, the producers bet on its direct sequel, also in physical format. The story appears to take place about five years after the events of _Pumpkinhead 3_ and tells how the creature will be awakened back in our world to decimate an entire family. If there is something that has guided the sequels of _Pumpkinhead_ it has been the permanent ineptitude of the screenwriters involved, incapable of creating credible, logical, appealing stories capable of reasonably supporting a horror movie. The script of this film, if you look closely, looks like a sly and weird retelling of Romeo and Juliet: the couple love each other and come from families that have been at war for decades over a pittance. However, as the families won't let them stay together, the boy decides that the most logical and natural thing to do is, of all the options available, visit a witch, wake up a hellish demon with the risk of losing his own soul and slaughtering the whole beloved woman's family! It makes sense… who wouldn't do the same? In addition to this poor script, we have characters that are frankly sketchy and not very believable, who have been left to the care of an amateur cast, which is not capable of dealing with all the problems at hand and is doomed to fail in their efforts. And this time there's not even a worthy villain here... just a petty war between redneck families, for futile reasons, and a little scary monster. In fact, the monster has long since lost any ability to scare us, even though it makes excellent bloodshed with the corpses of its victims, much to the delight of lovers of gore and some violence. Lance Henrikssen is still present, and his character is given greater relevance in this film, but he doesn't do much for the film, nor could he prevent its failure. Technically, it's a cheap and not very scary movie, although it has some scenes that can make us nauseous and a general improvement in the technical quality, at all levels, when we compare this movie with the third in the franchise. In fact, the cinematography is better and the shooting and editing are more regular. Also, the effects are much better, more effective and believable, and the sets and costumes are quite good.

(Filipe Manuel Neto)

The "Well at least Pumpkinhead looked good!" excuse has officially run out of steam as we hit the fourth entry into the vengeance demon's horror franchise, _Blood Feud_. After some bullshit about how the Hatfields and McCoys actually hate each other because one family didn't give a car to the other(???) the titular Pumpkinhead is summoned because of course he is, to act as secondary antagonist in redneck Romeo and Juliet and- you know what, I'm done? It's the worst of the bunch and that's saying something considering it's coming off of two back-to-back failures in the series before it. _Final rating:★ - Of no value. Avoid at all costs._


Here are some translations about the movie:

Тиквената глава: Кръвна вражда

Отмъщението ще е негово

Когато Джоди Хатфийлд се влюбва в Рики Маккой, двамата й братя безмилостно се опитват да развалят техния годеж, което причинява неволната смърт на сестричката на Рики. Незачитайки призрачните предупреждения на самия Ед Харли, Рики се обръща към Тиквената глава, легендарният демон на отмъщението, да отмъсти за семейството му, като унищожи рода Хатфийлд.

Language: Bulgarian

Démon pomsty: Krvavá lázeň

Krvavý svár mezi rodinami Hatfi eldových a McCoyových zuří již celá desetiletí. Teď se však chýlí k hroznému konci. Jodie Hatfieldová se totiž zamilovala do Rickyho McCoye. Její dva bratři se rozhodnou vztah násilím ukončit, ale omylem při tom zaviní smrt Rickyho malé sestřičky. Ricky nedbá varování samotného Eda Harleyho a žádá Pumpkinheada - legendárního démona pomsty, aby mu pomohl s odvetou, která by jednou provždy vymazala rodinu Hatfieldových ze zemského povrchu. Krveprolití začíná... Pumpkinhead vraždí všechno, co mu přijde do cesty a jedna věc se zdá jasná: svatba se tu uskuteční jedině přes jeho mrtvolu.

Language: Czech

Pumpkinhead: Blutfehde

Die Blutfehde, die bereits seit Jahrzehnten zwischen den Hatfields und den McCoys wütet, soll in Kürze ihr grausiges Ende finden. Denn als Jodie Hatfield sich in Ricky McCoy verliebt, wird bei dem brutalen Versuch von Jodies Brüdern, die Verlobung der beiden zu lösen, versehentlich Rickys kleine Schwester getötet. Daraufhin schlägt Ricky die Warnungen von Ed Harley in den Wind und ruft Pumpkinhead – den legendären Rachedämon – um Vergeltung zu üben und den Hatfield-Clan für alle Zeiten auszulöschen. Während das Blutbad seinen Lauf nimmt und Pumpkinhead jeden abschlachtet, der sich ihm in den Weg stellt, steht eines fest: Wenn je eine Hatfield einen McCoy heiratet, dann nur über ihre Leichen.

Language: German

Επίκληση στο Δαίμονα

Language: Greek

La cólera del infierno

La venganza será suya

En una aldea del bosque de Virginia, el verdadero amor entre Ricky McCoy y Jodie Hatfield es saboteado por larga disputa amarga de sus familias. A pesar de la advertencia sombría del sheriff Dallas Papa, en realidad por amarga experiencia, un viaje de solo comer hasta sus únicos, complejos turísticos Ricky a vengarse de todos de pie en su camino, apelando a la calabaza de cabeza, un monstruo mágico forestal, que desata cada vez mayor horror.

Language: Spanish

Pumpkinhead - Les sacrifiés

Ricky et Jodie sont amoureux mais leur union est impossible à cause de leurs familles respectives qui se détestent. Après la mort de sa petite soeur Ricky va faire appel à Pumpkinhead, afin que celui-ci venge sa soeur et se débarasse de la famille de sa bien-aimée, afin de pouvoir vivre son amour au grand jour.

Language: French

ראש דלעת: סכסוך דמים

הסרט הרביעי בסדרת סרטי האימה המצליחה בכיכובו של לאנס הנריקסן (הנוסע השמיני, מילניום).במהלך סכסוך משפחות מר, ג'ודי הטפילד (איימי מייסון) וריקי מקוי (ברדלי טיילור),נאהבים ממשפחות יריבות, מחליטים לעזוב את העיר כדי לא להתגלות, אך הם נתפסים במהרה בשעת מעשה.כנקמה במשפחת הטפילד, מזמן ריקי את "ראש דלעת"...

Language: Hebrew

Pumpkinhead 4. - Ősellenség

A Hatfield és a McCoy család évtizedek óta viszályban áll egymással, és az ellenségeskedés végül szörnyű tragédiához vezet: amikor Jodie Hatfield és Ricky McCoy egymásba szeret, a lány két fivére megpróbálja megakadályozni az eljegyzést, és brutális közbelépésüknek Ricky kishúga esik áldozatul. A bosszúszomjas Rickyt hiába figyelmezteti Ed Harley szelleme, hogy tettei beláthatatlan következményekkel járhatnak, a fiú megidézi Pumpkinheadet, a bosszúálló démont, hogy eltörölje a Hatfieldeket a föld színéről. Könyörtelen mészárlás veszi kezdetét, amelyben Pumpkinhead senkit és semmit sem kímél. Egy dolog biztos: ha Jodie és Ricky valaha is oltár elé lép, az a menyegző pokoli lesz.

Language: Hungarian

Faida di sangue - Pumpkinhead 4

Questa sarà la vendetta

Jodie Hatfield e Ricky McCoy sono due giovani innamorati ma appartengono a due famiglie in lotta tra loro, gli Hatfield e i McCoy. I due fuggono dalla città ma vengono sorpresi e Ricky viene quasi ammazzato da due degli Hatfield. Malconcio Ricky torna a casa sua ma per strada scopre il cadavere di Sarah, la sua sorellina. Scosso e furioso, sicuro che siano stati gli Hatfield, si rivolge alla strega del bosco per avere vendetta. E così, nonostante fosse stato messo in guardia dal fantasma di Ed Harley, risveglia l'essere conosciuto col nome di Pumpkinhead. Gli Hatfield e i McCoy si alleano per difendersi dal demone, con l'aiuto dello sceriffo Dallas

Language: Italian

펌프킨헤드 4

에드 할리의 전설이 살아숨쉬는 산골 마을에서 해필드 가문과 멕코이 가문이 앙숙 지간이 되어 서로 반목하고 있는 가운데 조디 해필드와 리키 멕코이가 가문의 반대를 무릅쓰고 연인이 되어 비밀리에 만나서 사랑을 속삭였지만 그 현장을 조디의 양아치 오빠들에게 걸려서 도주하던 중에 망을 봐주던 리키의 여동생 세라가 비명횡사하자, 복수심에 불타오르는 리키가 검은 숲의 마녀를 찾아가 연인 조디를 제외한 멕코이 가문의 사람 전부를 몰살시켜 달라는 한을 품고 펌프킨 헤드를 다시 부활시키면서 벌어지는 이야기

Language: Korean

De liefde tussen Jodie Hatfield en Ricky McCoy lijkt wegens een oude vete tussen hun families onmogelijk. Ze willen de stad verlaten om elders samen gelukkig te worden. Ze worden echter samen betrapt en hun relatie wordt gesaboteerd. Ricky is vervolgens op wraak uit en roept daarvoor 'Pumpkinhead' op. Dit monster herrijst uit de dood om wraak te nemen op de verantwoordelijken.

Language: Dutch

Dyniogłowy 4: Krwawy spór

Czwarta część sagi opowiada o zwaśnionych rodach Hatfieldów i McCoyów. Jodie Hatfield i Ricky McCoy są w sobie bardzo zakochani. Wiedzą, że jest to miłość zakazana a ich rodziny nigdy nie zaakceptują tego związku. Gdy ich miłość wychodzi na jaw, Hattfieldowie rozdzielają parę w wyniku czego ginie najmłodsza siostra Ricka. Wtedy rodzina młodzieńca przywołuje do życia Dyniogłowego, aby ten pomścił śmierć dziewczynki. Rodzina Hatfieldów staje się ofiarą okrutnego demona, który po kolei zabija jej członków. Ogrom nieszczęść sprawia, że Dyniogłowy zaczyna zagrażać także uczuciu, jakie łączy Jodie i Ricka...

Language: Polish

Cabeça de Abóbora 4: Pacto de Vingança

Amor, morte, vingança.

Cinco anos depois do último massacre do Cabeça de Abóbora, num lugar das imediações, a velha inimizade entre duas famílias de fazendeiros — os Hatfield e os McCoy — vai ser posta à prova pelo amor entre dois dos seus jovens filhos, Jodie Hatfield e Ricky McCoy. Porém, ao ver que não os deixam ficar juntos, Ricky invoca o Cabeça de Abóbora para massacrar toda a família rival e consumar o seu amor, vingando também a morte de uma jovem da sua família.

Language: Portuguese

Услуги преисподней стоят дорого 2: Вендетта

Группа молодых ребят отправилась в холмистую местность покататься на мотоциклах. Один из них случайно сбил мальчика, бросившегося за своей глупой собакой, лаявшей на мотоциклистов. Тогда отец погибшего мальчика обращается к местной ведьме, и та рассказывает ему, как разбудить демона мести - Тыквоголового - с помощью его собственной крови и крови убитого сына. Демон оказался чудовищем ужасным и крайне противным на вид. Он начал уничтожать ребят...

Language: Russian

Démon pomsty: Krvavá kúpeľ

Krvná pomsta medzi rodinami Hatfi eldovcov a McCoyovcov trvá už desaťročia. Teraz sa však blíži k hroznému koncu. Jodie Hatfieldová sa zamilovala do Rickyho McCoya. Jej dvaja bratia sa rozhodnú vzťah násilne ukončiť, ale nešťastnou náhodou pritom spôsobia smrť Rickyho malej sestry. Ricky nedbá na varovania samotného Eda Harleyho a požiada Pumpkinheada, legendárneho démona pomsty, aby mu pomohol vykonať pomstu, ktorá by rodinu Hatfieldovcov raz a navždy vymazala z povrchu zemského. Krviprelievanie sa začína... Pumpkinhead vraždí všetko, čo mu príde do cesty, a zdá sa, že jedna vec je jasná: svadba sa tu uskutoční len cez jeho mŕtve telo.

Language: Slovak

Bundevoglavi 4: Krvava zavada

Language: Serbian

Pumpkinhead: Kanlı İntikam


Hatfield ve McCoy arasında asırlardır süren düşmanlık, tüyler ürpertici bir sona yaklaşmaktadır. Jodie Hatfield, Ricky McCoy’a aşık olur. Jodie’nin iki erkek kardeşi Ricky’nin kız kardeşleri ile evlenmesine engel olmak isterken Jodie ölür. Ed Harley’nin (Lance Henriksen, Pumpkinhead, Alien, Predator) Ricky’ye büyülü güçleri kullanmasından dolayı Ricky, efsanevi intikam şeytanı Pumpkinhead’i Hatfieldleri yok etmek için çağırır. Katliam başladığında Pumpkinhead önüne gelen herkesi yok eder. Bir gerçek kalır: eğer bir Hatfield McCoy ile evlenirse, cesetlerini çiğnemeleri gerekmektedir.

Language: Turkish



Language: Mandarin

ソドムの市 Movie

ソドムの市 Poster

This ソドムの市 film has Fantasy, Horror, Action, and Comedy genres.

ソドムの市 Movie was made by Adness K.K., and AtEntertainment K.K. The film was successfully completed and released in 2004 The spoken language used in the film is Japanese.

Bad things happen when innocent blood is shed. In the early 1700s, Lord Sodom Ichibei is happily celebrating his wedding day when his wife-to-be suddenly dies. In his search for an explanation, he kills any and every suspect he comes across. When Lord Ichibei tortures and kills two innocent girls, their death brings about a curse on the Sodom family. Three hundred years later, one of Sodom's descendents, Ichiro, is also set to be married. But one of the innocent victims has been reincarnated as Ichiro's sister and she kills everyone at the wedding. This transforms Ichiro into the evil and vengeful "Sodom The Killer", a cursed man hell-bent on slaughter and the world's destruction...

ソドムの市 Movie Stars:

Kanji Tsuda as , Shôko Nakahara as Machiruda / Matilda, Rena Komine as Terêzu / Therese, Mari Asato as , Naomi Akimoto as , Seiji Kondô as , Hiroyuki Matsumura as , Aki Miyata as Kyasarin Sodomu / Katharine Sodom, Kiichi Sonobe as Hebikichi, Takashi Urai as Ichibei Sodomu & Ichirô Sodomu / Ichi of Sodom, and Yumi Yoshiyuki as .

Kanji Tsuda Photo Shôko Nakahara Photo Rena Komine Photo Mari Asato Photo Naomi Akimoto Photo Kiichi Sonobe Photo Yumi Yoshiyuki Photo

Professional involved in the making of the ソドムの市 film:

Hiroshi Takahashi (Screenplay), and Kenzo Horikoshi (Producer).

Kenzo Horikoshi Photo

Here are some translations about the film:

Sodom El Asesino

En el siglo XVIII, Ichibei Sodomi ejecuta a dos mujeres, Therese y Catherine, de las que más tarde se prueba su inocencia. Una maldición recaerá por ello en la familia del verdugo por siempre jamás. 300 años después, la profecía se cumplirá y Sodom el asesino materializará la venganza.

Language: Spanish

Ashes Movie

This Ashes movie has Fantasy, Horror, Thriller, and Science Fiction genres.

Ashes Film was made by 2 Red Rabbit Films The film was successfully completed and released in 2010 The spoken language used in the film is English.

An obsessive doctor working on a cure for AIDS unwittingly creates an aggressive new bacteria that deteriorates the body and enrages the mind.

Ashes Film Stars:

Richard Gant as Thomas Muller, Barbara Nedeljakova as Maya Ehrlich, John Gulager as X ray, Diane Ayala Goldner as Homeless Woman, Kadeem Hardison as Matthew, Brian Krause as Andrew Stanton, Enrique Almeida as Biker, S.A. Griffin as Peter Ehrlich, Joel Bryant as Jude Smith, Kym Jackson as Alana Thomas, Aldo Gonzalez as Tripps, Chris Delfosse as Wicked, and Sierra Fisk as Nicole Stanton.

Richard Gant Photo Barbara Nedeljakova Photo John Gulager Photo Diane Ayala Goldner Photo Kadeem Hardison Photo Brian Krause Photo Enrique Almeida Photo S.A. Griffin Photo Joel Bryant Photo Kym Jackson Photo Aldo Gonzalez Photo Sierra Fisk Photo

Peoples involved in the making of this Ashes film:

Elias Matar (Director), Edward E. Romero (Writer), and Kimberly Ogletree (Producer).

Here are some translations about the film:


רופא בעל מוח חכם, עובד באופן אובססיבי על מציאת תרופה חדשה למחלת האיידס, במהלך עבודתו הוא מגלה כי יצר חיידקים חדשים שגורמים להתקפי זעם בלתי נשלטים, שהוא ושאר האנשים נחשפים אליהם , הרופא ועוזריו במירוץ נגד הזמן למציאת התרופה לחיידקים החדשים.

Language: Hebrew

Een obsessieve arts die aan een geneesmiddel tegen AIDS werkt, creëert onbewust een agressieve nieuwe bacterie die het lichaam aantast en de geest woedend maakt.

Language: Dutch


Блестящий, но одержимый профессор, работает над изобретением вакцины от СПИДа. Случайно в своей лаборатории он изобретает новый вид смертоносных бактерий, которые мгновенно разрушают тело и приводят мозг в агрессивное состояние. Теперь он должен остановить инфекцию прежде, чем она погубит его, и тех кого он любит.

Language: Russian

Monday, June 24, 2024

神の左手悪魔の右手 Film

神の左手悪魔の右手 Poster

This 神の左手悪魔の右手 film has Fantasy, Horror, and Thriller genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2006 The spoken language used in the film is Japanese.

What's scary is being a human being, and what's scary is being myself. Truly horrifying things reside inside oneself. The work asks if you can stand the inescapable terror.

神の左手悪魔の右手 Movie Stars:

Momoko Shimizu as Momo, Tomorowo Taguchi as , Toshie Negishi as , Yoneko Matsukane as , Daikichi Sugawara as , Kazuo Umezz as , Tsubasa Kobayashi as So Yamabe, Saaya as Ayu, Reon Kadena as , Asuka Shibuya as Izumi Yamabe, and Ai Maeda as Yoshiko Tani.

Momoko Shimizu Photo Tomorowo Taguchi Photo Toshie Negishi Photo Yoneko Matsukane Photo Daikichi Sugawara Photo Kazuo Umezz Photo Saaya Photo Reon Kadena Photo Asuka Shibuya Photo Ai Maeda Photo

Peoples involved in the making of the 神の左手悪魔の右手 film:

Shusuke Kaneko (Director), Kazuo Umezz (Novel), and Yoshinori Matsugae (Screenplay).

Shusuke Kaneko Photo Kazuo Umezz Photo

Here are some translations about the film:

신의 왼손 악마의 오른손

꿈을 통한 예지능력을 가진 꼬마 소우(고바야시 츠바사)는 오래전부터 연속살인에 관한 꿈을 꾸는둥 불길한 느낌을 감지한다. 그러한 느낌은 소우의 몸으로 전해져 급기야는 소우의 몸에 원인모를 치명상이 발생, 죽음의 경지에 이르게 되는데, 소우는 누나 이즈미(시부야 아스카)에게 사건의 진상을 밝혀줄것을 당부한다. 처음엔 단순한 농담으로 받아들인 이즈미. 점차 장난이 아니라는걸 깨닫고, 사건해결의 열쇠를 찾아 동분서주하는데..

Language: Korean


单亲家庭,年幼的女儿小桃(清水萌萌子 饰)身染重病,无法下床。疼爱她的父亲久保田光一郎(田口トモロヲ 饰)每天下班都会为女儿带来一本他亲手绘制的童话书。这一本本童话书无关王子和公主,无关浪漫和美梦,里面充斥着凶杀和血腥,这是光一郎亲身杀害无辜女性后创作出来的自白书。小桃被书中恐怖与神秘的气氛所吸引。 另一方面,具有预知能力的小男孩(小林翼 饰)为噩梦所困扰,他相信自己不久于人世,姐姐阿泉(涉谷飞鸟 饰)为了拯救弟弟想尽办法…… 根据著名漫画家楳图一雄同名作品改编。

Language: Mandarin