Showing posts with label Science Fiction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Science Fiction. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

The Story of F*** Film

The Story of F*** Poster

The The Story of F*** film has Fantasy, Comedy, Science Fiction, and Family genres.

The Story of F*** Movie was made by Magnet Films, Met Film Post, Abadi Films, CTW 2000 Productions S.r.l., and VisionTeam The film was successfully completed and released in 2010 The spoken language used in the film is English.

A frustrated music business executive accidentally creates a band called F**K and has to find a group of talentless no-hopers to take on the music industry and become rock stars.

The Story of F*** Film Stars:

Tamsin Egerton as Daisy, Joe Absolom as Baz, Finlay Robertson as Lewis Sipricosh, Norma Atallah as Gloria's Mother, László Baranyi as Himself, Lauren Blake as Lisa, Lee Boardman as Gilford Bell, and Jocelyn Osorio as Jasmine.

Tamsin Egerton Photo Joe Absolom Photo Norma Atallah Photo László Baranyi Photo Lee Boardman Photo Jocelyn Osorio Photo

Those involved in the making of the The Story of F*** movie:

Adam Abadi (Writer), and James Abadi (Writer).

Here are some translations about the movie:

הסיפור של פאק

עסקנים בתחום המוזיקה מתוסכלים, הם אינם מצליחים ליצור להיט שיצור גלים בעולם המוזיקה.בטעות הם מקימים להקה חדשה הנקראת FUCK. כעת הם ממהרים ומחפשים ללהקה אנשים עם כישרון מוסיקלי, להפוך את הלהקה לדיבור הבא בסצנה המוזיקלית.

Language: Hebrew

Three Months Film

The Three Months movie has Drama, and Science Fiction genres.

at a cost of $2,000. The film was successfully completed and released in 2022 The spoken language used in the film is English.

A boy living in isolation in the western mountains finds an alien, naked and abandoned. He takes it into his home and over the course of three months, they form a deep emotional bond with each other.

Three Months Film Backdrop

Three Months Film Stars:

Ian McCuen as Alien, and Konstantin Belenko as Boy.

Ian McCuen Photo Konstantin Belenko Photo

Peoples involved in the making of this Three Months film:

Ian McCuen (Writer), Konstantin Belenko (Director), Elliot McClafferty (Writer), Junior Zelaya (Camera Operator), Cristian Vera-Preas (Drone Pilot), Jackson Jay (Sound), and Kaden Waldbauer (Music).

Ian McCuen Photo Konstantin Belenko Photo

Monday, July 1, 2024

Time Trap Film

This Time Trap movie has Adventure, and Science Fiction genres.

Time Trap Film was made by Pad Thai Pictures, and Filmsmith Production & Management The film was successfully completed and released in 2018 The spoken language used in the film is English.

A group of students become trapped inside a mysterious cave where they discover time passes differently underground than on the surface.

Time Trap Film Backdrop

Time Trap Movie Stars:

Reiley McClendon as Taylor, Andrew Wilson as Hopper, Hans Marrero as The Guardian, Brianne Howey as Jackie, Cassidy Gifford as Cara, Rich Skidmore as Rich Pintauro, Olivia Draguicevich as Veeves, Max Wright as Furby, Chris Sturgeon as Hopper's Dad, Grayson-Belle Burton as Hopper's Sister, Jocelyn Kay as Hopper's Mom / Leviathan, Jennifer Bateman as Furby’s Mom, Sabin Smith as Explorer, Zachary Matz as Cowboy, Rusty Grimmer as Cowboy, Wayne Dalchau as Cowboy, Cassidy Longoria as Furby’s Sister, and Abi Murphy as Furby’s Sister.

Reiley McClendon Photo Andrew Wilson Photo Hans Marrero Photo Brianne Howey Photo Cassidy Gifford Photo Olivia Draguicevich Photo Max Wright Photo Chris Sturgeon Photo

Peoples involved in the making of the Time Trap movie:

Jasi Cotton Lanier (Stunts), Mike Simpson (Cinematography), J.C. Cantu (Casting), Madison Fisk (Production Design), Jessee J. Clarkson (Production Design), Ben Foster (Director), Mark Dennis (Writer), and Xiaotian Shi (Music).

Jasi Cotton Lanier Photo J.C. Cantu Photo

What Peoples Said About Time Trap Movie:

This indie sci-fi flick is really just so-so, it suffers greatly from midway drag and less experienced acting, however the third act is actually not too bad… Not highly recommended, but genre fans will find some definite worth here.


(7/10) Awesome light time travel sci-fi movie! Fast-paced, mindbending and action-filled like a Michael Crichton book or movie - Very recommendable :-) A group mixed of young cave-climbers and archaeologist students, decide to take a day-trip to find their missing professor in a secluded cave. However, they get a bit more adventure than they could imagine for... Enjoy!


Here are some translations about the film:

Времеви капан

Професор влиза в пещера и изчезва. Някои от неговите студенти тръгват да го търсят, но попадат в капана на пещерата. Те са готови да рискуват живота си, за да го спасят. Освен това те се интересуват от неговата необичайна теория, според която на тези места има истински източник на младост...

Language: Bulgarian

Zajatci času

Skupina studentů archeologie se rozhodne prozkoumat hluboké jeskyně v Texasu, aby našli svého oblíbeného profesora. Muž se ztratil při expedici za nejasných okolností. Cílem profesora bylo najít "fontánu mládí". Když studenti vstoupí do škvíry v meziprostoru, ukazuje se, že podzemní čas běží mnohem pomaleji než na povrchu. Zbaveni jakékoliv pomoci zvenčí, musí jít hlouběji do jeskyně, což vede k objevu jednoho z nejzajímavějších tajemství minulosti.

Language: Czech

En gruppe studerende bliver fanget inde i en mystisk hul, hvor de opdager, at tiden går anderledes under jorden end på overfladen.

Language: Danish

Die Höhle - Das Tor in eine andere Zeit

Eine Gruppe von Studenten sucht nach ihrem plötzlich verschwundenen Archäologieprofessor in einer mysteriösen Höhle in Texas. Sie finden sich dabei plötzlich in einem Riss im Raum-Zeit-Kontinuum wieder, in der die Zeit viel langsamer zu vergehen scheint, als außerhalb. Ohne Hoffnung auf Rettung steigen sie immer tiefer in die Höhle hinunter und entdecken dabei eines der gesuchtesten Mysterien der Menschheitsgeschichte.

Language: German

Κάποιοι φίλοι παγιδεύονται μέσα σε ένα μυστηριώδες σπήλαιο όπου ανακαλύπτουν ότι ο χρόνος είναι διαφορετικός από ότι έξω. Θα πρέπει να παλέψουν για την επιβίωση από ανεξήγητα φαινόμενα.

Language: Greek

Un grupo de estudiantes queda atrapado dentro de una cueva misteriosa donde descubren que el tiempo pasa de forma diferente bajo tierra que en la superficie.

Language: Spanish

Ryhmä opiskelijoita etsii kadonnutta arkeologian professoriaan ja löytää luolan, jossa aika kuluu eri tavalla kuin maan pinnalla.

Language: Finnish

Au plus profond de l'inconnu, là où le temps s'arrête, la seule façon de survivre est de s'échapper vers le futur.

Un professeur entre dans une grotte et disparaît. Certains de ses élèves viennent le chercher et se retrouvent également piégés dans la grotte.

Language: French

מלכודת זמן

קבוצה של תלמידים נלכדים בתוך מערה מסתורית שבה הם מגלים שהזמן עובר בצורה שונה מתחת לפני הקרקע.

Language: Hebrew


Tanulók egy csoportja csapdába esik egy rejtélyes barlangban, hamarosan pedig rá kell jönniük, hogy az idő teljesen máshogy telik lent, mint a felszínen.

Language: Hungarian

Fuga nel futuro.

Alla ricerca del professore di archeologia scomparso, un gruppo di studenti scopre una caverna in cui il tempo scorre diversamente rispetto alla superficie.

Language: Italian


Language: Japanese

დროის მარყუჟი

Language: Georgian

배틀타임트랩: 초시공간여행

동굴로 들어가는 순간, 새로운 시공간의 문이 열린다!!

고고학 교수 '하퍼'는 '청춘의 샘'을 조사하던 중, 중요한 단서가 되는 동굴을 발견한다. 더 자세한 연구를 위해 홀로 동굴에 들어간 ‘하퍼’. 한편, 그의 제자들은 위험하니까 따라오지 말라는 말을 무시한 채 그의 뒤를 쫓아간다. 그런데 동굴에 있어야 할 '하퍼'는 온 데 간 데 찾을 수가 없고, 설상가상으로 일행 중 한 명이 다치는 사고까지 발생한다. 무언가 잘못됐음을 느낀 제자들은 뒤늦게 밖으로 나가려고 하지만, 동굴 안과 밖의 시간은 전혀 다르게 흘러가고 있는데…

Language: Korean

Ontsnap naar de toekomst.

Een groepje studenten bezoekt een grot in een afgelegen gebied in Texas. Ze zijn er op zoek naar een professor die onder mysterieuze omstandigheden verdween, terwijl hij op zoek was naar een bijzondere fontein.

Language: Dutch

Inny czas

Grupa studentów archeologii postanawia zapuścić się w głębokie jaskinie w Teksasie w poszukiwaniu ulubionego profesora. Mężczyzna zaginął w niejasnych okolicznościach podczas wyprawy, której celem było odnalezienie Fontanny Młodości. Kiedy dostają się w szczelinę czasoprzestrzeni okazuje się, że czas pod ziemią biegnie o wiele wolniej niż na powierzchni. Pozbawieni jakichkolwiek szans na ocalenie z zewnątrz, muszą zejść w głąb jaskini, co prowadzi do odkrycia jednej z najbardziej intrygujących tajemnic przeszłości.

Language: Polish

A Caverna

Um grupo de jovens acaba preso dentro de uma misteriosa caverna, onde eles descobrem que o tempo passa de maneira diferente embaixo da terra.

Language: Portuguese

Capcana timpului

Adânc în necunoscut, acolo unde timpul se oprește, singura modalitate de a supraviețui este să evadezi spre viitor.

Un profesor intră într-o peșteră și dispare. Câțiva dintre studenții săi îl caută și rămân și ei captivi în peșteră. Aceștia sunt șocați să descopere că doar câteva secunde în peșteră înseamnă un an în afara acesteia.

Language: Romanian

Ловушка времени

Группа студентов оказывается в ловушке в таинственной пещере, внутри которой они обнаруживают, что время здесь течёт иначе.

Language: Russian

Zajatci času

Skupina študentov archeológie sa rozhodne preskúmať hlboké jaskyne v Texase, aby našli svojho obľúbeného profesora. Muž sa stratil pri expedícii za nejasných okolností. Cieľom profesora bolo nájsť "fontánu mladosti". Keď študenti vstúpia do škáry v medzipriestore, ukazuje sa, že podzemný čas beží oveľa pomalšie ako na povrchu. Zbavení akejkoľvek pomoci zvonka, musia ísť hlbšie do jaskyne, čo vedie k objavu jedného z najzaujímavejších tajomstiev minulosti.

Language: Slovak

När en grupp studenter letar efter sin försvunne arkeologilärare upptäcker de en grotta där tiden verkar leva sitt eget liv.

Language: Swedish

นักศึกษากลุ่มหนึ่งเดินทางเข้าไปในถ้ำเพื่อตามหาอาจารย์ที่หายตัวไป ก่อนจะได้พบเรื่องราวลึกลับสุดประหลาดที่ทำให้ชีวิตของทุกคนเปลี่ยนแปลงไป

Language: Thai

Zaman Kapanı

Kayıp arkeoloji profesörlerini arayan bir grup öğrenci, zamanın yüzeydekinden farklı aktığı bir mağara keşfeder.

Language: Turkish

Пастка часу

Втеча в майбутнє.

Група студентів відправляється в печери Техасу, щоб знайти свого викладача, який зник безвісти. Незважаючи на рішення рятувальників припинити всі пошуки, хлопці не втрачають надію, що він живий і потребує допомоги. Вони впевнені, що таємниче зникнення їх вчителя якось пов’язано з його незвичайною теорією про існування джерела вічної молодості десь в цих місцях...

Language: Ukrainian

Bẫy Thời Gian

Tương lai gần hơn bạn nghĩ.

Language: Vietnamese



Language: Mandarin

Tears of Kali Film

Tears of Kali Backdrop

The Tears of Kali film has Fantasy, Horror, and Science Fiction genres.

Tears of Kali Movie was made by Maverick Entertainment Group, Revolver Entertainment, Anolis Entertainment, SBP Films, Lopta Film, CG Entertainment, Selecta Visión, IPA Asia Pacific, Cut and Run Production, Mainland Media, Sterling Screen Entertainment, Reduta Berlin, Studio Kitsune Berlin, Flamingo Video (IT), Ascot Elite Home Entertainment, and e-m-s the DVD-Company at a cost of $650,000. The film was successfully completed and released in 2004 The spoken language used in the film is German.

Helmed by writer-director Andreas Marschall - and a piece of fiction passing as fact - the direct-to-video horror indie Tears of Kali returns to the early eighties and plunges into a nightmarish scenario wrought when several EST-like groups establish themselves in India. One of the more extreme communes, the Taylor-Eriksson cult, carries its "quest for self-knowledge" to a malevolent end, with numerous group members trapped, tortured, murdered and mutilated. Tears of Kali tells their twisted and disturbing story. Mathieu Carriere, Peter Martell, Cora Chilcott, Vronie Kiefer, and Nuran Celik head the ensemble cast.

Tears of Kali Movie Backdrop

Tears of Kali Movie Stars:

Mathieu Carrière as Edgar Cornelsen, Adrian Topol as Florian, Pietro Martellanza as Lars Eriksson, Anja Gebel as Kim, Magdalena Ritter as Erkissons Pupil, Ludwig Nicole as Erikssons Pupil, Maunsell Gabriel as Erikssons Pupil, Chole Micky as Erikssons Pupil, Peter Domsch as Keoma, Mandeep Dhillon as Clerk at Teehouse, Vroni Kiefer as Tilde, Ulrich Lenk as Haymo, Anja Gebel as Kim, Michael Balaun as Dr. Steiner, Simon Mayer as Erkissons Pupil, Alexander Matakas as Erikssons Pupil, Udo Bittner as Taylor, Leoni Oefelein as Taylor's Wife, Irena-Heliana Jandris as Shakti / Elisabeth Steinberg, Celik Nuran as Tansu Yilmaz, Joey Bozatt as Samarfan, Mai Christa as Patient Anna, Thomas Otto as Dr. Fischer, Alfonso Timoteo as Police Officer, Marcel Trunsch as Robin Borg, and Cora Chilcott as Mira.

Mathieu Carrière Photo Adrian Topol Photo Pietro Martellanza Photo Magdalena Ritter Photo Mandeep Dhillon Photo

Peoples involved in the making of the Tears of Kali movie:

Adrian Topol (Co-Producer), Andreas Marschall (Director), Tim Luna (Executive Producer), Olivera Becker (Producer), Bharti India (Original Music Composer), Panama John (Original Music Composer), Heiko Merten (Director of Photography), Michael Schuff (Director of Photography), Dorothee von Bodelschwingh (Set Decoration), Sammy Balkas (Co-Producer), Bernd Reichert (Co-Producer), Thomas Luszeit (Set Designer), Stephanie Rieß (Costume Assistant), Björn Friese (Special Effects), Stefan Rohde (Set Decoration), Mandula Hilf (Makeup Department Head), Dennis Becker (Visual Effects), Udo Röben (Post Production Supervisor), Gabriele Hans (Costume Design), Sonia Salazar-Zivoder (Makeup Department Head), Michael Cholewa (Casting), Dieter Thomas (Set Decoration), Michael Kube (Sound Designer), Marcel Caspers (Makeup Department Head), Jenny Roesler (Set Decoration), Daniela Karraß (Script), Ulrike Zacharias-Philippi (Costumer), Ellen Maria Mueggelberg (Costume Assistant), Christian Kaltenbach (Colorist), Beatrice Festerling (Assistant Editor), Ariane Kohlheim (Makeup Department Head), Nikolaj Espinosa Bach (Makeup Department Head), Holger Schütz (Associate Producer), Jürgen Sawilla (Associate Producer), Thorsten Kaufmann (Associate Producer), Tadeusz Splawinski (Painter), Bitto Graciano (Set Designer), Hrundi H. Bakshi (Production Manager), Hannover Lensman (Sound), Dirk Schwibbert (Sound Designer), Jochen Klemp (Post Production Supervisor), Tonino Grotti (Boom Operator), Florian Gehlen (Sound Designer), Sebastian Diesel (Sound), and Roman Caesar (Sound).

Adrian Topol Photo

Here are some translations about the film:

Anfang der Achtziger gründeten sich in Poona/Indien viele Kommunen und Selbsterfahrungsgruppen. Von der Raijinisch Sekte spaltete sich nach einiger Zeit die berühmt, berüchtigte Taylor-Eriksson Gruppe, denen kein Experiment radikal genug war, ab. Obwohl niemand genau wusste, wer Taylor und Eriksson waren, woher sie kamen und was genau ihre Ziele waren, hatte die Gruppe einen großen Zulauf. Es gab seltsame Gerüchte über extreme Selbstfindungs-Experimente und das Verschwinden einiger Schüler. Dann, Ende 1983, löste sich die Gruppe plötzlich auf. In drei Episoden, Shakti-Kali-Devi, um die eine Rahmenhandlung gefasst ist, werden die unheimlichen Geschichten der Taylor-Eriksson Gruppe und deren Schüler erzählt, die ihre Grenzen in Selbstfindung, Sex und Gewalt neu definieren wollten. Was anfangs beginnt wie ein psychologisches Vexierspiel, entpuppt sich bald als purer Terror.

Language: German

Tres historias de terror acerca de un grupo europeo en la India que llevó a cabo experiencias extremas en el campo de la psicología, relacionadas con el sexo y la violencia.

Language: Spanish

Tears of Kali

Dans les années 80, en Inde, la secte Taylor-Eriksson explore toutes sortes de techniques dans le but de redéfinir les limites du sexe et de la violence. De vilaines rumeurs se répandent suite à la disparition du groupe et de son mentor, Lars-Eriksson. Quelques années après, trois anciens adeptes ont toujours une dévotion sans limites à la déesse Kali. Devenus thérapeutes, leurs patients seront les victimes de leurs méthodes barbares.

Language: French

Lacrime di Kali


Diretto dallo sceneggiatore-regista Andreas Marschall - e un pezzo di finzione che passa per realtà - l'indie horror Tears of Kali torna ai primi anni ottanta e si immerge in uno scenario da incubo quando diversi gruppi simili a EST si stabiliscono in India . Una delle comuni più estreme, il culto di Taylor-Eriksson, porta la sua "ricerca di conoscenza di sé" a una fine malvagia, con numerosi membri del gruppo intrappolati, torturati, assassinati e mutilati. Tears of Kali racconta la loro storia contorta e inquietante. Mathieu Carriere, Peter Martell, Cora Chilcott, Vronie Kiefer e Nuran Celik guidano il cast.

Language: Italian


Language: Mandarin

仮面ライダー龍騎 ハイパーバトルビデオ 龍騎vs仮面ライダーアギト Film

This 仮面ライダー龍騎 ハイパーバトルビデオ 龍騎vs仮面ライダーアギト movie has Fantasy, Action, and Science Fiction genres.

仮面ライダー龍騎 ハイパーバトルビデオ 龍騎vs仮面ライダーアギト Film was made by Toei Video Company, and Ishinomori Productions The film was successfully completed and released in 2002 The spoken language used in the film is Japanese.

A horde of assorted Mirror Monsters roam a warehouse, a mysterious figure resembling Agito Burning Form calling for the Kamen Riders to come fight them and die.

仮面ライダー龍騎 ハイパーバトルビデオ 龍騎vs仮面ライダーアギト Movie Backdrop

仮面ライダー龍騎 ハイパーバトルビデオ 龍騎vs仮面ライダーアギト Movie Stars:

Takamasa Suga as Shinji Kido / Kamen Rider Ryuki, Takashi Hagino as Takeshi Asakura / Kamen Rider Ouja, Koji Yusa as Fake Kamen Rider Agito (voice), Ryohei Odai as Shuichi Kitaoka / Kamen Rider Zolda, Satoshi Matsuda as Ren Akiyama / Kamen Rider Knight, and Seiji Takaiwa as Kamen Rider Agito (voice).

Takamasa Suga Photo Takashi Hagino Photo Koji Yusa Photo Ryohei Odai Photo Satoshi Matsuda Photo Seiji Takaiwa Photo

Professional involved in the making of this 仮面ライダー龍騎 ハイパーバトルビデオ 龍騎vs仮面ライダーアギト film:

and Nobuhiro Suzumura (Director).

Nobuhiro Suzumura Photo

Here are some translations about the film:

Kamen Rider Ryuki - Hyper Battle Video: Ryuki vs Kamen Rider Agito

Shinji se encuentra realizando una guía de los distintos Riders que hay ahora participando de la Guerra Rider, cuando el deber lo llama y entra en un mundo que es llamado el Miracle World donde aparece un ser llamado Kamen Rider Agito y sus compañeros, Ren, Asakura, y Kitaoka se comportan de forma demasiada extraña.

Language: Spanish

仮面ライダー龍騎 ハイパーバトルビデオ 龍騎VS仮面ライダーアギト

仮面ライダー龍騎たちが、ミラーワールドに似た世界「ミラクルワールド」で仮面ライダーアギト(幻)と戦っていた際、龍騎らの救援に現れた本物の仮面ライダーアギト。偽物は赤い目のアギト バーニングフォームの姿だったが、本物は基本フォームのアギト グランドフォームの姿をしていた。

Language: Japanese

假面骑士龙骑 超战斗影像 龙骑vs假面骑士亚极陀


Language: Mandarin

Sunday, June 30, 2024

ラストオーダー -ファイナルファンタジーVII- Film

The ラストオーダー -ファイナルファンタジーVII- film has Adventure, Fantasy, Animation, Action, and Science Fiction genres.

ラストオーダー -ファイナルファンタジーVII- Film was made by Square Enix, and Madhouse The film was successfully completed and released in 2005 The spoken language used in the film is Japanese.

In the events of Last Order, taking place five years before the beginning of Final Fantasy VII itself, Sephiroth was ordered to inspect the Mako Reactor outside the town of Nibelheim with a small entourage, consisting of one other member of SOLDIER and a few Shin-Ra MPs. Among this group was SOLDIER 1st Class member Zack and his buddy, a 16-year-old Shin-Ra trooper named Cloud Strife.

ラストオーダー -ファイナルファンタジーVII- Movie Backdrop

ラストオーダー -ファイナルファンタジーVII- Movie Stars:

Takahiro Sakurai as Cloud Strife (voice), Toshiyuki Morikawa as Sephiroth (voice), Ayumi Ito as Tifa Lockhart (voice), Keiji Fujiwara as Reno (voice), Megumi Toyoguchi as The Turks - Gun (voice), Taiten Kusunoki as Rude (voice), Junichi Suwabe as Tseng/Zeng (voice), Kenichi Suzumura as Zack (voice), Daisuke Namikawa as The Turks - Rod (voice), Nachi Nozawa as Hojo (voice), Hiroshi Fujioka as Zangan (voice), Keijin Okuda as Shinra Army - A (voice), Hochu Otsuka as The Turks - Martial Arts (voice), Katsuhisa Houki as Old Man (voice), Atsushi Imaruoka as Shinra Army - B (voice), Daisuke Kirii as Shinra Army - C (voice), Ginpei Sato as The Turks - Two Guns (voice), Yohei Tadano as Villager (voice), Mayuko Aoki as The Turks - Shotgun (voice), and Ryuji Mizuno as Commander (voice).

Takahiro Sakurai Photo Toshiyuki Morikawa Photo Ayumi Ito Photo Keiji Fujiwara Photo Megumi Toyoguchi Photo Taiten Kusunoki Photo Junichi Suwabe Photo Kenichi Suzumura Photo Daisuke Namikawa Photo Nachi Nozawa Photo Hiroshi Fujioka Photo Keijin Okuda Photo Hochu Otsuka Photo Katsuhisa Houki Photo Atsushi Imaruoka Photo Daisuke Kirii Photo Ginpei Sato Photo Yohei Tadano Photo Mayuko Aoki Photo Ryuji Mizuno Photo

Professional involved in the making of this ラストオーダー -ファイナルファンタジーVII- film:

Tetsuya Nomura (Director), Yoshinori Kitase (Executive Producer), Kazushige Nojima (Writer), Jungo Maruta (Producer), Masao Maruyama (Producer), Yuichiro Saito (Producer), Shizuo Kurahashi (Sound Effects), Morio Asaka (Director), Takeharu Ishimoto (Original Music Composer), Kazuhiko Inukai (Writer), Hisashi Abe (Character Designer), Akio Ofuji (Producer), Yoji Shimizu (Sound Director), Kashiko Kimura (Editor), Hidetoshi Kaneko (Art Direction), Kunio Katsuki (Animation Director), Makoto Awano (Production Manager), Hiroyuki Tanaka (Assistant Director), Fumie Muroi (Animation Director), Satoshi Tasaki (Supervising Animation Director), Shin Inoie (Special Effects), Takatoshi Abe (Special Effects), Yuriko Kadomoto (Color Designer), Katsuya Yamada (Animation Director), Ayumi Arahata (Special Effects), Yumi Jinguji (Assistant Editor), Masayuki Tanaka (Production Manager), Yukihiro Masumoto (Director of Photography), Shinji Hashimoto (Executive Producer), Yoichi Wada (Executive Producer), and Kanami Mitani (Sound Mixer).

Tetsuya Nomura Photo Masao Maruyama Photo Yuichiro Saito Photo Shizuo Kurahashi Photo Yoji Shimizu Photo Hiroyuki Tanaka Photo Fumie Muroi Photo Shinji Hashimoto Photo

Here are some translations about the movie:

Last Order: Final Fantasy VII

Krátký film popisuje část příběhu videohry Final Fantasy VII a zároveň funguje jako prequel k filmu Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. Snímek zpracovává jeden z flashbacků Clouda, který se odehrává před vlastním příběhem Final Fantasy VII v Nibelheimu, kde figurují i Zack, Tifa a Sepiroth.

Language: Czech

Last Order: Final Fantasy VII

Nach der Zerstörung von Nibelheim durch Sephiroth sind Zack und Cloud auf der Flucht vor Shinra Inc. Auf dem Weg zurück nach Midgar erinnern sie sich an die schrecklichen Ereignisse in Nibelheim und kämpfen gegen Shinra ums Überleben.

Language: German

Final Fantasy VII: Last Order

El OVA "Last Order" narra los eventos que, ocurren aproximadamente 4 años antes de "Final Fantasy VII", cuando dos Soldados de ShinRa, Zack Fair y Cloud Strife, escapan de los laboratorios investigación de la compañía. Al mismo tiempo, los distintos personajes van recordando cómo se relacionan estos eventos con un desastre ocurrido 3 años antes (7 años antes de Final Fantasy VII) en Nibelheim.

Language: Spanish

Final Fantasy VII : Last Order

Suite au massacre de Nibelheim par Sephiroth, Zack et Cloud tentent de fuir les forces de la Shinra et les Turks afin de rentrer à Midgar. Leur fuite est entrecoupée de flash-backs autour des événements ayant eu lieu à Nibelheim.

Language: French

Final Fantasy VII: Last Order

Last Order narra gli eventi antecedenti alla trama di Final Fantasy VII e si basa su due flashback. Il primo ruota attorno agli eventi di Nibelheim cinque anni prima Final Fantasy VII e si concentra su Zack Fair, Cloud Strife, Tifa Lockhart e Sephiroth. L'altro vede invece Zack e Cloud fuggire dalla ShinRa. I due flashback sono collegati fra loro attraverso i pensieri di Tseng, comandante dei Turks. Last Order crea anche le basi per il gioco per PSP Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, e serve ad introdurre il gioco per cellulare Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII.

Language: Italian

ラストオーダー -ファイナルファンタジーVII-


Language: Japanese

파이널 판타지 VII - 라스트 오더

니블헤임은 세피로스의 침공을 받아 불바다가 되어버린다. 티파는 스승의 만류에도 불구하고 아버지를 구하기 위해 세피로스가 기다리고 있는 불속으로 뛰어들고, 그 모습을 본 솔져 랭크 퍼스트인 잭스도 세피로스에게 덤벼든다. 하지만 세피로스의 강함에는 대적하지 못하는데...

Language: Korean

Final Fantasy VII - Last Order

Twee jaar na de gebeurtenissen in de game Final Fantasy VII, wordt ex-militair Cloud Strife geconfronteerd met een nieuw gevaar, genaamd het Star-Scar Syndrome. Ook Sephiroth lijkt opnieuw zijn opwachting te maken.

Language: Dutch

Last Order: Final Fantasy VII

No filme Final Fantasy – VII The Last Order, Last Order enreda dois momentos anteriores à acção em Final Fantasy VII. Um desses momentos centra-se em Nibelheim e nas personagens Zack Fair, Cloud Strife, Sephiroth e Tifa Lockhart. O outro centra-se na fuga de Zack e Cloud das forças da Shinra. A anime sofre várias analepses e prolepses trocando o dois principais momentos da acção como se fossem recordações e reflexões do comandante dos Turks, Tseng, sobre os eventos de Nibelheim.

Language: Portuguese

Последняя фантазия VII: Последний приказ

В прошлом великий герой Сефирот уничтожил деревню, в которую он пришёл вместе с Заком и Клаудом в поисках своей матери, после чего направился в горы к реактору Мако, где находится его мать — Женова. Беспокоясь о своём отце, туда побежала девушка Тифа Локхарт, а потом солдаты Зак и Клауд.

Language: Russian


本故事是同名电视游戏《最终幻想Ⅶ》的外传式动画,是2005年时,随《最终幻想Ⅶ:圣子降临》电影DVD的豪华版附带的一段特典动画。 本故事分为两大部分,一部分是以曾的视觉来讲述故事,另一部分则是以扎克斯的视觉来讲述故事。曾的视觉是以5年前的尼布尔海姆事件为基础,讲述萨菲罗斯屠杀尼布尔海姆村民,扎克斯与其对战不敌被打倒,而克劳德则在萨菲罗斯不备时偷袭从而将其打伤,不过最后被萨菲罗斯打成重伤,不过遭到克劳德反击的萨菲罗斯最终逃走。而扎克斯的视觉是以尼布尔海姆事件5年后,扎克斯逃亡开始讲述,扎克斯将严重魔光中毒的克劳德带走。

Language: Mandarin