Showing posts with label TV Movie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TV Movie. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Pumpkinhead: Blood Feud Movie

Pumpkinhead: Blood Feud Backdrop

This Pumpkinhead: Blood Feud movie has Fantasy, Horror, and TV Movie genres.

Pumpkinhead: Blood Feud Film was made by Castel Film, Motion Picture Corporation of America, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, Clubdeal, Sci Fi Pictures, Future Films, Lost Junction Films, Pueblo Film Group, and Soho Square Productions No. 4 The film was successfully completed and released in 2007 The spoken language used in the film is English.

During a bitter family feud, Jodie Hatfield, and her boyfriend Ricky McCoy, decide to leave town to avoid being found out, but are soon caught in the act. Wanting vengeance, he seeks out the monster Pumpkinhead, and resurrects it seek revenge on the family. Despite being warned away by the ghost of Ed Harley, his vengeance plan starts out, and the Hatfield family is soon under siege by the powerful demon. Not accepting the legend of the creature and believing their arch-rivals are the real cause, the two families attempt to go to war, only to be stopped when Pumpkinhead attacks the Hatfield house. Putting aside their differences, they band together to stave off the creature before it's vengeance pact is completed.

Pumpkinhead: Blood Feud Movie Backdrop

Pumpkinhead: Blood Feud Film Stars:

Lance Henriksen as Ed Harley, Elias Ferkin as Billy Bob Hatfield, Maria Roman as Sara McCoy, Ovidiu Niculescu as Bobby Joe Hatfield, Catalina Alexandru as Young McCoy Girl #2, Richard Durden as Old Man Hatfield, Amy Manson as Jodie Hatfield, Bradley Taylor as Ricky McCoy, Claire Lams as Dolly Hatfield, Rob Freeman as Sheriff Dallas Pope, Peter Barnes as Papa McCoy, Elvin Dandel as Tristan McCoy, Lynne Verrall as Haggis, Călin Puia as Tommy Hatfield, Răzvan Oprea as Brett Hatfield, Vasilescu Valentin as McCoy Boy #2, Ion Carangea as Jimmy Langford, Rudy Rosenfeld as Abner Hatfield, Bob Gunter a.k.a Bob Sherry Gunter as Pumpkinhead, Dicu Marian as Wayne Hatfield, Daniel Tomescu as Dale Hatfield, Iulia Boros as Mama McCoy, Bart Sidles as Andy Mills, Alexandru Geoana as Town Boy #1, and Alin Constantinescu as Emmett Hatfield.

Lance Henriksen Photo Elias Ferkin Photo Maria Roman Photo Ovidiu Niculescu Photo Catalina Alexandru Photo Richard Durden Photo Amy Manson Photo Claire Lams Photo Rob Freeman Photo Răzvan Oprea Photo

Peoples involved in the making of the Pumpkinhead: Blood Feud film:

Donald Kushner (Producer), Pierre Spengler (Producer), Brad Krevoy (Producer), Karri O'Reilly (Executive Producer), Richard Turner (Associate Producer), Adrian Curelea (Art Direction), Bogdan Moncea (Line Producer), Erik Wilson (Director of Photography), Ioana Albaiu (Costume Design), Robin Hill (Editor), Reuben Liber (Executive Producer), Christian Niculescu (Production Design), Vlad Păunescu (Co-Producer), Dan Toader (Set Decoration), Rob Lord (Music), Carolyn McLeod (Casting), Michael Hurst (Writer), Ben Meechan (Supervising Sound Effects Editor), Miruna Panaitescu (Makeup Artist), and Michel Raviti Ganot (Associate Producer).

Donald Kushner Photo Brad Krevoy Photo Christian Niculescu Photo Vlad Păunescu Photo

What Peoples Said About Pumpkinhead: Blood Feud Film:

**Bloody Romeo and Juliet: if they won't let us marry, we'll slaughter them all.** Soon after the 2006 film, released directly to television, the producers bet on its direct sequel, also in physical format. The story appears to take place about five years after the events of _Pumpkinhead 3_ and tells how the creature will be awakened back in our world to decimate an entire family. If there is something that has guided the sequels of _Pumpkinhead_ it has been the permanent ineptitude of the screenwriters involved, incapable of creating credible, logical, appealing stories capable of reasonably supporting a horror movie. The script of this film, if you look closely, looks like a sly and weird retelling of Romeo and Juliet: the couple love each other and come from families that have been at war for decades over a pittance. However, as the families won't let them stay together, the boy decides that the most logical and natural thing to do is, of all the options available, visit a witch, wake up a hellish demon with the risk of losing his own soul and slaughtering the whole beloved woman's family! It makes sense… who wouldn't do the same? In addition to this poor script, we have characters that are frankly sketchy and not very believable, who have been left to the care of an amateur cast, which is not capable of dealing with all the problems at hand and is doomed to fail in their efforts. And this time there's not even a worthy villain here... just a petty war between redneck families, for futile reasons, and a little scary monster. In fact, the monster has long since lost any ability to scare us, even though it makes excellent bloodshed with the corpses of its victims, much to the delight of lovers of gore and some violence. Lance Henrikssen is still present, and his character is given greater relevance in this film, but he doesn't do much for the film, nor could he prevent its failure. Technically, it's a cheap and not very scary movie, although it has some scenes that can make us nauseous and a general improvement in the technical quality, at all levels, when we compare this movie with the third in the franchise. In fact, the cinematography is better and the shooting and editing are more regular. Also, the effects are much better, more effective and believable, and the sets and costumes are quite good.

(Filipe Manuel Neto)

The "Well at least Pumpkinhead looked good!" excuse has officially run out of steam as we hit the fourth entry into the vengeance demon's horror franchise, _Blood Feud_. After some bullshit about how the Hatfields and McCoys actually hate each other because one family didn't give a car to the other(???) the titular Pumpkinhead is summoned because of course he is, to act as secondary antagonist in redneck Romeo and Juliet and- you know what, I'm done? It's the worst of the bunch and that's saying something considering it's coming off of two back-to-back failures in the series before it. _Final rating:★ - Of no value. Avoid at all costs._


Here are some translations about the movie:

Тиквената глава: Кръвна вражда

Отмъщението ще е негово

Когато Джоди Хатфийлд се влюбва в Рики Маккой, двамата й братя безмилостно се опитват да развалят техния годеж, което причинява неволната смърт на сестричката на Рики. Незачитайки призрачните предупреждения на самия Ед Харли, Рики се обръща към Тиквената глава, легендарният демон на отмъщението, да отмъсти за семейството му, като унищожи рода Хатфийлд.

Language: Bulgarian

Démon pomsty: Krvavá lázeň

Krvavý svár mezi rodinami Hatfi eldových a McCoyových zuří již celá desetiletí. Teď se však chýlí k hroznému konci. Jodie Hatfieldová se totiž zamilovala do Rickyho McCoye. Její dva bratři se rozhodnou vztah násilím ukončit, ale omylem při tom zaviní smrt Rickyho malé sestřičky. Ricky nedbá varování samotného Eda Harleyho a žádá Pumpkinheada - legendárního démona pomsty, aby mu pomohl s odvetou, která by jednou provždy vymazala rodinu Hatfieldových ze zemského povrchu. Krveprolití začíná... Pumpkinhead vraždí všechno, co mu přijde do cesty a jedna věc se zdá jasná: svatba se tu uskuteční jedině přes jeho mrtvolu.

Language: Czech

Pumpkinhead: Blutfehde

Die Blutfehde, die bereits seit Jahrzehnten zwischen den Hatfields und den McCoys wütet, soll in Kürze ihr grausiges Ende finden. Denn als Jodie Hatfield sich in Ricky McCoy verliebt, wird bei dem brutalen Versuch von Jodies Brüdern, die Verlobung der beiden zu lösen, versehentlich Rickys kleine Schwester getötet. Daraufhin schlägt Ricky die Warnungen von Ed Harley in den Wind und ruft Pumpkinhead – den legendären Rachedämon – um Vergeltung zu üben und den Hatfield-Clan für alle Zeiten auszulöschen. Während das Blutbad seinen Lauf nimmt und Pumpkinhead jeden abschlachtet, der sich ihm in den Weg stellt, steht eines fest: Wenn je eine Hatfield einen McCoy heiratet, dann nur über ihre Leichen.

Language: German

Επίκληση στο Δαίμονα

Language: Greek

La cólera del infierno

La venganza será suya

En una aldea del bosque de Virginia, el verdadero amor entre Ricky McCoy y Jodie Hatfield es saboteado por larga disputa amarga de sus familias. A pesar de la advertencia sombría del sheriff Dallas Papa, en realidad por amarga experiencia, un viaje de solo comer hasta sus únicos, complejos turísticos Ricky a vengarse de todos de pie en su camino, apelando a la calabaza de cabeza, un monstruo mágico forestal, que desata cada vez mayor horror.

Language: Spanish

Pumpkinhead - Les sacrifiés

Ricky et Jodie sont amoureux mais leur union est impossible à cause de leurs familles respectives qui se détestent. Après la mort de sa petite soeur Ricky va faire appel à Pumpkinhead, afin que celui-ci venge sa soeur et se débarasse de la famille de sa bien-aimée, afin de pouvoir vivre son amour au grand jour.

Language: French

ראש דלעת: סכסוך דמים

הסרט הרביעי בסדרת סרטי האימה המצליחה בכיכובו של לאנס הנריקסן (הנוסע השמיני, מילניום).במהלך סכסוך משפחות מר, ג'ודי הטפילד (איימי מייסון) וריקי מקוי (ברדלי טיילור),נאהבים ממשפחות יריבות, מחליטים לעזוב את העיר כדי לא להתגלות, אך הם נתפסים במהרה בשעת מעשה.כנקמה במשפחת הטפילד, מזמן ריקי את "ראש דלעת"...

Language: Hebrew

Pumpkinhead 4. - Ősellenség

A Hatfield és a McCoy család évtizedek óta viszályban áll egymással, és az ellenségeskedés végül szörnyű tragédiához vezet: amikor Jodie Hatfield és Ricky McCoy egymásba szeret, a lány két fivére megpróbálja megakadályozni az eljegyzést, és brutális közbelépésüknek Ricky kishúga esik áldozatul. A bosszúszomjas Rickyt hiába figyelmezteti Ed Harley szelleme, hogy tettei beláthatatlan következményekkel járhatnak, a fiú megidézi Pumpkinheadet, a bosszúálló démont, hogy eltörölje a Hatfieldeket a föld színéről. Könyörtelen mészárlás veszi kezdetét, amelyben Pumpkinhead senkit és semmit sem kímél. Egy dolog biztos: ha Jodie és Ricky valaha is oltár elé lép, az a menyegző pokoli lesz.

Language: Hungarian

Faida di sangue - Pumpkinhead 4

Questa sarà la vendetta

Jodie Hatfield e Ricky McCoy sono due giovani innamorati ma appartengono a due famiglie in lotta tra loro, gli Hatfield e i McCoy. I due fuggono dalla città ma vengono sorpresi e Ricky viene quasi ammazzato da due degli Hatfield. Malconcio Ricky torna a casa sua ma per strada scopre il cadavere di Sarah, la sua sorellina. Scosso e furioso, sicuro che siano stati gli Hatfield, si rivolge alla strega del bosco per avere vendetta. E così, nonostante fosse stato messo in guardia dal fantasma di Ed Harley, risveglia l'essere conosciuto col nome di Pumpkinhead. Gli Hatfield e i McCoy si alleano per difendersi dal demone, con l'aiuto dello sceriffo Dallas

Language: Italian

펌프킨헤드 4

에드 할리의 전설이 살아숨쉬는 산골 마을에서 해필드 가문과 멕코이 가문이 앙숙 지간이 되어 서로 반목하고 있는 가운데 조디 해필드와 리키 멕코이가 가문의 반대를 무릅쓰고 연인이 되어 비밀리에 만나서 사랑을 속삭였지만 그 현장을 조디의 양아치 오빠들에게 걸려서 도주하던 중에 망을 봐주던 리키의 여동생 세라가 비명횡사하자, 복수심에 불타오르는 리키가 검은 숲의 마녀를 찾아가 연인 조디를 제외한 멕코이 가문의 사람 전부를 몰살시켜 달라는 한을 품고 펌프킨 헤드를 다시 부활시키면서 벌어지는 이야기

Language: Korean

De liefde tussen Jodie Hatfield en Ricky McCoy lijkt wegens een oude vete tussen hun families onmogelijk. Ze willen de stad verlaten om elders samen gelukkig te worden. Ze worden echter samen betrapt en hun relatie wordt gesaboteerd. Ricky is vervolgens op wraak uit en roept daarvoor 'Pumpkinhead' op. Dit monster herrijst uit de dood om wraak te nemen op de verantwoordelijken.

Language: Dutch

Dyniogłowy 4: Krwawy spór

Czwarta część sagi opowiada o zwaśnionych rodach Hatfieldów i McCoyów. Jodie Hatfield i Ricky McCoy są w sobie bardzo zakochani. Wiedzą, że jest to miłość zakazana a ich rodziny nigdy nie zaakceptują tego związku. Gdy ich miłość wychodzi na jaw, Hattfieldowie rozdzielają parę w wyniku czego ginie najmłodsza siostra Ricka. Wtedy rodzina młodzieńca przywołuje do życia Dyniogłowego, aby ten pomścił śmierć dziewczynki. Rodzina Hatfieldów staje się ofiarą okrutnego demona, który po kolei zabija jej członków. Ogrom nieszczęść sprawia, że Dyniogłowy zaczyna zagrażać także uczuciu, jakie łączy Jodie i Ricka...

Language: Polish

Cabeça de Abóbora 4: Pacto de Vingança

Amor, morte, vingança.

Cinco anos depois do último massacre do Cabeça de Abóbora, num lugar das imediações, a velha inimizade entre duas famílias de fazendeiros — os Hatfield e os McCoy — vai ser posta à prova pelo amor entre dois dos seus jovens filhos, Jodie Hatfield e Ricky McCoy. Porém, ao ver que não os deixam ficar juntos, Ricky invoca o Cabeça de Abóbora para massacrar toda a família rival e consumar o seu amor, vingando também a morte de uma jovem da sua família.

Language: Portuguese

Услуги преисподней стоят дорого 2: Вендетта

Группа молодых ребят отправилась в холмистую местность покататься на мотоциклах. Один из них случайно сбил мальчика, бросившегося за своей глупой собакой, лаявшей на мотоциклистов. Тогда отец погибшего мальчика обращается к местной ведьме, и та рассказывает ему, как разбудить демона мести - Тыквоголового - с помощью его собственной крови и крови убитого сына. Демон оказался чудовищем ужасным и крайне противным на вид. Он начал уничтожать ребят...

Language: Russian

Démon pomsty: Krvavá kúpeľ

Krvná pomsta medzi rodinami Hatfi eldovcov a McCoyovcov trvá už desaťročia. Teraz sa však blíži k hroznému koncu. Jodie Hatfieldová sa zamilovala do Rickyho McCoya. Jej dvaja bratia sa rozhodnú vzťah násilne ukončiť, ale nešťastnou náhodou pritom spôsobia smrť Rickyho malej sestry. Ricky nedbá na varovania samotného Eda Harleyho a požiada Pumpkinheada, legendárneho démona pomsty, aby mu pomohol vykonať pomstu, ktorá by rodinu Hatfieldovcov raz a navždy vymazala z povrchu zemského. Krviprelievanie sa začína... Pumpkinhead vraždí všetko, čo mu príde do cesty, a zdá sa, že jedna vec je jasná: svadba sa tu uskutoční len cez jeho mŕtve telo.

Language: Slovak

Bundevoglavi 4: Krvava zavada

Language: Serbian

Pumpkinhead: Kanlı İntikam


Hatfield ve McCoy arasında asırlardır süren düşmanlık, tüyler ürpertici bir sona yaklaşmaktadır. Jodie Hatfield, Ricky McCoy’a aşık olur. Jodie’nin iki erkek kardeşi Ricky’nin kız kardeşleri ile evlenmesine engel olmak isterken Jodie ölür. Ed Harley’nin (Lance Henriksen, Pumpkinhead, Alien, Predator) Ricky’ye büyülü güçleri kullanmasından dolayı Ricky, efsanevi intikam şeytanı Pumpkinhead’i Hatfieldleri yok etmek için çağırır. Katliam başladığında Pumpkinhead önüne gelen herkesi yok eder. Bir gerçek kalır: eğer bir Hatfield McCoy ile evlenirse, cesetlerini çiğnemeleri gerekmektedir.

Language: Turkish



Language: Mandarin

The Five People You Meet In Heaven Film

The Five People You Meet In Heaven Backdrop

The The Five People You Meet In Heaven movie has Fantasy, Drama, Science Fiction, and TV Movie genres.

at a cost of $20,000,000. The film was successfully completed and released in 2004 The spoken language used in the film is English.

On his 83rd birthday, Eddie, a war vet and a maintenance worker at the Ruby Pier amusement park, dies while trying to save a girl who is sitting under a falling ride. When he awakens in the afterlife, he encounters five people with ties to his corporeal existence who help him understand the meaning of his life.

The Five People You Meet In Heaven Movie Backdrop

The Five People You Meet In Heaven Film Stars:

Callum Keith Rennie as Eddie’s Father, Jeff Daniels as Blue Man, Ellen Burstyn as Ruby, Jon Voight as Edward, Dagmara Dominczyk as Margeurite, Steven Grayhm as Young Eddie, and Matt Visser as Blue Man - Child.

Callum Keith Rennie Photo Jeff Daniels Photo Ellen Burstyn Photo Jon Voight Photo Dagmara Dominczyk Photo Steven Grayhm Photo Matt Visser Photo

Peoples involved in the making of this The Five People You Meet In Heaven film:

Marny Eng (Stunts), David Hirschfelder (Original Music Composer), Kramer Morgenthau (Director of Photography), Tish Monaghan (Costume Design), Robert Halmi Sr. (Executive Producer), Robert Halmi Jr. (Executive Producer), Lloyd Kramer (Director), Mitch Albom (Writer), Brett Armstrong (Stunts), and Howard Ellis (Producer).

Marny Eng Photo David Hirschfelder Photo Kramer Morgenthau Photo Brett Armstrong Photo

Here are some translations about the film:

Die fünf Menschen, die dir im Himmel begegnen

Diese Geschichte beginnt, wo andere enden: An seinem 83. Geburtstag kommt Eddie an seinem Arbeitsplatz, dem Vergnügungspark „Ruby Pier“, bei einem tragischen Unfall ums Leben. Er erwacht im Himmel und trifft dort auf fünf Menschen, die in seinem Leben eine entscheidende Rolle gespielt haben und ihn an verschiedene Orte seiner Vergangenheit bringen. Anhand ihrer Erzählungen offenbaren sie Eddie schicksalhafte Zusammenhänge in seinem Leben, die ihm bislang verborgen waren. Sie lehren ihn, sich mit seiner Vergangenheit zu versöhnen und zeigen ihm den verborgenen Sinn in einem nur scheinbar bedeutungslosen Dasein.

Language: German

Las cinco personas que conoces en el cielo

Eddie (Voight), un veterano de guerra de 83 años, vive separado de la gente que amó. Pasa sus días de rutina cuidando los caballos de Ruby Pier, un parque de atracciones en un lugar apartado de la costa. Eddie busca justificar su vida -exhausta de sorpresas- ahora que está cerca de su fin. Una mañana diferente a todas, un accidente en una cabalgadura tiene como víctima a una niña de 5 años. Frente a una muchedumbre horrorizada, Eddie intenta salvar su vida. Lo último que él ve es la cara de la niña asustada envuelta de dolor y lágrimas. Lo último que siente son las manos de la niña en él.

Language: Spanish

חמישה האנשים שאתה פוגש בגן עדן

ביום הולדתו ה-83 של אדי (ג'ון וויט), לוחם ויאטנם לשעבר, ועובד כאיש אחזקה בפארק שעשועים, הוא נהרג תוך כדי נסיון להציל את חייה של ילדה שישבה מתחת למתקן בפארק שעמד לקרוס. כאשר הוא מתעורר בחיים הבאים, הוא פוגש ב-5 אנשים שקשורים לקיום הגופני שלו, ועוזרים לו להבין את משמעות החיים.

Language: Hebrew

Öten a Mennyországból

Amikor a magányos, idősödő férfi életét veszti egy balesetben, egy ismeretlen helyen ébred, ami történetesen a mennyország. Öt ember, köztük ismeretlenek és szerettei külső szemlélőként végigkalauzolják saját életútján. A film, Mithch Albom nagysikerű bestsellere alapján készült, és amely a halál utáni állapot váratlan eseményeit tárja fel, emlékeztetve mindenkit azokra a dolgokra, amelyek a földi életünkben igazán fontosak.

Language: Hungarian

Eddy, een oorlogsveteraan en onderhoudswerker, sterft op zijn 83e verjaardag terwijl hij een jong meisje probeert te redden. Wanneer hij wakker wordt in het hiernamaals, heeft hij met vijf verschillende mensen een ontmoeting. Deze personen zijn op een bepaalde manier verbonden geweest met zijn bestaan. Via deze weg wordt Eddy geholpen om de betekenis van zijn leven te begrijpen.

Language: Dutch

As Cinco Pessoas Que Você Encontra no Céu

Eddie era um jovem que cresceu em meio a guerras, trabalho árduo e uma educação rígida. No dia em que completa 83 anos, ele sofre um acidente no parque de diversões onde trabalhou a vida inteira. Quando ele se dá por si, tudo o que ele sente é que passou uma vida sem propósito, sem rumo....E o que se sucede é uma revisitação de sua vida por 5 pessoas, umas que ele conhece, outras que ele não tinha a menor idéia de quem eram, mas cujas vidas estavam de alguma forma ligadas à dele. Cada uma dessas pessoas revê com Eddie uma passagem de sua vida, resolvendo antigos mistérios, dissolvendo antigas mágoas, revivendo antigos amores. A cada experiência fica mais claro a grande importância de Eddie na vida de milhares de pessoas sem que ele se desse conta, provando que cada vida está ligada a outra de formas que muitas vezes não entendemos.

Language: Portuguese

Куда приводят сны

Эдди уже в преклонном возрасте работает и в парке развлечений — следит за аттракционами, неисправности которых он может определить без труда, так как проработал здесь почти всю свою жизнь. В день, когда ему исполнилось 83 года, жизнь Эдди внезапно обрывается: один из аттракционов ломается и его часть падает в то место, где находится маленькая девочка, — в то место, куда устремляется Эдди, чтобы её спасти. Спустя мгновение после этого Эдди осознает, что он находится в том же парке развлечений, но вокруг все как-то по-другому: ни души в пределах видимости, ни одного восторженного крика ребёнка. Он в раю, но не в «своём», а в раю другого человека, чей путь когда-то давно пересёкся с жизненным путём Эдди. Эдди предстоит пять таких встреч, после которых он узнает много нового о своей прожитой земной жизни, а главное — получит ответ на вопрос: удалось ли ему сохранить жизнь той маленькой девочке, которую он пытался спасти в последнее мгновение своего пребывания на земле.

Language: Russian

П'ятеро, котрих зустрінеш на небесах

Едді, головний герой цього фільму, уже в похилому віці працює в парку розваг - стежить за атракціонами, несправності яких він може визначити без ускладнень, тому що проробив тут майже все своє життя. У день, коли йому виповнилося 83 роки, життя Едді раптово обривається: один з атракціонів ламається і його частина падає в те місце, де перебуває маленька дівчинка, - у те місце, куди спрямовується Едді, щоб її врятувати.

Language: Ukrainian


  根据Mitch Albom的最新作品《The Five People You Meet in Heaven》改编,同样讨论人生的生死问题,死亡却从结局演变成了开端,主角Eddie是一名游乐园管理工人,战争时意外的脚伤,让他只能在游乐场日复一日且一拐一拐的巡视整个游乐场。不过在他83岁生日那天,却因一件游乐场的意外,让他在营救一个小女孩时不幸身亡。   当Eddie醒来时,却已身处天堂,他所处的天堂并不是我们想像的伊甸园;相反的却是他生前生活片段的重现,此时五位曾经在Eddie生命中出现的人,再度引领他重新找到他失去的时光,重新认识人类间,关于人性与爱的故事……。

Language: Mandarin

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Monster Ark Movie

This Monster Ark film has Fantasy, Horror, and TV Movie genres.

Monster Ark Film was made by Sci Fi Pictures The film was successfully completed and released in 2008 The spoken language used in the film is German.

Archaeologist Nicholas Zavaterro and his student find an antique vase with an inscription that points to where Noah's Ark is hidden. They decide to go looking, but things get out of control when they encounter opposing forces, including a monster named Tama.

Monster Ark Film Stars:

Tommy Lister Jr. as Sgt. Gentry, Amanda Crew as Joanna, Carlos Leon as Belus, Todd Jensen as Cain, Vlado Mihailov as Martinez, George Zlatarev as Iraqi Captain Backhar, Atanas Srebrev as Noah, Tim DeKay as Dr. Nicholas Zavaterro, Renee O'Connor as Dr. Ava Greenway, Hristo Mitzkov as Belus' Lieutenant, Mike Straub as Hutch, Richard Gnolfo as Wilson, Bashar Rahal as Insurgent #2, Velislav Pavlov as Laborer, Bill Parks as Russell, Tommy Nohilly as Coles, Stefan Shterev as Insurgent #1, Dan Yarmoluk as Mr. Fasanella, and Chris Thompson as Mr. Windheim.

Tommy Lister Jr. Photo Amanda Crew Photo Carlos Leon Photo Todd Jensen Photo Atanas Srebrev Photo Tim DeKay Photo Renee O'Connor Photo Hristo Mitzkov Photo Bashar Rahal Photo Velislav Pavlov Photo Bill Parks Photo Tommy Nohilly Photo

Peoples involved in the making of this Monster Ark film:

Claude Foisy (Music), Jonas Talkington (Casting), Declan O'Brien (Writer), Jeffery Beach (Producer), Danny Roth (Casting), Phillip J. Roth (Producer), John Cappilla (Line Producer), Anton Bakarski (Director of Photography), Berkeley Anderson (Writer), Luke Guidici (Visual Effects Editor), Olga Mekikchieva (Costume Design), Parvan Parvanov (Stunt Coordinator), Thomas P. Vitale (Executive Producer), Matt Michael (Editor), Borislav Mihailovski (Production Design), Miroslav Petrov (Stunts), and George Danailov (Stunts).

Claude Foisy Photo Jonas Talkington Photo Declan O'Brien Photo

Here are some translations about the film:

Auf der Jagd nach der Monster Arche

In Qumran am Toten Meer macht Archäologe Nicholas (Tim DeKay) eine sensationelle Entdeckung. Eine alte Schriftrolle enthüllt bislang unüberlieferte biblische Geheimnisse. Demnach hat Noah zuerst eine andere Arche gebaut, auf der er ein mythisches Ungeheuer ans Ende der Welt bringen sollte. Nicholas reist gemeinsam mit seiner Exfrau, der Altertumsforscherin Ava (Renee O'Connor, "Xena"), in den Irak. Dort soll die Arche gestrandet sein. Tatsächlich finden sie mithilfe eines Trupps US-Marines das Wrack mitsamt dem Monster. Doch das Urzeitwesen erwacht…

Language: German

El monstruo del arca

Una conspiración secreta, de nombre "Genesis Code", trae de cabeza a los investigadores del país. Un grupo de personas ajenas al proyecto, intentarán apoderarse de dicho secreto.

Language: Spanish

Le Monstre De L'arche

Un groupe de chercheurs part à la recherche de l'arche de Noé en Israël. Sur place, ils découvrent les épaves de deux bateaux qui pourraient bien être la fameuse arche. Malheureusement, ils réveillent au passage une créature démoniaque que Noé pensait avoir noyé à l'époque de son périple ! Leurs vies est à présent en danger...

Language: French

Monster Ark - La profezia

Language: Italian

Arka potworów

Archeolog Nicholas, wraz ze swymi studentami Joanną i Russelem, odnajduje wazę, w której znajduje się starożytny manuskrypt. Według dawnej partnerki Nicholasa, również badaczki, jest to biblijny tekst z nieznanymi wcześniej fragmentami na temat drugiej arki Noego, w której uwięziony został niezwyciężony potwór. Badacze postanawiają jechać do Iraku, by odnaleźć jedną z najważniejszych i jak się okaże najgroźniejszych pamiątek przeszłości.

Language: Polish

A Arca Perdida

Um arqueólogo encontra uma pista para um dos maiores mistérios do Antigo Testamento. Tal descoberta o leva para um deserto remoto que contém os restos de uma arca. Porém, as coisas se tornam perigosas quando se descobre que ela não contem animais, e sim algo monstruoso.

Language: Portuguese

Yaratılış Kodu

Bir profesörün keşfettiği gemiden kaçan şeytanla başlayan bir kovalamacayı konu alıyor. Arkeolog Profesör Nicholas ve öğrencilerini beraber yaptıkları bir kazı çalışmasında yüzyıllar öncesine ait olan toprak bir kap bulunur. Profesör bu kapla beraber ülkesine dönecektir. Amerika Nicholas’ın eski karısı Ava’nın yardımıyla kabın içerisinden çıkan metinlerin kutsal kitaba ait olduğu anlaşılır. Tercüme edildikten sonra bakıldığında metinlerde Nuh’un aslında iki gemi inşaa ettiği ve bu ikinci gemiye şeytani bir varlığı hapsettiği ortaya çıkar. Geminin Irak’ta bir yerlerde battığı yazmaktadır. Bu yazılanlara göre Irak yönetiminden izin alan Nicholas, bir ekip toplayarak araştırmalara başlar. Batan gemi ve içerisinde ki şeytani varlık bulunur. Ancak beklenmedik bir şekilde kaçmasından sonra zorlu bir koşuşturmaca başlayacaktır

Language: Turkish

Ковчег монстра

Коли зображення із супутника фіксує стародавній корабель, похований в льодах на вершині Арарату, група археологів організовує експедицію в надії знайти Ноїв ковчег. Однак на шляху до легендарної реліквії встає неймовірне смертоносне чудовисько, що живе в уламках з біблійних часів...

Language: Ukrainian



Language: Mandarin

Saturday, June 22, 2024

WitchSlayer Gretl Movie

The WitchSlayer Gretl film has Fantasy, Horror, Science Fiction, and TV Movie genres.

WitchSlayer Gretl Movie was made by Chesler/Perlmutter Productions, and Syfy The film was successfully completed and released in 2012 The spoken language used in the film is English.

Twenty years after his encounter with the witch, a grown-up Hansel returns to the haunted forest, seeking revenge.

WitchSlayer Gretl Film Stars:

Shannen Doherty as Gretl, Paul McGillion as Hansel, Sarain Boylan as Lara, Marianthi Evans as Witch Ingonito, Nancy Guerriero as Ugly Witch, Jefferson Brown as Abyss, Erica Cox as Lead Witch, Frank J. Zupancic as Ehren's Father, Nahanni Johnstone as Thorne, Emilie Ullerup as Ehren, John Boylan as Lara's Dad, Elizabeth Harpur as Lara's Mother, Daniela Lazzaro as Newborn Witch, Sophia Ewaniuk as Young Gretl, Maxwell Uretsky as Young Hansel, Anne Shepherd as Ture Zora, Clara Pasieka as Young Maiden, Gene Arsenawil as Newborn Witch's Brother, Remy Duselle as Newborn Witch's Father, and Rachelle Normandin as Witch.

Shannen Doherty Photo Paul McGillion Photo Sarain Boylan Photo Jefferson Brown Photo Erica Cox Photo Frank J. Zupancic Photo Nahanni Johnstone Photo Emilie Ullerup Photo John Boylan Photo Elizabeth Harpur Photo Clara Pasieka Photo

Professional involved in the making of the WitchSlayer Gretl movie:

Gavin Mitchell (Production Design), Russ Goozee (Director of Photography), Mario Philip Azzopardi (Director), Eric Bryson (Stunt Coordinator), Angela Mancuso (Story), Brook Durham (Screenplay), Marek Posival (Co-Producer), Lewis Chesler (Executive Producer), Stacey Hersh (Original Music Composer), Marvin Lawrence (Editor), Candice Beuckx (Costume Design), Robert Vaughn (Producer), John Douglas Smith (Supervising Sound Editor), and Stephannie Hawkins (Stunt Double).

Gavin Mitchell Photo Russ Goozee Photo Angela Mancuso Photo Stephannie Hawkins Photo

What They Said About WitchSlayer Gretl Film:

***Witchhunters fighting a coven of witches in the forest*** Presumably a sequel to the 1812 fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm about a brother & sister and their run-in with a witch in the forests of medieval Germany, Hansel and Gretl (SIC) are now in their late 30s or so. Hansel (Paul McGillion) desperately searches for his sister who was apprehended by a witch queen when they were kids; he teams-up with a former witch, Lara (Sarain Boylan), and the vengeful daughter of a blacksmith, Ehren (Emilie Ullerup). Shannen Doherty is on hand in a vital role and Jefferson Brown plays a warlock. “Witchslayer Gretl” (2012) was SyFy’s knockoff of the big budget “Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters” (2013), which debuted eleven months later. There were a couple of other mockbusters: The Asylum's “Hansel & Gretel” (2013) and Lionsgate’s “Hansel & Gretel: Warriors of Witchcraft” (2013). Witch-themed films were trendy at the time with “Beautiful Creatures” (2013) and, later, “The Last Witch Hunter” (2015), these two being the only ones I’ve seen before viewing this one. McGillion looks miserable here, but this can be defended on the grounds that his character demanded an air of grave determination in a life-or-death situation. Doherty is quite good in a double role. Meanwhile Sarain Boylan is spirited and Emilie Ullerup is fetching. You KNOW at least one of these characters is going to be dead by the end and I was quite surprised with who buys the farm; kudos to the writers for having gonads. I love the sylvan locations and there’s a lot of forest action, along with several sequences at a witch grotto, but the movie struck me as cheesy from the get-go. It’s like a second-rate meshing of “Grimm's Snow White” (2012), Robin Hood and “First Knight” (1995). (I realize the first one was an Asylum movie, but it was actually quite effective for its low-budget and lousy CGI; and IMHO better than the film it knocked off, “Snow White and the Huntsman”). On the positive side, the spirited Lara won me over by the end and I enjoyed the heartwarming relationships of the protagonists. The film runs 1 hour, 28 minutes and was might have been shot in Canada since it’s a Canadian production (I can’t find any info). GRADE: C/C-


Here are some translations about the movie:

Witch Slayer Gretl

20 años después de su encuentro con la bruja, un ya adulto Hansel vuelve al bosque encantado en busca de venganza. Pero ahí se encuentra con una sorpresa: su hermana Gretel (que creía que había muerto) es la protegida de la bruja.

Language: Spanish

Vingt ans après sa rencontre avec la sorcière, un Hansel adulte revient dans la forêt hantée, en quête de vengeance.

Language: French

הנזל וגרטל ציידי המכשפות

לאחר שחלפו עשרים שנה מהמפגש של הנזל עם המכשפה הרעה, הנזל הבוגר חוזר ליער הרדוף, כשהוא צמא לנקמה. אך מחכה לו הפתעה לאחר שהוא מגלה שאחותו, גרטל, שחשב שהיא נהרגה אבל עכשיו היא בת חסותה של המכשפה הרעה.

Language: Hebrew

Húsz évvel azután, hogy találkozott a boszorkánnyal,a felnőtt Hansel visszatér a kísértetjárta erdőbe, hogy bosszút álljon. De nagy meglepetés vár rá. Húga Gretl akiről azt hitte hogy halott, él és a boszorkány oldalán áll.

Language: Hungarian

Pogromca czarownic

Przed dwudziestu laty Jaś i Małgosia zostali schwytani przez czarownicę. Jaś, któremu udało się uciec, jest przekonany, że jego siostra nie żyje. Po latach postanawia wymierzyć sprawiedliwość.

Language: Polish

Cadı Avcısı Gretl

Bu Hansel ve Gretel olayının ekmeğini iyi yediler. Genelde böyle olur her ne kadar tv movie filmlerde güzel senaryolar çıksa bile böyle sağlam yapıt filmlerin farklı türevleri de çıkar. Bunu Pasifik Savaşı filminde de gördük anında farklı versiyonunu yaptılar. Aslında film o kadar kötü bir filmde değil hani ama iki karakteri de genç oyunculardan seçebilirlerdi diye düşünüyorum ben. Tamam bu seçilen oyuncular da belli rüştünü ispatlamış insanlar ama gene de bence daha genç kuşak olabilirdi kanaatindeyim. Sonuç olarak beklenti yapmadan izlenebilecek orta şeker bir yapıt.

Language: Turkish


二十年前,幼年汉塞尔(Maxwell Uretsky 饰)与年幼的妹妹格莱特(Sophia Ewaniuk 饰)在一片闹鬼的森林里遭遇了一位邪恶的女巫,妹妹被女巫杀害。二十年后,长大成人的汉塞尔(保罗·麦克吉莱恩 饰)回到恐怖森林向女巫寻仇,却发现自己的妹妹格莱特(莎侬·多赫提 饰)并没有死,却成为了女巫的徒弟……

Language: Mandarin