Thursday, June 6, 2024

小さき勇者たち ~ガメラ~ Film

The 小さき勇者たち ~ガメラ~ film has Adventure, Fantasy, Action, Science Fiction, and Family genres.

小さき勇者たち ~ガメラ~ Movie was made by KADOKAWA The film was successfully completed and released in 2006 made a revenue of $4,000,000. The spoken language used in the film is Japanese.

A young boy in a peaceful seaside town gets more than he bargained for when he takes home a mysterious egg. When it hatches, out comes a baby turtle that grows into a new version of Gamera. But will it become powerful enough in time to defeat the rampaging monster Zedus?

小さき勇者たち ~ガメラ~ Film Backdrop

小さき勇者たち ~ガメラ~ Film Stars:

Susumu Terajima as Osamu Nishio, Kanji Tsuda as Kousuke Aizawa, Tarô Suwa as , Tetsu Watanabe as Victim in ocean, Kenjirou Ishimaru as Professor Soichiro Amamiya, Tomorowo Taguchi as Councilor Yoshimitsu Hitotsugi, Noriko Eguchi as Nurse, Kaoru Okunuki as Harumi Nishio, Bokuzo Masana as Secretary Yuji Tobata, Kaho as Mai Nishio, Ryo Tomioka as Toru Aizawa, Megumi Kobayashi as Miyuki Aizawa, Shingo Ishikawa as Ishimaru Ishida, Mizuho Yoshida as Zedus, Himawari Ono as Girl carrying red stone, Shogo Narita as Katsuya Ishida, and Toshinori Sasaki as Gamera.

Susumu Terajima Photo Kanji Tsuda Photo Tarô Suwa Photo Tetsu Watanabe Photo Kenjirou Ishimaru Photo Tomorowo Taguchi Photo Noriko Eguchi Photo Kaoru Okunuki Photo Bokuzo Masana Photo Kaho Photo Megumi Kobayashi Photo

Peoples involved in the making of this 小さき勇者たち ~ガメラ~ film:

Yoichi Arishige (Producer), Yukari Tatsui (Writer), Yuji Hayashida (Production Design), Hajime Matsumoto (Visual Effects), Kazuhiro Suzuki (Director of Photography), Ryuta Tasaki (Director), Hirohisa Mukuju (Producer), Isao Kaneko (Special Effects Supervisor), Seigo Hirasawa (Editor), and Yoko Ueno (Original Music Composer).

Yukari Tatsui Photo Ryuta Tasaki Photo

Here are some translations about the movie:

Čiisaki júšatači: Gamera

Language: Czech

Gamera the Brave

Gamera Guardian of the Universe kehrt zurück

33 Jahre nachdem das Monster Gamera im Kampf mit einer Gruppe Gyaos-Fledermäuse nicht nur sich selbst sondern auch seine Gegner vernichtete, findet der kleine Toru in einem leuchtenden Stein ein Ei. Schon bald schlüpft die kleine Schildkröte Toto, die seltsame Fähigkeiten entwickelt. Unterdessen kommt es im Ozean zu ungeklärten Unglücken. Verantwortlich dafür ist das Seeungeheuer Zedus, das einen großen Hunger auf Menschenfleisch hat und sich unaufhaltsam der Küste Japans nähert.Alles läuft auf einen tödlichen Kampf zwischen Zedus und Toto hinaus, bei dem Torus Vater zurecht vermutet, er könne ein neuer Gamera sein.Doch kann dieser neue Gamera den mörderischen Zedus besiegen, ohne sich auch selbst zu opfern...?

Language: German

Το 1973 ο Gamera θυσιάζεται για να απαλλάξει την ανθρωπότητα απ'τα αρπακτικά πουλιά Gyaos μια για πάντα. Τριάντα χρόνια αργότερα, ένα μικρό αγόρι ο Τόρου του οποίου ο πατέρας είδε τον Gamera να θυσιάζεται το '73, βρίσκει ένα μυστηριώδες αυγό. Από αυτό βγαίνει μια μικρή χελώνα. Ο Τόρου και οι φίλοι του καθώς μεγαλώνουν την Χελώνα ανακαλύπτουν ότι είναι ένα μικρό Gamera. Αφού ένα ανθρωποφάγο γιγάντιο τέρας κάνει την εμφάνισή του, είναι στο χέρι του μικρού Gamera να σώσει τον κόσμο, όπως και ο προηγούμενος Gamera είχε κάνει.

Language: Greek

Gamera: El valiente

En 1973, Gamera sacrifica su vida para librar al mundo de los Gyaos de una vez por todas. Treinta y tres años después, un niño pequeño, cuyo padre fue testigo del evento de 1973, llamado Toru, encuentra un huevo misterioso. Desde allí, nace una pequeña tortuga. Toru y sus amigos crían a la tortuga, que resulta ser una pequeña Gamera. Después de que un nuevo hombre comiendo una criatura llamada Zedus, le corresponde a la pequeña Gamera salvar el mundo como lo había hecho anteriormente la Gamera anterior.

Language: Spanish

Gamera IV - L'héroïque

Dans un petit village de pêcheurs, un jeune graçon découvre un oeuf. Naît alors une petite tortue qui n'est pas comme les autres, c'est un Gamera : un animal aux grands pouvoirs qui ne cesse de grandir. Alors que sa famille adoptive tente de le protéger contre la société, une nouvelle menace fait son apparition. Le jeune Gamera pourra-t-il sauver le village ?

Language: French

Gamera the Brave

Language: Italian



Language: Japanese

가메라: 작은 용사들

바닷가에 사는 소년 토오루는 해변에서 거북이 알을 발견한다. 알에서 부화한 거북이에게 토토라는 이름도 지어주며 가족처럼 지내는 토오루이지만, 이 거북이가 지닌 엄청난 힘을 알지는 못했다. 가메라 탄생 40주년을 맞이하여 제작한 작품.

Language: Korean

Gamera: A Guardiã do Universo

Tradicional filme de monstros

No estilo do cinema japonês, que resgata uma das mais populares personagens do gênero no País, Gamera, uma espécie de tartaruga capaz de voar e soltar fogo pela boca. Tudo começa quando um garoto que habita uma linda península ao lado de seu pai acha na praia um ovo. Dali nasce essa criatura que cresce mais rápido do que o normal, além de possuir os outros poderes. Ao mesmo tempo, uma série de embarcações começa a desaparecer no local, revelando a existência de um poderoso e terrível monstro chamado Zedus. Ele está pronto para destruir a tudo e todos que moram nas proximidades, até que se vê diante do bichinho de estimação que, na verdade, é a guardiã do universo, Gamera. Agora, a briga está pronta para começar e Gamera terá de se dedicar, se quiser vencer seu oponente que é mais experiente e forte, no princípio.

Language: Portuguese

Гамера: Маленькие герои

Оставшийся без матери мальчик заботится о новорожденной черепашке, чтобы отвлечься от своего горя. Но черепашка растет слишком быстро, и возникают подозрения, что это Гамера. Когда гигантский монстр Зедус нападает на город, теперь уже взрослая Гамера смело вступает с ним в сражение ради мальчика.

Language: Russian


  故事发生在美丽的志摩市。因交通意外失去母亲的小男孩相泽透,一天在好奇心的驱使下,在海岛上找到一块闪烁着红光的石头,上面还有一枚蛋。刚握在手里,从蛋里竟孵出一只小乌龟来,为了纪念母亲生前对他的昵称,小透给小乌龟起名为“透透”,并瞒着父亲孝介把透透养在家里。   平常在家里不爱说话的小透,由此一天天的开朗起来,这让孝介感到惊讶而欣慰。然而,事情并没有这么简单,这并不是普通的小乌龟,它不但生长速度惊人,而且还懂得制造气流在空中飞行,青梅竹马的邻家女孩西尾麻衣了解到这一切,她告诉小透,透透有可能是33年前以自爆方式拯救了志摩市的怪兽加美拉。后来,透透长大到实在没法遮掩,小透便把它搬进了海边一个秘密小屋。   麻衣原来一直有心脏毛病,翌日她将要到名古屋的大医院动手术。得知此事,小透决定要送给麻衣当地流传能带来好运的绯红色守护石,而这块守护石,正是透透出生时那块发出红光的石头窝,麻衣为此向“两个小透”都表示感激。   一天,小屋里的透透突然不见踪影,小透正要四出寻找,一头凶恶的蜥蜴怪兽积达士出现,不仅在市镇上大肆破坏,还掠食人类。孝介赶到现场,打算带儿子和他的小伙伴脱离险境,却不知积达士已经在背后张开了血盆大口。千钧一发之际,一个庞大身影闪过将积达士撞开,果然,透透就是年幼的加美拉。   只有成年体型四分之一的透透,经过苦战一场,终于把积达士打入大海,而自己也耗尽了力气,被政府内阁官员带同巨型生物审议委员会抓走,小透却只能眼睁睁的看着透透被军方押送离开。不过,坏消息随后带来了一个好消息:麻衣的母亲来电告诉小透,女儿的手术顺利完成,奇怪的是,麻衣在梦中却一直念叨着要把守护石还给透透。   学者雨宫本想对加美拉进行催长手术,好让它尽快长大足以抵抗恐怖怪兽的袭击,没想试验还在进行的时候,积达士再次在名古屋登陆,直接给研究所杀了个措手不及,成长不完全的透透,也只好再度迎战。而此时的小透,正在赶往名古屋的路上,他明白到守护石必须回到透透身上,才能让透透发挥出最大的力量。   可是小透徒步实在太慢了,麻衣也心急如焚要亲自送守护石回去,却被父母和医生劝阻,透透面对积达士完全没有还手之力,这下子可危险了……!

Language: Mandarin

The Night Before the Night Before Christmas Movie

This The Night Before the Night Before Christmas movie has Fantasy, Family, and TV Movie genres.

The Night Before the Night Before Christmas Film was made by Muse Entertainment at a cost of $2,000,000. The film was successfully completed and released in 2010 The spoken language used in the film is English.

When Santa sets off on his Christmas duties a day early, crashes into the Fox family's house, ends up with amnesia and loses his magic sack of presents, he needs help! But the Fox family are a modern and broken family. Can they help him? The parents are preoccupied with work and the kids aren't very festive. But it's up to them to help Santa find his magical bag of toys and the clock is ticking or Christmas will be ruined. Forced to set their own problems aside and work together the Fox family rediscover how much they enjoy being together and realise that maybe they need to reprioritise their lives. The Night Before The Night Before Christmas is a crazy Christmas fantasy for all the family, brimming with festive spirit.

The Night Before the Night Before Christmas Film Backdrop

The Night Before the Night Before Christmas Film Stars:

Kim Roberts as Yolanda, Jennifer Beals as Angela Fox, Rick Roberts as Wayne Fox, Marcia Bennett as Mrs. Claus, Billy Otis as Karl, Jordan Prentice as Nigel Thumb, Gage Munroe as Toby Fox, Sam Malkin as Hank, Brad Borbridge as Wes, Rebecca Williams as Hannah Fox, R.D. Reid as Santa, Clé Bennett as Lonnie, and Karl Campbell as Registration Desk Guy.

Kim Roberts Photo Jennifer Beals Photo Rick Roberts Photo Marcia Bennett Photo Billy Otis Photo Jordan Prentice Photo Gage Munroe Photo Sam Malkin Photo Rebecca Williams Photo R.D. Reid Photo Clé Bennett Photo Karl Campbell Photo

Those involved in the making of this The Night Before the Night Before Christmas film:

James Orr (Director), Jim Cruickshank (Writer), Michael Prupas (Executive Producer), Bill Marks (Production Manager), George Roulston (Editor), Peter Benison (Director of Photography), Joel S. Rice (Executive Producer), Georgina Yarhi (Costume Design), Steve Solomos (Producer), James Gelfand (Music), Michael Barbuto (Executive Producer's Assistant), Tim Bider (Production Design), Noel Hedges (Executive Producer), Cheryl Dorsey (Set Decoration), Maribeth Knezev (Makeup Artist), Allan Fung (Supervising Sound Editor), Deborah Marks (Production Manager), Clive Turner (Sound Effects Editor), Jenny Arbour (Hairstylist), Stephanie Collins (Art Direction), Kristin Fieldhouse (Second Assistant Camera), Geoff Raffan (ADR Editor), Derek Grime (Visual Effects Supervisor), Andreas Evdemon (Steadicam Operator), Aélis Héraud (Visual Effects), Rob Lee (Executive Producer), P.J. Diaz (Second Assistant Director), George Assimakopoulos (First Assistant Director), Karen Perez (Location Manager), Alexandra MacKenzie (Production Coordinator), Rob Ainsley (Dialogue Editor), Chris Pellegrini (Property Master), Sheila E. Pruden (Assistant Costume Designer), Marco Augusto Comba (ADR Mixer), Daryl Purdy (Boom Operator), Cherie Spencer (Set Decoration Buyer), Robert White (Transportation Captain), Majda Drinnan (First Assistant Editor), Karen Chandler (First Assistant Accountant), Nathan Lomax (Production Assistant), Mindy May Jenkins (Production Accountant), Diana Eljabri (Foley Artist), Regina Popp (Driver), Matt Graver (Assistant Location Manager), Kevin Allen (Location Production Assistant), and Toofun West (Second Assistant "A" Camera).

Michael Prupas Photo Peter Benison Photo Joel S. Rice Photo James Gelfand Photo Michael Barbuto Photo Rob Ainsley Photo

Here are some translations about the movie:

Eine Vorweihnachtsgeschichte

Der Weihnachtsmann irrt sich im Datum und macht sich einen Tag zu früh auf den Weg, seinen weihnachtlichen Pflichten nachzukommen. Während seines Fluges stürzt er ab und landet im Haus der Familie Fox, erleidet eine schwere Amnesie und verliert zu dem seinen prall gefüllten Geschenkesack. Ob die Familie ihm aus dieser Misere helfen kann? Die Eltern Angela (Jennifer Beals) und Wayne Fox (Rick Roberts) sind chronisch überarbeitet und die Kinder können mit dem 'Fest der Liebe' nicht viel anfangen. Ausgerechnet diese Menschen sollen Santa (R.D. Reid) helfen und das Weihnachtsfest retten? Die Uhr tickt und alle sehen sich gezwungen, einmal die eigenen Probleme beiseite zu schieben. Dabei entdecken sie, wie viel Spaß Zusammensein doch machen kann und wo im Leben die wahren Prioritäten liegen sollten...

Language: German

Όταν ο Άγιος Βασίλης ξεκίνησε μια μέρα πριν για να ετοιμάσει τo χριστουγεννιάτικo καθήκον του, τράκαρε πάνω στο σπίτι των Φοξ , ξυπνώντας με αμνησία και έχοντας χ'ασει την μαγική σάκα με τα δώρα του..

Language: Greek

Cuando Santa comienza sus deberes navideños un día antes, choca contra la casa de la familia Fox, termina con amnesia y pierde su saco mágico de regalos, ¡necesita ayuda! Pero la familia Fox es una familia moderna y rota. ¿Podrán ayudarlo? Los padres están preocupados por el trabajo y los niños no son muy festivos. Pero depende de ellos ayudar a Papá Noel a encontrar su bolsa mágica de juguetes y el tiempo corre o la Navidad se arruinará. Obligados a dejar de lado sus propios problemas y trabajar juntos, la familia Fox redescubre cuánto disfrutan estar juntos y se dan cuenta de que tal vez necesitan cambiar las prioridades de sus vidas. The Night Before The Night Before Christmas es una loca fantasía navideña para toda la familia, llena de espíritu festivo.

Language: Spanish

L'Avant-veille de Noël

Lorsque le Père Noël quitte par erreur le Pôle Nord un jour à l'avance, il est loin d’imaginer la catastrophe qui se prépare ! Après un atterrissage en urgence sur le toit de la maison de la famille Fox, le Père Noël perd en route son sac magique rempli de cadeaux mais aussi, et c'est beaucoup plus embêtant, la mémoire ! Ignorant qui il est et ce qu’il fait là, le Père Noël va devoir compter sur l'aide de Nigel, son fidèle chef des Elfes, et de la famille Fox pour retrouver à temps son sac magique et sauver Noël...

Language: French

La notte prima della notte di Natale

Language: Italian

Angela en Wayne zijn egoïstische workaholics die te weinig aandacht besteden aan hun verwaarloosde kinderen. Op een avond maakt de kerstman een noodlanding op het dak van hun huis. De man heeft ernstig last van geheugenverlies. Het gezin zal moeten samenwerken om de kerstman te verzorgen en zodoende Kerstmis te redden.

Language: Dutch

A Véspera de Natal, a Noite Anterior

Este será um Natal bem diferente.

Uma família moderna e fragmentada vive demasiado ocupada com suas carreiras e ambições para se preocupar com festas. Mas quando o Papai Noel parte do Pólo Norte um dia antes, cai no teto de sua casa, e perde a memória bem como o seu saco mágico de presentes, as prioridades mudam.

Language: Portuguese

Рождественские приключения семейства Фоксов

В семье Фоксов все были очень заняты, и у них даже не было времени подготовиться к Рождеству. Но в этот год Санта Клаус по ошибке покинул свой дом на день раньше и, вдобавок ко всему, его повозка рухнула на крышу дома Фоксов. Санта упал с крыши и забыл кто он. Теперь именно Фоксам приходится спасать и праздник, и Санту…

Language: Russian

Amazone Movie

Amazone Backdrop

The Amazone film has Adventure, Comedy, Science Fiction, and Romance genres.

Amazone Movie was made by TF1 Films Production, Canal+, Les Films Alain Sarde, and PHF Films S.L. The film was successfully completed and released in 2000 The spoken language used in the film is Spanish, French.

On an observatory set high on a mountain, astronomers make a stunning discovery somewhere out in the galaxy. A flying object in the depths of the cosmos is showing signs of life, emitting an intelligent signal. The UFO has just landed on Earth somewhere in the midst of a rainforest. Margot, the enthusiastic young woman heading up the research team, decides to go to the spot and check out this phenomenon. Meanwhile Edouard, our hero, studies the flora and fauna of the tree tops in the rainforest. He perches on an enormous net that stretches over the still pure, unadulterated forest that spreads out beneath him. He discovers a naked little twelve-year old girl seated on the net. He covers her with a broad banana leaf and asks where she comes from. She quickly replies, in perfect French 'from another world'.

Amazone Movie Backdrop

Amazone Movie Stars:

Jean-Paul Belmondo as Edouard, Arielle Dombasle as Margot, André Penvern as Colonel de Villeneuve, Patrick Bouchitey as Jeff Benard, Fernando Hechavarría as Chinese, Thylda Barès as Lulu, and Carlos Padrón as Lab doctor.

Jean-Paul Belmondo Photo Arielle Dombasle Photo André Penvern Photo Patrick Bouchitey Photo Thylda Barès Photo

Those involved in the making of this Amazone movie:

Alexandre Desplat (Original Music Composer), Jean-François Robin (Director of Photography), Philippe de Broca (Director), Christine Gozlan (Executive Producer), Serge Frydman (Dialogue), and Dan Berthier (Casting).

Alexandre Desplat Photo Philippe de Broca Photo Serge Frydman Photo

Here are some translations about the film:


Bývalý zubař Edouard-Alphonse Choiseul se po osmém rozvodu rozhodl, že už má všeho dost, a uchýlil se do zapadlého koutku amazonské džungle. Mezitím ovšem ne zrovna legálně získal jistý počet smaragdů, takže se teď navíc ještě musí schovávat před policií. Sbírá tu ohyzdné brouky, kteří ale slouží k léčebným účelům, a tak si jejich prodejem slušně vydělává. Právě si hodlá obstarat pas, podle čehož policisté usoudí, že už opustil zemi, a dají mu konečně pokoj. Jednou, když přijde velká bouřka, najde na provazovém můstku za vesnicí holčičku, která tvrdí, že sem přiletěla z velmi daleké hvězdy. Edouard tomu samozřejmě nevěří, ale brzy zjišťuje, že holčička, která si sama vybrala jméno Lulu, je skutečně pozoruhodná: všechno ví, dokonce i to, jak se jmenuje, přestože jí to nikdy neřekl…

Language: Czech


Der alternde Pariser Juwelendieb Edouard hat sich in den südamerikanischen Regenwald zurückgezogen, um dort Flora und Fauna zu studieren. Dabei macht er die unverhoffte Bekanntschaft eines jungen nackten Mädchens namens Lulu, das ihm erklärt, von einem anderen Planeten zu stammen. Schon bald tritt auch die engagierte Astronomin Margaux auf den Plan, die von ihrer Sternwarte aus die Landung von Lulus Raumschiff beobachten konnte. Es stellt sich heraus, dass Lulu ihre Pillen gegen das Altern zuhause vergessen hat und nun mit jeder Stunde zehn Jahre älter wird.

Language: German

Un engin venu du fond du cosmos abandonne sur Terre au milieu d'une forêt tropicale Lulu, une petite fille d'une dizaine d'années. Elle est découverte par Edourard, un misanthrope bourru et désagréable qui se cache dans la jungle pour échapper à la justice...

Language: French


Osam puta razvedeni čovjek preseli se u Amazonu, gdje u krošnjama prašume pronađe neobičnu mladu djevojku koja tvrdi da je izvanzemaljka.

Language: Croatian

Amazon - Az esőerdő lánya

Egy hegyi obszervatóriumban az ott dolgozó csillagászok hihetetlen felfedezést tesznek, mikor egy repülő objektumról bebizonyosodik, hogy "intelligens" rádiójeleket sugároz. Az UFO nem sokkal később az őserdő sűrűjében landol. A fiatal Margot lelkesen vezeti kutatócsoportját a feltételezett leszállóhely felé, hogy megvizsgálhassák a jelenséget. Ezalatt főhősünk, Edouard az őserdő lombkoronájának élővilágát tanulmányozza. Munkája során egy hatalmas hálóra lel, mely átszövi a tiszta, még érintetlen őserdőt. A hálóban egy 12 éves, meztelen kislányt talál, akit először betakar egy banánlevéllel, majd megkérdezi tőle, honnan került oda. A kislány tökéletes kiejtéssel, franciául válaszol: "Egy másik világból".

Language: Hungarian


In un osservatorio situato in cima a una montagna, gli astronomi fanno una scoperta sorprendente da qualche parte nella galassia. Un oggetto volante nelle profondità del cosmo mostra segni di vita, emettendo un segnale intelligente. L'UFO è appena atterrato sulla Terra nel bel mezzo di una foresta pluviale. Margot, la giovane entusiasta che dirige il team di ricerca, decide di recarsi sul posto per verificare il fenomeno. Nel frattempo Edouard, il nostro eroe, studia la flora e la fauna delle cime degli alberi della foresta pluviale. Si appollaia su un'enorme rete che si estende sulla foresta ancora pura e incontaminata che si estende sotto di lui. Scopre una ragazzina nuda di dodici anni seduta sulla rete. La copre con un'ampia foglia di banano e le chiede da dove viene. Lei risponde subito, in perfetto francese, "da un altro mondo".

Language: Italian


Un bărbat divorțat de opt ori se mută în jungla amazoniană, iar în copaci întâlnește o tânără bizară care pretinde că este extraterestră.

Language: Romanian


Таинственное мерцание звезд в ночном небе завораживает и притягивает наш взгляд. Какие еще неизведанные миры, возможно, населенные разумными существами, таит в себе необъятная Вселенная?… Однако, даже подозревая существование иных форм разумной жизни в галактике, мы не можем представить себе, как произойдет встреча землян с инопланетянами. А то, что посланцы иных миров могут кардинально повлиять на нашу собственную судьбу, кажется нам совершенно невероятным… Потрясающие своей красочностью съемки в живописных, не тронутых цивилизацией лесах Амазонии и фантастический сюжет этого комедийного фильма доставят истинное наслаждение поклонникам приключенческого кино.

Language: Russian


Едуард, колишній дантист, який вкрав на копальнях смарагди, ховається у невеликому селі в нетрях Амазонки від поліції. Раптом звідкись в селі з'являється дівчинка Лулу. Едуард без особливого бажання починає піклуватися про неї, так і не з'ясувавши, звідки вона. Незабаром його чекає ще одне дивне знайомство — молода вчена Марго направляється у те ж село на пошуки слідів інопланетної цивілізації. Згодом з'ясовується, що об'єктом пошуків є Лулу, яка потрапила на землю з далекої планети ...

Language: Ukrainian

Leave Me Movie

The Leave Me movie has Fantasy, and Drama genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2009 The spoken language used in the film is English.

A recent widower deals with his grief through his wife's broken camera as he relives through her photos to find one last chance to be with her.

Leave Me Film Stars:

Ryan Dunlap as Jack, Mark Gullickson as Dad, Sarah Van Eman as Amy, Justin Kruse as Amy's Brother #1, Aaron Kruse as Amy's Brother #2, and Christopher Akers as Alan.

Professional involved in the making of this Leave Me film:

Ryan Dunlap (Editor), Dustin Ballard (Writer), Marisa Draeger (Director of Photography), Lydia L. Ashton (Original Music Composer), Cory Akers (Makeup Artist), Rebecca Roundtree (Makeup Artist), Nathan Ashton (Sound Editor), and Heather Fick (Grip).

Here are some translations about the movie:

Eşi Amy'i kaybetmiş olan Jack'e hatıra olarak içinde resimleri olan kamera kalmıştır ve babası o kamerayla Jack'in resmini çekmeye karar verir.

Language: Turkish


Language: Mandarin

Unlucky Charms Film

The Unlucky Charms film has Fantasy, and Horror genres.

Unlucky Charms Movie was made by Full Moon Features The film was successfully completed and released in 2013 The spoken language used in the film is English.

Five beautiful girls vie for a chance to become the spokesmodel for diva DeeDee DeVille's new high-end line of lingerie. The claws come out when the competition gets fierce, but when they begin to disappear one by one, they soon find that they are competing for their lives...

Unlucky Charms Movie Backdrop

Unlucky Charms Movie Stars:

Nathan Phillips as Farr Darrig, Jeryl Prescott as DeeDee Deville, Masuimi Max as Mika, Seth Peterson as Pirl, Charlie O'Connell as Baxter Randolph, Tiffany Thornton as Audrey, Alex Rose Wiesel as Darla, Peter Donald Badalamenti II as Bloody Bones, Katrina Kemp as Banshee, Ben Woolf as Pookah, Nikki Leigh as Shelia, Anna Sophia Berglund as Erin, and Chris MacDonnell as Pookah (voice).

Nathan Phillips Photo Jeryl Prescott Photo Masuimi Max Photo Seth Peterson Photo Charlie O'Connell Photo Tiffany Thornton Photo Alex Rose Wiesel Photo Peter Donald Badalamenti II Photo Ben Woolf Photo Nikki Leigh Photo Anna Sophia Berglund Photo

Those involved in the making of the Unlucky Charms movie:

Charles Band (Producer), Richard Band (Original Music Composer), Danny Draven (Executive Producer), Howard Wexler (Director of Photography), Domonic Muir (Writer), Tom Devlin (Special Effects), Billy Jett (Production Design), Kent Roudebush (Writer), Molly McIntosh (Production Design), Chad Clinton Freeman (Executive Producer), Traci E. Smithe (Key Makeup Artist), Caitlin Martini (Makeup Artist), Nakai Nelson (Co-Producer), Jolene Withers (Costume Design), Courtney Potter (Costume Supervisor), and Ian Irizarry (Script Supervisor).

Charles Band Photo Richard Band Photo