Saturday, June 8, 2024

Not Alone Movie

This Not Alone film has and Thriller genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2021 The spoken language used in the film is English.

An unsuspecting family buys a mansion for a bargain but discovers a presence in the home and must fight to save their lives.

Not Alone Movie Stars:

Richard Lawson as Dr. James Clay, Pat Healy as Walter Lawson, Sarah Schroeder-Matzkin as Shelly Lawson, Trevor Dolden as Tommy Lawson, Megan Ashley Brown as Jess Lawson, Patrick Lamont Jr. as Orlando, Matt Sharp as Officer Dans, Ashli Auguillard as Lu Dantica, Rob Barnes as Officer Reed, Marie Michelle Desrosiers as Ester, and Drake Rodger as Conor.

Richard Lawson Photo Pat Healy Photo Sarah Schroeder-Matzkin Photo Trevor Dolden Photo Megan Ashley Brown Photo Patrick Lamont Jr. Photo Ashli Auguillard Photo Drake Rodger Photo

Professional involved in the making of the Not Alone film:

Cezil Reed (Director), and Lydelle Jackson (Director).

Here are some translations about the movie:

Una familia desprevenida compra una mansión a precio de ganga, pero descubre una presencia en la casa y debe luchar para salvar sus vidas.

Language: Spanish

Egy gyanútlan család olcsón vásárol egy kastélyt, de aztán felfedezik még valaki jelenlétét az otthonukban, és meg kell küzdeniük, hogy megmentsék az életét.

Language: Hungarian

혼자가 아니야

빙벽 등반 도중 눈사태로 인해 친구를 잃은 후, 프로 운동선수이자 산악가이드인 사라 휴니켄의 삶은 산산조각이 난다. 다시 산에서의 삶으로 돌아가기 위해 그녀는 거대한 겨울 빙벽 등반을 시도한다. 하지만 치유란 단순히 등반으로만 가능한 것은 아니다. ​ (2022년 제7회 울주세계산악영화제)

Language: Korean

Friday, June 7, 2024

The Millionaire's Burger Film

The The Millionaire's Burger movie has and Comedy genres.

The Millionaire's Burger Film was made by Art on Fire Films The film was successfully completed and released in 2020 The spoken language used in the film is English.

Paula and Nathan just want a quick lunch at a local diner, but they end up getting much more than they could possibly afford: A specialty item for a particular class of customer.

The Millionaire's Burger Film Stars:

Nathan White as , Jon Tewksbury as , Paula Grassing as , and Steve McNeil as .

Those involved in the making of this The Millionaire's Burger movie:

Jon Tewksbury (Producer), and Rob White (Director).

ナイスの森〜The First Contact〜 Film

This ナイスの森〜The First Contact〜 film has Fantasy, Comedy, and Science Fiction genres.

ナイスの森〜The First Contact〜 Movie was made by NICE RAINBOW, and AOI Pro. The film was successfully completed and released in 2005 The spoken language used in the film is English, Japanese.

An outrageous collection of surreal, short attention span non-sequiturs largely revolving around Guitar Brother, his randy older sibling, and the pair's portly Caucasian brother.

ナイスの森〜The First Contact〜 Movie Backdrop

ナイスの森〜The First Contact〜 Film Stars:

Susumu Terajima as Katsuichi Tanaka, Kanji Tsuda as Tsuda, Tadanobu Asano as Masaru Tanaka, Rinko Kikuchi as Kikuchi, Machiko Ono as Miko, Ryo Kase as Takefumi, Kazue Fukiishi as Niko, Hideaki Anno as Hasuda, Kenji Mizuhashi as Mizuhashi, Yoshiyuki Morishita as Mr. Morishita, Shihori Kanjiya as Ngaba, Chizuru Ikewaki as Ichiko, Takahiro Sato as Sato, Maya Banno as Hataru, Kaho as Omoro, Moyoco Anno as , Kotaro Shiga as Minami, Kaiji Moriyama as Mask Man, Ryu Morioka as Yasuda, Erika Nishikado as Notchi, Shunichiro Miki as Miki, Mariko Takahashi as Yoshiko, Aoi Miura as Aoi, Ikki Todoroki as Kazu Hasuda, Andrew Alfieri as , Anri Ban as Fusuke, Kazumasa Tanimoto as , Seiji Tanaka as Pilgrim, and Nana Shimoda as Nana.

Susumu Terajima Photo Kanji Tsuda Photo Tadanobu Asano Photo Rinko Kikuchi Photo Machiko Ono Photo Ryo Kase Photo Kazue Fukiishi Photo Hideaki Anno Photo Kenji Mizuhashi Photo Yoshiyuki Morishita Photo Shihori Kanjiya Photo Chizuru Ikewaki Photo Takahiro Sato Photo Maya Banno Photo Kaho Photo Moyoco Anno Photo Kotaro Shiga Photo Ryu Morioka Photo Shunichiro Miki Photo Mariko Takahashi Photo Aoi Miura Photo Anri Ban Photo

Peoples involved in the making of this ナイスの森〜The First Contact〜 movie:

Katsuhito Ishii (Director), Kazutoshi Wadakura (Producer), Hajime Ishimine (Director), Shunichiro Miki (Director), Norihisa Harada (Producer), Taichi Itô (Visual Effects Producer), Kosuke Matsushima (Director of Photography), Hiroshi Machida (Director of Photography), Kensuke Shiga (Assistant Director), Ikuko Utsunomiya (Costume Design), Toru Midorikawa (Music), Masao Funabashi (Gaffer), and Shinji Inoue (Production Design).

Katsuhito Ishii Photo Shunichiro Miki Photo Masao Funabashi Photo

Here are some translations about the film:

Funky Forest - The First Contact

Language: German

Funky Forest : The First Contact

Si l’on voit les éléments les plus banals de la vie quotidienne de façon individuelle, ils peuvent sembler profondément bizarres à tout moment. À contre terme, les choses les plus inimaginable sont parfois plus faciles à comprendre. Il ne serait tardé à rentrer dans Funky Forest afin de comprendre ce qu'est l'absurdité pure et dure. Vous ne verrez point entre ces lignes le synopsis sensé d'un film avec un début et une fin. Funky Forest est un grand mélange de fondus, d’absurdités, de retours en arrière, d’ellipses et de rêves lucides où les moments magiques et insensés s'enchaînent toujours d’une façon audacieuse et aléatoire. En parcourant Funky Forest, on y découvre un spectacle d'un surréalisme psychédélique de première eau. Multitude d’anomalies biologiques inexplicables, personnages extraterrestres, bio-curiosités s'entrechoquant avec toute la logique chaotique d’un vidéoclip seront liés au malaise des balbutiements amoureux et autres déceptions du genre...

Language: French

ナイスの森〜The First Contact〜

Language: Japanese

나이스의 숲: 퍼스트 컨택트

이시이 카츠히토, 이시미네 하지메 및 미키 슈니치로가 공동 집필 및 공동 감독한 2005년 일본 초현실주의 선집 코미디

Language: Korean

Funky Forest

Kultowa surrealistyczna komedia o strukturze płyty winylowej. Obcujemy tu z sekwencjami czystego absurdu, przywodzącymi na myśl niekończący się strumień japońskich reklam, tych najdziwniejszych i najbardziej kreatywnych. Funky Forest to gatunkowo-estetyczny miks z niejednorodną narracją, z całą gamą przedziwnych postaci, które towarzyszą nam w podróży przez nieoczekiwane wątki i scenerie – od nagłych wizyt UFO, psychodelicznych sekwencji snów, niedorzecznego w swej chorografii tańca, aż po kąśliwe występy niepoprawnych politycznie komików i podłączone do ludzkich ciał maszyny, wypluwające z siebie oślizgłe przedmioty. Każdy pokaz Funky Forest to wyjątkowe wydarzenie – kolektywne doświadczanie całego spektrum groteski.

Language: Polish

Весёлый лес: Первый контакт

В центре сюжета история о трех братьях, каждый из которых пытается найти девушку. Чтобы достичь этой цели, они идут различными путями - старший брат учится играть на гитаре, средний выступает в театре, а младший рисует анимэ.

Language: Russian


电影像黑胶唱片般分成 A side 和 B side 两部分, 全长达两个半小时, 中间还认真地加插了令观众不知所措的3分钟休憩时间~ 在 A side 一幕, 英语教师 Takefumi (加濑亮 饰) 在家中翻弄黑胶唱片打碟, 充当 DJ 把两首歌曲自然地 mix 在一起~ 事实上, 这电影就像一回超长的 DJ session, 三位怪鸡导演 (兼编剧) 运用影像大玩 mixing, 把几个看似风马牛不相及的人物和情节接驳重叠, 连结为一, 转出一部刻意断裂, 刻意荒谬的古怪电影。 谈到断裂, “Funky Forest: the First Contact” 在主流影坛实在难逢敌手~ 片中各个故事大都无头无尾, 不是出现 “终” 字也不知已完结~ 导演们运用了极多的跳接, 营造不和谐的感觉, 那些打出 “ナイスの森” logo 的 (广告?) 片段甚至只得几秒… 这些处理手法合力把电影的突兀感推向不可理喻的极端。   原来不止人物和故事情节可以玩 mixing, 就连电影类型也可以~ 片中揉合了多种类型片的元素, 计有日式荒诞娱乐节目, 广告片, 家庭伦理剧, 歌舞片, 爱情片, sexploitation, 动画, 漫画, 核突科幻片, 特摄片, 青春校园剧等等, 加起来变成一只四不像的怪物, 但这相信也正是导演们预期中的效果。 “Funky Forest: the First Contact” 是一部看过才知过瘾的电影, 即使再多理性分析也难以交代它的精奇之处~ 正如参加 DJ party 一样, 不用多加深究理论和技巧, 只需全情投入其中享受娱乐便是。

Language: Mandarin

La brèche de Roland Film

La brèche de Roland Poster

This La brèche de Roland movie has Adventure, Drama, and Comedy genres.

La brèche de Roland Movie was made by CNC, Adami, DATAR, Elena Films, and Thécif The film was successfully completed and released in 2000 The spoken language used in the film is French.

Roland, a young father, decided to climb a famous mountain gap whose name he bears, in the company of his wife and two teenage children.

La brèche de Roland Film Stars:

Mathieu Amalric as Roland, Julien Rivière as Maxime, Jean-Marie Larrieu as Le second montagnard, Cécile Reigher as Mireille, Anaïs Chunleau as Claire, and Gilles Quessette as Le premier montagnard.

Mathieu Amalric Photo Julien Rivière Photo

Those involved in the making of this La brèche de Roland film:

Stéphane Batut (Casting), Géraldine Michelot (Producer), Arnaud Larrieu (Director), Jean-Marie Larrieu (Director), Catherine Pujol (Director of Photography), and Annette Dutertre (Editor).

Stéphane Batut Photo Annette Dutertre Photo

Here are some translations about the film:

La Brèche de Roland

Roland, jeune père de famille, a décidé de faire l'ascension d'une fameuse brèche en montagne dont il porte le nom, en compagnie de sa femme et de ses deux enfants. Au cours de leur marche, les tensions se multiplient. Rapidement, les parents perdent leurs enfants et se perdent à leur tour. La nuit tombe...

Language: French

T-POSE: To Dance with One's Hands Film

T-POSE: To Dance with One's Hands Poster

This T-POSE: To Dance with One's Hands movie has and Animation genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2020

T-POSE is an intervention at the meeting point of games, dance, and choreography. The work presents a critical and creative performance of the habitual, ritualized movements of video games. Beginning with various sets of stock animations for games (shooting, swinging a sword, punching, etc.), T-POSE then situates these movements in a continuously-developing, infinitely variable, ritualistic dance. The procedural, contingent nature of the dance allows for the creative ‘drift’ between the written score (the tropes and animations) and the ritualized performance which differs each time.

76 89 03 Movie

76 89 03 Poster

The 76 89 03 film has Adventure, and Comedy genres.

76 89 03 Movie was made by Film Suez, Flehner, and La Produ 90' at a cost of $52,000. The film was successfully completed and released in 2000 The spoken language used in the film is Spanish.

The film is about three friends in Buenos Aires: Paco, Salvador and Dino, going through their common history at three moments in their lives: the years '76, '89 and 2003.

76 89 03 Film Stars:

Fernando Cia as Simón, Claudio Rissi as Rudy, Gerardo Chendo as Salvador, Sol Alac as Wanda Manera, Sergio Baldini as Dino, and Diego Mackenzie as Paco.

Claudio Rissi Photo Gerardo Chendo Photo

Peoples involved in the making of this 76 89 03 movie:

Eliane Katz (Editor), Orlando Rodríguez (Executive Producer), Andres Duran (Assistant Director), Cristian Bernard (Director), Flavio Nardini (Director), Edi Flehner (Associate Producer), Sergio Iglesias (Sound), Giselle Peisojovich (Art Direction), Daniel Sotelo (Director of Photography), Flavio Nardini (Writer), and Juan de Francesco (Production Manager).

Eliane Katz Photo Cristian Bernard Photo

Here are some translations about the film:

La primer pelicula argentina que no tiene mensaje.

La película cuenta la historia de tres amigos y su sueño en común, a lo largo de tres momentos históricos claves de la Argentina. Todo comienza en 1976, con la aparición de una sex symbol que despierta los primeros ratones de cada uno de ellos. Continúa y se desarrolla en 1989, durante la noche de mayor hiperinflación. Ante la decadencia del país, la aún famosísima sex symbol es sospechada de prostitución, motivo por el cual nuestro protagónico trío se lanza a la caza de la afamada diva, con un solo problema: tienen australes y la estrella sólo trabaja en dólares. Ahí comienza la accidentada aventura en donde vemos desfilar un verdadero bestiario porteño. Aventura que termina en el 2003 con un trágico e imprevisible desenlace.

Language: Spanish

Se Minha Vida Fosse uma Novela Movie

Se Minha Vida Fosse uma Novela Poster

This Se Minha Vida Fosse uma Novela movie has and Comedy genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2019 The spoken language used in the film is Portuguese.

Have you ever imagined yourself in a Mexican soap opera?

Se Minha Vida Fosse uma Novela Film Stars:

Isabela Bittar Maneira as , Priscila Maria as , Vitoria Ferreira as , and Gabrielly Nader as .

Those involved in the making of the Se Minha Vida Fosse uma Novela movie:

Lys Di Lucce (Art Direction), Gabriel Vidal (Director), Isabela Bittar Maneira (Writer), Pedro Kalli (Director of Photography), and Priscila Maria (Sound Director).

Gabriel Vidal Photo