Thursday, June 27, 2024

Bloody Mallory Film

Bloody Mallory Backdrop

This Bloody Mallory movie has Fantasy, Horror, Action, Comedy, Thriller, and Science Fiction genres.

Bloody Mallory Movie was made by Canal+, Alquimia Cinema, and Bee Movies The film was successfully completed and released in 2002 The spoken language used in the film is French.

Mallory is the head of an elite government-run strike force dedicated to combating the supernatural. Her team includes the drag queen Vena Cava, an explosives expert; a mute, pre-teen telepath capable of possessing others named Talking Tina; and an armed governmental agent named Durand.

Bloody Mallory Film Backdrop

Bloody Mallory Movie Stars:

Valentina Vargas as Valentine, Dominique Frot as La prisionera, Julien Boisselier as Marido, Olivia Bonamy as Mallory, Ludovic Berthillot as , Adrià Collado as Père Carras, Jeffrey Ribier as Vena Cava, Laurent Spielvogel as Papa, Perkins Lyautey as Inspector Durand, Yann de Monterno as , and Thylda Barès as Talking Tina.

Valentina Vargas Photo Dominique Frot Photo Julien Boisselier Photo Olivia Bonamy Photo Ludovic Berthillot Photo Adrià Collado Photo Jeffrey Ribier Photo Laurent Spielvogel Photo Perkins Lyautey Photo Yann de Monterno Photo Thylda Barès Photo

Peoples involved in the making of the Bloody Mallory film:

Olivier Delbosc (Producer), Marc Missonnier (Producer), Stéphane Gaillard (Casting), Cyrille Hertel (Stunt Coordinator), Kenji Kawai (Original Music Composer), Eric Jehelmann (Producer), Jacques-Olivier Molon (Special Effects Makeup Artist), Julien Magnat (Director), Stéphane Kazandjian (Writer), Sophie Cadet (Director of Photography), Nicolas Duchêne (Director of Photography), Jérôme Gaspard (Stunts), Jean-Denis Buré (Editor), Pascaline Girardot (Stunts), Richard Mercier (Director of Photography), François Philippi (Visual Effects), and Grégoire Lemoine (Production Design).

Olivier Delbosc Photo Marc Missonnier Photo Cyrille Hertel Photo Kenji Kawai Photo Eric Jehelmann Photo Jacques-Olivier Molon Photo Julien Magnat Photo Jérôme Gaspard Photo Pascaline Girardot Photo

Here are some translations about the movie:

Nájemná bojovnice a její parta chtějí zbavit Francii temných sil. Pustí se proto do boje s tajemnou postavou v kápi a její mocnou sektou příšer.

Language: Czech

Bloody Mallory - Die Dämonenjägerin

In ihrer Hochzeitsnacht sollte Mallory der Hölle geopfert werden - von ihrem eigenen Ehemann, der sich als hinterhältiger Dämon entpuppt. Mittels einiger Axthiebe reicht sie umgehend die Scheidung ein und steht ab sofort an vorderster Front im Kampf gegen Vampire, Zombies und andere untote Nervensägen... Zusammen mit der durchgeknallten Drag Queen Vena Cava und dem telepathischen begabten Wunderkind Talking Tina säubert Mallory Frankreich von blutrünstigen Unholden, bis dem kampferprobten Team eines Tages ein ganz normaler Einsatz aus den Fugen gerät. Untote terrorisieren das Land, der Papst höchstpersönlich wird entführt, und eine Dorf, das vor 15 Jahren spurlos vom Angesicht der Erde verschwand, wird zur tödlichen Falle für die Geisterjäger.

Language: German

Bloody Mallory

Mallory es la jefa de un grupo de élite gubernamental, dedicado a combatir fuerzas sobrenaturales hostiles. Su equipo incluye a la drag queen Vena Cava, experto en explosivos; una preadolescente muda y telépata, capaz de controlar las mentes de otros, llamada Talking Tina y un agente armado del gobierno llamado Durand.

Language: Spanish

Le Mal a un nouvel ennemi.

La nuit de ses noces, Mallory découvre non sans horreur qu'elle a épousé un démon. Elle le tue aussitôt d'un coup de hache et décide de consacrer sa vie à la lutte contre cette monstrueuse engeance. Quelques années plus tard, la voici à la tête d'un gang anti-paranormal composé de Vena Cava, une drag-queen experte en explosifs, et de Talking Tina, une petite fille télépathe.

Language: French

Durante la sua prima notte di nozze Mallory scopre che il ragazzo che ha appena sposato è un demone ed è costretta ad ucciderlo a colpi d'ascia. Qualche anno dopo Mallory si ritrova a capo di un commando anti-demoni, mercenaria pronta a combattere contro un mondo parallelo dove essere un demone è la normalità. Aiutata nella sua missione da "Vena Cava", la drag queen esperta di esplosivi e da "Talkin Tina" la bimba dai poteri sovrannaturali cercherà di penetrare quel mondo infernale per ritrovare il Papa rapito ed uscirne illesa

Language: Italian

Кровавая Мэлори

Одним ударом топора прикончив своего мужа, оказавшегося демоном, красотка Мэлори становится вожаком команды боевиков, сражающихся с нечистью. Со своими партнерами — трансвеститом и экспертом по взрывчатке Полой Веной и наделенной сверхъестественными способностями немой девочкой-телепаткой по прозвищу Трещотка Тина — она начинает крестовый поход против Зла. Узнав, что Папа Римский похищен таинственным существом в металлической маске, Мэлори, Полая Вена и Трещотка Тина отправляются в странную деревню типа Бермудского треугольника, откуда еще не удалось выбраться никому. Здесь, в тайном убежище секты Абаддон, собравшиеся со всей Франции силы Зла приготовили немало ужасных сюрпризов…

Language: Russian

Кривава Мелорі

Фільм про групу витривалих борців з демонами, яких очолює спеціальний агент Мелорі. Вона має завдання знищувати демонів та допомагати душам померлих перейти до наступного світу.

Language: Ukrainian

Světlonoš Film

Světlonoš Backdrop

The Světlonoš film has Fantasy, Animation, and Horror genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2005

The mechanism that propels the cycle of the sun and the moon has failed, and endless night falls. A nameless and silent hero must find his way through a dangerous labyrinth of traps, fierce creatures, and mysterious sentinels to restore the mechanism.

Světlonoš Film Backdrop

Here are some translations about the movie:

Film opisuje mesto s labyrintom, nad ktorým sa striedajú noc a deň, mesiac a slnko. Z ničoho nič sa stroj zastaví a na mesto sa znesie noc. Hlavný hrdina vstúpi do labyrintu a je nasledovaný strážcami, ktorí sa zjavujú na začiatku ako nehybné antické sochy žien, ale za jeho chrbtom ožívajú. Než sa hrdina dostane do stredu labyrintu, čakajú na neho tri skúšky.

Language: Slovak

Wake Up, Leonard Film

Wake Up, Leonard Backdrop

This Wake Up, Leonard film has Drama, and Comedy genres.

Wake Up, Leonard Movie was made by Studio Norté, and Barf Productions The film was successfully completed and released in 2022 The spoken language used in the film is English.

Leonard is a young gay man with a patchy beard and clip in his hair. It’s the eve of his birthday, and he’s moving into a new place and getting some advice along the way from his sister, a questionable guru, and his mom, as he prepares for a date with his ex.

Wake Up, Leonard Film Backdrop

Wake Up, Leonard Film Stars:

Brooke Bundy as Karen, Kira Pearson as Orla, Nigel DeFriez as Leonard, Kanoa Goo as Christo, Dominique Toney as Fiona, Gavin Turek as Sabrina, and Kat Mills Martin as Savannah.

Brooke Bundy Photo Nigel DeFriez Photo Kanoa Goo Photo Dominique Toney Photo Kat Mills Martin Photo

Those involved in the making of the Wake Up, Leonard film:

Kira Pearson (Writer), Nigel DeFriez (Writer), Sam Roden (Cinematography), Maria Krovatin (Producer), and Kat Mills Martin (Director).

Nigel DeFriez Photo Kat Mills Martin Photo

Here are some translations about the movie:

일어나, 레오나드

옛 연인과 재회를 앞두고 심란한 레오나드에게 어째서인지 만나는 사람마다 괜찮냐는 질문을 한다. 자신의 기운이 어둡다고 생각하고 약속을 미뤄야 할지 고민하는 레오나드. 좋은 기운을 되찾기 위해 레오나드는 자신만의 특별한 행위(?)를 하기로 결심하는데...

Language: Korean

Last Believer Movie

Last Believer Backdrop

The Last Believer movie has and Documentary genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2018

Last Believer is the story of Ron Taylor, the only remaining member of a religious sect whose members expected they would survive the apocalypse and achieve immortality.

Last Believer Movie Backdrop

Sticky Sock Movie

Sticky Sock Poster

The Sticky Sock movie has Horror, and Comedy genres.

Sticky Sock Movie was made by Edinburgh Napier University at a cost of $2. The film was successfully completed and released in 2022

A man is overcome with anxiety after it turns tuesday and he is still wearing monday's socks.

Sticky Sock Film Stars:

and Lachlan Duncan-Brooke as Pablo Gris.

Lachlan Duncan-Brooke Photo

Those involved in the making of the Sticky Sock film:

Nina Moretto (Director), Lachlan Duncan-Brooke (Writer), David Puchir (Editor), Monica Echevarria (Cinematography), Jamie Gunn (Producer), and Becca Chapman (Editor).

Nina Moretto Photo Lachlan Duncan-Brooke Photo

לב חופשי Movie

לב חופשי Poster

This לב חופשי film has and Comedy genres.

לב חופשי Movie was made by thelma yellin at a cost of $300. The film was successfully completed and released in 2019 made a revenue of $100. The spoken language used in the film is Hebrew.

It's a movie about a soul. A movie about love

לב חופשי Film Stars:

elisha de mayo as , zvulun mashashvili as psychologist, simon prosmushking as mooki, goni shefer as mooki 2, and idan hinkis as ofri cohen.

Peoples involved in the making of the לב חופשי film:

Elay Simhon (Director), Nadav Davidov (Cinematography), nova nachtom mautner (Producer), and noam fainer (Sound).

実録!!ほんとにあった恐怖の投稿映像~残魔の霊~ Film

実録!!ほんとにあった恐怖の投稿映像~残魔の霊~ Poster

This 実録!!ほんとにあった恐怖の投稿映像~残魔の霊~ film has and Horror genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2020 The spoken language used in the film is Japanese.

The definitive collection of terrifying images! Over 80 titles in the series! This documentary horror series has been collabolated with various genres such as TV personalities, magazines, and news sites, and has over 90 titles in total. The contents in this collection include many images of what are generally referred to as earthbound spirits.

Here are some translations about the movie:

De definitieve verzameling angstaanjagende afbeeldingen! Meer dan 80 titels in de serie! Deze documentaire horror -serie heeft samengewerkt met verschillende genres zoals tv -persoonlijkheden, tijdschriften en nieuwssites en heeft in totaal meer dan 90 titels. De inhoud in deze collectie bevat veel afbeeldingen van wat over het algemeen wordt aangeduid als aardgebonden geesten.

Language: Dutch