Saturday, June 29, 2024

Von Fischen und Menschen Film

Von Fischen und Menschen Poster

This Von Fischen und Menschen movie has and Drama genres.

Von Fischen und Menschen Film was made by Dschoint Ventschr Filmproduktion The film was successfully completed and released in 2020 The spoken language used in the film is German.

In the lush Swiss countryside, single mom Judith is raising her young daughter Milla while running the family fish farm with the help of worker and friend Gabriel. The three live and labor quietly in their peaceful corner of the world. When the unexpected arrival of Gabriel’s brother threatens that tranquility, the specter of impending disaster casts a shadow over their pastoral life. When the devastation comes, it’s chilling. This taut thriller poses provocative questions about the weight of guilt, the complexity of forgiveness, and the price of redemption.

Von Fischen und Menschen Movie Stars:

Michael Neuenschwander as Michu, Viviana Aliberti as Ladenfrau, Sarah Hostettler as Sophie, Matthias Britschgi as Gabriel, Sarah Spale as Judith, Julian Koechlin as David, Lisanne Hirzel as Tami, and Lia Wagner as Milla.

Michael Neuenschwander Photo Sarah Hostettler Photo Matthias Britschgi Photo Sarah Spale Photo Julian Koechlin Photo

Professional involved in the making of the Von Fischen und Menschen film:

Linda Harper (Costume Designer), Stefanie Klemm (Director), Sereina Gabathuler (Producer), and Beni Lehmann (Production Manager).

Here are some translations about the movie:

Judith lebt mit ihrer kleinen Tochter in einem abgelegenen Jura-Tal und betreibt eine Fischzucht. Ein jäher Schicksalsschlag zerstört das Idyll. In ihrer Verzweiflung findet Judith Halt bei ihrem Mitarbeiter Gabriel. Doch sie ahnt nicht, wie sehr dieser in die tragischen Ereignisse verstrickt ist.

Language: German

Суперменеджер, или Мотыга судьбы Movie

Суперменеджер, или Мотыга судьбы Backdrop

The Суперменеджер, или Мотыга судьбы film has Adventure, Fantasy, and Comedy genres.

Суперменеджер, или Мотыга судьбы Movie was made by CTB Film Company The film was successfully completed and released in 2011 made a revenue of $404,117. The spoken language used in the film is Russian.

A funny fantasy about mangers, hobbits and other surprising people.

Суперменеджер, или Мотыга судьбы Movie Backdrop

Суперменеджер, или Мотыга судьбы Film Stars:

Aleksey Maklakov as uncle Kolya, Yuriy Chursin as Egor Romashov, Oleg Vasilkov as , Yuriy Loparyov as homeless man, Ekaterina Vilkova as Nastya, Aleksandr Ilin as Manager, Ivan Okhlobystin as Torin, Yan Tsapnik as bodyguard, Aleksandr Naumov as Nechiporuk, Aleksey Filimonov as , Ekaterina Astakhova as Dasha, Olga Dibtseva as Stella, Denis Kulyutnikov as , Sergey Medvedev as Nikita Romashov, Aleksandr Pozharov as Jeff Barnes, Sergey Tereshchenko as bodyguard, Olga Karpovich as secretary, Alexey Demin as , Ivan Mokhovikov as , Aleksandr Shalyapin as , Konstantin Milovanov as Ramzay, Andrey Sviridov as Ivan, Zakhar Ronzhin as Sammy, Aleksandr Boev as , Vladimir Tereshchenko as , Natalya Dedeyko as , Tatyana Statsman as , Sergey Barovskiy as , Viktor Efremov as , Vladis Golk as Konstantin Vsevolodovich, Anton Afanasev as , Stanislav Erklievskiy as , and Vasiliy Fursenko as .

Aleksey Maklakov Photo Yuriy Chursin Photo Oleg Vasilkov Photo Yuriy Loparyov Photo Ekaterina Vilkova Photo Aleksandr Ilin Photo Ivan Okhlobystin Photo Yan Tsapnik Photo Aleksandr Naumov Photo Aleksey Filimonov Photo Olga Dibtseva Photo Sergey Medvedev Photo Aleksandr Pozharov Photo Sergey Tereshchenko Photo Olga Karpovich Photo Alexey Demin Photo Ivan Mokhovikov Photo Aleksandr Shalyapin Photo Konstantin Milovanov Photo Andrey Sviridov Photo Zakhar Ronzhin Photo Vladimir Tereshchenko Photo Natalya Dedeyko Photo Sergey Barovskiy Photo Viktor Efremov Photo Anton Afanasev Photo

Peoples involved in the making of this Суперменеджер, или Мотыга судьбы movie:

Sergei Selyanov (Producer), Karen Oganesyan (Editor), Bogdan Drobyazko (Director), Dmitri Simonov (Writer), Valeriy Fedorovich (Producer), Anton Drozdov (Director of Photography), Maksim Smirnov (Editor), Eduard Oganesyan (Production Design), Svetlana Volter (Costume Design), and Nil Slepukhin (Producer).

Sergei Selyanov Photo Karen Oganesyan Photo Valeriy Fedorovich Photo Maksim Smirnov Photo Eduard Oganesyan Photo

Here are some translations about the movie:

Een grappige fantasie over kribbe's, hobbits en andere verrassende mensen.

Language: Dutch

Офисы - хоббитам!

Давным-давно в одном большом городе, когда кризис вроде бы миновал, жили два брата. Младший Никита был самым обыкновенным… Хоббитом, капитаном арбалетчиков из Клана Лысых Холмов, любил пиво, ролевые игры, эльфийский лист, девушку Настю, романы про Средиземье и ничего не делать. Ну, а старший брат Егор служил топ-менеджером большой нефтяной компании. Но у любого менеджера бывает белая полоса, а бывает… увольнение. В один прекрасный день Егор остался без работы, без офиса и без девушки. И тогда решил Егор обратиться за помощью к своему младшему брату, правда, у того тоже начались большие проблемы. Пропала мотыга Великого Торина — друга и соратника Никиты…

Language: Russian

Olive Planet Film

Olive Planet Poster

This Olive Planet film has and Animation genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2022 The spoken language used in the film is Arabic, German.

The boy Jihad lives in his father’s cage, who is lieutenant colonel at the olive military. Jihad must also go to a military academy, but his dream is to become a footballer. The Uprising, which is taking place on the Olive Planet, arrives in the city Taubez, where they live. Jihad decided to stand by the uprising against the government and the army, but of course secretly. As he is working as a grave digger, the Yasmin agents pick him and his boss up to take advantage of their serves in the Yasmin department, where Jihad discovers a horrible thing, that could cost him his life.

S W E A T Film

S W E A T Poster

The S W E A T movie has and Documentary genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2020 The spoken language used in the film is Greek.

A documentary about the Athens underground rave scene that explores and narrates different quests for the gender, body and society, through music and dance. A cinematographic journey into the night, desire and transformation.

らんま½ Movie

The らんま½ film has Fantasy, Action, and Comedy genres.

らんま½ Film was made by Nippon Television Network Corporation The film was successfully completed and released in 2011 The spoken language used in the film is Japanese.

Akane is the youngest of three daughters for Soun Tendo. Her father Soun Tendo runs a dojo for martial arts. Akane hopes to carry on her father's dojo into the distant future. Meanwhile, Akane has been selected to marry Ranma, the son of her father's long time friend Genma. Akane and Ranma's relationship has developed into a love and hate relationship. Also, Ranma isn't your typical boy. While on a training journey Ranma fell into the Spring of the Drowned Girl and now changes into a women whenever cold water is splashed on him. Warm water will allow him to revert back to a male. Problems arise when Akane's father declares that the successor to their dojo must be a male. Now, Akane and Ranma (being a man only half of the time) must find a secret spring that can cure him of his curse.

らんま½ Movie Stars:

Namase Katsuhisa as Soun Tendo, Ryosei Tayama as Kamoyo Okamada, Shosuke Tanihara as Tofu Ono, Arata Furuta as Genma Saotome, Natsuna Watanabe as Ranma Saotome ♀, Yui Aragaki as Akane Tendo, Kyoko Hasegawa as Kasumi Tendo, Kento Nagayama as Tatewaki Kuno, Kento Kaku as Ranma Saotome ♂, Yuta Kanai as Hikaru Gosunkugi, and Maki Nishiyama as Nabiki Tendo.

Namase Katsuhisa Photo Ryosei Tayama Photo Shosuke Tanihara Photo Arata Furuta Photo Natsuna Watanabe Photo Yui Aragaki Photo Kyoko Hasegawa Photo Kento Nagayama Photo Kento Kaku Photo Yuta Kanai Photo Maki Nishiyama Photo

Professional involved in the making of this らんま½ film:

Rumiko Takahashi (Original Story), Ryo Nishimura (Director), and Yoshihiro Izumi (Writer).

Rumiko Takahashi Photo Ryo Nishimura Photo

Here are some translations about the film:

Ranma 1/2

Akane (Yui Aragaki) es la más joven de tres hijas de Soun Tendo. Su padre Soun Tendo (Katsuhisa Namase) dirige un dojo para las artes marciales. Akane espera continuar con el dojo de su padre en un futuro lejano. Mientras tanto, Akane ha sido seleccionada para casarse con Ranma (Kento Kaku), el hijo de la amiga de su padre Genma (Arata Furuta). La relación de Akane y Ranma se ha convertido en una relación de amor y odio. Además, Ranma no es tu chico típico. Mientras que en un viaje de entrenamiento Ranma cayó en la primavera de la niña ahogada y ahora se convierte en una mujer siempre que el agua fría se salpique sobre él. El agua caliente le permitirá volver a un macho. Los problemas surgen cuando el padre de Akane declara que el sucesor de su dojo debe ser un varón. Ahora, Akane y Ranma (siendo un hombre sólo la mitad del tiempo) deben encontrar una primavera secreta que pueda curarlo de su maldición.

Language: Spanish

Ranma ½

Aragaki joue le rôle d'Akane, qui est déterminée à protéger la longévité du dojo Tendo. Mais un jour, son père Soun déclare que le successeur du dojo doit être un homme et c'est pour cela qu'il la fiance avec le fils de son meilleur ami, tout juste revenu de Chine : Ranma. Le problème c'est que Ranma souffre d'une malédiction qui le transforme en fille chaque fois qu'il est éclaboussé avec de l'eau froide. Dans le but de soulever la malédiction et ainsi devenir héritier, Ranma se met à la recherche d'une source chaude secrète, où il y rencontre un ennemi mystérieux...

Language: French


Language: Japanese

란마 ½

이미 1989년 애니메이션 시리즈로도 제작되어 큰 인기를 끌었던 다카하시 루미코의 동명 인기만화를 원작으로 하는 작품. 무술 수련을 하다 전설의 샘에 빠져 찬물에 닿으면 각각 여자와 팬더로 변하는 저주에 걸려버린 란마와 겐마 부자가 벌이는 대소동, 그리고 겐마의 친구 텐도 소운의 딸 아카네와 란마의 티격태격 로맨스를 담고 있다.

Language: Korean

Ranma ½

Akane é a caçula de três filhas de Soun Tendo. Seu pai, Soun Tendo, dirige um dojo para artes marciais. Akane espera levar o dojo de seu pai para um futuro distante. Enquanto isso, Akane foi escolhida para se casar com Ranma, filho do amigo de longa data de Genma, Genma. O relacionamento de Akane e Ranma se transformou em um relacionamento de amor e ódio. Além disso, Ranma não é seu garoto típico. Durante uma jornada de treinamento, Ranma caiu na Primavera da Garota Afogada e agora se transforma em mulher sempre que água fria é derramada sobre ele. Água morna permitirá que ele volte a ser macho. Os problemas surgem quando o pai de Akane declara que o sucessor de seu dojo deve ser um homem. Agora, Akane e Ranma (sendo um homem apenas metade do tempo) devem encontrar uma fonte secreta que possa curá-lo de sua maldição.

Language: Portuguese

乱马½ 真人版

在都会的一隅,坐落着平凡的天道道场。道场主人天道早云(生瀬勝久 饰)早年丧偶,独自拉扯三个女儿小霞(長谷川京子 饰)、小靡(西山茉希 饰)、小茜(新垣結衣 饰)长大。这天,道场迎来了不速之客。早云的同门师兄早乙女玄马(古田新太 饰)结束了漫长的修业之旅,即将带着儿子乱马(賀来賢人 饰)前来投宿,而乱马又是小茜的未婚夫。可是见了面才发现,乱马(夏菜 饰)竟然是个女儿身!原来早乙女父子曾在中国咒泉乡发生意外,以致遇到冷水后就会变身。为了尽快恢复男儿身,乱马决定拿到藏在风林馆高中和风男溺泉,结果遭到神秘组织的阻拦……

Language: Mandarin

Medtem Movie

Medtem Poster

The Medtem film has and Drama genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2018 The spoken language used in the film is Slovenian.

Klara escapes the pressures of the hot summer concrete and the city bustle. A ’93 Toyota, empty road, Peter with a violin case, and the sea. Everyone manages to find their own spot of peace and quiet. When a lot happens, and yet nothing at all.