Saturday, June 29, 2024

The Art of Passion Film

The Art of Passion Backdrop

The The Art of Passion movie has Thriller, Romance, and TV Movie genres.

The Art of Passion Film was made by Johnson Production Group, and QubeFilm The film was successfully completed and released in 2022 The spoken language used in the film is English.

Hope Williams, a successful ER doctor, reluctantly meets an accomplished artist on a girls night out. He is everything her past lovers were not, and he forces her to discover a side of her that she never knew existed. As Hope’s sexual life steams up, her work takes a turn for the worse when an abusive husband of a battered patient blames her for his misgivings. Soon, Hope’s personal life becomes entangled with her work life, and both are put at risk

The Art of Passion Film Backdrop

The Art of Passion Movie Stars:

Victor Alfieri as James Sosa, Jessie Camacho as Rita Rollins, Gregg Weiner as Arnie McDougal, and Katie Reese as Hope Williams.

Victor Alfieri Photo Gregg Weiner Photo

Those involved in the making of this The Art of Passion film:

Christie Will (Writer), Timothy O. Johnson (Executive Producer), Angel Barroeta (Director of Photography), Pepe Plaza (Editor), Joseph Wilka (Co-Executive Producer), Nima Soofi (Producer), Daniel Irias (Producer), and Eduardo Jaramillo (Music).

Christie Will Photo Timothy O. Johnson Photo Angel Barroeta Photo Joseph Wilka Photo

Here are some translations about the movie:

Uma Paixão Ardente

Hope Williams é uma bem-sucedida médica de pronto-socorro, que relutantemente conhece um talentoso artista em uma noite de garotas. Ele é tudo o que seus amantes anteriores não eram e desperta um lado dela que nunca soube que existia.

Language: Portuguese

The Chain Film

The The Chain film has and Thriller genres.

The Chain Film was made by La Panda, Kamel Films, and Malvalanda The film was successfully completed and released in 2019 The spoken language used in the film is English, Spanish.

When Mike finds out that he has he same neurological disease as his father, he decides to enter a chain of assisted suicides, which operates under one rule: if you want to die, you must kill someone first.

The Chain Film Backdrop

The Chain Film Stars:

Ray Wise as Michael, Adrienne Barbeau as Emma, Dey Young as Vilma, John Patrick Amedori as Mike, Jayne Entwistle as Linda, Mykel Shannon Jenkins as Detective Darcy, Mary Pat Gleason as , Neus Asensi as Piedad, Madeline Zima as Sarah, Kim Johnston Ulrich as Rebecca, Van Epperson as Brandon, Elijah Nelson as Young Mike, Chelsea Lopez as Waitress, Jamie Clayton as Dr. Ryan, and Lauren Bray as Tania.

Ray Wise Photo Adrienne Barbeau Photo Dey Young Photo John Patrick Amedori Photo Jayne Entwistle Photo Mykel Shannon Jenkins Photo Mary Pat Gleason Photo Neus Asensi Photo Madeline Zima Photo Kim Johnston Ulrich Photo Van Epperson Photo Elijah Nelson Photo Chelsea Lopez Photo Jamie Clayton Photo

Professional involved in the making of the The Chain movie:

Michelle Lewitt (Casting), Phil Klucsarits (Director of Photography), Arnau Bataller (Original Music Composer), David Martín Porras (Story), James Lejsek (Executive Producer), Elisa Lleras (Producer), Guillaume Cardoso de Sousa (Costume Design), Nina Caussa (Production Design), Andres Rosende (Screenplay), María del Puy Alvarado (Executive Producer), and Kent Robert Gibbons (Co-Executive Producer).

Michelle Lewitt Photo

What They Said About The Chain Film:

Very intersting, not very good. Totally solid as like, a proof of concept, maybe? Needs some tweaking. I won't bother re-watching _The Chain_ at any point, and I wouldn't recommend it to you here and now, but I'll keep an eye out for the creatives behind it in the future. _Final rating:★★½ - Had a lot that appealed to me, didn’t quite work as a whole._


Here are some translations about the film:


Мъж се ангажира с услугите на компания за подпомагане на самоубийства, но открива, за да участва, първо трябва да убие някого.

Language: Bulgarian

Hotel smrti

John je vysloužilý zabiják, který už chce mít od všeho pokoj. Minulost ho však přesto dožene. Stejně jako dva nájemní vrazi z jeho bývalé organizace. Než se k němu dostanou, přivede náhodné řetězení událostí do hotelu, v němž se vše odehrává, ještě jednu osobu...

Language: Czech

Du musst Töten um zu Sterben

Mike ist erfolgreicher Augenarzt und lebt mit seiner Frau in Los Angeles. Eines Tages nimmt sein Leben jedoch eine dramatische Wende: Der Zustand seines an einer Art schwerer Demenz leidenden Vaters verschlechtert sich so sehr, dass seine Mutter sich nicht mehr alleine um seinen Vater kümmern kann. Mike kehrt daraufhin widerwillig gemeinsam mit seiner Frau in sein Elternhaus zurück - aufgrund des zerrütteten Verhältnisses zu seinem Vater wollte er dies niemals machen. Doch damit nicht genug: Mike hat offensichtlich das neurologische Leiden seines Vaters geerbt und zeigt zunehmend ähnliche Symptome wie sein Vater. Durch Zufall gerät er an die "Chain", einen geheimen Zirkel, deren Mitglieder sich gegenseitig bei ihren aus Verzweiflung und Ausweglosigkeit geplanten Selbstmorden helfen. Mike will nicht so enden wie sein Vater und schliesst sich der Chain an. Doch wer sterben will, muss zuvor töten...

Language: German

The chain

Mike tiene que regresar a su ciudad natal para cuidar de su padre que padece una enfermedad neurológica. Tras diagnosticarle la misma afección que a su padre, el joven decide acabar con su vida entrando en una red de suicidios asistidos. Las reglas son fáciles: si quieres morir antes tienes que matar.

Language: Spanish

Corrente da Morte

Mike (John Patrick Amedori) volta para sua cidade natal para cuidar de seu pai doente (Ray Wise) e descobre que tem a mesma doença neurológica. Ele então decide terminar sua vida e entra em uma cadeia de suicídios assistidos, que opera sob uma única regra: se você quer morrer, você deve matar alguém primeiro.

Language: Portuguese


Наверное, каждый человек периодически сталкивается с внутренним кризисом, который может привести к самым неожиданным последствиям. Порой рядом нет человека, способного протянуть руку помощи и вызволить из беды. В подобной ситуации оказывается и Родриго. Определенные события вынуждают его прийти к неутешительному выводу. Мужчина больше не хочет жить. Окружающий мир кажется ему слишком жестоким. Он принимает волевое решение уйти из жизни и отправиться в иной мир. Но пытаясь совершить самоубийство, он осознает, что не в состоянии сделать этого. Родриго не хочет убивать себя самостоятельно. По этой причине он решает найти более оригинальный способ закончить свой жизненный путь...

Language: Russian

Hotel smrti

John je nájomný vrah na dôchodku, ktorý chce byť na pokoji. Minulosť ho však dostihne. Rovnako ako dvaja nájomní vrahovia z jeho bývalej organizácie. Skôr než sa k nemu dostanú, náhodný sled udalostí privedie do hotela, kde sa všetko odohráva, ešte jednu osobu...

Language: Slovak



Language: Mandarin

Motivational Growth Movie

The Motivational Growth movie has Fantasy, Drama, and Comedy genres.

Motivational Growth Film was made by Imagos Films at a cost of $176,199. The film was successfully completed and released in 2013 The spoken language used in the film is English, Spanish.

Ian Folivor, a depressed and reclusive 30-something, finds himself taking advice from a growth in his bathroom after a failed suicide attempt. The Mold, a smooth talking fungus who was born of the filth collecting in a corner of Ian's neglected bathroom, works to win Ian's trust by helping him clean himself up and remodel his lifestyle. With The Mold's help, Ian attracts the attention of a neighbor he's been ogling through his peephole, Leah, and he manages to find a slice of happiness despite his unnatural circumstances. But Ian starts to receive strange messages from his old and broken down TV set that make him realize that The Mold may not be as helpful as it seems to be, and strange characters combined with stranger events cast Ian's life in the shadow of an epic battle between good and evil that Ian is only partially aware of.

Motivational Growth Movie Backdrop

Motivational Growth Movie Stars:

Jeffrey Combs as The Mold, Pete Giovagnoli as Box the Ox, Adrian DiGiovanni as Ian Folivor, Danielle Doetsch as Leah, Ken Brown as Plasmoday, and Hannah Stevenson as Vanessa.

Jeffrey Combs Photo Adrian DiGiovanni Photo

Those involved in the making of the Motivational Growth movie:

and Don Thacker (Director).

Don Thacker Photo

¡Llámame Chinita! Film

¡Llámame Chinita! Backdrop

This ¡Llámame Chinita! film has and Drama genres.

at a cost of $20,000. The film was successfully completed and released in 2021 The spoken language used in the film is English, Spanish, Mandarin.

Lulu, a 30-year old woman from China, travels alone to Mexico in the middle of the Pandemic. Despite her distance from home, her daily life and pressures seem to follow.

¡Llámame Chinita! Film Backdrop

¡Llámame Chinita! Film Stars:

Minerva Velasco as Mother, Adriel Manzano as Brother 2, Stacy Chu as Lulu Ping, and Emilio Vásquez as Brother 1.

Stacy Chu Photo

Those involved in the making of the ¡Llámame Chinita! film:

Steven Breckon (Director of Photography), Yiqing Yu (Editor), and Stacy Chu (Director).

Stacy Chu Photo

The Deminer Film

This The Deminer movie has and Documentary genres.

The Deminer Film was made by Storyville Films, Dogwoof, and BBC Storyville The film was successfully completed and released in 2018 The spoken language used in the film is English.

The heart-stopping story of 'Crazy Fakhir', a Kurdish colonel in the Iraqi army and legendary bomb disposal expert who single-handedly disarmed thousands of landmines across the country with just a pocket knife and a pair of wire clippers.

My Dad's Christmas Date Film

The My Dad's Christmas Date film has Comedy, and Romance genres.

My Dad's Christmas Date Movie was made by SPI International, Goldfinch, Highfield Grange Studios, and MSR Media The film was successfully completed and released in 2020 The spoken language used in the film is English, Spanish.

It’s Christmas and the charming city of York, home to Jules, 16 and her Dad, David is decked out ready for the festive season. In many ways, David and Jules’ relationship is no different from that of most fathers and their sixteen-year-old daughters. He struggles to understand her, she refuses to communicate with him. He wants to be involved in her life, she wants her own space. In one important respect, however, David and Jules share a profound bond: the death of Jules’ mum, and David’s wife, in a car crash two years before. With both struggling to cope with everyday life in the shadow of their loss, Jules, inspired by happy memories of her mum, decides to take matters into her own hands.

My Dad's Christmas Date Film Backdrop

My Dad's Christmas Date Movie Stars:

Jeremy Piven as David, Nathalie Cox as Laura, Roger Ashton-Griffiths as Mr. Thompson, Joely Richardson as Sarah, Anna Walton as Rachel, Megan Brown as Claire, Genevieve Capovilla as Amanda, Philip Gascoyne as House Party Guest, Paul Lancaster as Tweeds Man, Sam Rintoul as Jeremy, Sofie Golding-Spittle as Kate, Louise Bangay as Aunt Tammy, Olivia-Mai Barrett as Jules, Hadar Cats as Emma, Felix Butterwick as Ben, Sophie Corcoran as Natasha, Janine Craig as Caroline, Wade Crouch as Tom, Rebecca Dike as Sophie, Dane Foxx as Phil, Paul Gerrard as Uncle George, Indi Golding-Spittle as Alice, Rebecca Mellor as Veronica, Joelle Rae as Bea, Jack Rose as Govardo, Christopher Ryan as Cords Man, Sarah Schubert as Lea, Kasper Tansey as Sarah's Son, Layla Tansey as Sarah's Daughter, and Jane Thorne as Old Lady.

Jeremy Piven Photo Nathalie Cox Photo Roger Ashton-Griffiths Photo Joely Richardson Photo Anna Walton Photo Megan Brown Photo Genevieve Capovilla Photo Philip Gascoyne Photo Paul Lancaster Photo Sam Rintoul Photo Louise Bangay Photo Olivia-Mai Barrett Photo Hadar Cats Photo Rebecca Dike Photo Dane Foxx Photo Paul Gerrard Photo Joelle Rae Photo

Those involved in the making of this My Dad's Christmas Date movie:

Philippe Martinez (Producer), Alan Latham (Producer), Mick Davis (Director), Brian Marchetti (Writer), Jack Marchetti (Writer), Toby Torlesse (Writer), and Loni Farhi (Producer).

Here are some translations about the movie:

Коледното гадже на татко

Language: Bulgarian

Vánoční rande mého táty

Od chvíle, kdy jeho manželka zemřela, se David snaží vyjít se svou dospívající dcerou Jules. Ta se cítí sklíčená a nepochopená, a on stále více bezmocný a osamělý. Aby našla pro svého otce partnerku a pro sebe někoho, s kým si může promluvit, vytvoří Jules pro Davida online profily na seznamkách. Věci najednou naberou spád, protože ačkoliv kandidátek je dostatek, žádná nesplňuje Davidova... a Julesina očekávání. Změní se všechno s příchodem Vánoc? Zábavný a povzbudivý příběh v báječné vánoční atmosféře!

Language: Czech

Det er jul, og i den charmerende engelske by York bor Jules på 16 og hendes far, David. Jules' mor er død, og hun ved, at det eneste, hendes far egentlig har brug for til jul, er kærlighed. Derfor går Jules i gang med at finde sin far en kæreste på nettet. Jules udvælger selv kvinderne, så det burde være en idiotsikker plan. Men meget kan gå galt...

Language: Danish

Ein Weihnachts-Date für Dad

Die 16-jährige Jules Evans lebt zusammen mit ihrem Vater David in der englischen Stadt York. Jules' Mutter kam zwei Jahre zuvor bei einem tragischen Autounfall ums Leben, womit sowohl sie als auch ihr Vater noch schwer zu kämpfen haben. Wie viele Jugendliche in ihrem Alter ist Jules die meiste Zeit genervt von ihrem Vater. Also meldet sie ihn bei unterschiedlichen Datingportalen an, um ihm eine neue Partnerin zu finden.

Language: German

La cita navideña de papá

Es Navidad y la encantadora ciudad de York, hogar de Jules, de 16 años, y su papá, David está listo para la temporada festiva. En muchos sentidos, la relación de David y Jules no es diferente a la de la mayoría de los padres y sus hijas de dieciséis años. Él lucha por entenderla, ella se niega a comunicarse con él. Él quiere involucrarse en su vida, ella quiere su propio espacio. Sin embargo, en un aspecto importante, David y Jules comparten un vínculo profundo: la muerte de la madre de Jules y la esposa de David en un accidente automovilístico dos años antes. Con ambos luchando por hacer frente a la vida cotidiana a la sombra de su pérdida, Jules, inspirada por los felices recuerdos de su madre, decide tomar el asunto en sus propias manos.

Language: Spanish

Noël est au rendez-vous

C'est Noël et la charmante ville de York où habite Jules, 16 ans, avec son père David, est prête pour la saison des fêtes. Après le décès de sa mère, Jules comprend que l'amour est vraiment la seule chose dont son père et elle ont besoin, pour ce Noël.

Language: French

Karácsonyi randi apunak

Egy 16 éves lány megpróbál házasságközvetítőt játszani özvegy apja számára karácsonykor. Sok szempontból David és és tizenhat éves Jules Evans kapcsolata nem különbözik a legtöbb apa- lánya kapcsolattól. David küzd azért, hogy megértse, de nem hajlandó kommunikálni vele. Be akar kapcsolódni az életébe, de ő a saját terét akarja. Egy fontos szempontból azonban David és Jules el van választva a társadalom többi részétől: Jules anyjának, David feleségének halála egy két évvel ezelőtti autóbalesetben. Mivel Jules e pusztító veszteség nyomán küzd a mindennapi élet nehézségeivel, úgy dönt, hogy saját kezébe veszi a dolgokat. Profilokat készít apja számára több online társkereső platformon. Arra törekszik, hogy apjának partnert keressen, és saját maga számára valakit, akivel beszélgethet. A kérdés az, hogy Jules új anya után kutatva megtalálja-e régi apját?

Language: Hungarian

L'appuntamento natalizio di papà

Per molti versi, il rapporto tra David e Jules Evans non è diverso da quello della maggior parte dei padri con le figlie sedicenni. David fatica a capire la figlia mentre la ragazza si rifiuta di comunicare con lui. Tuttavia, c'è qualcosa che li accomuna: il dolore per la perdita due anni prima in un incidente stradale della madre di Jules e moglie di David. Con entrambi alle prese con la devastante perdita, Jules decide di prendere in mano la situazione e di trovare una nuova compagna al padre, creando per lui vari profili sui siti di incontro. Nel tentativo di ricercare una donna con cui anche lei possa aprirsi e parlare, Jules finirà inaspettatamente per ritrovare il padre.

Language: Italian

Gwiazdkowa randka mojego taty

Po śmierci żony Dawidowi coraz trudniej porozumieć się z nastoletnią córką. Jules czuje się osaczona i nierozumiana, a on coraz bardziej bezsilny i osamotniony. By znaleźć tacie nową partnerkę, a sobie bratnią duszę, Jules postanawia założyć mu profile na portalach randkowych. Sprawy nieoczekiwanie przybierają komiczny obrót, bo choć kandydatek nie brakuje, wszystkie zdecydowanie odbiegają od oczekiwań Dawida… i Jules. Czy w gwiazdkowy wieczór wszystko się odmieni? Zabawna, wzruszająca historia we wspaniałym, świątecznym nastroju!

Language: Polish

Uma Namorada Para Meu Pai

Depois da morte da mãe, a relação de Jules e seu pai vai de mal a pior. Para tirá-lo do seu pé, ela resolve inscrevê-lo em segredo em sites de namoro na época do Natal.

Language: Portuguese

Întâlnirea de Crăciun

Iubită pentru tata spune povestea lui David, un tată singur care trăiește cu fiica lui, Jules, de 16 ani, în orașul britanic York. În preajma Crăciunului, la 2 ani de la moartea prematură a mamei sale, Jules decide să-i găsească tatălui ei o iubită, înscriindu-l pe mai multe platforme online de întâlniri fără știrea lui. Tot ce le trebuie de Crăciun este dragoste, dar acest lucru este mai ușor de spus decât de făcut, pe măsură ce Jules descoperă că planurile ei încep să iasă la lumină, cu consecințe amuzante.

Language: Romanian

Рождественское свидание моего отца

Спустя 2 года после смерти матери Джулс регистрирует на сайте знакомств своего отца, надеясь найти для него новую любовь, а для себя – кого-то, с кем она сможет поговорить.

Language: Russian

Vianočné rande môjho otca

Od manželkinej smrti má David problém vychádzať so svojou dospievajúcou dcérou Jules. Skľúčené dievča si s nikým nerozumie a jej bezmocný, osamelý otec nedokáže pomôcť sebe ani dcére. Jules chce nájsť otcovi partnerku a sebe niekoho, s kým by sa mohla aspoň trochu porozprávať. V prvom kroku preto otcovi vytvorí profily na rôznych zoznamkách. Situácia sa však nevyvíja podľa plánu. V hre je síce dostatok kandidátok, ale žiadna z nich nespĺňa otcovo ani jej očakávanie. Zmení sa niečo s príchodom Vianoc?

Language: Slovak

Ända sedan hans fru dog har David kämpat med att hålla sams med sin tonårsdotter Jules. Hon känner sig instängd och missförstådd, och han blir alltmer kraftlös och ensam. Jules skapar online-profiler på dejtingsajter till sin pappa för att hitta en ny partner åt honom och någon att prata med själv. Plötsligt tar sig saker och ting en lustig vändning!

Language: Swedish

Aşk Olsun Baba!

David eşini kaybettiğinden beri kızı Jules’la ilişkisinde bir takım sıkıntılar yaşamaktadır. Jules da annesini kaybettikten sonra kendini yalnız hissetmekte ve babasıyla iletişim kurmakta zorlanmaktadır. Jules, babasının yalnızlığına bir son vermek ve kendi hayatında yeni bir sayfa açmak için en yakın arkadaşının da önerisiyle babasından habersiz onun için online flört uygulamalarında profiller oluşturmaya karar verir. İşler hiç de Jules’un beklediği gibi gitmez ve eğlence başlar. Peki yılbaşına kadar işler yoluna girebilecek midir?

Language: Turkish


Language: Mandarin