Sunday, June 30, 2024

神秘世界历险记 Movie

神秘世界历险记 Backdrop

The 神秘世界历险记 film has Adventure, Fantasy, and Animation genres.

at a cost of $5,000,000. The film was successfully completed and released in 2012 The spoken language used in the film is Portuguese, Mandarin.

The adventure of a brave girl in the amazing animal land.

神秘世界历险记 Movie Backdrop

神秘世界历险记 Film Stars:

Lu Kiu as Yugo, Liu Lu as Lala, and Meng Quanlin as Bear.

Peoples involved in the making of the 神秘世界历险记 movie:

Wang Yunfei (Director), Sebastien Pan (Original Music Composer), and Mei Yun (Producer).

Here are some translations about the movie:

Yugo y Lala

La aventura de una chica valiente en la increíble tierra animal.

Language: Spanish

Yugo eta Lala

Yugo neskatila ausarta da, eta aitarekin eztabaidan aritu ostean, etxetik ihes egin eta animaliak bizi diren lainoetako mundu fantastiko batera alde egingo du. Bertan, Lala eta osaba Hartza lagun zaharrekin elkartuko da. Baina gauzak aldatu egin dira eta lekua arriskuan dago. Profezia zahar baten arabera, urak lehortu egingo dira eta biztanleak txikitu. Jadanik hasi da iragarritakoa gertatzen. Hiru lagunak erreinua salbatzeko abentura fantastikoan murgilduko dira arrisku ugariri aurre eginez.

Language: Basque

یوگو و لالا

“یوگو” دختربچه رزمی کار روستایی که بسیار هم اهل ماجراجویی و خطر کردن است، یک روز در جنگل با یک شیر به نام "لالا" آشنا می‌شود که یوگو به طرز عجیبی، زبان او را متوجه می‌شود و ...

Language: Persian


Language: Japanese

유고와 라라: 하늘고래와 구름섬 대모험

사고뭉치 소녀 유고! 하늘 고래를 타고 신비의 구름섬에 떨어지다?! 인간은 갈 수 없는 환상의 나라에서 동물들과 함께 펼치는 신나는 대모험!

마을에서 제일가는 말썽꾸러기 유고는 어느 날 숲 속에서 만난 찐빵 괴물 라라를 쫓던 중 아름답게 빛나는 하늘 고래를 발견하고 호기심에 올라 탄다. 새하얀 구름 속을 지나 유고와 찐빵 괴물 라라가 도착한 곳은 인간들은 갈 수 없다는 신비의 구름섬! 말하는 동물에 마법의 숲까지 모든 게 신기한 유고는 라라와 함께 구름섬을 신나게 탐험하기 시작한다. 그러나 구름섬에 온 인간은 3일이면 동물이 된다는 전설처럼 유고는 점점 동물로 변해가고 마지막 3일째, 유고는 멍텅구리 곰아저씨의 도움을 받아 집으로 돌아갈 기회를 얻게 된다. 하지만 이 때 호랑 장군과 여우 대사의 계략으로 인해 친구 라라가 위기에 처하게 되는데... 과연 유고는 멍텅구리 곰아저씨와 함께 친구 라라를 구해내고 무사히 집으로 돌아갈 수 있을까? 4월 9일, 역대급 사고뭉치(?) 영웅들의 스펙타클 대모험이 시작된다!

Language: Korean

Yugo & Lala

Enquanto caminha pela vizinhança, Yugo (Lu Kiu), uma menina aventureira, acaba descobrindo um mundo secreto cheio de animais e lindas plantas mágicas. Lá, ela faz grandes amigos como Lala (Liu Lu) e o Tio Urso (Meng Quanlin). Juntos, eles vão explorar esse mundo e enfrentar um perigoso vilão que planeja conquistar a humanidade.

Language: Portuguese

Приключения Маши в Стране Чудес

Однажды 10-летней Маше повстречалось странное существо по имени Ники — белый полулев-полутигр, появившийся на свет из волшебного камня. С этого момента с девочкой начали происходить невероятные чудеса. Она внезапно обнаружила, что понимает язык животных. А вскоре ее и Ники проглотило огромное Облако-Кит. А в очень-очень трудную минуту на помощь друзьям пришел Дядя Миша, огромный дикий медведь, на лицо ужасный, но добрый внутри. А еще они отправились в Рай Животных — фантастическую страну чудес, куда могут попасть только 99 счастливчиков — один раз в десять лет. Но людям туда вход заказан, потому что человек, пробывший там более трех дней, навсегда превратится в животное…

Language: Russian

  在一个为青山绿水环绕的小村庄内,村民们过着宁静祥和的生活。调皮捣蛋的小女孩王雨果和爸爸大山居住在这里,可是她过分活泼的性格不仅令父亲和村民们头疼,连周围的小动物都唯恐避之不及。在一次追逐野猪的游戏中,雨果险遭以外,并意外邂逅一只能说人语长得又像狮子又像老虎的小动物——啦啦。不久后,雨果随着尾随啦啦来到一个充满动物和神奇植物的美丽国度,并经历了一连串惊险刺激且欢乐有趣的冒险。   可是在美好表象之下,危机正悄悄逼进动物乐园和人类世界。邪恶的虎将军正在酝酿征服人类的计划,雨果和啦啦等好友都被卷入其中……

Language: Mandarin

The 4.5 'Flim On Film' Podcast Film

This The 4.5 'Flim On Film' Podcast movie has and Comedy genres.

The 4.5 'Flim On Film' Podcast Movie was made by Colour Line Productions at a cost of $20. The film was successfully completed and released in 2021 made a revenue of $1. The spoken language used in the film is English.

Where 5 friends review the films they have watched as a collective in the past week.

The 4.5 'Flim On Film' Podcast Movie Stars:

Patrick Monahan as Rick Monty, James Horsley as , Guy Barnsley as , Theo Levey as , and Morgan Hood as .

Professional involved in the making of this The 4.5 'Flim On Film' Podcast film:

and James Horsley (Director).

Editing Movie

Editing Backdrop

The Editing movie has and Drama genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2021 The spoken language used in the film is English.

A woman is confronted by a stranger, who believes she’s been edited out of their story.

Editing Film Backdrop

Editing Film Stars:

Hannah Gross as Amanda, and Gayle Rankin as The Woman.

Hannah Gross Photo Gayle Rankin Photo

Peoples involved in the making of this Editing film:

Gene Park (Sound Designer), Dustin Guy Defa (Director), Matt Grady (Thanks), Christopher Messina (Cinematography), Salome Oggenfuss (Casting), Geraldine Barón (Casting), Maxwell di Paolo (Sound Recordist), and Mareike Peschl (Production Assistant).

Dustin Guy Defa Photo Salome Oggenfuss Photo

Here are some translations about the movie:

Uma mulher é abordada por uma estranha que acredita ter sido retirada de sua história em comum.

Language: Portuguese

Bir kadın, hiç tanımadığı biriyle karşılaşır. Bu yabancının iddiasına göre, onların yaşam hikayesi kurgulanmıştır ve kadının hikayesi kurguda atılmıştır.

Language: Turkish

Tuition Movie

The Tuition movie has Drama, and Family genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2021 The spoken language used in the film is English.

Where is the line between discipline and abuse? 13-year-old Alan attends class under physically aggressive tuition teacher Beatrice. As the class progresses, so does her abusive treatment of the children. As Alan tries to secretly record audio evidence with his phone, his attempts fail to go as planned.

Tuition Film Stars:

Jo Tan as Mrs. See, Javier Ng as Alan, Nur Azirah Nurazhar as Azirah, Kyrene Ng as Alison, Mohamad Izz Qamahl Al Seif as Jufri, and Athen Tan as Benjamin.

Professional involved in the making of this Tuition film:

Alistair Quak (Director), Lee Yi Jia (Producer), and Jufri Husne (Director of Photography).

La Casa de Cortés Movie

La Casa de Cortés Backdrop

The La Casa de Cortés film has and Drama genres.

La Casa de Cortés Film was made by Peace Film Makers The film was successfully completed and released in 2019 The spoken language used in the film is Spanish.

After the abandonment of their father, three sisters live asleep in their old house. Lucrecia, the older sister, becomes aware and begins a fight to free them.

La Casa de Cortés Movie Backdrop

La Casa de Cortés Film Stars:

Calafia Piña as , Rielen Pineda as , Kathlin Arce as , and Ruben Rivera as Narrador.

Professional involved in the making of the La Casa de Cortés film:

Dariela Pérez (Screenplay), Gabriel Rodríguez (Director), Mike Henaine (Producer), Daniel Amora (Associate Producer), René Zorrilla (Cinematography), Rogelio Muñoz (Sound), Fabrizio Franco (Art Direction), Eric Balderrama (Makeup & Hair), Victor Collins (Music), Hugo Payen (Special Effects), and Álvaro Bejarano (Special Effects).

Rogelio Muñoz Photo Álvaro Bejarano Photo

Saturday, June 29, 2024

水母 Film

水母 Poster

This 水母 movie has and Animation genres.

水母 Film was made by Tokyo University of the Arts The film was successfully completed and released in 2019

The girl wished to transcend her own body and become a jellyfish. She was drawn to the figure of the jellyfish floating freely in the sea.

The Perfect Life Film

The Perfect Life Poster

This The Perfect Life film has Comedy, and Music genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2019

Musical Short-Film

The Perfect Life Film Stars:

Joanne Roberts as Julia, and Jay Koensgen as Ryan.

Joanne Roberts Photo Jay Koensgen Photo

Those involved in the making of the The Perfect Life movie:

and Omar Benson (Director).