Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Time for Us to Come Home for Christmas Film

This Time for Us to Come Home for Christmas film has Romance, and TV Movie genres.

Time for Us to Come Home for Christmas Movie was made by Front Street Pictures, and Time Road Productions III Ltd. The film was successfully completed and released in 2020 The spoken language used in the film is English.

Five guests are mysteriously invited to an inn to celebrate Christmas. With the help of the owner Ben, Sarah discovers that an event from the past may connect them and change their lives forever.

Time for Us to Come Home for Christmas Movie Backdrop

Time for Us to Come Home for Christmas Movie Stars:

Leon as Jasper, Lacey Chabert as Sarah Thomas, Doron Bell as Owen, Peter Kelamis as Ted, Stephen Huszar as Ben, Roger Haskett as Peter Sanderson, Lini Evans as Karen, Tanja Dixon-Warren as Martha, Jake Guy as Kyle, Emma Johnson as Bess, Vienna Leacock as Cassidy, Madelyn Grace as June, Jagua Arneja as Roger, Jennifer Higgin as Frenchie, and Troy Mclaughlin as George.

Leon Photo Lacey Chabert Photo Doron Bell Photo Peter Kelamis Photo Stephen Huszar Photo Roger Haskett Photo Lini Evans Photo Tanja Dixon-Warren Photo Jake Guy Photo Emma Johnson Photo Vienna Leacock Photo Madelyn Grace Photo Jagua Arneja Photo Jennifer Higgin Photo

Those involved in the making of the Time for Us to Come Home for Christmas movie:

Charles Cooper (Producer), Harvey Kahn (Executive Producer), David Winning (Director), Orly Adelson (Executive Producer), Michael Shepard (Executive Producer), Blake Shelton (Executive Producer), Marcy Holland (Writer), Dorothy Shackleford (Executive Producer), Allen Lewis (Executive Producer), Travis Thrasher (Book), and Allister Foster (Still Photographer).

Charles Cooper Photo Harvey Kahn Photo David Winning Photo Orly Adelson Photo Michael Shepard Photo Blake Shelton Photo Allen Lewis Photo

Here are some translations about the film:

Съдбовна Коледа

Петима гости мистериозно са поканени да прекарат Коледа в странноприемница. С помощта на Бен, Сара разбира, че може би те са свързани от събитие в миналото, което ще промени живота им завинаги.

Language: Bulgarian

Pět hostů je záhadně pozváno do hostince na oslavu Vánoc. S pomocí majitele Bena Sarah zjišťuje, že událost z minulosti je může spojit a navždy změnit jejich životy.

Language: Czech

Cinco invitados son misteriosamente invitados a una posada para celebrar la Navidad. Con la ayuda del dueño Ben, Sarah descubre que un evento del pasado puede conectarlos y cambiar sus vidas para siempre.

Language: Spanish

L'amour revient toujours à Noël

Sarah est avocate et défend les derniers dossiers de sa mère, décédée récemment. Elle reçoit alors une invitation, qu'elle attribue à son patron, pour passer Noël dans une auberge. Elle y rencontre Ben, le charmant propriétaire, et d'autres clients qui ont reçu la même proposition. Sarah va découvrir qu'elle n'est pas là par hasard...

Language: French

Cinque diverse persone ricevono un invito speciale per trascorrere il Natale presso l'accogliente Snowfall Inn. Sarah, tornata a casa per sistemare le cose della madre, crede che il viaggio sia un regalo del suo studio di Seattle. Karen, una donna divorziata, crede di avere invece vinto un concorso mentre Jasper, vedovo e musicista, è convinto che a prenotare il viaggio fosse stata la moglie. Tuttavia, con l'aiuto dell'affascinante proprietario dell'albergo Ben, Sarah scoprirà presto che esiste uno speciale legame tra tutti gli invitati.

Language: Italian

Vijf gasten worden op mysterieuze wijze uitgenodigd in een herberg om Kerstmis te vieren. Met de hulp van eigenaar Ben ontdekt Sarah dat een gebeurtenis uit het verleden hen kan verbinden en hun leven voor altijd kan veranderen.

Language: Dutch

Домой на Рождество

Пятеро незнакомых людей получают загадочное приглашение провести Рождество в отеле "Снегопад". Ни один из гостей понятия не имеет кто мог разослать эти приглашения и почему именно их решили собрать вместе в это Рождество.

Language: Russian

Left Behind: The Movie Film

Left Behind: The Movie Backdrop

The Left Behind: The Movie film has Fantasy, Drama, Thriller, and Science Fiction genres.

Left Behind: The Movie Film was made by Cloud Ten Pictures, and Namesake Entertainment The film was successfully completed and released in 2000 The spoken language used in the film is Czech, English, Hebrew.

After learning that millions have completely vanished, an airline pilot, a journalist, and others work together to unravel the mystery of those left behind.

Left Behind: The Movie Film Backdrop

Left Behind: The Movie Movie Stars:

Neil Crone as Ken Ritz, Philip Akin as Alan Tompkins, Thomas Hauff as Steve Plank, Jack Langedijk as Dirk Burton, Daniel Pilon as Johnathan Stonegal, Brad Johnson as Rayford Steele, Krista Bridges as Ivy Gold, Gordon Currie as Nicolae Carpathia, Clarence Gilyard Jr. as Pastor Bruce Barnes, Janaya Stephens as Chloe Steele, Kirk Cameron as Buck Williams, Colin Fox as Chaim Rosenzweig, Chelsea Noble as Hattie Durham, David Macniven as Chris, Marvin Ishmael as Fitzhugh, Raven Dauda as Gloria, Sten Eirik as Flattop / Carl, Tony De Santis as Joshua Cothran, Christie MacFadyen as Mrs. Irene Steele, Mairon Bennett as Young Girl on Plane, T.D. Jakes as Pastor Billings, Rebecca St. James as Buck's Assistant, Jay Manchester as Raymie Steele, and Ava van Heerden as Very Attractive Baby.

Neil Crone Photo Philip Akin Photo Thomas Hauff Photo Jack Langedijk Photo Daniel Pilon Photo Brad Johnson Photo Krista Bridges Photo Gordon Currie Photo Clarence Gilyard Jr. Photo Janaya Stephens Photo Kirk Cameron Photo Colin Fox Photo Chelsea Noble Photo Marvin Ishmael Photo Raven Dauda Photo Sten Eirik Photo Tony De Santis Photo T.D. Jakes Photo Rebecca St. James Photo

Those involved in the making of the Left Behind: The Movie film:

Ralph Winter (Producer), Alan B. McElroy (Writer), André van Heerden (Co-Producer), Vic Sarin (Director), Paul Lalonde (Writer), Joe Goodman (Writer), Nicholas Tabarrok (Line Producer), Peter Lalonde (Executive Producer), Cathy Henderson (Casting), James Covell (Original Music Composer), Michael Pacek (Editor), Dori Zuckerman (Casting), Lisa Parasyn (Casting), Arthur Herriott (Production Designer), George Tirl (Director of Photography), Bobby Neutz (Executive Producer), and Ron Booth (Executive Producer).

Ralph Winter Photo Alan B. McElroy Photo Lisa Parasyn Photo

What Peoples Said About Left Behind: The Movie Film:

Well, I was born and raised Catholic...and I'm still Catholic...and this is the kind of movie I avoid. I really don't want to sit down and be preached at, I don't want to watch an overt lecture. And, trust me, that goes just as much for the left as it does the right. But, when the heck, it was free so...I finally came around to watching it and, honestly, YES, it totally does feel like an overt political and religious lecture. And, unfortunately, for some reason, when the conservatives do it the production value is absolute crap and it looks pretty horrible. And lest when the liberals do their propaganda (I'm looking at you Star Wars, Captain Marvel, Disney, Sabrina) they actually put money into it and make it look good. Even though the stories are just as bad. But, I guess the good news is that when conservatives do their propaganda they don't even try to conceal it. What we have here is a lecture with poor production values and, yeah, the acting was pretty OK. At least I can say that most of the acting was decent.


Here are some translations about the film:

Ponecháni napospas

Rayford je pilotem aerolinií. Vztah s jeho manželkou se stává trpkým a tak přemýšlí, zda začít flirtovat s atraktivní letuškou, Hattie. Uprostřed letu do Londýna však tajemně zmizí několik pasažérů a chaos roste, když mizí posádky dalších dopravních prostředků na zemi i ve vzduchu. Mezitím, Buck Williams, televizní moderátor, uvažuje o náhlých zmizeních, zatímco pracuje na článku o Dr. Chaim Rosenzweigovi, izraelském vědci, jehož vynález umožní kultivovat jakoukoli půdu na zemi. Nicméně, Buck má pochybnosti, protože zjistí, že Dr. Rosenzweig uzavřel dohodu se dvěma multimilionáři, kteří se snaží využít vynález k podpoře jejich vlastního plánu mezinárodní nadvlády.

Language: Czech

Dejados atrás

Durante un vuelo intercontinental, docenas de pasajeros desaparecen sin dejar rastro. Este insólito fenómeno se extiende al resto del mundo, donde miles de seres humanos se esfuman inexplicablemente. Mientras el mundo se precipita en el caos, un líder político se alza promoviendo la paz y el entendimiento. Pero ¿son sus intenciones tan blancas como parecen?

Language: Spanish

Kadotettu maailma

Tulevaisuus on avoin kirja.

Kaiken nähnyt journalisti Buck Williams on mukana tuiki tavallisella lennolla, kun jotain uskomatonta tapahtuu. Matkustaja toisensa jälkeen katoaa penkeistään ja haihtuu kuin tuhka tuuleen. Pian selviää, että miljoonat ihmiset eri puolella maailmaa ovat kadonneet samanaikaisesti, samalla selittämättömällä tavalla. Mutta oudot massakatoamiset ovat vasta alkua. Todellinen kaaos ryöstäytyy valloilleen maan päällä, ja Williams päättää selvittää, mistä oikein on kysymys. Kun totuus alkaa valjeta, kokenut lehtimieskin tuntee polviensa vapisevan. Edessä on epätoivoinen taistelu ihmiskunnan pelastamiseksi, sillä ne jotka jäivät jälkeen saavat kohdata kaikki ilmestyskirjan kauhut.

Language: Finnish

נותר מאחור

רייפוד סטיל הוא טייס שמערכת היחסים שעם אשתו התקלקלה. הוא מהרהר שוקל לנהל רומן עם דיילת מושכת, הטי דורהאם. במהלך טיסה, מספר נוסעים נעלמים באופן מיסתורי ובלגן מתרחש כשמספר כלי-רכב באוויר וביבשה לפתע מאבדות את מפעיליהם. וויליאמס, כתב טלוויזיה, מהרהר בפזיזות לגביי ההעלמויות המסתוריות כשהוא עובד על כתבה על ד"ר צ'יים רוזנזויג, מדען ישראלי שהמציא נוסחה שגורמת לכל קרקע בכדה"א להיות קלה לעיבוד. בכל-אופן, באק תוהה אם יש יותר מכך לרוזנזויג מאשר שהוא דמיין לראשונה כשהוא גילה שהד"ר משתף פעולה עם שני מולטי-מיליונרים שמתכננים לתווך את ההמצאה כדי לקדם את האג'נדה שלהם לשליטה בינ"ל.

Language: Hebrew

Az otthagyottak

A Londonba tartó repülőjárat egy utasa a neves újságíró, Buck Williams és az utasszállító első pilótája Rayford Steele tanúi lesznek a történelem leghihetetlenebb eseményének. Több tucat utas egyszerűen köddé válik. És ez még csak a kezdet. Hamarosan kiderül, hogy világszerte többmillió ember tűnik el. A Földön eluralkodik a káosz és az anarchia.

Language: Hungarian

Prima dell'Apocalisse

In un viaggio notturno verso Londra, un pilota e un giornalista, Buck Williams, vedono sparire decine di passeggeri. La loro storia da incredibile si trasforma in plausibile quando appare chiaro che milioni di persone sono scomparse nel mondo. Williams cerca la verità, a qual siasi costo. Arriverà a scoprire una co spirazione che coinvolge le Nazioni Uni te, un dischetto per cui si uccide e uno scienziato che nasconde la sua in- credibile scoperta.

Language: Italian

Buck is een gerenommeerd journalist die tijdens een reportage in Israël enkele bizarre ontdekkingen doet. Vanaf dat moment beginnen er zich op aarde allerlei vreemde verschijnselen voor te doen. Ontploffingen komen uit het niets en miljoenen mensen verdwijnen zomaar van onze planeet. Een tijd van chaos, angst en duisternis lijkt zijn intrede te doen .. Wanneer ook piloot Rayford Steele (Brad Johnson) bij zijn thuiskomst merkt dat zijn vrouw en kind zijn verdwenen, begint voor hem een lange zoektocht naar de waarheid. Een zoektocht die zijn leven ingrijpend zal veranderen.

Language: Dutch

Om bord på et fly oppdager journalist Buck Williams til sin store redsel at den ene passasjeren etter den andre plutselig forsvinner ut i den blå luften. Snart blir det klart at millioner av mennesker over hele kloden er forsvunnet på samme måte. Mens kaos hersker på joden, forsøker Williams å finne ut hva som er skjedd. Og hva som skal skje med dem som er blitt igjen. Da den grufulle sannheten går opp for ham, begynner en desperat kamp for å redde menneskeheten.

Language: Norwegian

Deixados Para Trás 1

Baseado no beste seller "Deixados para Trás", o suspense mostra o desaparecimento de inúmeras pessoas pelo mundo. Intrigados com o fato, um jornalista e um piloto partem em busca de repostas que culminamno misterioso livro do Apocalipse da Bíblia

Language: Portuguese



Language: Mandarin

「いる。」2021真夏の超厳選 34連発 Film

「いる。」2021真夏の超厳選 34連発 Poster

The 「いる。」2021真夏の超厳選 34連発 film has and Horror genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2021 The spoken language used in the film is Japanese.

Special entry in "「Iru.」~ Kowasugiru Tōkō Eizō 13-hon" film series.

타인은 지옥이다 Film

The 타인은 지옥이다 film has and Drama genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2019 The spoken language used in the film is Korean.

The affairs of men and women are many and complex in this film.

타인은 지옥이다 Film Backdrop

타인은 지옥이다 Film Stars:

Kim Dong-woo as Jin-yeong, Yang Hee-woo as Hyeon-seok, Choi Bo-yoon as Ji-sook, Jung Yeo-jin as Seon-mi, Choi Soo-rak as Soo-rak, Park Do-ha as Seong-ho, Do Young-woong as Jong-sin, and Yoo Hyun as Seon-hee.

Yang Hee-woo Photo Choi Bo-yoon Photo

Professional involved in the making of this 타인은 지옥이다 film:

Lee Young-yong (Screenplay), and Sin Hyeon-jin (Editor).

Here are some translations about the film:

타인은 지옥이다

고등학교 동창 다섯 명이 오랜만에 캠핑장에 모인다. 이 중 평범한 회사원 '진영'과 외주방송제작사 피디 '현석'은 노총각이다. 이번 캠핑엔 '수락'이 친하게 지내는 동생이라며 데려온 '선미'와 '지숙'도 함께다. 들뜬 첫 만남 속에서 점차 캠핑 분위기가 무르익고, 시간이 지날수록 '진영'과 '현석' 그리고 '지숙' 간에는 미묘한 기류가 형성된다. 얽히고 설킨 세 사람의 관계, 그와 그녀가 숨기고 싶었던 것들이 점차 드러난다.

Language: Korean

Džemo Movie

Džemo Poster

This Džemo film has and Documentary genres.

Džemo Movie was made by Al Jazeera Balkans, and Klix.ba The film was successfully completed and released in 2020 The spoken language used in the film is Bosnian, Croatian.

46-year-old Džemo lives in a village with his mother, father and brother. He cares for ten cows every day thereby earning a living for his family. Džemo’s day starts and ends with a pushcart, his constant companion on daily more than 20-kilometer-runs. His boyhood dream was to take part in large running events which is why he always applies for city and mountain races. Despite hard labour demanded by a life in the rural area, and the fact that he competes against professional athletes, Džemo wins gold medals regularly.

Džemo Movie Stars:

and Džemal Jašarević as Himself.

Professional involved in the making of the Džemo movie:

Amel Ðikoli (Director of Photography), Lejla Kajić (Director), Davorin Sekulić (Writer), Sead Kreševljaković (Producer), Adnan Zilić (Editor), Adnan Zilić (Music), and Adnan Zilić (Sound Designer).

Dreams and Shadows Film

The Dreams and Shadows film has Fantasy, and Drama genres.

Dreams and Shadows Movie was made by Filmwalker Productions The film was successfully completed and released in 2009 The spoken language used in the film is English.

Billy is a teenage outcast in search of his life's true meaning. Day by day, he slaves away at the local burger joint, only to return home to a paraplegic father, whose own dreams of happiness have faded away in an alcoholic haze. Nonetheless, Billy tries to bond with his delusional father, but cannot break through the many layers of pain and regret that surround him. Frustrated, Billy longs to escape the dead-end existence that has engulfed his father, and now appears to be closing in on him as well.

Dreams and Shadows Movie Backdrop

Dreams and Shadows Film Stars:

James Russo as John Brunette, Kathy Christopherson as Krissy, Shawn-Caulin Young as Billy Brunette, Yoshi Ando as Samurai, Joseph Darden as Tommy, Mary Mackey as Prostitute, Cody Hamilton as Young Billy, Robert Dolan as Lester, Sean Ridgway as Spike, Julie Clark as Lorrie Brunette, Natalie Garcia Fryman as Sarah, James Gibler as Twiggy, and Londale Theus as Eddie Vincent.

James Russo Photo Kathy Christopherson Photo Shawn-Caulin Young Photo Yoshi Ando Photo Mary Mackey Photo

Those involved in the making of the Dreams and Shadows film:

Neely Gurman (Casting), Dania Ridgway (Key Makeup Artist), Adam Sonnenfeld (Editor), Chris Smith (Producer), Grisha Alasadi (Cinematography), Rebecca Scott (Production Design), Tamarat Makonnen (Director), Jeffrey Michael (Music), Vania Ouzounova (Costume Design), and Alex Cohen (Associate Producer).

Weihnachten mit Jonas Kaufmann Movie

Weihnachten mit Jonas Kaufmann Backdrop

The Weihnachten mit Jonas Kaufmann film has and Music genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2021 The spoken language used in the film is German.

musical show

Weihnachten mit Jonas Kaufmann Movie Backdrop

Here are some translations about the film:

Vánoční koncert Jonase Kaufmanna

Světoznámý bavorský tenorista Jonas Kaufmann oživuje svoje vánoční vzpomínky a radosti z dětství. Oslavuje svátky zimního slunovratu jedinečným výběrem oblíbených písní a koled z celého světa. Jeho vánoční koncert byl natočen v tzv. kapli Tiché noci v rakouském Oberndorfu poblíž Salcburku, kde původně zazněla 24. prosince 1818 zmíněná slavná koleda z tvůrčí dílny Josepha Mohra a Franze Grubera. Říká se, že byla přeložena do 320 jazyků a dialektů. Kromě toho uvidíte sváteční atmosféru na Vánočním trhu v Salcburku. V srdci jeho Starého Města, přímo na Mozartově náměstí, je možné celoročně navštívit muzeum věnované vánočním svátkům a obdivovat sbírku půvabných, mnohdy kýčovitých, uměleckých i historicky významných předmětů, které souvisejí se zimními svátky.

Language: Czech

Vianočný koncert Jonasa Kaufmanna

Svetoznámy bavorský tenorista Jonas Kaufmann oživuje svoje vianočné spomienky a radosti z detstva. Zimný slnovrat oslávi jedinečným výberom obľúbených piesní a kolied z celého sveta. Jeho vianočný koncert sa natáčal v takzvanej Kaplnke Tichej noci v rakúskom Oberndorfe neďaleko Salzburgu, kde 24. decembra 1818 pôvodne zaznela slávna koleda od Josepha Mohra a Franza Grubera. Údajne bola preložená do 320 jazykov a nárečí. Okrem toho uvidíte sviatočnú atmosféru na vianočných trhoch v Salzburgu. V srdci jeho starého mesta, priamo na Mozartovom námestí, môžete počas celého roka navštíviť múzeum venované Vianociam a obdivovať zbierku pôvabných, často gýčových, umeleckých a historicky významných predmetov súvisiacich so zimnými sviatkami.

Language: Slovak