Thursday, July 4, 2024

ハウ Film

ハウ Backdrop

This ハウ movie has and Drama genres.

ハウ Movie was made by Toei Company The film was successfully completed and released in 2022 The spoken language used in the film is Japanese.

Tamio Akanishi works at a public office in Yokohama. He is going through one of the worst periods of his life, having been left by his fiancée. One day, his boss tells him to take care of a big, white dog, abandoned by its previous owner. Tamio begins to live with the dog, who doesn't bark and only makes a sound that sounds like "haw", and thus he names it Haw. While living together, the connection between the two deepens.

ハウ Movie Backdrop

ハウ Movie Stars:

Makiko Watanabe as , Renji Ishibashi as , Nobuko Miyamoto as , Kei Tanaka as Tamio Akanishi, Toru Nomaguchi as , Elaiza Ikeda as , Serena Motola as , and Mai Fukagawa as .

Makiko Watanabe Photo Renji Ishibashi Photo Nobuko Miyamoto Photo Kei Tanaka Photo Toru Nomaguchi Photo Elaiza Ikeda Photo Serena Motola Photo Mai Fukagawa Photo

Those involved in the making of the ハウ movie:

Hiroshi Saito (Screenplay), and Isshin Inudo (Director).

Isshin Inudo Photo

Here are some translations about the movie:


Tamio Akanishi egy közhivatalban dolgozik Yokohamában. Élete egyik legrosszabb időszakát éli, menyasszonya elhagyta. Egy nap a főnöke azt mondja neki, hogy vigyázzon egy nagy, fehér kutyára, akit az előző gazdája elhagyott. Tamio elkezd együtt élni a kutyával, aki nem ugat, és csak olyan hangot ad ki, mint "Vau", és ezért Vau-nak nevezi el..

Language: Hungarian




Language: Japanese


시청 직원인 아카니시 타미오는 상사의 권유로, 버려진 큰 흰색 개를 기르게 된다. 타미오는 이 개를 하우라고 이름 지으며 점점 더 친밀해진다. 어느 날 하우가 갑자기 사라지고, 타미오는 필사적으로 하우를 찾는다. 하우는 우연한 사고로 인해 아오모리까지 옮겨졌지만, 사랑하는 타미오의 목소리를 따라 요코하마까지 798km를 걸어가는데...

Language: Korean


ဘယ်နေရာမှာမဆို ရှက်ကိုးရှက်ကန်းနဲ့တွန့်ဆုတ်နေတတ်တဲ့ကောင်လေးတစ်ယောက် နဲ့ မဟောင်နိုင်တဲ့ခွေးလေး “ဟောင်းဝ်” တို့ရဲ့ချစ်စဖွယ်ဇာတ်လမ်းလေးပေါ့။ ဇာတ်လမ်းအစမှာတည်းက တာမီအိုက ကိုယ်နဲ့လက်ထပ်ဖို့ မင်္ဂလာခန်းမမှာတောင် ငှါးထားပြီးတဲ့အခြေအနေမှာပဲ ရည်းစားကနောက်တစ်ယောက်နောက်ပါသွားလို့ စော်ပစ်ကောင်လေးဖြစ်ပြီး ကြေကွဲလူငယ်ဖြစ်နေရှာတာပါ။ ဒီလိုနဲ့ တာမီအို့ရဲ့အသည်းကွဲနေ့ရက်တွေဆီ ဖွေးဖွေးဖြူနေတဲ့အမွှေးတွေနဲ့ စွန့်ပစ်ခံခွေးလေး “ဟောင်းဝ်” ရောက်လာခဲ့တယ်။ “ဟောင်းဝ်” ဆိုပြီးနာမည်တွင်သွားတာကတော့ အရင်သခင်က အသံကြိုးတွေကိုဖြတ်ထားခဲ့တာမို့ ဟောင်တဲ့အခါ ပုံမှန်ခွေးတွေလို “ဝုတ်, ဝေါင်း” လို့အသံမထွက်နိုင်ဘဲ “ဟောင်းဝ်” လို့ပဲအသံထွက်တာမို့ပါ။ ဒီလိုနဲ့ အတိတ်ဆိုးကိုယ်စီနဲ့တစ်ယောက်နဲ့တစ်ကောင် အချင်းချင်းအမှီသဟဲပြုနေကြရင်း တစ်နေ့မှာ တာမီအိုတစ်ယောက် ဟောင်းဝ်ကိုပျောက်သွားခဲ့တယ်။ရောက်ရာအရပ်မှာ လူတိုင်းဆီကို ပျော်ရွှင်မှုတွေယူဆောင်ပေးတဲ့ ခွေးလေး “ဟောင်းဝ်” တစ်ကောင် သခင်နဲ့ဝေးကွာနေတုန်း ဘယ်လိုစွန့်စားခန်းတွေဖွင့်ရဦးမလဲ တာမီအို့ဆီပြန်ရောက်လာဦးမလားဆိုတာကို ကြည့်ရှုနိုင်ဖို့ တင်ဆက်ပေးလိုက်ပါတယ်။

Language: Burmese


被未婚妻無情拋棄的赤西民夫(田中圭 飾)每天也意志消沉,上司為了讓他重新振作,送了一隻同樣被主人拋棄的大白狗給他領養。曾被主人欺負的大白狗沒法汪汪吠叫,只能發出「haw」的叫聲,於是民夫為他取名「小巧」。兩個曾被遺棄的靈魂,慢慢為對方打開心扉,一人一狗成了影形不離的伙伴。正當民夫的心靈創傷快要被治癒好時,小巧卻意外走失,四處流浪,為沿途遇上的失意人奉上最溫暖的陽光!

Language: Mandarin

Kupla Movie

Kupla Backdrop

The Kupla movie has Drama, and Comedy genres.

Kupla Movie was made by Rabbit Films, and Aurora Studios at a cost of $1,460,000. The film was successfully completed and released in 2022 The spoken language used in the film is Finnish.

16-year-old Eveliina accidentally sees her mother kissing another woman. Fearing her parents' divorce, she decides to intervene, by any means and without permission. In her opinion, the best way to destroy her mother's extramarital affair and bring her parents back together is a teenage daughter in trouble. Thus, Eveliina gets herself in trouble as many ways as she can. Along the way, the lives of a few others are at stake. Still, Eveliina guards her plan to the last, and the adults have their own secret ways of survival - until the bubble bursts.

Kupla Movie Backdrop

Kupla Movie Stars:

Tommi Korpela as Teuvo, Kari Hietalahti as Mies baarissa, Minna Haapkylä as Tupu, Janne Reinikainen as Ukulele-Makke, Ylva Ekblad as Agnes Meyer, Saara Pakkasvirta as Sinikka-mummu, Joanna Haartti as Petran body double, Anna-Maija Tuokko as Petra, Amos Brotherus as Joni, Eedit Patrakka as Mia, Miina Turunen as Hoitaja, Miro Lopperi as Benkku, Saimi Kahri as Linda, Reeta Ruotsalainen as Tupun työkaveri, Stella Leppikorpi as Eveliina, Teemu Hilkamo as Cadillac-kuski, Wei Li as Herra Shimabokuro, Nina Erwes as Tupun työkaveri, Ari Vepsäläinen as Poke, Viivi Lemmetti as Haitaristityttö, Onni Virtanen as Paljupoika, Olli Lindström as Paljupoika, Eetu Kemppainen as Paljupoika, Luukas Virolainen as Paljupoika, Vilke Salmenperä as Paljupoika, Henrik Ojanen as Paljupoika, Onni Lehtinen as Jonin bändikaveri, Touko Koivusaari as Jonin bändikaveri, Milan Marttiini as Jonin bändikaveri, Kosti Koskinen as Jonin bändikaveri, Riitta Tynkkynen as Karaoke-emäntä, Tessa Mareen as Lunttaava tyttö, Sarah Cafaro as Kiinalaisen ravintolan tarjoilija, Noora Suso as Tupun työkaveri, Kenneth Nordström as Hautausurakoitsija, Juha Moilanen as Hautausurakoitsija, Hannu Bogdanoff as Pappi, and Kristo Halme as Liikunnanopettaja.

Tommi Korpela Photo Kari Hietalahti Photo Minna Haapkylä Photo Janne Reinikainen Photo Saara Pakkasvirta Photo Anna-Maija Tuokko Photo Amos Brotherus Photo Eedit Patrakka Photo Stella Leppikorpi Photo

Those involved in the making of this Kupla movie:

Peter Flinckenberg (Director of Photography), Aleksi Salmenperä (Director), Minna Haapkylä (Producer), Roosa Toivonen (Co-Producer), Tiina Kaukanen (Costume Design), Samu Heikkilä (Editor), Olli Pärnänen (Sound Re-Recording Mixer), Otso Linnalaakso (Production Design), Ari Tolppanen (Co-Producer), Tuomas Klaavo (Sound Designer), Pia Mikkonen (Makeup Designer), Reeta Ruotsalainen (Writer), Petri Kemppinen (Co-Producer), Olli Nikunen (Executive Producer), Olli Suominen (Executive Producer), and Joakim Berghäll (Original Music Composer).

Aleksi Salmenperä Photo Minna Haapkylä Photo Samu Heikkilä Photo Olli Pärnänen Photo

Here are some translations about the film:

V bublině

Svět šestnáctileté Eveliny ze zapadlého městečka se zhroutí, když zjistí, že má její matka milence. Jako všichni teenageři je i Evelina svobodomyslná dívka, která prahne po nezávislosti. Za každou cenu se snaží zabránit matčině poměru, aby se do sebe rodiče opět zamilovali, což má zábavné i nepříjemné následky.

Language: Czech

16-vuotias Eveliina näkee sattumalta äitinsä suutelevan toista naista. Vanhempiensa eroa peläten hän päättää puuttua tilanteeseen, lupaa kysymättä ja keinoja kaihtamatta. Hänen mielestään paras keino tuhota äidin avioliiton ulkopuolinen suhde ja lähentää vanhemmat uudelleen on vaikeuksiin joutunut teinitytär. Niinpä Eveliina heittäytyy moniongelmaiseksi. Siinä sivussa panoksiksi joutuu muutaman muunkin elämä. Silti Eveliina varjelee suunnitelmaansa viimeiseen asti ja omat salaiset selviytymiskeinonsa on aikuisillakin — kunnes kupla puhkeaa.

Language: Finnish


Eveliina, 16 ans, voit par hasard sa mère embrasser une autre femme. Craignant le divorce de ses parents, elle décide d'intervenir, par tous les moyens, et sans autorisation. Selon elle, le meilleur moyen de détruire la liaison extraconjugale de sa mère et de réconcilier ses parents est de se mettre dans le pétrin. C'est donc ce qu'elle fait de toutes les façons possibles...

Language: French


Szesnastoletnia Eveliina (Stella Leppikorpi) mieszka w małym miasteczku. Pewnego dnia odkrywa, że jej matka romansuje z inną kobietą. Dziewczyna jest w szoku, a jej świat staje na głowie. Podobnie jak wiele osób w jej wieku, Eveliina bardzo ceni sobie wolność i nie chce, by ktokolwiek stawiał jej jakieś granice. Kiedy jednak okazuje się, że tego samego oczekuje jej matka, szesnastolatka nie potrafi tego zrozumieć. Postanawia położyć kres romansowi matki i doprowadzić do rozkwitu miłości między rodzicami. Ma to poważne konsekwencje. Za kamerą stanął ceniony i wielokrotnie nagradzany reżyser Aleksi Salmenperä, twórca "Męskiej roboty" i "Pułapek dorosłości".

Language: Polish


En snöig nyårsafton upptäcker 16-åriga Evelina att hennes mamma har en affär med en kvinna. Med alla till buds stående medel försöker hon hålla ihop familjen – osäker på om hennes föräldrar vet sitt eget bästa. Steg för steg tar hon till med mer och mer drastiska metoder. Det är en omtumlande tid med stora beslut, ungdomskärlek och vuxenkärlek – som kanske inte skiljer sig så mycket åt.

Language: Swedish

Banking on Love Film

Banking on Love Backdrop

This Banking on Love film has and Romance genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2021

When a failing mechanic and an up tight loan officer are forced to spend the Christmas holiday together locked in a bank vault, they both learn dreams are worth fighting for.

Banking on Love Film Backdrop

Banking on Love Film Stars:

Bai Ling as Judith, Ciera Danielle as Maura, Katarina Hughes as Rosalind Dale, Eric Lutz as Jack West, and Ryan Littmann as Bradley.

Bai Ling Photo Katarina Hughes Photo Eric Lutz Photo Ryan Littmann Photo

Those involved in the making of the Banking on Love film:

Tommy Blaze (Writer), and Shane Hawks (Director).

Backwood: The Barn Massacre Movie

Backwood: The Barn Massacre Backdrop

The Backwood: The Barn Massacre movie has and Horror genres.

Backwood: The Barn Massacre Movie was made by Garden of Gore The film was successfully completed and released in 2022 The spoken language used in the film is German.

After a couple disappears, investigators Brian and Steve become aware of the case. On the trail of the killer, they come across an old abandoned barn. What awaits them inside is a raw, bloody perversion of horror.

Backwood: The Barn Massacre Movie Backdrop

Backwood: The Barn Massacre Movie Stars:

Simon Spachmann as Steve Dahlenberg, Brian Bloody as Brian Metzger, Günay Akoglu as , Arthur Spang as The Killer, Matthias Fuchs as , Carola Thiel as , Manuel Speck as , and Jens Bohlmann as .

Brian Bloody Photo

Those involved in the making of this Backwood: The Barn Massacre movie:

Simon Spachmann (Director), Emrah Zabun (Director of Photography), Kai Rottmann (Prop Designer), Oliver Schwarz (Prop Designer), Kid Atari / Manuel Teichert (Music), and Leni Döbler (Special Effects Makeup Artist).

Here are some translations about the movie:

Nachdem ein Paar verschwunden ist, werden die zwei Ermittler Brian und Steve auf den Fall aufmerksam. Auf den Spuren des Killers stoßen sie auf eine alte verlassene Scheune. Was sie darin erwartet, ist eine rohe, blutige Perversion des Grauens.

Language: German

Les escaliers sont en papier Movie

Les escaliers sont en papier Poster

This Les escaliers sont en papier movie has and Drama genres.

Les escaliers sont en papier Film was made by Déjà Vu Productions The film was successfully completed and released in 2022 The spoken language used in the film is French.

When Felix returns home, he realizes that his mother has put their house up for sale. In the evening, the memories of a bygone era come alive and reappear in the darkness of the corridors, crawling down the stairs like threatening ghosts.

Les escaliers sont en papier Movie Stars:

Nathalie Breuer as Nathalie, Léonard Giovenazzo as Léonard, and Félix Rioux as Félix.

Nathalie Breuer Photo Félix Rioux Photo

Professional involved in the making of the Les escaliers sont en papier film:

Laurie Vigneault (Second Assistant "A" Camera), Kayla Fragman (Editor), Antoine Foley-Dupont (Screenplay), William Albu (Cinematography), Alice Gaboury-Moreau (Graphic Designer), Pierre Charles Rochette (Script Supervisor), Louis Parent (Sound Designer), Charlotte Clerk (Art Direction), Théo Parent (Compositor), Axel Robin (First Assistant Director), Louis-Emmanuel Gagné-Brochu (Production Controller), Salomé Villeneuve (Camera Operator), Alizée Colin (Costume Designer), Léa Barsalou (First Assistant "A" Camera), Simon Demeule (Compositor), and Hugo Beaupré (Gaffer).

Laurie Vigneault Photo Salomé Villeneuve Photo

Here are some translations about the movie:

Lorsque Félix rentre chez lui, il réalise que sa mère a mis en vente leur maison. Le soir même, les souvenirs d’une époque révolue prennent vie et ressurgissent dans la pénombre des couloirs, rampent le long des escaliers tels des fantômes menaçants.

Language: French

El Octavo Día, La Creación Film

El Octavo Día, La Creación Poster

This El Octavo Día, La Creación film has Fantasy, Animation, and Horror genres.

El Octavo Día, La Creación Movie was made by Instituto Mexicano de Cinematografía The film was successfully completed and released in 2003 The spoken language used in the film is Spanish.

At the end of the eighth day the Creator has taken refuge in a dark dungeon . Obsessed with transcending he manipulates life to the extreme and tries to engender the perfect being that will immortalize him

Here are some translations about the movie:

Al final del octavo día, el Creador se ha refugiado en un calabozo oscuro. Obsesionado por trascender, manipula la vida al extremo y trata de engendrar el ser perfecto que lo inmortalizará.

Language: Spanish

پروانه Film

پروانه Poster

This پروانه film has and Documentary genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2020

A documentary about Iranian artist Parvaneh Etemadi

پروانه Movie Stars:

and Parvaneh Etemadi as self.

Professional involved in the making of the پروانه film:

and Bahman Kiarostami (Director).

Bahman Kiarostami Photo