Friday, May 31, 2024

Animals Film

This Animals movie has Fantasy, and Drama genres.

Animals Film was made by Escac Films, and Escándalo Films The film was successfully completed and released in 2012 The spoken language used in the film is Catalan.

Pol is a teenager with a seemingly calm life: he lives with his brother and is still in high school. However, Pol has a secret: Deerhoof, a cuddly teddy bear who thinks, moves around and with whom he shares his best moments. Life goes on as normal until the arrival of Ikari, an enigmatic student who seems to be hiding something. Pol is fascinated by his new classmate and attracted to the dark side he harbors. An inexplicable death and a series of strange events will transform the meek student's routine into a fantastic adventure which will take over their lives. Animals is a story of teenage love, of sacrifice, of the tragedy of two clashing worlds. A Tale in which the power of imagination blurs its borders with reality and where death turns out to be an ending as tempting as inevitable.

Animals Movie Backdrop

Animals Movie Stars:

Augustus Prew as Ikari, Martin Freeman as Albert, Javier Beltrán as Llorenç, Dimitri Leonidas as Mark, Alba Ribas as Laura, Oriol Pla as Pol, Roser Tapias as Laia, Katia Klein as Silvia, Pep Jové as Inspector, Paula Malia as Mar, Maria Rodríguez Soto as Clara, Mia Lacostena as Sara, Brian Brennan as Director, and Anaïs López as Sonia.

Augustus Prew Photo Martin Freeman Photo Javier Beltrán Photo Dimitri Leonidas Photo Alba Ribas Photo Oriol Pla Photo Roser Tapias Photo Katia Klein Photo Pep Jové Photo Paula Malia Photo Maria Rodríguez Soto Photo

Professional involved in the making of this Animals movie:

Bernat Vilaplana (Editor), Elena Ruiz (Editor), Gemma Fauria (Production Design), Aintza Serra (Screenplay), Eduard Grau (Director of Photography), Sergi Casamitjana (Executive Producer), Lita Roig (Executive Producer), Marçal Forés (Director), Jordi Ribas (Production Sound Mixer), Natalie Holt (Original Music Composer), Jordi López (Editor), Lluís Rivera (Special Effects Supervisor), Lluís Castells (Visual Effects Supervisor), Enric Pardo (Screenplay), Mireia Juárez (Casting), Pablo Perona (Animatronics Designer), Angélica Muñoz (Costume Design), Marta Rodriguez-Coronil (Production Manager), Valentí Closas (Production Manager), Lola Martínez (Makeup Artist), and Miriam Pintado (Hairstylist).

Bernat Vilaplana Photo Eduard Grau Photo Marçal Forés Photo Natalie Holt Photo Mireia Juárez Photo

Here are some translations about the film:

Pol, un adolescent que viu amb el seu germà, té un amic secret: Deerhoof, un tendre osset de peluix que pensa, es mou, i parla en anglès. La seva vida transcorre plàcidament fins que apareix Ikari, un enigmàtic company de classe pel qual el Pol se sent fascinat. Una mort inexplicable i una sèrie d'esdeveniments estranys transformen la tranquil·la vida de Pol en una autèntica aventura.

Language: Catalan

Zvířata (festivalový název)

Pol je zdánlivě obyčejný kluk, který studuje na anglickém gymnáziu. Žije jen se svým bratrem, protože rodiče tragicky zahynuli. Pol má ale jedno velké tajemství: jeho největším přítelem je plyšový medvídek, s nímž mluví anglicky a dělí se s ním o nejdůležitější chvíle svého života. Všechno by vlastně bylo úplně v pořádku, kdyby se ve škole neobjevil záhadný chlapec Ikari, který Pola přitahuje duševně i tělesně. Nakonec do jejich životů zasáhne smrt a řada nepochopitelných událostí, jejichž prostřednictvím se skutečnost stává čím dál méně zřetelnou. Tento…

Language: Czech

Pol (Oriol Pla) ist ein schüchterner Jugendlicher, der mit dem Erwachsenwerden kämpft. Er wohnt noch bei seinem älteren Bruder und verbringt seine Freizeit mit einem Teddybär, den er überall hin mitschleppt. Erst mit dem Auftauchen des mysteriösen, attraktiven Ikaris (Augustus Prew) beginnt Pols wenig aufregendes Leben abenteuerliche Formen anzunehmen, und seine Welt wird gehörig auf den Kopf gestellt...

Language: German


Pol, un adolescente que vive con su hermano, tiene un amigo secreto: Deerhoof, un tierno osito de peluche que piensa, se mueve, y habla en inglés. Su vida transcurre apaciblemente hasta que aparece Ikari, un enigmático compañero de clase por el que Pol se siente fascinado. Una muerte inexplicable y una serie de extraños acontecimientos transforman la tranquila vida de Pol en una auténtica aventura.

Language: Spanish

Un jeune garçon lunaire partage ses états d'âme avec un ours en peluche doué de parole. Son quotidien va basculer avec l'arrivée dans son école d'un élève mystérieux.

Language: French


17세 소년 폴은 소울메이트 디어후프와 밤마다 함께 산책하고 많은 이야기를 나눈다. 그런 폴에겐 말 못 할 비밀이 하나 있는데, 그것은 디어후프가 테디베어 인형이라는 것이다.

Language: Korean


Полу скоро исполнится 18, с виду он обычный парень: заканчивает школу, играет на электрогитаре. У Пола есть секрет: Дерхуф, приятель довольно потрепанного вида, плюшевый медведь, который всюду следует за Полом, разговаривает, имея собственное мнение на любой счет, и к тому же неплохо справляется с ударной установкой. Конфликт со старшим братом, который убежден, что Пол в одиночестве общается сам с собой, а Дерхуф — его фантазия, желание повзрослеть склоняет Пола к непростому решению: избавиться от Дерхуфа. Пол изо всех сил старается жить, как ни в чем ни бывало. Но потеря друга, влюбленность, необъяснимое исчезновение девушки, начало полной недомолвок и тайн дружбы с одноклассником — все вместе это запускает пружину странных событий, готовую распрямиться в необратимость.

Language: Russian


Полу скоро виповниться 18, на вигляд він звичайний хлопець: закінчує школу, грає на електрогітарі. У Пола є секрет: Дерхуф, плюшевий ведмідь, який всюди слідує за Полом, розмовляє, маючи власну думку на будь-який рахунок. Пол щосили прагне жити, як ні в чому не бувало. Але втрата друга, закоханість, незрозуміле зникнення дівчини, початок повної недомовок і таємниць дружби з однокласником — все разом це запускає пружину дивних подій, готову розпрямитися у незворотність.

Language: Ukrainian


17岁男孩保罗(奥利奥尔·普拉 Oriol Pla 饰)在圣詹姆斯高中上学,那是一所国际学校,坐落在高山绿湖畔,风景清冷幽美。 保罗有一个别人都看不见的秘密朋友:迪尔霍夫,一只可以直立行走和说英语的绒毛泰迪熊。保罗由哥哥抚养长大,在孤独的成长中他对迪尔霍夫有着复杂的情感。神秘转校生依卡瑞(奥古斯图斯·珀如 Augustus Prew 饰)不经意侵入了保罗的生活。他的黑暗气息让保罗颤栗和沉浸其中,也让保罗的名义女友拉娅(罗斯·塔皮亚斯 Roser Tapias 饰)忧心忡忡。 学校有个女孩失踪了,,保罗决定将泰迪熊沉入湖底永不再见,可他身边的一切仍然以肉眼不可见的速度分崩离析......

Language: Mandarin

അനന്തഭദ്രം Movie

അനന്തഭദ്രം Backdrop

The അനന്തഭദ്രം movie has Fantasy, Horror, and Thriller genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2005 The spoken language used in the film is Malayalam.

In the ancient village of Shivapuram, little Ananthan hears a tale from his mother, Gayathri (Revathi). She tells him that his family comes from a line of powerful magicians, and they are responsible for protecting nagamanikyam, a jewel on a serpent's head. The jewel, she narrates, lies in a secret place in the house guarded by snakes, including a tiny snake called Kunjootan. Years later, obeying the wishes of his dead mother, Ananthan (Prithviraj Sukumaran) returns to his ancestral village to light the lamps at Shivakavu, a dark and mysterious temple of Shiva.

അനന്തഭദ്രം Movie Backdrop

അനന്തഭദ്രം Movie Stars:

Riya Sen as Bhama, Prithviraj Sukumaran as Ananthan, Nedumudi Venu as , Suresh Krishna as Police Inspector, Kalabhavan Mani as Chemban, Cochin Haneefa as Maravi Mathai, Revathi as Gayathri, Kavya Madhavan as Bhadra, Biju Menon as Sivaram, Kunchan as , Manoj K Jayan as Digambaran, Ambika Mohan as Village lady, Kalasala Babu as Raman Panikker, T. P. Madhavan as , Maniyanpilla Raju as Police Constable, Lakshmi Krishnamurthy as , Santha Devi as , and Maya Viswanath as .

Riya Sen Photo Prithviraj Sukumaran Photo Nedumudi Venu Photo Suresh Krishna Photo Kalabhavan Mani Photo Cochin Haneefa Photo Revathi Photo Kavya Madhavan Photo Biju Menon Photo Kunchan Photo Manoj K Jayan Photo Ambika Mohan Photo Kalasala Babu Photo T. P. Madhavan Photo Maniyanpilla Raju Photo Lakshmi Krishnamurthy Photo Santha Devi Photo Maya Viswanath Photo

Peoples involved in the making of this അനന്തഭദ്രം film:

Santosh Sivan (Director), Sreekar Prasad (Editor), Maniyanpilla Raju (Producer), M. G. Radhakrishnan (Music), and Sunil Parameswaran (Writer).

Santosh Sivan Photo Sreekar Prasad Photo Maniyanpilla Raju Photo

Here are some translations about the film:

Das Schlangenjuwel

Aus einem weniger fröhlichen Grund reist Anandan (Prithviraj) nach Indien. Er will die Asche seiner verstorbenen Mutter beizusetzen. Die Reise wird für Anandan allerdings nicht nur eine Beisetzung. Der rationale Amerikaner gerät zwischen die Fronten übernatürlicher Kräfte, die sich in einem Kampf um ein magisches Juwel befinden. Das Schlangenjuwel!

Language: German


Language: Tamil


Language: Telugu

Dungeons & Dragons Film

This Dungeons & Dragons film has Adventure, Fantasy, and Drama genres.

Dungeons & Dragons Film was made by Silver Pictures, Stillking Films, New Line Cinema, Sweetpea Entertainment, MDP Worldwide, and Behaviour Worldwide at a cost of $35,000,000. The film was successfully completed and released in 2000 made a revenue of $15,185,241. The spoken language used in the film is English.

The Empire of Izmer is a divided land: elite magicians called “mages” rule while lowly commoners are powerless. When Empress Savina vows to bring equality and prosperity to her land, the evil mage Profion plots to depose her.

Dungeons & Dragons Movie Backdrop

Dungeons & Dragons Film Stars:

Lee Arenberg as Elwood Gutworthy, Thora Birch as Empress Savina, Marlon Wayans as Snails, Richard O'Brien as Xilus, Jeremy Irons as Profion, David O'Kelly as Three Eyes, Bruce Payne as Damodar, Kristen Wilson as Norda, Tom Baker as Halvarth, Jiří Macháček as , Robert Miano as Azmath, Justin Whalin as Ridley Freeborn, Edward Jewesbury as Vildan Vildir, Zoe McLellan as Marina Pretensa, Martin Astles as Orc #1, Martin Hub as , Karel Vávrovec as , Tomas Havrlik as Mage, Matthew O'Toole as Orcs, Roman Hemala as , Jiří Kraus as , and Dimo Lipitkovský as .

Lee Arenberg Photo Thora Birch Photo Marlon Wayans Photo Richard O'Brien Photo Jeremy Irons Photo Bruce Payne Photo Kristen Wilson Photo Tom Baker Photo Jiří Macháček Photo Robert Miano Photo Justin Whalin Photo Edward Jewesbury Photo Zoe McLellan Photo Martin Hub Photo Roman Hemala Photo

Those involved in the making of this Dungeons & Dragons movie:

Mark Holding (Production Sound Mixer), Hans Zimmer (Thanks), Joel Silver (Executive Producer), David Minkowski (Co-Producer), Matthew Stillman (Co-Producer), Kristen Branan (Visual Effects Producer), Caroline Ross (Editor), Douglas Milsome (Director of Photography), Jeremy Zimmermann (Casting), Stephen Barden (Supervising Sound Editor), Jindřich Kočí (Art Direction), Barbara Lane (Costume Design), Goro Koyama (Foley Artist), Abra Edelman (Casting), Elisa Goodman (Casting), Justin Caine Burnett (Original Music Composer), David Baxa (Set Designer), Bryce Perrin (Production Design), Kia Jam (Producer), Steve Richards (Co-Producer), Thomas M. Hammel (Producer), Courtney Solomon (Director), Nelson Leong (Executive Producer), Francis Delia (Second Unit Director), Allan Zeman (Executive Producer), Topper Lilien (Screenplay), Carroll Cartwright (Screenplay), Everett Burrell (3D Supervisor), Terri Douglas (ADR Voice Casting), Theo Kypri (Stunt Double), Chuck Comisky (Visual Effects Supervisor), Bob Dahlin (Associate Producer), Mike Peel (Special Effects Technician), Michal Škop (Production Manager), Conrad Riggs (Co-Producer), Hana Kučerová (Set Costumer), Jill Purdy (ADR Editor), Kevin Banks (Sound Effects Editor), Rocco Passionino (CG Supervisor), Jiří Husák (Transportation Coordinator), Susan Lambie (Script Supervisor), David Rauch (Second Assistant Director), Lee de Lang (Assistant Sound Editor), Graeme Crowther (Stunt Coordinator), Audrey Chang (Visual Effects Editor), Barbora Kolarova (Special Effects Assistant), Pavel Cajzl (Stunts), Viktor Lonek (Video Assist Operator), Danny Braet (Compositing Supervisor), Todd Beckett (Sound Re-Recording Mixer), Stanislav Suva (Scenic Artist), Václav Čermák (Electrician), Pavel Mrkous (Location Manager), Chris Anderson (Visual Effects Coordinator), Andy Arnautov (Gaffer), Lorraine Hill (Makeup Artist), Jakub Dvorak (Assistant Director), Sean T. Stratton (Co-Producer), Ricardo Spinacé (Supervising Art Director), Malcolm Luker (Scoring Mixer), Jiří Gažda (Key Grip), Tomas Hais (Set Decoration), Filip Majer (Assistant Camera), Hunter S. Ellis (Post Production Assistant), Ivo Grešák (Grip), Mirek Lux (First Assistant Director), Jamie Baxter (Visual Effects), Craig Appel (Utility Stunts), Radek Škudrna (First Assistant Camera), John J. Moers (Camera Operator), Paul S. Henning (Orchestrator), David R. Davies (Software Engineer), Tod Holcomb (Music Editor), Martin Hall (Compositor), Mathew C. Judd (3D Modeller), Andrew Blau (Production Supervisor), Bob Bowen (Storyboard Artist), Martin Kotek (Set Dressing Artist), Thomas Esmeralda (Matte Painter), Jason Doss (3D Generalist), Kathi Danielson (Production Accountant), Ota Bares (Animal Wrangler), Allen Crawford (Associate Producer), Nancy Koester (Associate Producer), John Raczka (Associate Producer), Bruce Rockowitz (Co-Executive Producer), Ann Flagella (Co-Producer), Mark Leahy (Co-Producer), Petr Brodsky (Casting), Carl Hooper (Leadman), Renata Janousková (Assistant Costume Designer), Václav Frank (Hairstylist), Sheri Jeffrey (Legal Services), Dana H. Suddath (Special Effects Coordinator), Josh Campbell (First Assistant Editor), Yancy Calzada (3D Animator), Laura Vergelli (Dialogue Editor), Rino Bonavita (First Assistant Accountant), Martin Hubáček (Assistant Editor), Kate Neumann (Executive Assistant), Martin Sebik (Second Assistant Director), Pavlina Prikrylova (Assistant Production Coordinator), Garry E. Lewis (VFX Artist), Amanda D. Mahoney (Casting Assistant), Adam Buckner (Digital Compositor), and Karen Kuder (Production Assistant).

Hans Zimmer Photo Joel Silver Photo Goro Koyama Photo Kia Jam Photo Courtney Solomon Photo Terri Douglas Photo Theo Kypri Photo Pavel Cajzl Photo Bob Bowen Photo

What Peoples Said About Dungeons & Dragons Movie:

I saw this at the time it was released in 2000, and I couldn't quite fathom how Oscar winning Jeremy Irons ("Profion") ever found his way onto the screen for this nonsense. The whole thing centres around his megalomaniacal desire to depose the Empress (a shockingly wooden Thora Birch) and seize her sceptre that controls the white dragons. She's having none of that, so he must now seek out the red "Rod of Savina" via his menacing henchman "Damodar" (Bruce Payne) for that controls the red ones. Meantime petty thieves "Ridley" (Justin Whalin) and his pal "Snails" (Marlon Wayans) manage to get embroiled in the plot after a visit to the House of Magic goes a bit awry. The scene is now set for some silly, set-piece escapades with some basic special effects, a daft cameo from Richard O'Brien (reappraising his "Adventure Game" performance) and, well you get the drift. It's poor, this - but I didn't hate it. There is a bit of fun being had, Whalin is easy enough on the eye and the whole thing has it's tongue so firmly planted in it's cheek that it is hard to actually dislike it - especially at the end when Iron hits super-ham mode and the dragons all take flight. Sure, the dialogue is daft but somehow that just didn't matter. Despite myself, I quite enjoyed this....


Campy, amusing heroic fantasy with – you guessed it – dungeons and dragons. RELEASED IN 2000 and directed by Courtney Solomon, "Dungeons & Dragons" chronicles events in the kingdom of Izmer where the idealistic Empress (Thora Birch) advocates equality between the mages and commoners while the power-mad Profion (Jeremy Irons) plots to overthrow the Empress with the help of his formidable henchman Damodar (Bruce Payne). A ragtag team is assembled to save Izmer by apprehending the Eye of the Dragon: Two thieves (Justin Whalin and Marlon Wayans), a beautiful mage apprentice (Zoe McLellan), a dwarf (Lee Arenberg) and an elf girl (Kristen Wilson). The first shot with Irons hamming it up as the diabolical Profion made me bust out laughing. In other words, the movie telegraphs from the get-go that it’s not to be taken seriously. If you can roll with the campiness, this is an amusing throwaway fantasy flick. Imagine the gaudiness of “Star Wars” (1977) if the story were transplanted to a Medieval-like kingdom where dragons & magic are reality and you’d have a good idea of what “Dungeons & Dragons” has to offer. This was a theatrical release that cost a whopping $45 million, but totally bombed at the box office. The 2005 sequel “Wrath of the Dragon God” (with only Bruce Payne returning as Damodar) cost just $15 million and is slightly better because the creators took the material seriously, but it’s decidedly TV fantasy fare. The film scores pretty well on the female front with the winsome McLellan and cutie Birch. Whalin and Wayans are entertaining as the two main protagonists, if you can get past their goofiness. People love to hate Snails (Wayans), but I found him to be a likable, amusing character. THE MOVIE RUNS 1 hour 47 minutes and was shot in the Czech Republic (Kutná Hora and Prague). WRITERS: Topper Lilien and Carroll Cartwright. GRADE: C


Here are some translations about the movie:

Dracs i masmorres

L'emperadriu Savina regna sobre el reialme d'Izmer, a desgrat de Profion, un mag que desitja fer-se amb el poder. Per això necessita el Ceptre de Savrille, amb el que control·larà els dracs rojos i l'ajudaran en la seva lluita.

Language: Catalan

Dračí doupě

Tyran Profion usiluje o zničení pokojného císařství, kde vládne spravedlivá královna.

Izmerská říše je již po dlouhý čas na rozhraní dobra a zla. Vládnou zde mágové, elitní skupina kouzelníků, zatímco prostí lidé jsou bezmocní. Izmerská císařovna Savina (Thora Birch) chce rovnost a blahobyt pro všechny, proto má zlý mág Profion (Jeremy Irons) v plánu sesadit ji a nastolit vlastní vládu. Císařovna vlastní žezlo, které ovládá izmerské zlaté draky. Aby Profion mohl převzít vládu, musí nejprve toto žezlo získat a lstí přesvědit radu mágů o tom, že Savina je nezpůsobilá udržet moc. Císařovna ví, že Profion přinese Izmeru ničení a smrt. Musí proto najít legendární tzv. savrillský prut - mýtický prut, který má moc nad rudými draky, mnohem mocnějšími než jsou zlatí.

Language: Czech

Meget mere end bare et spil...

Kejserdømmet Izmer har længe været opdelt mellem de rige og de magtesløse fattige. Izmers unge kejserinde, Savina, vil have lighed og retfærdighed for alle, men i det skjulte lægger den onde Profion planer om at styrte hende og selv overtage magten. Savina ejer et scepter, der kontrollerer de gyldne drager. Skal Profions rænkespil lykkes, må han have fat i scepteret. Men Savina giver ikke op så let. For der er andre drager end de gyldne...

Language: Danish

Im Königreich von Izmir ist der Friede in Gefahr. Der böse Magier Profion Jeremy Irons und sein Gefolge tyrannisieren die Bürger und wollen Kaiserin Savina Thora Birch von ihrem Thron stoßen. Diese aber lässt nichts unversucht, um der drohenden Gefahr zu trotzen. Die Situation erscheint aussichtslos, nur mit dem legendären Zepter von Savrille kann Savina den Magier besiegen. Doch das befindet sich an einem schwer zugänglichen Ort und die Reise dorthin birgt viele Gefahren. Verzweifelt bedient sich Savine der Diebe Ridley Justin Whalin und Snails Marlon Wayans. Begleitet von der Fährtenleserin und Fee Norda Kristen Wilson und dem lustigen Zwerg Elwood Lee Arenberg begeben sie sich auf eine abenteuerliche Reise - der Wettlauf gegen das Böse beginnt.

Language: German

Μάγοι & Δράκοντες

Δεν είναι παιχνίδι!

Ο μάγος Profion προσπαθεί να εκθρονίσει την αυτοκράτειρα Savina που κυβερνά το βασίλειό της με ειρήνη και ισότητα. Το μέλλον του βασιλείου θα εξαρτηθεί από τον νεαρό κλέφτη Ridley, ο οποίος θα προσπαθήσει να εμποδίσει τον Profion απ`το να εκπληρώσει τα σατανικά του σχέδια.

Language: Greek

Dragones y Mazmorras

Entra en un mundo que desafía tu imaginación.

Profion, un mago maligno, está tramando destronar a la nueva emperatriz de un legendario país. Ella recluta un grupo de aventureros y un pícaro que deben encontrar un objeto mágico que frustrará el plan del mago. Se trata de la Barra del Control del Dragón, cuyo portador adquiere la capacidad de controlar dragones. Pero el mago también encarga a sus ayudantes la búsqueda de la Barra.

Language: Spanish

سرزمین اژدها 1

پروفیون فرد ظالمی است که می خواهد با همدستی زن جسور فرمانروا بر فرمانروای عادل و صلح طلب فائق آید ولی...

Language: Persian

Donjons & Dragons

L'empire mythique d'Izmer est menacé par le chaos si la princesse Savina refuse de céder son sceptre au maléfique Profion. Un affrontement terrible se prépare et seuls deux jeunes voleurs, Snails et Ridley, acompagnés de Marina, une novice de la très puissante Congrégation des Mages, ont une chance de sauver leur monde. Entre sortilèges et ruses, guidés par un mansucrit ancien, ils vont faire naître l'espoir d'un royaume nouveau. Mais avant, il leur faut survivre aux complots, aux traitres et aux pièges.

Language: French

מבוכים ודרקונים

פרפיון האכזר זומם להשתלט על האימפריה ולהדיח את הקיסרית סבינה. כדי להציל את האימפריה מידיו, עליה למצוא מטה קסמים שיוכל לשלוט בדרקונים האדומים. היא משגרת אנשים כדי לנסות לאתר את המטה, בעוד פרפיון משלח את אחד מאנשיו כדי למנוע זאת ממנה ולהשתלט על המטה עצמו.

Language: Hebrew

Sárkányok háborúja

Izmer birodalma régóta megosztott föld. A mágusok akarják megkaparintani a hatalmat. Az ifjú uralkodónő, Savina (Thora Birch) egyenlőséget akar mindenkinek, de a mágusok vezetője, Profion (Jeremy Irons) nyílt ellenállásba kezd. Savinánál van az Izmer arany sárkányait irányító jogar, amit Profion meg akar szerezni. Tudva, hogy a mágusok le akarják taszítani a trónról, Savinának meg kell találnia a legendás Savrille-varázspálcát, ami az arany sárkányoknál talán még erősebb vörös sárkányokat irányító vessző. Két tolvaj, Ridley (Justin Whalin) és Snails (Marlon Wayans) akaratlanul is a császárnő oldalára állnak a varázspálca keresésében. Damodar (Bruce Payne), a főmágus katonája mindenáron meg akarja akadályozni a császári oldal sikerét.

Language: Hungarian

Dungeons & Dragons - Che il gioco abbia inizio

Questo non è un gioco

Nel regno di Izmer, la principessa Savina deve difendere il suo trono dal malvagio capo degli stregoni Profion, che vuole prendere il suo posto. Per raggiungere il suo scopo, Profion deve impossessarsi dello Scettro Reale che comanda i Dragoni d'Oro. Due abili ladri, Ridley e Snails, insieme al nano Elwood e all'elfo Norda accorrono in aiuto di Savina per trovare la leggendaria Bacchetta di Savrille, che comanda i potenti Dragoni Rossi, e sventare così i loschi piani di Profion e del suo fido seguace Damodar.

Language: Italian



Language: Japanese

მიწისქვეშეთი და დრაკონები

Language: Georgian

던전 드래곤

이즈멜은 드래곤과 마법이 공존하는 신비의 왕국. 어린 여왕 사비나(도라 버치)는 평민과 귀족 메이지로 나눠져 있는 나라를 개혁하고자 한다. 그러나 이즈멜 최고의 마법사 프로피온(제레미 아이언스)은 왕국을 차지하기 위해서 드래곤 중 가장 강한 레드 드래곤을 통제할 수 있는 지팡이를 손에 넣고자 모략을 꾸민다. 한편 평민인 좀도둑 리들리(저스틴 왈린)와 스네일스(말론 웨인즈)는 얼떨결에 프로피온과 맞서게 되고 마법학교의 마리나(조 맥럴랜)와 함께 마법의 지팡이를 찾기 위한 모험을 떠난다.

Language: Korean

ဒီကားမှာတော့ အစ်ဇမာရဲ့ဧကရီမလေးဟာ ငယ်ငယ်ရွယ်ရွယ်နဲ့ ထီးနန်းစိုးစံဖို့ဖြစ်လာပါတယ်။ ဒါပေမဲ့ကောင်စီက ဧကရီမလေးရဲ့ မှော်ဆရာတွေနဲ့ သာမန်လူတွေကို တစ်သားတည်းထား တန်းတူညီမျှအခွင့်အရေးပဲ ပေးချင်တဲ့ ပုန်ကန်တတ်တဲ့ဗီဇကို ကြောက်ရွံ့ပြီး ဧကရီမလေးဆီက အာဏာသိမ်းတဲ့ သဘောဆန်ဆန်လုပ်ဖို့ကြံလာပါတယ်။ ဒီခေတ်မှာတော့ ဘုရင်မဟာ နဂါးတွေကိုထိန်းချုပ်နိုင်စွမ်းရှိပြီး နဂါးတွေနဲ့ တိုက်ခိုက်တာတွေ ဘာတွေမြင်ရပါမယ်။ ဒါပေမဲ့ ကောင်စီက ဧကရီမလေးရဲ့ ရာဇတောင်ဝှေးကို အကြောင်းပြချက်ပေးသိမ်းယူဖို့ကြံတာကြောင့် ဧကရီမလေးနဲ့ လူယုံတွေဟာ နဂါးနီတွေကို ထိန်းချုပ်နိုင်တဲ့ ကျိုင်းကိုရှာပြီး သူ့လက်နက်အစားကိုင်စွဲပြီး ကောင်စီကို ဆန့်ကျင်ဖို့ လုပ်ပါတယ်။ ပုံပြင်ထဲမှာသာရှိပြီး မတွေ့တာကြာပြီဖြစ်တဲ့ ဒီကျိုင်းကိုရှာဖို့ မှော်ကျောင်းကမှော်ဆရာမလေးရယ် ဧကရီမလေးရဲ့အမှုထမ်းရယ် သူခိုး၂ကောင်ရယ် လူပုလေးတစ်ကောင်ရယ် စွန့်စားခန်းဖွင့်ကြတာကို ကြည့်ရမှာပါ။ နတ်သူငယ်တွေလည်း ပါပါသေးတယ်။ ဒီတော့ သူ့ပုံစံကြီးက GoT နဲ့ LoTR ကိုပေါင်းထားသလိုလိုပါပဲ။

Language: Burmese

Dit is geen spel.

De jonge keizerin van Izmer, Savina, wil gelijkheid en voorspoed voor haar onderdanen. De slechte Magiër Profion is op haar macht uit. Om Profion de baas te blijven moet Savina op zoek naar de staf van Savrille. Als ze deze in haar bezit heeft, heeft ze de macht over de machtige Rode Draken.

Language: Dutch

Lochy i smoki

W baśniowym królestwie Izmer, potężny czarnoksiężnik Profion chce zawładnąć tronem i zabija prawowitego króla. Władzę w Izmer obejmuje jego córka, księżniczka Savina, która za cenę własnego życia nie pozwoli by Profion zasiadł na tronie. Nie wie jednak, że żeby go pokonać będzie musiała stawić czoła zastępom przerażających wojowników, potężnej magii i okrutnym, czerwonym smokom.

Language: Polish

Dungeons & Dragons - A aventura Começa Agora

As personagens foram escolhidas e armadas para a aventura. Os feitiços foram definidos. A masmorra foi designada. O dragão está à espera. Que o jogo comece. Masmorras e Dragões é o derradeiro jogo de personagens de fantasia. Uma arrebatadora mistura de aventura, terríveis monstros e um complexo conhecimento de magia que atrai a imaginação de qualquer um. Num mundo onde as forças do mal têm poderes mágicos e o povo é desprovido de magia, somente um grupo de jovens aventureiros pode salvar o reino. Profion é um diabólico mago que conspira contra o império. Para tomar o poder em Izmer pede que o Conselho de Magos confisque o cetro com que a Imperatriz Savina controla os dragões dourados. Agora, as esperanças do Reino de Izmer pairam sob Snails, Ridley e bravos guerreiros que vão ajuda-los numa batalha contra as fantásticas forças do mal.

Language: Portuguese

Подземелье драконов

Савина, молодая императрица Измира, хочет процветания для своих подданных, но злой представитель всесильной касты магов, колдун Профион, хочет сместить ее и завладеть Скипетром Золотых Драконов.Чтобы спасти королевство, Савина нанимает двух воров, которые должны пройти все ловушки, победить много нечисти и найти магический Амулет Красных Драконов…

Language: Russian

Dračie diery

Izmerská ríša bola dlho na hranici medzi dobrom a zlom. Vládnu jej mágovia, elitná skupina čarodejníkov, zatiaľ čo obyčajní ľudia sú bezmocní. Izmerská cisárovná Savina (Thora Birch) chce rovnosť a prosperitu pre všetkých, preto ju zlý mág Profion (Jeremy Irons) plánuje zvrhnúť a nastoliť vlastnú vládu. Cisárovná vlastní žezlo, ktorým ovláda izmerských zlatých drakov. Aby mohol Profion prevziať moc, musí najprv získať toto žezlo a oklamať radu mágov, aby uverili, že Savina nie je schopná držať moc. Cisárovná vie, že Profion prinesie Izmeru skazu a smrť. Preto musí nájsť legendárnu takzvanú Savrilovu palicu, mýtickú palicu, ktorá má moc nad červenými drakmi oveľa silnejšiu ako nad zlatými.

Language: Slovak

Dungeons & Dragons

Language: Slovenian

Dungeons & Dragons

Kejsardömet Izmer har länge varit uppdelat mellan rika och maktlösa fattiga. Izmers unga kejsarinna, Savina, vill ha jämlikhet och rättvisa åt alla men den onde Profion smider i lönndom planer på att störta henne och själv ta över makten. Savina har en spira som kontrollerar de gyllene drakarna. Om Profion ska lyckas med sitt ränkspel måste han ha tag i spiran. Men Savina ger inte upp så lätt. Det finns andra drakar än de gyllene...

Language: Swedish


Dungeons & Dragons ศึกพ่อมดฝูงมังกรบิน ดิน แดนลึกลับที่เรียกขานว่าอิซเมอร์ ปกครองโดยพวกเมจผู้มีอิทธิฤทธิ์และเวทย์มนต์ แต่แล้ว Profion หนึ่งในพวกเมจหวังขึ้นครองอาณาจักร และโค่นอำนาจของซาวิน่าราชินีวัยเยาว์ ด้วยการช่วงชิงคฑาวิเศษที่ใช้ควบคุมมังกรทองไว้ เพื่อขัดขวางแผนร้ายของ Profion เมจสาวผู้กำลังเรียนรู้เวทย์มนต์ จึงต้องเร่งหาคฑาสีแดงอันเป็นกุญแจสำคัญในการควบคุมมังกรแดง การต่อสู้และฟันฝ่าอุปสรรคจึงเริ่มขึ้น

Language: Thai

Zindan ve Ejderha

İzmer İmparatorluğu bölünmüş bir ülkedir. Ülkede Mages adı verilen, aşağı tabakadan gelmelerine rağmen büyücülerin en seçkin tabakasını oluşturan isimler yaşamaktadır. İzmer’in genç İmparatoriçesi Savina, herkes için mutluluk ve eşitlik istemektedir, ancak bir Mage olan Profion, Savina’yı tahtından indirebilmek için türlü entrikalar çevirmekte ve kendi kurallarını koymak istemektedir. Savina’nın kırmızı ejderhanın gücünü kontrol eden efsanevi Savrille asasını bulması gerekmektedir. Bu arada Ridey ve Snais adında iki hırsız farkında olmadan Savina’nın asayı bulmasına yardımcı olurlar. Ne var ki Profion da asanın peşindedir...

Language: Turkish

Підземелля драконів

Імперія Ізмер довго була розділена на частини. Нею управляє група всесильних чарівників, і доки вона при владі — простій людині живеться погано. Імператриця Ізмера Савіна хоче рівності і процвітання для всіх, але головний лиходій Мейдж Профіон хоче повалити Савіну, щоб самому управляти Ізмером.

Language: Ukrainian

Ngục Tối & Rồng

Đây không phải là trò chơi.

Language: Vietnamese



Language: Mandarin