Sunday, June 30, 2024

ฉากและชีวิต Film

This ฉากและชีวิต film has and Drama genres.

ฉากและชีวิต Movie was made by Pla Pen Wai Thuan Nam Studio The film was successfully completed and released in 2018 The spoken language used in the film is Thai.

A country boy and his girlfriend, an old man in the paddy field, young students and traditional rice. A busy teacher and his ignorant student, an old father who is more worthless than a old wood house, a father and his little son, a mess in a new house, a man who looking for his wife, and many touched stories and characters happened in the village, Wang Pi Kul.

ฉากและชีวิต Movie Backdrop

ฉากและชีวิต Movie Stars:

Boonsong Nakphoo as , Kraisorn Nakphoo as , Thoop Nakphoo as , Boonchup Nakphoo as , and Somchai Nakphoo as .

Boonsong Nakphoo Photo

Those involved in the making of the ฉากและชีวิต movie:

and Boonsong Nakphoo (Director).

Boonsong Nakphoo Photo

Wishmaster 3: Beyond the Gates of Hell Film

The Wishmaster 3: Beyond the Gates of Hell film has Fantasy, Horror, and Thriller genres.

Wishmaster 3: Beyond the Gates of Hell Movie was made by Artisan Entertainment, Blue Rider Pictures, Overseas FilmGroup, GFT Entertainment, Paquin Entertainment Group, and Pendle View (WM) Limited at a cost of $1,500,000. The film was successfully completed and released in 2001 The spoken language used in the film is English.

The evil Djinn is back at again, this time wreaking havoc on the students of Illinois' Baxter University. His victim is a beautiful, innocent and studious teenage girl named Diana Collins who accidentally opened up the Djinn's tomb and released him.

Wishmaster 3: Beyond the Gates of Hell Film Backdrop

Wishmaster 3: Beyond the Gates of Hell Film Stars:

Emmanuelle Vaugier as Elinor Smith, A.J. Cook as Diana Collins, Jason Connery as Professor Joel Barash, John Novak as The Djinn, Tobias Mehler as Greg Janson, Sarah Carter as Melissa Bell, Daniella Evangelista as Anne, Jennifer Pudavick as Jose Rodriguez, Kate Yacula as Young Diana Collins, Aaron Smolinski as Billy Matthews, Muriel Hogue as Mrs. Kauflan, Rick Skene as Ted Collins, Louisette Geiss as Katie York, Jan Skene as Mary Collins, Chad Bruce as Paramedic #1, Jenny Pudavick as Jose Rodriguez, Ruth Dubuisson as She Demon #1, and Angela Jackson as She Demon #2.

Emmanuelle Vaugier Photo A.J. Cook Photo Jason Connery Photo John Novak Photo Tobias Mehler Photo Sarah Carter Photo Daniella Evangelista Photo Jennifer Pudavick Photo Kate Yacula Photo Aaron Smolinski Photo Rick Skene Photo Louisette Geiss Photo Jan Skene Photo Chad Bruce Photo

Those involved in the making of this Wishmaster 3: Beyond the Gates of Hell film:

Gary Howsam (Producer), Elizabeth Hayden (Casting), Jeffery Passero (Casting), Chuck Robinson (Stunt Double), Linda Madden (Costume Design), Peter Atkins (Characters), Stephen Arndt (Set Decoration), Curtis Petersen (Director of Photography), Jeffrey M. Hoffman (Camera Operator), Gilles Paquin (Producer), Marcus Manton (Editor), Réjean Labrie (Production Design), Doug Morrow (Special Effects Makeup Artist), Roy Knyrim (Special Effects Makeup Artist), Danny Levesque (3D Animator), Chris Angel (Director), Alex Wright (Writer), Wanda Farian (Costume Supervisor), Craig Nicholls (Producer), Ricardo Alms (Property Master), Darren Ross (Stunts), Dean Lewis (Visual Effects Supervisor), Rick Skene (Stunt Coordinator), Pierre Couture (Visual Effects Producer), Maureen Petkau (Assistant Costume Designer), Sherry Starkell (Art Direction), Paul Hubert (Foley), Sébastien Moreau (3D Animator), Tanya Mazur (Script Supervisor), Jessie Burns (Script Supervisor), Ron Proulx (Music Supervisor), Charles Konowal (Camera Operator), Glenn Tussman (Supervising Sound Editor), Scott Donald (Supervising Dialogue Editor), Olaf Dux (Construction Coordinator), Michelle Cloutier (Dialogue Editor), Anita Lubosch (Boom Operator), Ellen Rutter (Production Manager), Richard O'Brien-Moran (First Assistant Director), Laurence Mardon (Rigging Gaffer), Barry Olafson (Key Hair Stylist), Robert Bock (Second Unit Director of Photography), Tina Lemoine (3D Animator), Donald Pilote (3D Animator), Steven Morrisson (Gaffer), Stephen Madden (Dolly Grip), Thomas Fricke (Still Photographer), Vicent Regaudie (Sound Effects Editor), Richard Betanzos (Sound Re-Recording Mixer), Jerry Macaluso (Special Effects Makeup Artist), Craig Skene (Stunts), Stanis Samuelson (Stunts), Matt Kippen (Stunts), Rea Kavanagh (Stunts), and Ed Durham (Stunts).

Jeffery Passero Photo Peter Atkins Photo Chris Angel Photo Alex Wright Photo Darren Ross Photo Rick Skene Photo

What Peoples Said About Wishmaster 3: Beyond the Gates of Hell Film:

_Wishmaster 3: Beyond the Gates of Hell_, or "_Beyond Gape Hell_" if you listen to the trailer, is the most forgettable of the franchise. _Final rating:★½: - Boring/disappointing. Avoid where possible._


Here are some translations about the film:

Pán kouzel - Ďáblův kámen

Studentka Diana objeví tajemnou skříňku s krvavě červeným rubínem a osvobodí temného džina, který v něm spal po mnoho desetiletí. Duch potřebuje, aby vyslovila tři přání a on tak mohl přivolat na svět své druhy. Co kdyby se ale kámen dostal do špatných rukou?

Language: Czech

Wishmaster 3 - Der Höllenstein

Drei Wünsche, ein Albtraum.

Diana Collins hat immer wieder Alpträume über den Autounfall in dem ihre Eltern vor einigen Jahren ums Leben kamen. Sie fühlt sich verantwortlich für ihren Tod. Zusammen mit ihrem Freund Greg Janson besucht sie nun die Baxter Universität in Illinois. Mit Professor Joel Barash arbeitet sie für eine Ausstellung im Museum. Dabei öffnet sie eine Schatulle und findet in dieser einen roten Rubin. Sie ahnt nicht, daß sie damit einen gefürchteten Dschinn aus seiner Gefangenschaft befreit hat. In der Gestalt des Professors macht sich der Dschinn nun auf die Suche nach seiner Erweckerin, damit er ihr die drei Wünsche erfüllen kann, die das Ende der Menschheit bedeuten würden...

Language: German

Wishmaster 3: La piedra del diablo

El mal se alimenta de tus más bajos deseos.

La Piedra del Diablo, un descubrimiento arqueológico del antiguo Islam, mantiene atrapado en su interior al demonio Djinn. Pero cuando una joven y brillante universitaria, Diana, desvela el secreto del Ojo de Dios, libera también inesperadamente al demonio. Ahora, lo único que separa al mundo de su destrucción total son los tres deseos de Diana. ¿Podrá descubrir el modo de detener al Djinn antes de que mate a sus amigos y acabe con nuestro universo?

Language: Spanish

Wishmaster 3 : Au-delà des portes de l'enfer

Trois souhaits, un cauchemar.

Diana Collins, une jeune étudiante réveille malencontrueusement un démon millénaire. Le Djinn prend alors l'apparence du professeur Joel Barash, et tue sauvagement. Son but est de pousser Diana à prononcer 3 voeux afin de plonger le monde dans les ténèbres.

Language: French

Halálosztó 3

Diana Collins a mindennapjait tanársegédként tengeti egy katolikus egyetemen, és igyekszik megfelelni minden elvárásnak, miközben próbálja túltenni magát azon a traumán, amit a szüleinek halála okozott még gyermekkorában. Azonban egy nap furcsa dolog történik. A felettese, Professzor Barash egy érdekes tűzopált talál, amibõl egy vérszomjas Dzsinn szabadul el, hogy miután teljesíti az emberek kívánságait, lelkeket raboljon. Miközben a pokol kapui lassan készülnek megnyílni, hogy a Dzsinnek elárasszák és birtokukba vegyék a földet, az emberiségnek már csak egyetlen reménye maradt: Mihály arkangyal, az utolsó olyan lény, aki képes megállítani a tűzbõl született démont.

Language: Hungarian

Wishmaster 3 - La pietra del diavolo

Il male si nutre dei tuoi desideri

Diana Collins è un'ottima assistente di un prestigioso college, dove studia mitologie e antiche religioni assieme al professore Joel Barash. Un giorno Diana apre un'antica scatola custodita nell'ufficio del docente, liberando così il demone Djiin, che libera la sua razza per distruggere l'intero mondo.

Language: Italian


Language: Japanese

위시마스터 3

새내기 대학생인 주인공이 우연히 지니가 봉인된 루비를 만졌다가, 지니의 봉인을 풀어 주는 바람에 주변 친구들이 참살 당하고 소원 3가지를 빌지 않으면 안되는 상황에 빠지면서 벌어지는 이야기

Language: Korean

De lamp met de gemene Djinn wordt per toeval ontdekt door een universiteitsprofessor. Op een avond roept hij per ongeluk de geest op en al gauw breekt de hel los op de campus van de universiteit.

Language: Dutch

Władca życzeń 3: Miecz sprawiedliwości

Czas szkoły średniej jest wypełniony marzeniami o miłości, sukcesie i lepszej przyszłości. Marzenia te mogą się okazać zgubne, gdyż żeruje na nich zły Djinn. W trakcie badań o starożytności, Diana przypadkiem uwalnia uśpionego w kamieniu Djinna. Od tej pory marzenia jej przyjaciół stają się przyczyną śmierci, Djinn zabija nastolatków, ich własnymi marzeniami. Diana musi zniszczyć Wishmastera, albo w przeciwnym razie jej własne marzenia mogą doprowadzić do zagłady ludzkości.

Language: Polish

O Mestre dos Desejos 3: Além da Porta do Inferno

Seu propósito: é a destruição do mundo.

Inteligente e bela, Diana Collins estuda religião comparativa e mitologia em uma respeitável faculdade católica. Sozinha em um museu arqueológico, ela não resiste em examinar uma antiga caixa persa. Sem querer, ela liberta Djinn, um demônio enclausurado há milhares de anos. Djinn está ávido para conceder três desejos à pessoa que o acordou, deixando-o livre para continuar com seu propósito de destruir a humanidade. Seus primeiros alvos são os amigos de Diana. Será ela capaz de descobrir o segredo e deter o demônio antes que ele mate todos seus amigos? Ou falhará e permitirá a brutal destruição do mundo.

Language: Portuguese

Исполнитель Желаний 3: Дьявольский Камень

Исследуя таинственный старинный артефакт, известный на протяжении веков под названием «дьявольский камень», студентка Дайана случайно освободила заточенного в нем бессмертного Джинна. И в соответствии с древним пророчеством это ужасное порождение ада, наделенное даром исполнять людские желания ада, стремится погрузить Землю в вечную тьму и хаос. Теперь только три желания Дайаны отделяют человечество от полного уничтожения, и от нее зависит будущее всей земной цивилизации. Удастся ли ей остановить Джинна, пока этот могущественный демон ада не убил всех ее друзей и не пришел за ней самой? Или же Дайана окажется беспомощной перед дикой разрушительной силой зла, направленной против мира людей?

Language: Russian

Wishmaster 3

Ett gammalt arkeologiskt fynd från Islams barndom håller den onde Djiin fången. Men när collegetjejen Diana kommer på hemligheten bakom "Guds öga" råkar hon samtidigt lossa Djiin från sina bojor. Diana får tre önskningar, men kan hon verkligen komma på hemligheten och stoppa Djiin innan han dödar alla hennes vänner...?

Language: Swedish

Tılsım 3: Cehennem Kapılarının Ötesinde

Kötülerin kötüsü ve görenlerin korkulu rüyası korkunç Cin, bu sefer daha da kötü ve daha korkunç güçlerle donanmış olarak karşımıza çıkıyor. Güzeller güzeli Diana her görenin hayran kaldığı güzelliği ve masum haliyle çok etkileyici genç bir kızdır. Farkında olmadan kötülüklerin kralı Cin'in yattığı mezarı açar ve onun serbest kalmasına neden olur. Serbest kalan Cin, Diana'nın fakültesindeki her önüne çıkanı acımasızca öldürmeye başlar. Serbest kalırken Diana tarafından bilmeden talep edilen üç dileğini yerine getirmek için onu bulmak zorunda olan ve bu dilekleri yerine getirdikten sonra, cehennemin dibinde yatan kötülükler ordusunu serbest bırakacak Cinden kaçan Diana arasında amansız bir kovalamaca başlar. Diana, bu Cini durdurmanın yollarını aramaktadır...

Language: Turkish

Quỷ Ban Điều Ước 3: Xuyên Tầng Địa Ngục

Language: Vietnamese


  先介绍前两集的前情提要。恶魔咆哮系列的邪恶主角人称迪精,也就是一般人所谓的恶灵。迪精是远古波斯的恶灵,他被囚禁在一颗镶嵌在雕像上的秘石中已达数百年之久,不然…至少是从上一集开始。在恶魔咆哮3中,前途看好的助教戴安娜柯林斯(A.J. Cook,死亡日记」),在年幼时失去所有亲人,因此心中常有自杀的念头。她找到了这颗囚禁迪精的秘石,理所当然的,迪精也趁机逃了出来。而铁定会让许多女性观众忌妒的是,迪精霸占了巴拉许教授(Jason Connery-没错,他就是史恩康纳莱的儿子-果然会让女性忌妒吧?)的身体,而他正是戴安娜的爱慕者。迪精必须让戴安娜许下三个愿望,他才能打开地狱之门,释放所有的邪灵。为了逼她许下第三个愿望,迪精在大学校园大肆屠戮,在戴安娜屈服前,他绝不罢手。

Language: Mandarin

El espesor de lo visible Film

El espesor de lo visible Poster

The El espesor de lo visible movie has and Drama genres.

El espesor de lo visible Movie was made by INCAA The film was successfully completed and released in 2019 The spoken language used in the film is Spanish.

Ana and Francisco go through the experience of their first pregnancy, when they find out that something will not be as they expected...

El espesor de lo visible Film Stars:

Manuel Vignau as , Pablo Caramelo as , and Ana Schmukler as .

Manuel Vignau Photo

Professional involved in the making of the El espesor de lo visible movie:

Mercedes Arias (Director), Martín Farina (Editor), Santiago Ligier (Producer), Javier Arcaro (Cinematography), Emiliano Monsegur (Sound), Emilio Lozano (Costume Design), Paloma Ruvira (Art Direction), Raúl Lavado (Color Grading), Alfredo García Reinoso (Assistant Director), and Javier Castagnino (Music).

Martín Farina Photo

Here are some translations about the film:

Ana y Francisco atraviesan la experiencia del primer embarazo, cuando se enteran que algo no será como esperaban...

Language: Spanish

Valhalla Rising Movie

This Valhalla Rising film has Adventure, Fantasy, Drama, and Action genres.

Valhalla Rising Film was made by Nimbus Film, BBC Film, La Belle Allee Productions, NWR Film Productions, One Eye Production, and Savalas Audio Post-Production at a cost of $5,650,000. The film was successfully completed and released in 2009 made a revenue of $31,000. The spoken language used in the film is English.

Scandinavia, 1,000 AD. For years, One Eye, a mute warrior of supernatural strength, has been held prisoner by the Norse chieftain Barde. Aided by Are, a boy slave, One Eye slays his captor and together he and Are escape, beginning a journey into the heart of darkness. On their flight, One Eye and Are board a Viking vessel, but the ship is soon engulfed by an endless fog that clears only as the crew sights an unknown land. As the new world reveals its secrets and the Vikings confront their terrible and bloody fate, One Eye discovers his true self.

Valhalla Rising Film Backdrop

Valhalla Rising Movie Stars:

Gary Lewis as Kare, Mads Mikkelsen as One-Eye, Jamie Sives as Gorm, Gordon Brown as Hagen, Ewan Stewart as Eirik, Gary McCormack as Hauk, Alexander Morton as Barde, Mathew Zajac as Malkolm, Callum Mitchell as Pagan Viking Guard, Andrew Flanagan as Duggal, Douglas Russell as Olaf, Maarten Stevenson as Are / The Boy, Robert Harrison as Roger, Stewart Porter as Kenneth, James Ramsey as Gudmund, Rony Bridges as Magnus, and P.B. McBeath as Man with Pike.

Gary Lewis Photo Mads Mikkelsen Photo Jamie Sives Photo Gordon Brown Photo Ewan Stewart Photo Gary McCormack Photo Alexander Morton Photo Mathew Zajac Photo Callum Mitchell Photo Andrew Flanagan Photo Douglas Russell Photo Maarten Stevenson Photo Robert Harrison Photo Rony Bridges Photo

Peoples involved in the making of the Valhalla Rising movie:

Morten Søborg (Director of Photography), Des Hamilton (Casting), Sigurjón Sighvatsson (Executive Producer), Thor Sigurjonsson (Executive Producer), Nicolas Winding Refn (Director), Henrik Danstrup (Producer), Yves Chevalier (Executive Producer), Linda James (Executive Producer), Bo Ehrhardt (Producer), Peter Peter (Original Music Composer), Christine Alderson (Executive Producer), Johnny Andersen (Producer), Lene Børglum (Executive Producer), Mads Peter Ole Olsen (Executive Producer), Carole Sheridan (Executive Producer), Peter Kyed (Original Music Composer), Laurel Wear (Production Design), Natalie Astridge (Art Direction), Matthew Newman (Editor), Roy Jacobsen (Writer), Niamh Morrison (Makeup Designer), Gill Horn (Costume Design), Matthew Read (Additional Writing), Allie Milligan (Art Direction), Kathryn Tart (Costume Supervisor), Howard Halsall (Dialogue Editor), Julie Harding (Digital Intermediate), Paul J. Wright (Digital Intermediate), Maxine Dallas (Hairstylist), Dean Rogers (Still Photographer), Freddie Bonfanti (Gaffer), Mike Kelt (Special Effects Supervisor), Iain Anderson (Sound Re-Recording Mixer), Dolina MacFarlane (Script Supervisor), Chris Sinclair (Sound Re-Recording Mixer), Jo Irvine (Still Photographer), Micheal MacKinnon (Foley), Giles Lamb (Sound Designer), Douglas MacDougall (Sound Designer), Cameron Mercer (Sound Recordist), Edward Andrews (Visual Effects), James Ballard (Visual Effects), Myfanwy Harris (Visual Effects), Jon Priddle (First Assistant Camera), Michele De Benedetti (Digital Intermediate), Tony Ray (Digital Intermediate), Peter Fowler (Marine Coordinator), Mette Sø (Researcher), and Ken Petrie (Special Effects Technician).

Sigurjón Sighvatsson Photo Nicolas Winding Refn Photo Henrik Danstrup Photo Bo Ehrhardt Photo Matthew Newman Photo Mike Kelt Photo

What They Said About Valhalla Rising Film:

It never manages to rise above its one trick. Nicolas Winding Refn directs and Mads Mikkelsen stars in this ponderous exercise in arty veneers. Refn boldly strips back the dialogue and plot to reveal a picture big on ideas but poor in execution. As the story plods along, stopping only briefly for some guttural violence now and then, it becomes evident that the makers have made a painfully boring movie. At first the drained out colour photography looks like a masterstroke of ethereal atmospherics, but this also wears off and only compounds the overall feeling of monotony that pervades the pic. Hugely disappointing venture from a director capable of so much more. 3/10

(John Chard)

Twilight of the grim, grey… um… RELEASED IN 2009 and directed by Nicolas Winding Refn, "Valhalla Rising” takes place in the 11th century where a one-eyed mute thrall (Mads Mikkelsen) obtains his freedom in the Scottish Highlands and joins a band of Viking Christians on a voyage to the Holy Land to fight in the Crusades, but the expedition doesn’t go as planned. The movie definitely LOOKS and SOUNDS awesome with an ambient score reminiscent of Agalloch, but without the heavy riffing or manic drumming. It’s an artsy non-blockbuster with a tone akin to "Aguirre, The Wrath of God" (1972) and "Black Robe" (1991). “Apocalypto” (2006) is a good modern comparison, although the story isn't as compelling as “Black Robe” or “Apocalypto.” It has elements of “Apocalypse Now” (1979) but the thin story just isn’t anywhere near as fascinating. Still, it’s okay. There are some weak points, like the Viking chief saying "It's a river" when this would've been obvious about an hour earlier when the mist first cleared (aduh). I'm sure the director would chalk it up to artistic license. Another issue is that the film is slow with not enough events to justify its runtime. As such, we get needlessly drawn-out scenes like the discovery of fresh water (which was obvious from the get-go of the sequence). The whole episode could’ve been done in a third of the time given. THE MOVIE RUNS 1 hour, 33 minutes and was shot in Scotland. WRITERS: Refn, Roy Jacobsen and Matthew Read. GRADE: B INTERPRETATION ***SPOILER ALERT*** (Don’t read further unless you’ve seen the movie). The silent One-Eye is the incarnation of Odin. He is invincible and holds the power to see the future. He disdains the Christian Vikings who’ve usurped his influence over his people. He tests many in battle to see if they’re worthy, but finds none. Nevertheless, he sullenly sees his people off to their new (holy) land, America, where Scandinavians were the third most numerous immigrants. The Boy is a type of Thor, his son, who will sort of replace him in America once the grim god ironically sacrifices himself à la Jesus Christ.


Rubbish! A true waste of 90 minutes... and of Mads Mikkelsen! It evidently attempts similar as to what we would later see in 2022 with (the excellent) 'The Northman', though simply falls flat in every department for me. The whole production just looks so cheap and low-budget (which it wasn't), without even noting the (admittedly intended) pure misery of the look of it all too. Editing, notably with the needless chapter breaks, is also a negative. As mentioned already, a mute Mikkelsen is completedly wasted... may as well have cast Joe Bloggs. The rest of the cast have very little to work with either, though minutely interesting to see Gary Lewis and Jamie Sives involved. I wouldn't say anyone onscreen deteriorates the film (it does so itself), but they also don't do anything to improve it either. I was anticipating 'Valhalla Rising' to be an entertaining one. It wasn't. Thankfully they had the awareness (or were restricted?) in keeping it 'short' at 90 minutes... a dreary 90mins, albeit.


Here are some translations about the movie:

Дълги години Едноокият, ням воин със свръхестествена сила, е бил държан като затворник. С помощта на прислужника Аре, двамата бягат от затвора и започват едно пътешествие към сърцето на мрака. Качват се на викингски кораб, който скоро потъва в безкрайна мъгла. Единственото място, което се вижда е неизвестна земя. Докато новият свят разкрива тайните си и викингите се борят за живота си, Едноокият открива истинската си същност.

Language: Bulgarian

Plena Edat Mitjana, al segle X. Un-Ull, un enigmàtic guerrer amb una força sobrehumana, que ha estat esclavitzat durant anys, mata al seu amo i aconsegueix escapar amb l'ajuda d'un nen al qual s'endú amb ell. Després d'enrolar-se en un vaixell víking, tots dos emprenen un viatge que els porta a una terra desconeguda, on regnen el dolor i la sang.

Language: Catalan


V dobách, kdy křesťanská víra téměř nedosahovala k hranicím Skandinávie, byl po dlouhých letech žaláře osvobozen němý muž, divoký barbar. Neznal svůj původ, ani cíl. Říkali mu Jednooký. Ocitl se na lodi uprostřed neprostupných mlh severního Atlantiku, která směřovala na západ, vstříc břehům neprobádané Ameriky, snad i bájné Valhally. Po vzoru starých pohanských bohů objevuje Jednooký svou pravou podstatu.

Language: Czech

Den overnaturligt stærke og stumme kriger, One Eye, er i årevis blevet holdt fanget af en høvding og hans klan. One Eyes uovervindelige evner i dødelige gladiatorkampe har holdt ham i live gennem lang tid og rygtet om den mutte morder, har spredt sig i den barske vildmark. Det lykkes One Eye at slå sin fangevogter ihjel og sammen med en slavedreng, begiver han sig ud på en ordløs rejse ind i mørkets hjerte.

Language: Danish

Walhalla Rising

Im Jahre 1000: Ein nordischer Unbekannter, genannt One-Eye, wird von Wikingern gefangengehalten und gezwungen, sich mit anderen Männern bis auf den Tod zu messen. Er ist unbesiegt, gefürchtet und stumm. In der Gefangenschaft kümmert sich ein Junge namens Are um ihn, der ihm Wasser und Nahrung bringt. Als er eines Tages überführt wird, überwindet er seine Fesseln und bezwingt seine Peiniger. One-Eye und Are begegnen einem Clan, der den Kreuzzügen in das Heilige Land folgen will, und schließen sich ihnen an. Eine Odyssee über das Meer entfaltet sich. Ein mystischer Nebel umgibt das Boot. Die Krieger sind auf einem Weg in das Herz der Finsternis.

Language: German

Ο Κατακτητής

1000 μ.Χ. Για χρόνια, ένας μονόφθαλμος και μουγκός πολεμιστής με υπερφυσικές δυνάμεις βρίσκεται κρατούμενος, παλεύοντας για να κρατηθεί στη ζωή. Με τη βοήθεια ενός αγοριού, θα καταφέρει να σκοτώσει τους αιχμάλωτες του και μαζί να δραπετεύσουν, ξεκινώντας μια νέα Οδύσσεια σε μια άγνωστη χώρα.

Language: Greek

En el siglo X, One-Eye, un enigmático y silencioso guerrero con una fuerza sobrehumana que ha permanecido esclavizado durante años, logra acabar con la vida de su captor, y huir junto a Are, el niño que le ha prestado su ayuda para escapar. En su huida ambos acabarán por enrolarse en un barco tripulado por vikingos, iniciando así un viaje que les transportará a una tierra desconocida, una tierra de autodescubrimiento, pero también de sangre, y dolor.

Language: Spanish

Jo vuosien ajan voimakas soturi, Yksisilmä, on ollut vangittuna heimopäällikkö Barden toimesta. Raju pako apurinsa Aren kanssa aloittaa synkän taipaleen kohti pimeyden mustaa syliä. Karkulaiset karauttavat viikinkilaivansa tuntemattomaan maahan, jonka maaperästä huokuvat salaisuudet määräävät karmaisevia kohtaloita paljastaen Yksisilmälle totuuden itsestään.

Language: Finnish

Le Guerrier silencieux, Valhalla Rising

Pendant des années, One-Eye, un guerrier muet et sauvage, a été le prisonnier de Barde, un redoutable chef de clan. Grâce à l'aide d'un enfant, Are, il parvient à tuer son geôlier et ensemble ils s'échappent, s'embarquant pour un voyage au coeur des ténèbres. Au cours de leur fuite, ils montent à bord d'un bateau viking, mais le navire, pendant la traversée, se retrouve perdu dans un brouillard sans fin, qui ne va se dissiper que pour révéler une terre inconnue. Alors que ce nouveau territoire dévoile ses secrets, les Vikings affrontent un ennemi invisible et terrifiant, et One-Eye va découvrir ses véritables origines...

Language: French

עליית ולהאלה

שנת 1000 אחרי הספירה, במשך שנים, חד-עין, לוחם אילם בעל כוח על טבעי, הוחזק בשבי בידי הפלג הצפוני. בעזרתו של אחד ילד המשמש כעבד, חד-עין שוחט את שוביו ויחד הם נמלטים ומתחילים במסע אל האפלה. בדרך, חד-עין מצטרף לסירת ויקינגים ויחד הם שטים אל ארץ הקודש, אך תוכניותיהם משתבשות בעקבות ערפל סמיך שמעוור את דרכם. בארץ החדשה אליהם הם מגיעים הויקינגים נחשפים לגורלם האכזר וחד-עין מגלה את דמותו החדשה.

Language: Hebrew

A vikingek felemelkedése

A kilencedik században játszódó viking kalandfilm igazi fesztivál kedvenc. One-Eye (Mads Mikkelsen), egy néma viking harcos aki fogyatékosságai ellenére természetfeletti erővel van megáldva. Bár rabként él, lemészárolja fogva tartóit és Are nevű társával hajóra száll. A végtelennek tűnő ködön áthajózva megpillantanak egy ismeretlen földet, ahol megkezdik kalandos utazásukat. Ahogy az új világ felfedi a titkait, úgy süllyednek egyre mélyebbre hőseink, akiknek útját véres csaták tarkítják.

Language: Hungarian

Valhalla Rising - Regno di sangue

Un gruppo di vichinghi tiene intrappolato un uomo muto e misterioso dalle impressionanti capacità di combattimento, facendolo lottare in combattimenti fino alla morte. Un giorno però il guerriero si libera uccidendo i suoi aguzzini, risparmiando solo un bambino che negli anni si è occupato di lui. Nel suo ritorno verso casa One-eye (nome datogli dal bambino) incontrerà un gruppo di cattolici e si unirà a loro per un viaggio verso la Terra Santa, che però non andrà come previsto…

Language: Italian


Language: Japanese

발할라 라이징

한 무리의 전사들에게 잡혀 용병으로 싸우는 무명의 전사 원 아이. 그는 그를 구속하는 이들을 모두 도살하고, 한 소년과 함께 크리스천 바이킹들의 성지순례에 동행한다. 원 아이는 계속해서 유사한 꿈을 꾸고, 그 꿈이 그를 이끈다. 새로운 야만인의 땅에 도착하고 원 아이는 직감적으로 꿈에서 나타난 장소가 가까워졌음을 깨닫는다. 그러나 그들의 도착지에는 무시무시한 살육의 시간만이 그들을 기다리고 있는데…

Language: Korean

De stomme slaaf One-Eye wordt gedwongen te vechten tegen andere slaven zodat zijn meester geld kan winnen met het afsluiten van weddenschappen. Wanneer een nieuwe meester zich aandient, weet One-Eye zich te bevrijden. Gevolgd door zijn jonge verzorger Are laat hij zijn oude bestaan achter zich. Niet lang na zijn ontsnapping komen One-Eye en Are een groep vroeg-Christelijke Vikingen tegen. Ze worden ingelijfd om samen met hen het Beloofde Land en de Heilige Stad te bevrijden. Na een zeetocht die eeuwig lijkt te duren bereiken de kruisvaarders eindelijk land. Tijdens verkenningstochten wordt de groep aangevallen door een onzichtbare vijand. Zijn ze wel aangekomen in het Beloofde Land of zijn ze in de Hel beland?

Language: Dutch

Valhalla: Mroczny wojownik

Przez lata, Jednooki, niemy wojownik o wielkiej sile, był jeńcem wodza Barde. Z pomocą chłopca imieniem Are, zabija go i razem uciekają w samo serce mroku. Uciekając przed łowcami nagród, Jednooki i Are dostają się na pokład okrętu Wikingów, lecz szybko spowiła go mgła i znaleźli się na nieznanych terytoriach. Wikingowie spotykają swój okrutny los, a Jednooki odkrywa swe prawdziwe przeznaczenie...

Language: Polish

Valhalla Rising: O Guerreiro Silencioso

Com a ajuda de um rapaz, Are, ele mata seu captor e fogem juntos, iniciando uma jornada ao coração das trevas.o garoto não ajudaEm sua fuga, One Eye e Are vão a bordo de um navio Viking, que logo é encoberto por um interminável nevoeiro, e este, quando desaparece, deixa à vista uma terra desconhecida. Conforme a nova terra revela seus segredos, os Vikings cumprem um destino medonho, e One Eye descobre seu verdadeiro eu.

Language: Portuguese

Вальгалла: Сага о викинге

Тайны неизведанных земель..

1000 год нашей эры. Немой воин по прозвищу Одноглазый, вырывается из 10-летнего рабства. Сурово расправившись со своими мучителями, он вскоре встречает викингов, с которыми направляется в Иерусалим. По пути следования путешественники переживают страшный шторм, затем их судно попадает в необычный туман. Выбравшись из непроглядной пелены, викинги оказываются около неведомых земель…

Language: Russian

Vzkriesenie Valhaly

Okolo roku 1000 n. l. žil barbar Jednooký, nemý bojovník s nadprirodzenou silou, štyri roky v zajatí nórskeho náčelníka Bardea. Neskôr sa mu podarilo uniknúť a väzniteľa zabiť. Spolu s chlapcom, ktorého tiež držali v zajatí, sa vyberie na cestu do srdca temnoty. Na púti stretnú „bojovníkov Krista", s ktorými sa na ich lodi plavia do nového sveta. Smerujú na západ, v ústrety brehom neprebádanej Ameriky, a možno aj bájnej Valhaly. Ďaleký kraj odkryje svoje tajomstvá, bojovníkov čaká smrť a Jednooký odhalí svoje ja.

Language: Slovak

Born of Violence. Born of Blood. Born of Hell.

Mads Mikkelsen spelar den stumme och övernaturligt starke vikingakrigaren One Eye som under lång tid hållits fången av en ondskefull klan. Hans övernaturliga krigaregenskaper har hållit honom vid liv genom de dödliga gladiatorkamper han tvingas utkämpa. Till slut lyckas One Eye döda sina fångvaktare, och tillsammans med slavpojken Are beger han sig på en resa som tar honom till mörkrets hjärta - och på den blodiga resan upptäcker vem han egentligen är.

Language: Swedish

Cennnetin Kapısında

Gangster filmleri üçlemesi Pusher ile tanınan yönetmen Nicolas Winding Refn, Pusher filmlerinin yıldızı (ve Ateş ve Citroen, Casino Royale, Prag, Düğünden Sonra filmlerinin oyuncusu) Mads Mikkelsen'le, bu kez henüz Ağustos ayında Venedik Film Festivali'nde ilk kez izleyiciyle buluşan epik bir Viking filminde buluşuyor. MS 1000 yılında geçen filmde Mikkelsen, Tek Göz adında dilsiz bir savaşçıyı canlandırıyor. Yıllarca bir Norman'ın tutsağı olan Tek Göz, on bir yaşındaki köle Are'nin yardımıyla kaçar. İskandinavya'ya dönmek için bir Viking gemisine binerler ama tanımadıkları bir ülkede karaya çıkarlar. Vikinglerin sonu, görünmeyen düşmanlarının elinde kanlı olur; Tek Göz ise bu vahşi ülkede gerçek kimliğini bulacaktır. , adını Kuzey mitolojisinde savaşçıların gittiğine inanılan cennetten alıyor.

Language: Turkish

Вальгалла: Сага про вікінга

Породження насильства. Породження крові. Породження пекла.

Вальгалла - це місце на небі, що належить одноокому богу війни і володарю валькірій Одіну. Пристанище ейнхерії, полеглих у бою хоробрих воїнів. Воїни, що потрапили у Вальгаллу, щодня б'ються на смерть, а воскресаючи бенкетують за загальним столом. Фільм про німого воїна, якого називали Одноокий. Він володів надприродною силою і багато хто вважав його норвезьким вождем Бардом...

Language: Ukrainian



  公元1000年前后,部落首领巴德(亚历山大•莫顿 Alexanda Morton 饰)对于来历不详的独眼龙武士哈罗德(麦德斯•米克尔森 Mads Mikkelsen饰)百般刁难,非但不认为他是同族予以保护,反倒觉得他是受仇恨诅咒的危险生物,并一气之下宣判了他的囚刑。哈罗德被绑缚在旷野里受尽折磨。幸好,他遇到了10岁的机灵男孩阿尔(马尔滕•史蒂文森 Maarten Stevenson 饰)。有阿尔营救,哈罗德方才脱离牢狱。两人结成生死同盟,踏上面向黑暗之心的逃亡之路。途中,他们登上了一艘努力寻找乐土的海盗船,但是大雾迷江。小船在海上漂浮了40天后,才达到了一片未知的土地。然而,在哈罗德等人登陆时,却中了土著人的埋伏,海盗们受到了可怕的诅咒,死伤惨重。小阿尔也不幸被俘。哈罗德在营救恩人的同时,逐渐拨开了自己的身世谜团……

Language: Mandarin

Cicakman 2 Movie

This Cicakman 2 film has Fantasy, Action, Comedy, and Science Fiction genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2008 The spoken language used in the film is Malay.

The evil Professor Klon is back… This time, not only to overthrow the Government and become the President of Metrofulus, but also to control the world’s supply of fresh water through his ingenious plan, “Black Water”. When our blue planet has only 72 hours before turning black, Cicakman comes to the rescue. But much to his surprise he faces his old enemies, Ginger Boys, who return even more powerful in a spiritual form… as Ginger Ghosts. In addition he is now faced with Professor Klon’s hired assassin, Rrama… an assassin who derives pleasure in killing as if it were a pure art form.

Cicakman 2 Film Backdrop

Cicakman 2 Film Stars:

Aziz M. Osman as Boss Fulus News, Saiful Apek as Cicak-Man / Hairi, Sharifah Amani as Iman, Fasha Sandha as Tania, Mamat Khalid as Malay man, Aznil Hj Nawawi as Professor Klon, Ridzuan Hashim as Bakar, Yusry Abdul Halim as Danny, Adlin Aman Ramlie as Ginger Ghost 1, AC Mizal as Ginger Ghost 2, Linda Onn as Amarr, Louisa Chong as Miss Chee, and Rez as (Extra).

Aziz M. Osman Photo Saiful Apek Photo Sharifah Amani Photo Fasha Sandha Photo Mamat Khalid Photo Ridzuan Hashim Photo Yusry Abdul Halim Photo Adlin Aman Ramlie Photo AC Mizal Photo

Professional involved in the making of this Cicakman 2 movie:

and Yusry Abdul Halim (Director).

Yusry Abdul Halim Photo

Here are some translations about the film:

Cicakman 2 - Planet Hitam

Le diabolique Professeur Klon est de retour. Cette fois-ci c’est pour contrôler l’approvisionnement en eau potable de la terre qu’il menace d’empoisonner selon un plan baptisé “Black Planet”. Dans 72 heures, l’eau deviendra noire et polluée. Heureusement que Cicakman veille dans la mégalopole de Metrofulus.

Language: French

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