Monday, July 1, 2024

512 Hours Film

512 Hours Backdrop

This 512 Hours movie has and Documentary genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2021

In the summer of 2014, tens of thousands of guests flocked to the Serpentine Gallery in London to experience Marina Abramović’s exhibition ‘512 Hours’. But when it opened, it dawned on everyone that the audience itself was the actual work in the iconic performance artist’s landmark exhibition. The audience members were also active participants and co-creators of the social experiment, which - set against the minimalist background of the gallery’s empty space - developed continuously into new, unpredictable directions during the three weeks (or 512 hours) in which the exhibition took place, while Abramović herself took part in the performative ritual.

512 Hours Film Backdrop

512 Hours Movie Stars:

and Marina Abramović as Self.

Marina Abramović Photo

Those involved in the making of this 512 Hours movie:

Adina Istrate (Director), and Giannina La Salvia (Director).

Here are some translations about the film:


自「行為藝術教母」瑪莉娜・阿布拉莫維奇於「紐約現代美術館MoMA」舉行廣受好評的回顧展後,2014年夏天,她決定再次透過展覽和表演並進的激進表態,測試自身與觀眾之間的情感極限,並以《512小時》(512 HOURS)作為展覽名稱——她將在「英國倫敦蛇形畫廊」內度過512小時,進行一場為期64天的演出。參與者進入畫廊後,不被允許攜帶任何隨身物品,並可自行決定停留時長。然而,當展覽盛大開幕後,卻發生連瑪莉娜・阿布拉莫維奇本人都意想不到的驚喜;本片紀錄下行為藝術史上前所未有的時刻,瑪莉娜透過本次展覽,進行了一場關於「人際關係網」的社會實驗,讓一群仰賴21世紀科技的參與者接觸到人類情感和同理心的深刻深度。

Language: Mandarin

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