Wednesday, July 10, 2024

After the Dark Film

This After the Dark movie has Fantasy, Drama, Thriller, and Science Fiction genres.

After the Dark Film was made by An Olive Branch Productions, and SCTV The film was successfully completed and released in 2013 made a revenue of $1,770,376. The spoken language used in the film is English.

At an international school in Jakarta, a philosophy teacher challenges his class of twenty graduating seniors to choose which ten of them would take shelter underground and reboot the human race in the event of a nuclear apocalypse.

After the Dark Movie Backdrop

After the Dark Film Stars:

Bonnie Wright as Georgina, James D'Arcy as Eric Zimit, Rhys Wakefield as James, Daryl Sabara as Chips, Sophie Lowe as Petra, Freddie Stroma as Jack, Erin Moriarty as Vivian, Maia Mitchell as Beatrice, Jacob Artist as Parker, Philippa Coulthard as Poppie, George Blagden as Andy, Katie Findlay as Bonnie, Cinta Laura Kiehl as Utami, Toby Sebastian as Russell, Abhi Sinha as Kavi, Hope Olaidé Wilson as Omosedé, Darius Homayoun as Toby, Melissa Le-Vu as Plum, Chanelle Bianca Ho as Mitzi, Taser Hassan as Nelson, Natasha Gott as Yoshiko, Asger Mariager as Young James (Age 7), James Moriarty as Young James (Age 12), Chamroeun Bustraan as Young James (Age 16), Julia Hodges as Best Friend on Tower, Katherine Robertson as Best Friend on Tower, Kory Brown as Student on Trolley Tracks, Jack Hooker as Student on Trolley Tracks, Piper Hinson as Student on Trolley Tracks, Melissa Kaskel as Student on Trolley Tracks, Michael Rougeau as Student on Trolley Tracks, and Endang Pratiwi as Street Vendor (voice).

Bonnie Wright Photo James D'Arcy Photo Rhys Wakefield Photo Daryl Sabara Photo Sophie Lowe Photo Freddie Stroma Photo Erin Moriarty Photo Maia Mitchell Photo Jacob Artist Photo Philippa Coulthard Photo George Blagden Photo Katie Findlay Photo Cinta Laura Kiehl Photo Abhi Sinha Photo Hope Olaidé Wilson Photo Darius Homayoun Photo Melissa Le-Vu Photo Chanelle Bianca Ho Photo Taser Hassan Photo Natasha Gott Photo

Those involved in the making of this After the Dark movie:

Anne McCarthy (Casting), William Yeh (Editor), George Zakk (Producer), Sherwood Jones (Assistant Editor), Alan Pao (Digital Intermediate Producer), Paula Fairfield (Supervising Sound Editor), David Ingram (Production Design), John Huddles (Producer), Mark L. Mangino (Dialogue Editor), Jonathan Davis (Original Music Composer), Michael Eaves (Digital Intermediate Colorist), Damian Drago (Title Designer), Nicholas O'Toole (Original Music Composer), T. Moty D. Setyanto (Art Direction), John Radel (Director of Photography), Taylor Mahony (Digital Intermediate Editor), Kellie Roy (Casting), Cybill Lui (Producer), Shani Gyde (Costume Design), Rolf John Keppler (Makeup Department Head), Dondy Adrian (Assistant Art Director), Ross Perkin (Set Designer), Imam Dharmawan Santoso (Property Master), Gary Coppola (Sound Re-Recording Mixer), J. Stanley Johnston (Sound Re-Recording Mixer), Maciek Malish (Foley), Jeffrey A. Pitts (Sound Effects Editor), Ade Rahman (Boom Operator), Ikbal Wahyudin (Boom Operator), Paul L. Nanlohy (Special Effects Coordinator), Natalia de la Garza (Visual Effects Supervisor), Charlie Iturriaga (Visual Effects Supervisor), Robin L. D'Arcy (Visual Effects Producer), John Attard (Visual Effects Supervisor), Jonathan Ozoh (Stunt Coordinator), Peter Stott (Camera Operator), Abdul Manaf (Location Manager), Oksana Sokol (Script Supervisor), Sebastian Perez-Burchard (Digital Intermediate Editor), Raffaele Apuzzo (Visual Effects Coordinator), Andrea Marotti (Visual Effects Producer), Adam Howarth (Special Effects Supervisor), Lluis Barcelo (CG Supervisor), Zac Murphy (Gaffer), Angela Halim (Art Department Production Assistant), Syamsul Hadi (Still Photographer), Gilberto Arpioni (Compositor), Marco Augusto Comba (Sound Re-Recording Mixer), Ade Rusman (Set Dresser), Muhammad Syarifudin (Set Dresser), Francesco Dell'Anna (Digital Compositor), Bambang Purnomo (First Assistant Camera), Andy Howard (First Assistant Director), Enrique Sandoval Castro (Matte Painter), Kim Quiroz (Visual Effects Coordinator), Widya Rusnaeni (Makeup & Hair), Abdullah (Makeup & Hair Assistant), Rino Chaniago (Makeup & Hair Assistant), Vina Rasiane (Makeup & Hair Assistant), Pipin Supinah (Makeup & Hair Assistant), Lee Chee Kiong (Construction Manager), Yulian Syahramadhan (Graphic Designer), Sofa Mahendra (Costume Assistant), Galih Suhanda (Costume Assistant), Rully Suteja (Costume Assistant), Diana Kertamihardja (Costume Standby), Iming (Tailor), Handri Sujarwo (Clapper Loader), Mulyadi (Electrician), Solekhan (Electrician), Johansyah (Key Grip), Habib Bolqiah (Second Assistant Camera), Emerson Moore (Additional Editor), Donald Baldie (Additional Editorial Assistant), Nardi Basuki (Production Accountant), Anita Sandrayanti (Production Coordinator), Emma Gunawan (Travel Coordinator), Paolo Li Causi (CG Artist), Andrea Trovato (CGI Supervisor), Mario Raini (Compositor), Ernesto Paganoni (Lead Animator), Giuseppe Moro (Matte Painter), Sonia Moggi (Matte Painter), Mayumi Roshika Haryoto (Storyboard Artist), and Max Ruggio (Visual Effects Technical Director).

Anne McCarthy Photo Paula Fairfield Photo David Ingram Photo Jonathan Davis Photo Dondy Adrian Photo

What Peoples Said About After the Dark Film:

I've watched a lot of dumb movies, but never had I seen one that defends the notion of 'ignorance is bliss' as zealously as After the Dark. Director John Huddles sets the action, such as it is, at an international school in Jakarta; specifically in Mr. Zimit's (James D'Arcy) class. Zimit's is ostensibly a philosophy class, but it might as well be called 'Exposition 101'. “Do we feel like recapping some of our favorite thought experiments?,” Zimit asks rhetorically on the last day of school to his 20 students, some of whom proceed to do exactly that, also explaining what each experiment consists of. Now, a classroom is as good a place for an Info Dump as you’ll ever find, but this feels like something more appropriate for the first day of school, not the last; this unfortunate timing turns this into a transparent case of As You Know. Anyway, someone mentions the infinite monkey theorem: “if you put a monkey at a typewriter and let him bang away at it forever, he'll eventually, almost surely, completely randomly type out the entire play of Hamlet, word for word.” I'd make the obvious joke about how that’s the way this movie was written, except I'm convinced a monkey could do a much better job, and it wouldn't take forever either. All of this is just a preface to Zimit's own thought experiment, which is a mix of Survivor, Big Brother, and Dungeons & Dragons. Basically, there is a fallout shelter with a capacity of ten people and the class must decide which ten go in and which 11 — counting Zimit — are left out, based on the fictional professions that Zimit randomly assigns them. This exercise is done thrice, and the repetition only succeeds in highlighting how stupid the movie and its characters really are. For example, Zimit states about the shelter’s inhabitants that “They cannot share oxygen. Every cubic centimeter of breathable air here, once the outer door is sealed, comes from these compressed tanks. This place has been designed to hold 10 people for a year; one more person means death from hypoxia” (to save time, everyone pictures the exact same shelter). Additionally, the specifications established in the first exercise carry over into the second and third; e.g., the code to open the shelter door at the end of the year is always the same number. Despite this, the class decides that "we need a pregnancy as soon as possible ... produce a healthy baby during the course of the year of confinement" because "having children becomes the No. 1 job after the apocalypse." Guys, have you already forgotten that "one more person means death from hypoxia"? These characters are nowhere near as smart as Huddles would have us believe, especially James (Rhys Wakefield), boyfriend of Petra (Sophie Lowe); when it becomes apparent that she and Zimit are going to have to repopulate the planet by themselves, James reacts as if they are actually going to have sex (a reaction that makes no sense even within the simulation, considering he’s supposed o be gay in it). Fortunately for James, Petra likes them dumb, and to this preference is that we owe everything we see here; Zimit, with whom Petra has been cheating on James, believes "he's not smart enough for you." Thus, the whole thing is just a juvenile attempt to expose James’s lack of intelligence, which in turn doesn’t speak very highly of Zimit’s own cranial capacity. This Petra is something else, by the way; first she plays with Zimit's feelings, and then gets offended that he, philosophy professor and all, is still as human as the next guy and takes her stringing him along personal. From what we see of James, he wouldn't react much more maturely if he found out about Petra's duplicity, but she rationalizes keeping the truth from him thus: “Punishing [James] doesn't make sense because he doesn't know about us. I'm not sure he needs to know. Especially after how you behaved today.” How she has behaved, however, doesn’t trouble her in the least. All things considered, After the Dark's message is that “being smart isn't everything,” which is exactly what a fool would say. What else is there apart from intelligence? Physical beauty fades, and sense of humor can only take you so far. I, for one, would never date a person who thought this movie is any good at all.


Here are some translations about the movie:


Умри, за да оцелееш

Учител на клас по философия организира експеримент в който група от 20 ученика трябва да изберат само десетима от тях които ще бъдат спасени в бункер преди да е дошъл края на света. Следват няколко дни изпълнени с множество дискусии относно това кой заслужава да бъде спасен и кой не. Всеки ученик има собствено мнение и всеки се опитва да докаже по свой начин вижданията си.

Language: Bulgarian


Snímek se odehrává na mezinárodní škole v Jakartě, kde vyzývá profesor filozofie svou třídu dvaceti studentů k závěrečnému myšlenkovému experimentu. Tváří v tvář blížící se nukleární apokalypse musí určit, kterých deset z nich se ukryje v podzemí a tím obnoví lidskou rasu. Rozhodnutí se rychle stává smrtícím, protože všichni ve skupině se obrátí proti sobě v zoufalém boji o přežití, který stírá hranice mezi teorií a realitou.

Language: Czech

After the Dark

Det er sidste skoledag, og Mr. Zimits filosofiklasse tror, de bare skal slappe af, men de kommer hurtigt på bedre tanker. Mr. Zimit foreslår et tankeeksperiment: Hvad nu, hvis der var atomkrig? Hvad nu, hvis der var en bunker, der kunne huse 10 mennesker i et år? Hvordan ville de 20 elever beslutte hvem af dem, der skal have lov til at overleve og sikre menneskehedens fremtid i et post-apokalyptisk samfund? Sandheder kommer på bordet, og ubehagelige afsløringer venter. Det bliver en lektion, de sent vil glemme.

Language: Danish

The Philosophers - Wer überlebt?

20 Studenten, 5 Orte, 1 Bunker

Zwanzig Schüler der Philosophie-Abschlussklasse einer internationalen Schule in Jakarta stellen sich folgendem Gedankenexperiment: Eine gewaltige Atombombenexplosion löst eine nukleare Apokalypse aus. Die Schüler stehen vor dem Eingang eines Bunkers, welcher ein Jahr lang Schutz bietet und Überleben sichert. Der Bunker ist jedoch lediglich für zehn Menschen konstruiert. Diese müssen nun entscheiden, wer in solch einem Szenario überleben darf und wer der Katastrophe zum Opfer fällt. Der geniale, jedoch eigentümliche Philosophie-Lehrer Mr. Zimit lost den Schülern willkürlich Berufe zu, welche zu rationalen Entscheidungen verhelfen sollen. Das Urteilsvermögen der Schüler wird auf eine harte Probe gestellt und das Experiment bekommt schon bald eine kritische Eigendynamik…

Language: German

Σε ένα διεθνές σχολείο στην Τζακάρτα, ένας δάσκαλος φιλοσοφίας προκαλεί σε συναγωνισμό τους είκοσι τελειόφοιτους της τάξης του για να επιλέξει δέκα που θα διασωθούν σ' ένα υπόγειο καταφύγιο και θα επανεκκινήσουν το ανθρώπινο γένος σε περίπτωση πυρηνικής καταστροφής.

Language: Greek

After the Dark

Inteligente. Talentoso. Hermosa. Varado.

Estamos en Yakarta, donde un grupo de estudiantes extranjeros se despide de su profesor de filosofía, que los somete a un último y perverso test. En pleno Apocalipsis nuclear, solo diez de los veinte alumnos pueden acceder al búnker: ¿qué harán para salvar el pellejo?

Language: Spanish

La relève

Dans une école internationale de Djakarta, un professeur de philosophie soumet ses étudiants à une expérience de fin du monde afin d'éprouver leurs facultés mentales, et humaines...

Language: French


מורה לפילוסופיה בבית ספר בינלאומי בג'קרטה מנחה את תלמידיו לתכנן את המין האנושי לאחר שואה גרעינית.

Language: Hebrew

A sötétség után

Dzsakarta egyik nemzetközi iskolájában különös kísérletbe kezd a filozófiatanár a húszfős osztályával. A felvetés szerint, a közelgő nukleáris apokalipszisszel szembesülve azt kell eldönteniük, melyik tíz ember lesz közülük az, aki a földalatti menedékben átvészelheti a pusztulást, majd új életre keltheti az emberi fajt. A vita gyorsan elfajul, a csoportban mindenki egymás ellen fordul. Kétségbeesett küzdelem kezdődik a túlélésért, melyben elmosódnak a határok az elmélet és a valóság között.

Language: Hungarian

After the Dark

Quello che succederà dopo dipende solo da loro.

In una scuola internazionale di Giakarta, un professore di filosofia invita i venti studenti della sua classe di diplomandi a sottoporsi a un esperimento utile per il conseguimento del diploma stesso. Il test è uno dei più difficili che i ragazzi abbiano mai incontrato: usando il solo potere della logica, dovranno scegliere tra di loro i dieci ritenuti più adatti a sopravvivere dopo un'esplosione nucleare dentro a un angusto bunker sotterraneo e a ripopolare la razza umana. Drammaticamente forzati a fare scelte difficili, gli studenti si ritroveranno coinvolti in un mondo in cui a dominare sono gli istinti e in cui assassinii, sesso, tradimento e morte diventano la norma.

Language: Italian



Language: Japanese

더 필라서퍼스

Language: Korean

The Philosophers

Op een internationale school in Jakarta zet een leraar filosofie zijn klas voor het blok met het volgende vraagstuk: welke tien leerlingen zouden in het geval van een nucleaire apocalyps plaats mogen nemen in een ondergrondse schuilkelder, om vanuit daar het menselijk ras te doen overleven. De klas bestaat uit twintig leerlingen, dus de helft zal moeten afvallen. Wie zal men kiezen en waarom?

Language: Dutch


W międzynarodowej szkole w Dżakarcie, nauczyciel filozofii spośród swoich dwudziestu uczniów wybiera dziesiątkę, która w razie nuklearnej apokalipsy schroni się pod ziemią w celu "odbudowy" ludzkiej rasy.

Language: Polish

Jogos do Apocalipse

Jacarta, Indonésia. O sr. Zimit (James D'Arcy) é um professor de filosofia que trabalha em uma escola internacional. Um dia, ele resolve desafiar os alunos de sua turma e propõe um jogo em que, dos 20 jovens, apenas a metade será selecionada para viver com ele em um bunker, onde todos poderão se abrigar de um desastre nuclear que tem por objetivo reiniciar a civilização humana na Terra. Entretanto, não demora muito para que os jovens discordem das regras impostas pelo professor e o deixem de fora do bunker, sujeito à radiação do apocalipse iminente.

Language: Portuguese

Философы: Урок выживания

Умереть, чтобы выжить

В международной школе в Джакарте таинственный учитель философии в качестве выпускного экзамена предлагает 20 студентам провести эксперимент. Этот опыт будет самым экстремальным, с которым они когда-либо сталкивались. Используя только силу логики, студенты должны выбрать, кто из них будет достоин получить место в подземном бункере — единственном месте, где можно спастись от приближающейся ядерной катастрофы. Бункер рассчитан на десять человек, а значит, тех, кого не выбирают, ожидает жестокая смерть. Реальность классной комнаты эффектно перетекает в воображаемый, но в то же время пугающий мир надвигающегося апокалипсиса…

Language: Russian

Jakarta'daki uluslararası bir okulda, zeki ama gizemli felsefe öğretmeni, yirmi mezun olan son sene öğrencisine mezuniyet için gerekenleri tamamlamak için son bir final düşünce sınavına sokarak kafa tutar. Sınav, bu zamana kadar gördükleri en zoru olacaktır. Tek başına mantığın gücünü kullanarak, öğrenciler bir yeraltı sığınağında neyin değerli olduğu bulmalıdır ve bir nükleer apokalips durumunda insan ırkını yönetmelidir. Sığınak yalnızca on kişiliktir, bu da demektir ki bunlar için ölüm seçilmiş değildir...

Language: Turkish

Філософи: Урок виживання

Вчитель філософії в Джакарті пропонує своїм двадцяти студентам незвичну тему для дискусії. Вони повинні шляхом обговорення і логічних аргументів відсіяти половину своєї групи, яким не дістанеться місце в підземному бункері, де можна сховатися від уявного кінця світу. Незважаючи на гіпотетичний характер ситуації, це стане для хлопців серйозним випробуванням.

Language: Ukrainian

Nhà Triết Học

Thông minh. Tài năng. Xinh đẹp. Mắc kẹt.

Language: Vietnamese


毕业前的最后一堂哲学课,20名学生被逼参与思想实验。他们由班房跳进核辐射浩劫现场,若未能在防空洞争一席位,器官将瞬即被辐射尘贯穿,痛苦致死。然而,防空洞内的氧气及食物只够10人存活一年。   哲学生以抽签决定身份和技能。为延续人类命脉,他们需运用哲学逻辑,公开咨询并举手投票,选出10位最有价值的人物住进防空洞。聪明人比好人有资格留低?工程师的价值比诗人重要?一票延续一命,要牺牲谁去成就社会?

Language: Mandarin

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