Thursday, July 4, 2024

Divination Film

This Divination film has Fantasy, Action, and Thriller genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2012 The spoken language used in the film is English.

Jason is a young, successful artist married to the lovely Jessica. They're filled with joy at their first pregnancy and the uncanny return of their mysterious friend Dee. But Jason is tormented by Fear continually whispering nightmares and horrific visions into his mind. As he descends deeper into madness an intervention is made by the powerful angel Joshua, and his eager assistant Daniel.

Divination Film Backdrop

Divination Movie Stars:

D'Angelo Midili as Jason, Natasha Sims as Jessica, Lisa Coronado as Dee, Philipp Aurand as Joshua, and J.P. Giuliotti as Wormwood.

D'Angelo Midili Photo Lisa Coronado Photo J.P. Giuliotti Photo

Professional involved in the making of the Divination film:

and Ben Pohl (Director).

Here are some translations about the film:

Les forces surnaturelles se heurtent lorsque la folie rencontre la magie dans "Divination". Jason est un jeune artiste à succès marié à la charmante Jessica. Ils sont remplis de joie lors de leur première grossesse et du retour étrange de leur mystérieuse amie Dee. Mais Jason est tourmenté par la peur qui lui murmure continuellement des cauchemars et des visions horribles. Alors qu'il s'enfonce dans la folie, une intervention est faite par le puissant ange Joshua et son assistant impatient Daniel.

Language: French


Jason (D`Angelo Midili) egy fiatal, sikeres művész feleségül veszi a gyönyörű Jessica-t (Natasha Sims). Öröm teli pillanat aranyozza be közös életüket,mikor Jessica teherbe esik. De Jason-t a félelem (Tucker Boggio) kínozza, folyamatosan rémálmokat és szörnyű látomásokat suttogva a fejében.Ahogy egyre mélyebbre süllyed, és az őrület határára kerül, kapcsolatba lép vele egy angyal Joshua (Philipp Aurand),és lelkes segítője Daniel (James Grixoni).

Language: Hungarian

Criaturas Divinas

Jason é um jovem e bem-sucedido artista, casado com Jessica. Suas vidas explodem de alegria com a notícia da gravidez de Jessica e com a volta ao lar de uma grande amiga do casal, Dee. Só que Jason passa a ser atormentado por visões e pesadelos provocados pela personificação do medo, provocado pelo anjo Joshua. No meio dessa batalha entre criaturas divinas, Jason vê sua alma no meio de uma verdadeira guerra sobrenatural. Seriam anjos e demônios reais?

Language: Portuguese



Language: Mandarin

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