Sunday, July 7, 2024

Escape from Tomorrow Film

The Escape from Tomorrow movie has Fantasy, and Horror genres.

Escape from Tomorrow Film was made by Mankurt Media, and Producers Distribution Agency The film was successfully completed and released in 2013 The spoken language used in the film is English.

In a world of fake castles and anthropomorphic rodents, an epic battle begins when an unemployed father's sanity is challenged by a chance encounter with two underage girls on holiday.

Escape from Tomorrow Movie Backdrop

Escape from Tomorrow Movie Stars:

Justin Shilton as Father in Bathroom, Alison Lees-Taylor as Other Woman, Mike Dolan as Fight Bystander #1, Kimberly Ables Jindra as Man on Scooter's Wife, Roy Abramsohn as Jim, Erik Saari as 'D' Team Member, Stass Klassen as Scientist, Eli Jane as Princess #2, Trey Loney as Man on Scooter's Son, Amy Lucas as Nurse, Randy Moore as Park Attendee (uncredited), Elena Schuber as Emily, Katelynn Rodriguez as Sara, Danielle Safady as Sophie, Jack Dalton as Elliot, Amy Bloom as Princess #3, Jakob Salvati as Other Woman's Son, Annet Mahendru as Isabelle, David Oh as Business Man #3, Nikita Bogolyubov as 'D' Team Member, Edgar Pevsner as 'D' Team Member, Stephen Fode as 'D' Team Leader, John David Denison as Fight Bystander #3, Zach Pierce as Son in Bathroom, Zan Naar as Fantasy Woman / New Wife, Lia Moore as Little Princess, Trent Busenitz as 'D' Team Member, Gina Groce as Princess #1, Kurt Yamamoto as Business Man #1, Mike Fujimoto as Business Man #2, Bernadett Belinda York as Screaming Mother, Annabella Salvati as Alternate Daughter, Joshua Salvati as Alternate Son, Rikki Valentina as Hillbilly Daughter (uncredited), Gabriella Pastore as Girl at Pool Edge (uncredited), Rob Clark as Screaming Father, Lee Armstrong as Man on Scooter, Mark Able as Pool Boy, Anthony Oporta as Pool Boy, Alexis Ottier as Lifeguard, Clifton Perry as Lifeguard, Rebekah Cobaugh as Lifeguard, Douglas Vanlaningham as Park Employee, Marcell Rentemeister as Base 21 Guard, Noa Geller as Base 21 Guard, Rob Mervin as Fight Bystander #2, Tim Bearden as 'D' Team Member, and Trevor McCune as Valet.

Justin Shilton Photo Alison Lees-Taylor Photo Kimberly Ables Jindra Photo Roy Abramsohn Photo Stass Klassen Photo Eli Jane Photo Amy Lucas Photo Randy Moore Photo Elena Schuber Photo Katelynn Rodriguez Photo Jack Dalton Photo Jakob Salvati Photo Annet Mahendru Photo Nikita Bogolyubov Photo Stephen Fode Photo Zan Naar Photo Gabriella Pastore Photo Rob Clark Photo

Those involved in the making of the Escape from Tomorrow movie:

Gerald B. Wolfe (Production Sound Mixer), Lawrence Kimble (Production Design), Gioia Marchese (Producer), Abel Korzeniowski (Original Music Composer), Randy Moore (Director), Lucas Lee Graham (Director of Photography), Soojin Chung (Producer), Sean Kaysen (Production Design), John David Denison (First Assistant Director), Gara Gambucci (Costume Design), and Lee Andrews (Second Assistant Director).

Abel Korzeniowski Photo Randy Moore Photo Soojin Chung Photo

What Peoples Said About Escape from Tomorrow Movie:

I liked this. I mean, it wasn't full of action and drama, but that really never mattered to me. I don't need technicolor or car chases or CGI out the wazoo to enjoy a film. Really what you have here is a story about a depressed man on vacation that is dealing with a little midlife crisis and still trying to please his family before hitting them with the bad news. You get into his head and his delusions and, like all indie films, it relies on a smart script because it, well, that is all it has going for it. There are better movies out there, but Escape from Tomorrow is entertaining for what it is and the resources they had to make it with. You can't really judge it against films like Goodfellas that had all the support budget and star power to win over audiences. The film takes dedication to watch and the pay off is there if you have the patience required for indie films.


**Conceptually**, this had a lot going for it. But the actual product is a fucking disaster. _Escape from Tomorrow_ fails in basically every way it possibly could. _Final rating:★ - Of no value. Avoid at all costs._


**Disneyland to Disasterland.** The first thing is it is a different film. Might not be fully a fresh concept, but a rare kind. A bunch of wonderful characters and cast, this is somewhat entertaining. Takes place in the backdrop of Disneyland, Florida. Focused on a small family with two little kids having a nice time in the theme park. The story centres mainly on the father, who unable to resist the attraction towards two young French girls seen everywhere he goes. Which leads him to make mistakes being a father. Moreover, strange and unrecognisable events jeopardises the unity of his family. A bit of fantasy and reality, the film has a style. I thought it was just a flow that's taking it to the other end of the film, but the twist caught me by surprise. Nothing like a mind blowing, but for this kind of small flick, it was good enough. I don't think in any way the film offends the Disney park and Disney fans. Though the Disney did a fine job ignoring it rather than creating more publicity for the film by suing. It was just a possibility of life event which can take place anywhere, anytime. So, that's how it came into the life with this children's favourite theme park. Despite where it sets in, the film is for the adults. I think it is worth a try without any expectation. _6/10_


Here are some translations about the film:

Jim White ist ein völlig gewöhnlicher Familienvater, der mit seinem Anhang Urlaub in Frankreich macht. Eines Morgens erfährt er, dass er ohne ersichtlichen Grund gefeuert wurde. Anstatt seiner Familie davon zu berichten, verschweigt er die schlechten Neuigkeiten und bricht mit seinen Kindern Sara und Elliot sowie seiner Ehefrau Emily zu einem Tagesausflug ins Disneyland auf. Für Jim bietet der Park allerdings nicht die erhoffte Flucht aus der Realität, vielmehr treiben ihn Mickey Mouse und Co. langsam in den Wahnsinn. Er leidet an zunehmendem Gedächtnisschwund und wird von unheimlichen Visionen heimgesucht. Zuerst legen nur die merkwürdig veränderten Disney-Figuren ein ungewöhnliches Verhalten an den Tag, aber dann erscheinen Jim sogar monströse Versionen seiner eigenen Familie. Er hat offenbar den Verstand verloren…

Language: German

Ένας μεσήλικας πατέρας δυο παιδιών μαθαίνει πως έχασε την δουλειά του, αλλά αποφασίζει να το κρατήσει μυστικό και να περάσει μία ολόκληρη ημέρα με την οικογένεια στο πάρκο, ανάμεσα σε μαγεμένα κάστρα και πριγκίπισσες του παραμυθιού. Σύντομα όμως το βιομηχανικό κέφι της φανταστικής γης που τον περιβάλλει αρχίζει να στοιχειώνει το υποσυνείδητό του.

Language: Greek

Escape del mañana

Las cosas malas suceden en todas partes.

En un mundo de castillos falsos y roedores antropomórficos, comienza una batalla épica cuando la cordura de un padre desempleado se ve desafiada por un encuentro casual con dos niñas menores de edad de vacaciones.

Language: Spanish

Mystinen trilleri keski-ikäisestä Jimistä, joka saapuu vaimonsa ja kahden lapsensa kanssa Floridan Disney Worldiin. Jim tajuaa huvipuiston prinsessa-asuisiin työntekijöihin liittyvän jotain epäilyttävää. Tuntematon uhka on läsnä kaikkialla, ilmassa on myös selittämätöntä eroottista värinää.

Language: Finnish

Dans un monde de faux châteaux et les rongeurs anthropomorphes, une bataille épique commence lorsque la santé mentale d'un père au chômage est contestée par une rencontre fortuite avec deux jeunes filles mineures en vacances.

Language: French

לברוח מהמחר

בעולם של טירות מזויפות ומכרסמים מואנשים, קרב האפי מתחיל כאשר שפיותו של אב מובטל מאותגרת כתוצאה ממפגש מקרי במהלך חופשה עם שתי בנות קטינות...

Language: Hebrew

Jim White (Roy Abramsohn) è un americano medio di mezza età, contento della sua realtà quotidiana. In vacanza in un parco a tema con la moglie e i due figli, Jim riceve l'inquietante telefonata del suo capo che lo licenzia ma decide di tenere la notizia per sé per non turbare la serenità dei familiari. In un disperato tentativo di distrazione, finisce però con lo sviluppare una morbosa attrazione per due ragazzine minorenni, confondendo realtà e fantasia.

Language: Italian



Language: Japanese

이스케이프 프럼 투모로우

가짜 성들과 의인화된 설치류의 세계에서 실직한 아버지의 정신이 휴가 중 우연히 미성년자 소녀 두 명을 만나면서 장대한 전투가 시작됩니다.

Language: Korean

Jim White is een gemiddelde Amerikaanse familieman die meestal tevreden is met zijn alledaagse bestaan. Aan het einde van zijn vakantie in een themapark, samen met zijn liefhebbende vrouw en kinderen, wordt hij gewekt door een verontrustend telefoontje van zijn baas. Hij krijgt te horen dat hij ontslagen wordt. Om de laatste dag van de vakantie niet te verpesten wacht hij met het te vertellen aan zijn familie. In een wanhopige behoefte naar afleiding ontmoet hij in het park twee aantrekkelijke tienermeisjes. Jim raakt obsessief verliefd en volgt hen overal. Naar gelang de tijd vordert raakt hij steeds dieper in een paranoïde psyche en langzaam vervagen de grenzen tussen fantasie en werkelijkheid.

Language: Dutch

Fugindo do Amanhã

Um homem decide passar as suas férias no mundo encantado de Disneyland. Mas entre os brinquedos, a fantasia e a alegria, ele começa a perder sua sanidade mental. O encontro com duas garotinhas será o estopim para transformações radicais e sombrias em sua vida.

Language: Portuguese

Побег из Завтра

В мире поддельных замков и антропоморфических грызунов начинается эпическое сражение, когда здравомыслие отца улетучивается в результате случайного столкновения с двумя несовершеннолетними девочками на празднике.

Language: Russian



Language: Mandarin

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