Monday, July 1, 2024

Ob Scena Movie

Ob Scena Poster

This Ob Scena film has and Documentary genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2021 The spoken language used in the film is Spanish.

A personal and sexual diary. A fake user’s manual whose sophistication and audaciousness free it from the traps of what has to be said and the agenda of commonplace. A discourse with disconcert and without instructions, with an exploring spirit and without restrictions.

Here are some translations about the movie:

Un diario personal y sexual. Un falso manual de uso cuya sofisticación y audacia lo eximen de las trampas de lo que debe ser dicho y de la agenda de lugares comunes. Un discurso con desconcierto y sin instrucciones, con espíritu explorador y sin condicionamientos.

Language: Spanish

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