Sunday, July 7, 2024

Tiktik: The Aswang Chronicles Film

The Tiktik: The Aswang Chronicles film has Fantasy, Horror, and Comedy genres.

Tiktik: The Aswang Chronicles Film was made by Mothership, Reality Entertainment, GMA Pictures, Post Manila, and Agosto Dos Media at a cost of $1,791,280. The film was successfully completed and released in 2012 made a revenue of $2,035,311. The spoken language used in the film is English, Tagalog.

With dark shades on and a burning cigarette between his lips, Makoy will do whatever it takes to get back his girlfriend Sonia, who’s pregnant with their child. He makes the trip to remote Pulupandan, her hometown, and is quickly rebuffed by Sonia’s mother Fely. But Makoy has never been one to give up. With the help of Sonia’s father Nestor and his ever-dependable helper Bart, Makoy stays in town to surprise Sonia on her birthday. But alas, Makoy gets into trouble with a group of townsfolk who transform into tiktik—horrific, man-eating creatures with a taste for fetuses that are still in the womb! They are angry, and they are hungry for revenge. Will their thirst for blood and retribution be quenched? Will Makoy finally get his act together, protect Sonia and their baby, and once and for all prove himself worthy of their love? Who will win in the battle between men and monsters?

Tiktik: The Aswang Chronicles Film Backdrop

Tiktik: The Aswang Chronicles Movie Stars:

Lovi Poe as Sonia, Dingdong Dantes as Makoy, Joey Marquez as Nestor, LJ Reyes as Hilda, Janice de Belen as Fely, Ramon Bautista as Bart, Roi Vinzon as Tatang, Mike Gayoso as Ringo, Rina Reyes as Pacing, RJ Salvador as Kulot, Jeff Fernandez as Kulas, Montito Almario as Cedric, Dwight Gaston as Tonio, and Cris Pastor as Mutya.

Lovi Poe Photo Dingdong Dantes Photo Joey Marquez Photo LJ Reyes Photo Janice de Belen Photo Ramon Bautista Photo Roi Vinzon Photo Rina Reyes Photo

Those involved in the making of the Tiktik: The Aswang Chronicles film:

Von De Guzman (Music), Jay Halili (Editor), Erik Matti (Director), Peter Collias (Production Design), Francis Ricardo Buhay III (Director of Photography), Dave Yu (Visual Effects Supervisor), Ditoy Aguila (Sound Designer), Corinne de San Jose (Sound Designer), Benjamin Padero (Production Design), and Cherry Fortes (Wardrobe Designer).

Von De Guzman Photo Jay Halili Photo Erik Matti Photo Corinne de San Jose Photo

What They Said About Tiktik: The Aswang Chronicles Movie:

Tiktik: The Aswang Chronicles (A Filipino Horror Movie) – From a Commoner’s View It is true what they say that Tiktik is not just your typical action-horror film. Yes, that is very true. It is action-packed, that I agree. But I don’t think I can categorize it as a horror movie in my book. The scary factors in horror stories are not present in this film. My rating for Shock and Scare is half a heart. So there, no need to be wary of watching this movie because you have a weak heart. Tiktik is more of an action-comedy with just a tiny bit element of horror because of the aswangs (human-eating monsters). But for Laughter and Tears, I give it 4 hearts! It was a really fun movie to watch. Joey Marquez was his usual tatanga-tanga (funny stupid), but with a big heart, character. I must admit…seeing him again after a very long time of absence in movies, I realized that I kinda missed his antics. Janice de Belen was also funny as the typical bungangera (nagging) wife and mother. Ramon Bautista, on the other hand, was a nice and fresh addition. Contrary to what I expected, he was not overacting or corny. He delivered a natural and right amount of comic expressions. Lovi Poe also gave what was required from her and did not overdo it. Like what Eugene Domingo calls a “No Acting Acting” :) The lines… the dialogues and their delivery were simply perfect! Even Dingdong Dantes, whom I never really liked, was great at being an ass****. A natural! Oh, I meant that in a good way, okay? Writer-Director of this film, Erik Matti, made the right choices in his personally hand-picked actors to play these roles. So, for Character Performance I give Tiktik 4.5 gems. Considering that the actors had to act frightened out of their wits by aswangs that they don’t even see. They were all believable. And oh, let’s not forget the aswang characters and their remarkable performances and saliva-dripping appearances. They acted in all seriousness of their monster characters, especially the two patriarchal figures: Mike Gayoso as the avenging father of the mischievous teenage aswangs; and Roi Vinzons as the powerful head of the Aswang tribe. It would be hard to separate ratings for Cinematography and Special FX, since Tiktik was shot entirely in green screen and everything depended on computer graphics animation. I was really impressed with the opening credits. It’s the first Filipino movie I’ve seen where the creators really put in too much time and effort in the artistry of the opening credits. It was like watching the opening credits of Batman or Spider-man. Well…not really but almost! And that’s saying something, right? READ FULL REVIEW ON:


Here are some translations about the movie:

The Aswang Chronicles

Um die Liebe seiner Ex-Freundin Sonia zurückzugewinnen, reist Makoy in das abgelegene Dorf Pulupandan. Die Aussöhnung mit Sonia hat für Makoy oberste Priorität, schließlich erwartet seinen Angebetete ein Kind von ihm. Mit seinem arroganten Auftreten macht sich Makoy alles andere als Freunde. Viel schlimmer, er zieht damit die Aufmerksamkeit einiger Aswangs auf sich. Diese leichenfressenden Monster in Menschengestalt beschließen, sich das ungeborene Baby aus Sonias Bauch zu holen. Plötzlich sieht sich Makoy übermenschlichen Feinden gegenüber, die vor nichts und niemandem haltmachen.

Language: German

Makoy, que pronto será padre, se ve obligado de repente a proteger a su esposa embarazada de una avalancha de monstruos hambrientos. No solo debe luchar por su amor, sino luchar por su propia supervivencia cuando se encuentra con un grupo de gitanos que se transforman en TikTik: criaturas horribles y devoradoras de hombres con un gusto por los niños recién nacidos y un hambre de venganza.

Language: Spanish



Language: Mandarin

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