Showing posts with label Action. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Action. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

牙狼〈GARO〉~蒼哭ノ魔竜~ Movie

This 牙狼〈GARO〉~蒼哭ノ魔竜~ film has Adventure, Fantasy, and Action genres.

牙狼〈GARO〉~蒼哭ノ魔竜~ Film was made by TFC, and Omnibus Japan The film was successfully completed and released in 2013 The spoken language used in the film is Japanese.

Garo: Soukoku no Maryu (lit. Blue Cries of the Demon Dragon) is the second film to the Garo series. The film serves as an epilogue after Makai Senki and leads up to The One Who Shines in the Darkness. The story continues after the events of Makai Senki. Having made a contract with Gajari, Kouga Saejima honors his end of the deal by traveling to the Promised Land to retrieve a part of Gajari: the Fang of Sorrow. After Kouga defeated Sigma, Gajari transported him to the Promised Land, however, his quest had unexpected results.

牙狼〈GARO〉~蒼哭ノ魔竜~ Movie Backdrop

牙狼〈GARO〉~蒼哭ノ魔竜~ Film Stars:

Keiko Matsuzaka as Judam, Ai Orikasa as Silva (voice), Ryuuzaburou Ootomo as Gajari (voice), Yukijiro Hotaru as Kiria (voice), Mika Hijii as Kaoru Mitsuki, Hiroyuki Watanabe as Taiga Saejima, Ryosei Konishi as Kouga Saejima, Yuki Kubota as Kakashi, Hironobu Kageyama as Zaruba (voice), Ray Fujita as Rei Suzumura, Shouma Yamamoto as Tsubasa Yamagatana, Tetsuya Yanagihara as Esaruto (voice), Anna Aoi as Meru, Okuda Yukari as Raudo (voice), and Ozuno Nakamura as Leo Fudou.

Keiko Matsuzaka Photo Ai Orikasa Photo Ryuuzaburou Ootomo Photo Yukijiro Hotaru Photo Mika Hijii Photo Hiroyuki Watanabe Photo Ryosei Konishi Photo Yuki Kubota Photo Hironobu Kageyama Photo Ray Fujita Photo Shouma Yamamoto Photo Anna Aoi Photo

Professional involved in the making of this 牙狼〈GARO〉~蒼哭ノ魔竜~ movie:

Keita Amemiya (Director), Kanako Natsui (Producer), Shunji Inoue (Music Producer), Yamabe Hirofumi (Producer), Mamada Hiyoshi (Producer), Yoshichika Kuriyama (Music), Shiho Terada (Music), and Fumi Nishioka (Cinematography).

Keita Amemiya Photo

Here are some translations about the film:


ギャノンを倒し、全ての魔戒騎士とヒトを救った黄金騎士・牙狼の称号を持つ魔戒騎士冴島鋼牙。そのために支払った代償は大きく、彼は大いなる力・ガジャリと契約し、生きて帰れる保証の無い『約束の地』から『嘆きの牙』を持ち帰る命を受け、いつ終わるとも知れぬ旅に出た。(牙狼〈GARO〉 〜MAKAISENKI〜を参照) 約束の地に降り立った瞬間、気を失った彼は愛用の魔法衣と魔導輪ザルバ、そして牙狼剣をも失ってしまう。気を取り直し約束の地を進む鋼牙。そんな彼の前に、この世界を支配するジュダムに捧げられる貢物であるメルが現れ、成り行きで彼女を救った鋼牙はこの世界が『モノ』の世界であることを知る。嘆きの牙を探すうち、鋼牙は次第にこの世界の真実を知り、ジュダムの野望を阻止するために戦うことを決意する。

Language: Japanese

가로 더 무비: 창곡의 마룡

GARO 마계섬기에서의 가쟈리와의 계약으로 인해 마계섬기 중에 일어난 모든 사건을 정리한 후 약속의 땅으로 향한 코우가의 이야기

Language: Korean


按照和魔王卡加利的约定,拥有魔戒骑士最高称号“牙狼”的黄金骑士冴岛钢牙(小西辽生 饰)前往约束之地寻找叹息之牙。伴随着狂风暴雨,他终于抵达约束之地的一片森林,谁知牙狼剑竟意外丢失。偶然机缘,他从三个穿着盔甲的小精灵手里救下了被封印起来的蓝色精灵少女梅露(苍あんな 饰)。从梅露口中得知,因为绿之城女王久丹姆(松坂庆子 饰)喜欢搜集美丽的东西,所以梅露才被对方俘虏。在这个可爱的少女的指点下,钢牙朝向智慧之祠寻找线索。 他与梅露踏上充满魔幻和神秘色彩的旅途,沿途有无数意想不到的危险和挑战在等待着他们……

Language: Mandarin

Monday, July 1, 2024

Mystikal Film

This Mystikal movie has Adventure, Fantasy, and Action genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2010 The spoken language used in the film is Spanish.

In a last era, in an imaginary world dominated by shadows, three get conquer evil wizards and place in three boxes of Pandora. Every magician must save their life and protect each of the boxes containing: war, plague and famine. If the ghosts manage to break free, will open the gates of hell.

Mystikal Movie Backdrop

Mystikal Film Stars:

Kandido Uranga as Drago, Ramon Agirre as Ambrosius, Iban Garate as Eldyn, Savitri Ceballos as Fira, and Maite Agirre as Morka.

Kandido Uranga Photo Ramon Agirre Photo Savitri Ceballos Photo

Peoples involved in the making of the Mystikal film:

and Ángel Alonso García (Director).

Here are some translations about the movie:

Mystikal - Eldyn der Zauberlehrling

Eldyn, der Zauberlehrling

Eldyn ist der noch ziemlich junge und unbeholfene Erbe einer traditionsreichen Magierdynastie. Jetzt ist der Tolpatsch auch noch die letzte Hoffnung der Menschheit, nachdem er versehentlich selbst eines von drei gefangenen Ungeheuern entfesselte, denen bestimmt ist, dereinst das Tor zur Hölle zu öffnen und die Welt, wie wir sie kennen, zu vernichten. Eldyn aber eilt dem Unhold hinterher, gewinnt unterwegs allerhand Gefährten und muss sich diversen Gefahren stellen. Dabei reift er zum Helden und erkennt die Kraft, die in ihm steckt.

Language: German

En una época pasada, en un mundo imaginario dominado por las sombras, tres magos consiguen vencer al Mal e introducirlo en tres cajas de Pandora. Cada mago deberá guardar y proteger con su vida cada una de las cajas que contienen: la guerra, la peste y el hambre. Si los espectros logran liberarse, se abrirán las puertas del infierno.

Language: Spanish


Dans un ancien monde dominé par les ombres et les forces des ténèbres, trois sorciers parviennent à enfermer le mal et le séparent en trois boîtes magiques qu'ils jurent de protéger au péril de leur vie. Bien des années ont passées quand Alddyn, jeune apprenti magicien va libérer par inadvertance le mal contenu dans l'une de ces boîtes. A peine libérées, les forces des ténèbres vont alors tenter de se réunifier et plonger à nouveau le monde dans le chaos. Avec l'aide de Fira, son amie la fée, Alddyn doit désormais réparer ses erreurs avant qu'il ne soit trop tard...

Language: French

Mystikal - O Mundo da Magia

Em tempos passados, em um mundo dominado pelas sombras, três poderosos feiticeiros conseguem prender a tríade do mal – a fome, a guerra e a peste – em três jarros mágicos. Se colocados juntos, eles podem abrir a porta do inferno e libertar demônios sobre todo o reino. Anos depois, parece que o povo se esqueceu daquela luta, que hoje soa como um conto de fadas. Todavia, os jarros continuam sob os cuidados de feiticeiros. Um deles é Morka, que tem como assistente o jovem Eldyn. Certo dia, o rapaz se atrapalha e sem querer quebra o jarro de seu mestre e liberta o Senhor da Guerra. Agora, este ser maligno quer encontrar seus irmãos e realizar sua missão de tempos atrás – trazer o mal sobre a Terra. Cabe a Eldyn tentar reparar seu erro e para isso ele embarca em uma incrível e perigosa aventura em um reino mágico e até então desconhecido.

Language: Portuguese

四大名捕 Movie

The 四大名捕 film has Fantasy, Action, and Crime genres.

四大名捕 Movie was made by Beijing Enlight Pictures The film was successfully completed and released in 2012 The spoken language used in the film is Mandarin.

An undercover agent is assigned by his corrupt chief to infiltrate a rival department and sabotage their investigation of counterfeit currency. What he discovers is the counterfeiter's real plan. To overthrow the capital. Not by flooding it with funny money, but with an army of undead.

四大名捕 Movie Backdrop

四大名捕 Movie Stars:

Waise Lee Chi-Hung as Prince, Collin Chou as Tie Yourda (Iron Hands), Anthony Wong Chau-Sang as Zhuge Zhenwo, Cheng Taishen as Sheriff King, Ronald Cheng as Cui Lueshang (Life Snatcher), Deng Chao as Leng Lingqi (Coldblood), Liu Yifei as Emotionless, Jiang Yiyan as Ji Yaohua, Sheren Tang as Aunt Foise, Ryu Kohata as Avalanche, Tenky Tin Kai-Man as , Wu Xiubo as An Shigeng - The God of Wealth, Bao Bei Er as Big Wolf, Angela Qiu as Dragonfly, Anna Fang as Butterfly, Emma Wu as Ding Dong, Tina Xiang as Bell, Zhang Zhihong as Mysterious Man, Chi Miao as Guts, Manli Cui as An's servant girl, Yuki Li as Feng Ming, and Peng Zhi as Merchant.

Waise Lee Chi-Hung Photo Collin Chou Photo Anthony Wong Chau-Sang Photo Cheng Taishen Photo Ronald Cheng Photo Deng Chao Photo Liu Yifei Photo Jiang Yiyan Photo Sheren Tang Photo Ryu Kohata Photo Tenky Tin Kai-Man Photo Wu Xiubo Photo Bao Bei Er Photo Anna Fang Photo Emma Wu Photo Zhang Zhihong Photo Peng Zhi Photo

Peoples involved in the making of this 四大名捕 movie:

Lai Yiu-Fai (Director of Photography), Chan Ki-Hop (Editor), Gordon Chan (Director), Janet Chun (Director), Bruce Yu (Production Designer), Henry Lai Wan-Man (Original Music Composer), Abe Kwong (Producer), Frankie Tam (Writer), Maria Wong Si-Man (Writer), and Kong Lingping (Assistant Director).

Gordon Chan Photo

Here are some translations about the film:

Mistři magie

Děj této vizuálně oslnivé fantasy se odehrává v Číně 12. století. Sbor císařských ochránců zákona je na stopě padělatelů, jejichž falešné mince v metropoli způsobily chaos. Při razii v doupěti penězokazů se však městští konstáblové setkávají se zástupci Boží policie, která je tajnou složkou císařské koruny pověřenou úkoly té nejvyšší důležitosti. Její členové ovládají stará bojová umění a zdá se, že se dokonale vyznají i v magii. Žárlivý Liu, velitel městských stráží, do tohoto konkurenčního sboru nasadí svého agenta, aby práci Boží policie sabotoval a tí…

Language: Czech

The Four

Die Verschwörung des Bösen

Die Telepathin Emotionless, der beinahe unbesiegbare Iron Hands, der unvergleichliche Springer Life Snatcher und der eiskalte Coldblood sind 'The Four'. Immer da, wenn man sie braucht - und sie werden gebraucht. Als in der Hauptstadt der Song-Dynastie Falschgeld in Umlauf gebracht wird, erhalten zwei Abteilungen der Regierung den Auftrag, die Quelle des Falschgeldes zu finden und auszuschalten. Schnell wird klar, dass sie die Situation ohne die Hilfe der 'Four' nicht in den Griff bekommen und die vier Superhelden machen Jagd auf den 'Gott des Reichtums' An Shigeng. Dabei finden sie das wahre Ziel der Geldfälscher heraus: Sie wollen die Hauptstadt zu Fall bringen und zwar nicht mit einer Falschgeld-Überschwemmung, sondern mit einer alles vernichtenden Armee der Untoten.

Language: German

The four

Πρώτη ταινία μιας τριλογίας που αφορά τέσσερις αστυνομικούς της αρχαίας Κίνας. Κατά την Δυναστεία Χουιζονγκ, το κυβερνητικό τμήμα γνωστό ως Έκτο Τμήμα έχει πλήρη δικαιοδοσία σε όλα τα αστυνομικά τήματα στην Πρωτεύουσα. Η ιστορία ξεκινάει με μια ασυνήθιστα μεγάλη κυκλοφορία πλαστών χρημάτων που οδηγεί σε μεγάλη αστάθεια την πρωτεύουσα. Οι ερευνητές του τμήματος Έξι, παίρνουν μια πληροφορία για έναν ύποπτο αλλά τελικά ο ύποπτος και τα στοιχεία, τα παίρνουν πράκτορες μιας άγνωστης μυστικής υπηρεσίας, με το όνομα Ουράνιοι Αστυνομικοί, που δίνουν λόγο απευθείας στον Αυτοκράτορα. Αυτό προκαλεί την ζήλια στον Διοικητή Λιου που απολύει ανοιχτά έναν από τους καλύτερους του τον Παγωμένο Αίμα αλλά μυστικά τον διατάζει να διεισδύσει στους Ουράνιους Αστυνομικούς για να βρει έναν τρόπο να τους καταστρέψει.

Language: Greek

Los Cuatro

Su jefe corrupto le asigna un agente encubierto para infiltrarse en un departamento rival y sabotear su investigación de moneda falsa. Lo que descubre es el plan real del falsificador. Para derrocar a la capital. No inundándolo con dinero gracioso, sino con un ejército de no-muertos.

Language: Spanish

The Four

Un agent du gouvernement se voit affecté par son supérieur dans l'infiltration d'un département rival pour saboter leur enquête sur la fausse monnaie qui ne cesse d'inonder les commerces du pays. Ce qu’il découvre dépasse largement le simple cadre de la contre-façon, mais d'un complot qui risque de plonger le pays dans le chaos.

Language: French

The Four

Language: Hungarian

ドラゴン・フォー 秘密の特殊捜査官/隠密


Language: Japanese


혼돈의 시대에 맞설 4인의 수사관, 그들의 음모를 막기 위한 결전이 시작된다!

송나라에 위조화폐가 출연함으로써, 두 수사기관 육선문과 저마다의 재주를 지닌 고수들로 구성된 신후부에게 이 사건 진상에 관한 수사임무가 내려진다. 육선문의 냉혈은 류대인의 지시로 신후부의 수사과정 훼방과 리더 제갈정아의 권력을 파괴시키기 위해 첩보원으로 활동하지만 이내 자신의 잘못됨을 깨우치게 되고, 이들이 정권을 뒤엎어버리려는 음모를 발견한다. 송나라의 경제를 휘어잡으려는 야망과 정부의 권력을 전복시키려는 류대인으로부터 송나라의 명예를 지키기 위해 신후부는 냉혈과 동맹을 맺게 되고 이윽고 최후의 결전이 벌어진다.

Language: Korean

Si Da Ming Bu

Een undercover agent wordt door zijn corrupte chef aangewezen om te infiltreren bij een rivaliserende dienst en hun onderzoek naar vals geld te saboteren. Hij ontdekt echter het werkelijke plan van de vervalser: het omver werpen van de hoofdstad. Niet door het te overspoelen met vals geld, maar met een leger van zombies.

Language: Dutch

Os Quatro

Num reino controlado por duas forças rivais, o Departamento Seis desconfia que os Agentes Divinos estão circulando uma moeda falsa e envia um agente para se infiltrar na facção inimiga. Ao se identificar com a filosofia do grupo e descobrir que eles não são culpados, ele fica dividido.

Language: Portuguese


Продажный шеф тайного отдела полиции поручает своему секретному агенту внедриться в ряды конкурирующего отдела с целью сорвать их расследование, связанное с изготовлением поддельных денежных знаков. Тому удаётся раскрыть настоящие планы фальшивомонетчиков — те хотят свергнуть власть в столице, но наводнив её не смехотворными деньгами, а армией нежити.

Language: Russian

4 มหากาฬพญายม

4 มหากาฬพญายม

เมื่อมีคนพบเงินปลอมในเมืองหลวงของราชวงศ์ซ่ง มือปราบ 2 รายได้ถูกส่งให้เข้าไปสืบคดีนี้ ประกอบด้วย เลือดเย็น(เติ้งเชา) มือปราบจากประตู 6 และกองกำลังอิสระ ถูกส่งให้ปลอมตัวเข้าไปเพื่อบ่อนทำลาย จูเก๋อเซิ่นหวู่(แอนโทนี่ หว่อง) และขัดขวางกระบวนการสืบสวน แม้จะรู้ว่า จูเก๋อเซิ่นหวู่ มีเป้าหมายช่วยคนยากจน แต่ เลือดเย็น ก็ต้องปฏิบัติหน้าที่ต่อไปและรายงานของเขาทำให้ทางการสั่งปิดสำนักของ จูเก๋อเซิ่นหวู่ ก่อนที่ เลือดเย็น จะรู้สึกผิดกับการกระทำของเขา อานฉีเก็ง ซึ่งได้รับฉายาว่า "เทพเจ้าแห่งความมั่งคั่ง" และได้รับการยกย่องเป็นวีรบุรุษ ไม่เพียงแค่ทำเงินปลอมเพื่อควบคุมสภาพการเงินของราชวงศ์ แต่ยังสร้างกองทัพอมนุษย์ด้วยเวทมนตร์เพื่อล้มราชวงศ์ เพื่อต่อสู้กับกองกำลังมืดนี้ มือปราบทั้งหมดจึงต้องกลับมารวมตัวอีกครั้งพร้อมทั้งเลือดเย็นด้วย

Language: Thai

Dört Kahraman

Efsane Dörtlü 1

Gizemli olayları çözen dört dedektifin maceraları...Bu adamları durdurmak neredeyse imkansız! Birbirinden gizemli olayları çözmeleri için imparator tarafından kiralanan dövüş sanatları uzmanı dört dedektifin hikayesi... Bu hikayede yer alan dedektiflerin gizemli olayları çözmede yaşadıkları aksiyon dolu maceralar sinema sevenlerin beğenisine sunuluyor.

Language: Turkish

Tứ Đại Danh Bổ

Bộ phim dựa trên tiểu thuyết Tứ Đại Danh Bổ của Ôn Thụy An, kể về bốn vị bổ đầu nổi tiếng là Vô Tình, Thiết Thủ, Lãnh Huyết, Truy Mệnh. Mỗi một người có biệt danh và tài năng riêng. Vô Tình mệnh danh là vua ám khí, Thiết Thủ luyện được đôi tay cứng như sắt thép, đao thương bất nhập. Lãnh Huyết vốn mồ côi từ bé, được nuôi lớn bằng sữa của sói, nên mang trong mình dòng máu sói, có các giác quan của sói, là cao thủ dụng kiếm. Truy Mệnh, tên chính là biệt tài, truy đuổi đến cùng, sở trường cước pháp, khinh công cực cao. Tất cả 4 người đều thuộc Thần Hầu phủ do Gia Cát Chính Ngã quản lý.

Language: Vietnamese

  巍巍京城,气势磅礴。时有捕神(成泰燊 饰)率领的六扇门,高手云集,作风凌厉,成为朝廷只手遮天的人物。是时京城伪造铜币泛滥,六扇门头号捕快冷血(邓超 饰)策划抓捕疑犯,结果在醉月楼与另一组人马大打出手。对方是诸葛正我(黄秋生 饰)统领的神侯府,手下更有无情(刘亦菲 饰)、铁手(邹兆龙 饰)等身怀绝技的高手。捕神对神侯府的目的颇有猜疑,遂假意赶走冷血,令其潜入神侯府调查诸葛之真实目的。在此之后,冷血与无情、铁手以及江湖中人追命(郑中基 饰)组成四大名捕,声名显赫,而来自六扇门的姬遥花(江一燕 饰)似乎又暗藏不可告人的秘密与阴谋……   本片根据温瑞安同名武侠小说改编。

Language: Mandarin

Dracula Untold Film

This Dracula Untold movie has Fantasy, Horror, and Action genres.

Dracula Untold Movie was made by Universal Pictures, Legendary Pictures, and Michael De Luca Productions at a cost of $70,000,000. The film was successfully completed and released in 2014 made a revenue of $217,124,280. The spoken language used in the film is English.

Vlad Tepes is a great hero, but when he learns the Sultan is preparing for battle and needs to form an army of 1,000 boys, he vows to find a way to protect his family. Vlad turns to dark forces in order to get the power to destroy his enemies and agrees to go from hero to monster as he's turned into the mythological vampire, Dracula.

Dracula Untold Movie Backdrop

Dracula Untold Film Stars:

Noah Huntley as Captain Petru, Charles Dance as Master Vampire, Gary Whelan as Lucian's Monk, Ronan Vibert as Simion, Joseph Long as General Omer, Dominic Cooper as Mehmed II, Glen Barry as Lucian's Monk, Zach McGowan as Shkelgim, Paul Kaye as Brother Lucian, William Houston as Cazan, Arkie Reece as General Ismail, Luke Evans as Dracula / Vlad Tepes, Sarah Gadon as Mirena / Mina Murray, John Carr as Market Shopper (uncredited), Phil McKee as Vlad's Soldier, Jakub Gierszał as Acemi, Art Parkinson as Ingeras, Thor Kristjansson as Bright Eyes, Joana Metrass as Handmaiden (uncredited), Maria Laird as Child of the Court, Ferdinand Kingsley as Hamza Bey, Dominic Borrelli as Wealthy Boyar, Tom Benedict Knight as Turkish General, Phil Zimmerman as Mihai's Father, Mish Boyko as Andrei, Diarmaid Murtagh as Dimitru, Charlene Gleeson as Lady of the Court, Dilan Gwyn as Governess, J.J. Murphy as The Village Elder, Rachel Kennedy as Mirena's Handmaiden, Paul Kavanagh as Boyar Man, Paul Bullion as Nicolae, Paul Casar as Intrigued Boyar, Frank Cannon as Monk No6 (uncredited), Felicity McKee as Peasant (uncredited), Shane McCaffrey as Lucian's Monk, Stavros Demetraki as Mehmed's Adjutant, Hunter Stratton Boland as Child of the Court, Ross Moneypenny as Vlad's Soldier, Jeffrey O'Brien as Boyar Man, Louise Parker as Mirena's Handmaiden, Chris Cherry as Vlad's Soldier, Gordon Bell as Boyar Man, Tyrone Kearns as Boyar Man, Chris Keenan as Vlad's Soldier, Richard Hansen as Adjutant (uncredited), Micheal Fay as Bright Eyes' Janissary (uncredited), Ruth Baxter as Mirena's Handmaiden, Guillaume Meliot as Omer's Adjutant, Jason Coalter as Vlad's Castle Guard, John Friel as Vlad's Castle Guard, Cole Currin as Vlad's Castle Guard, Andrew Laverty as Vlad's Castle Guard, Matthew Åkerfeldt as Vlad's Soldier, Eugene Furphy as Vlad's Soldier, Graham Hutton as Vlad's Soldier, Joe Kelly Jr. as Vlad's Soldier, Bobby Marno as Vlad's Soldier, Darren McMullan as Vlad's Soldier, Andrew McQuade as Vlad's Soldier, Connor Schelling-Tisza as Vlad's Soldier, Graham Cave as Boyar Man, Norman Coates as Boyar Man, Xander Duffy as Boyar Man, Al Geddes as Boyar Man, Arthur Halligey as Boyar Man, Derek Mayne as Boyar Man, Gavin McCormick as Boyar Man, Paul Monahan as Boyar Man, Ann O'Connor as Lady of the Court, Gretta Shore as Lady of the Court, Orlaith Shore as Lady of the Court, Penelope Simmons as Lady of the Court, Aodhan McGowan as Child of the Court, Sarah-Louise Haveron as Dead Peasant (uncredited), Joe Benjamin as Mihai, Ann Louise Bresnaham as Lady of the Court, and Niall Murphy as Terrorised Turk (uncredited).

Noah Huntley Photo Charles Dance Photo Gary Whelan Photo Ronan Vibert Photo Joseph Long Photo Dominic Cooper Photo Zach McGowan Photo Paul Kaye Photo William Houston Photo Luke Evans Photo Sarah Gadon Photo Phil McKee Photo Jakub Gierszał Photo Art Parkinson Photo Thor Kristjansson Photo Joana Metrass Photo Maria Laird Photo Ferdinand Kingsley Photo Dominic Borrelli Photo Tom Benedict Knight Photo Phil Zimmerman Photo Mish Boyko Photo Diarmaid Murtagh Photo Dilan Gwyn Photo J.J. Murphy Photo Paul Bullion Photo Paul Casar Photo Frank Cannon Photo Ross Moneypenny Photo Jeffrey O'Brien Photo Louise Parker Photo Niall Murphy Photo

Peoples involved in the making of this Dracula Untold movie:

John Schwartzman (Director of Photography), Ngila Dickson (Costume Design), John Hubbard (Casting), Bram Stoker (Characters), Michael De Luca (Producer), Ros Hubbard (Casting), Richard Pearson (Editor), Joseph M. Caracciolo Jr. (Executive Producer), Andrew Ackland-Snow (Set Designer), Ramin Djawadi (Original Music Composer), Paki Smith (Set Decoration), Patrick Loungway (Second Unit Director of Photography), Christopher Assells (Sound Designer), Paul Inglis (Supervising Art Director), Paul Edwards (Camera Operator), Peter Pedrero (Stunt Coordinator), François Audouy (Production Design), David Leitch (Second Unit Director), Ian Fox (Camera Operator), Michael Turner (Art Direction), Thomas Tull (Executive Producer), Jo Burn (Unit Production Manager), Jon Jashni (Executive Producer), Martin Goeres (Stunts), Daniel Phillips (Makeup Designer), Elaine Kusmishko (Art Direction), Rohan Harris (Scenic Artist), Ray Nicholas (Stunts), Craig Miller (Stunts), Luigi Marchione (Art Direction), Stanimir Stamatov (Stunts), Heather Phillips (Stunts), Danko Jordanov (Stunts), Alissa Phillips (Executive Producer), Scott M. Davids (Visual Effects Supervisor), Lockhart Ogilvie (Stunts), Marcus Shakesheff (Stunts), Don Thai Theerathada (Stunt Double), Mohan Randhawa (Stunts), Radoslav Parvanov (Stunts), Jean-Paul Jesstiece (Stunts), Gary Shore (Director), Matt Sazama (Writer), Burk Sharpless (Writer), Allistair McNab (Stunts), Lee Charles (Stunts), Sara Bennett (Visual Effects Supervisor), Heather Greenlees (Art Direction), Dan O'Connell (Foley), Jon Title (Sound Designer), Dimiter Doichinov (Stunts), Cosmo Campbell (Camera Operator), Ashley Beck (Stunts), John T. Cucci (Foley), Jordana Finkel (Assistant Art Director), Matt Kasmir (Visual Effects Supervisor), John C. Stuver (Dialogue Editor), James Embree (Stunts), Ann Scibelli (Sound Designer), Jasin Boland (Still Photographer), David Doran (Art Direction), Frank A. Montaño (Sound Re-Recording Mixer), Jon Taylor (Sound Re-Recording Mixer), Christian Manz (Visual Effects Supervisor), Pablo Verdejo (Stunts), Bill R. Dean (Sound Effects Editor), George Kirby (Stunts), Carlton Kaller (Music Editor), Beverley Binda (Makeup Artist), Karen Baker Landers (Supervising Sound Editor), Peter Staubli (Sound Designer), Ravi Dube (Transportation Coordinator), Chris Hogan (Dialogue Editor), Pamela Choules (Visual Effects Editor), Kathleen Weir (Script Supervisor), Pete Cavaciuti (Steadicam Operator), Harry Wiggins (Chief Lighting Technician), David A. Cohen (ADR Editor), Joe Hopker (Hairstylist), Ian Franklin (Rigging Gaffer), Rudy Lopez (Digital Intermediate), Fiona Campbell Westgate (Visual Effects Producer), Ana Lozano (Hairstylist), Tapio Salmi (Makeup Artist), Jessica Derhammer (Production Supervisor), Kirsty Vogel (Art Department Coordinator), Aine Smith (Assistant Art Director), Beverley Crockard (Construction Coordinator), Mervyn Moore (Sound Recordist), Tim Stevenson (Animation), Ben Lambert (CG Supervisor), Nicolas Hernandez (CG Supervisor), Simon Scott (Visual Effects Editor), Ivan Moran (Visual Effects Supervisor), Glen Pratt (Visual Effects Supervisor), Buster Reeves (Stunt Coordinator), Richard Philpott (Additional Camera), Lizzie Kelly (Video Assist Operator), Rachael Webb-Crozier (Costume Supervisor), Sasha Gibson (Unit Publicist), Mally Chung (Location Manager), Helen Steinway Bailey (Stunts), Greg Burridge (Stunts), Christopher Kaller (Music Editor), John Wildermuth (First Assistant Director), Guiomar Alonso (Stunt Double), Fiachra O'Hanlon (Sound Recordist), Umar Hussain (Visual Effects Coordinator), Steve Cummings (Armorer), Uli Nefzer (Special Effects Supervisor), Tomasz Krzemieniecki (Stunts), Matthew Lloyd (Visual Effects Coordinator), Darren Holland (Key Grip), John Sharpe (Stunts), Ben Wilson (Rigging Supervisor), Alistair Whitton (Stunts), Yang Liang (Stunts), Curtis Rivers (Stunts), Faruk Dogan (Stunt Double), Steen Young (Stunts), Sandra O'Brien (Makeup Artist), Greg Reed (VFX Editor), Nuo Sun (Fight Choreographer), Chris Pollard (Stunts), Belinda McGinley (Stunts), Andy Merchant (Stunts), Matt Hermiston (Stunts), Chris Keitel (Casting), Marzenna Fus-Mickiewicz (Hairstylist), Dion Banner (Painter), Leigh Stevens (Greensman), David Feinsilber (Visual Effects Producer), Sam Gordon (Modeling), Hannah Lewis (Visual Effects Coordinator), Thandiwe Philips (Visual Effects Coordinator), Robin Reyer (Lighting Director), Mariangela Suma (Visual Effects Coordinator), Daniel Ulrich (Modeling), Wendy Brown (Still Photographer), Jim Crowther (Key Grip), Steve Pochetty (Lighting Technician), Emily Ireland (Armorer), Paul McDonnell (Armorer), Catherine McNally (Costume Coordinator), Vicky Bishop (Production Coordinator), Kathryn Prince (Sculptor), Alexis Barron (Stunt Double), Lee Bagley (Stunts), Samantha Smith McGrady (Second Assistant Director), Neil Chapelhow (Stunts), Donna Williams (Stunts), Arran Topham (Stunts), Andy Lister (Stunts), Marlow Warrington-Mattei (Stunt Double), Annabel Wood (Stunts), Lyndon S. Hellewell (Stunts), Luke Kearney (Stunts), Pete Ford (Stunts), Gary Kane (Stunts), Rob Cooper (Stunts), Rob Bliss (Concept Artist), Hasit Savani (Stunts), Richard Wheeldon (Stunts), John Street (Stunts), Mark Stanton-Kelly (Stunts), Eddie McClements (Stunts), Steve Caswell (Stunts), Richard Hansen (Stunt Double), Maciej Kuciara (Conceptual Illustrator), Lawrence Hansen (Stunts), Adam Young (Stunts), Andreas Schmitka (Stunts), Felix Leech (Stunts), Scott Hinds (Stunts), Micheal Fay (Stunts), and B.L. Jurgens (Visual Effects Producer).

John Schwartzman Photo Ngila Dickson Photo John Hubbard Photo Bram Stoker Photo Michael De Luca Photo Ros Hubbard Photo Richard Pearson Photo Ramin Djawadi Photo Paul Inglis Photo Peter Pedrero Photo David Leitch Photo Thomas Tull Photo Martin Goeres Photo Ray Nicholas Photo Stanimir Stamatov Photo Danko Jordanov Photo Marcus Shakesheff Photo Don Thai Theerathada Photo Radoslav Parvanov Photo Gary Shore Photo Matt Sazama Photo Burk Sharpless Photo Lee Charles Photo Dimiter Doichinov Photo Ashley Beck Photo James Embree Photo Pablo Verdejo Photo Buster Reeves Photo Greg Burridge Photo John Wildermuth Photo Tomasz Krzemieniecki Photo Yang Liang Photo Steen Young Photo Chris Pollard Photo Belinda McGinley Photo Matt Hermiston Photo David Feinsilber Photo Neil Chapelhow Photo Marlow Warrington-Mattei Photo Annabel Wood Photo Luke Kearney Photo Felix Leech Photo

What They Said About Dracula Untold Film:

FX, Evans and Dance's performances are the only things to save in this movie. If you think Dracula becoming a hero and a martyr is a good idea, you will like it. Otherwise, like in my case, you will think that it was the worst idea in quite some time. So, Dracula is not the most evil creature in the world any more ... :(

(Andres Gomez)

I think you have to treat this depiction of Dracula on it's own merits. There is no point comparing it with anything you've seen already. Given that, it is a perfectly watchable, and forgettable, adventure film with Luke Evans as Prince Vlad making the vampiric equivalent of a "deal with the devil" with Charles Dance to prevent his family and his kingdom from being over-run by the Turks. Dominic Cooper is really terrible as the Ottoman Sultan, though - his accent sounds like it's been finessed in his local kebab shop after too many tequila slammers on a Friday night. Evans is fine in the role, there is plenty of action and the visual effects are adequate too. Expect nothing earth shattering and you won't be let down.


That the so called “critics” at Rotten Tomatoes screws this movie over is not really a surprise. Said “critics” are usually out of sync with both my opinions and the opinions of most of the viewers which can be seen again from the fact that these people give this movie a 23% rating whereas the actual viewers give it a 60% rating. At lot of “purists” also seem to take a disliking to this movie. Well, the movie is named Dracula Untold so it should be no surprise that the story would be a new one. Personally I found this movie quite enjoyable. Yes it is not the original Dracula story but it is not straying too far from the basic origins and it is really a quite decent story unlike some of the disastrous Hollywood rewrites. The original story claims that Dracula became a vampire during his battles with the Turks and this movie picks up on that and tells the story of how that happened. Unlike most (all?) Dracula movies, Dracula is not really the bad guy but rather the inverse and the movie tells a story about sacrifices and Dracula’s quest to keep some of his humanity, moral and sanity. It would not be a Dracula movie without some blood flowing and this movie delivers without overdoing it. Actually the actual bloodsucking stuff is quite played down until the end of the movie. There are a fair amount of fights against the Turks (who are the real bad guys in this movie) though and blood as well as various body parts no longer attached to their proper places does float around quite a bit. The special effects are not forgotten and I quite liked the bat swarms that Dracula commanded during the final fights against the Turks. I found Luke Evans performance as the prince and unwilling Dracula to be quite good. The rest of the characters were also well played. I am sure that none of them will be nominated for Oscars due to their part in this movie but I have nothing negative to say about their performance. On the whole I found this movie quite enjoyable and I definitely disagree with all the people blasting it. I did also quite like the last couple of scenes in modern time at the end which teased of a follow up movie. I would definitely like to see that happen.

(Per Gunnar Jonsson)

Dracula: The dark Superman RELEASED IN 2014 and directed by Gary Shore, "Dracula Untold” tells the origin of Dracula: In the 15th century Prince Vlad the Impaler (Luke Evans) must protect his small kingdom of Wallachia (in modern-day Romania) from a Turk warlord (Dominic Cooper) who demands a thousand boys from Wallachia & Transylvania, including Vlad’s son. Threatened by the unsurmountable Turk army, Vlad desperately makes a dubious pact with a formidable caged vampire in order to acquire its dark powers and save his family & kingdom. Sarah Gadon plays Vlad’s winsome wife. The producers flirted with the idea of “Dracula Untold” being part of Universal’s Dark Universe; and the epilogue of the movie, set in the modern world, suggests this, insinuating a franchise. This idea was dropped, however, and “The Mummy” (2017) became the first official film in the Dark Universe. In any case, “Dracula Untold” was fairly successful at the Box Office, making $56.3 million in North America and $217.1 million worldwide against a cost of $70 million. My title blurb pretty much tells you all you need to know: “Dracula Untold” is basically the dark Superman of 15th century Eastern Europe where Dracula wields the power to defeat a thousand-man army. If you like the great prologue to Coppola’s “Bram Stoker’s Dracula” (1992), you’ll probably like this movie, which gives several nods to that forerunner. The film LOOKS awesome and has a fine cast. But unlike “Bram Stoker’s Dracula,” it’s rapidly paced and doesn’t leave much room to breathe; so the characterizations aren’t quite deep enough. It’s good, but somehow hollow and forgettable. “Bram Stoker’s Dracula” was perhaps a little too slow while “Dracula Untold” is too hurried. I wish the creators found the happy medium between the two because, with just a little bit more time and attention to detail, it could’ve been great. THE MOVIE RUNS 1 hour, 32 minutes and was shot entirely in Northern Ireland. WRITERS: Matt Sazama and Burk Sharpless. GRADE: B


Bram Stoker's Count Dracula is textbook example of my Evil Iceberg Theory (the less you see of and know about a villain, the better). In an epistolary novel, the title character is the only one who doesn’t set his thoughts down in letters or in a diary (or, like Dr. Seward, a phonograph recording). If, as Lovecraft wrote, "The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown," then Dracula is the embodiment of this fear; inscrutable, unknowable, unreachable, impossible to negotiate or reason with. Moreover, it’s futile to try to assign him complex motivation; like the shark in Jaws or Dr. Lecter, the Count kills to feed — no more, no less. Taking all this into account, it's easy to see how bad an idea Dracula Untold really is. The story is narrated — a long time after it took place, though oddly in the same childlike voice the narrator had when the events trasnspired — by Ingeras (Art Parkinson), son of Vlad III Draculea, aka the Impaler, aka Son of the Dragon, aka Son of the Devil, aka Dracula; let's just call him Vlad (Luke Evans). "In the year of our Lord 1442, the Turkish sultan enslaved 1,000 children from Transylvania to fill the ranks of his army." One of these children grew up to become Vlad, who "disgusted by his monstrous deeds ... buried his past with the dead and returned to Transylvania to rule in peace." So Vlad just took his ball and went home. Just like that, no revolt required. Someone should tell the Sultan how slavery really works. This notwithstanding, Wallachia and Transylvania remain under Ottoman rule, and Vlad must pay an annual tribute to Sultan Mehmed II (Dominic Cooper); one can't help wondering why these two peoples are so hostile to each other, especially seeing how they share the lingua franca of British English. Mehmed takes it upon himself to 'enslaving' a thousand other children (perhaps the first thousand just walked away like Vlad?), including Ingeras. Vlad refuses, and knowing that this means war, goes to a cave in a mountain to seek help from "a vampire. From the Greek word pi, to drink [actually 'pi' is a Greek letter; the language in which it is a word that means 'drink' or 'suck' is Albanian]. The beast was once a mortal man who summoned a demon from the depths of hell to barter for his dark power. The demon deceived the man, granting his wish, but his price was an eternity condemned to the darkness of that cave, where he remains until he finds another to free him." The cave vampire (Charles Dance), who once was a Roman and thus speaks, like all Romans do in the movies, the Queen's English, gives Vlad a sip of his blood, and with it “a taste of my power. The strength of 100 men. The speed of a shooting star. Domain of the night and all its creatures. See and hear through your senses. Even heal grievous wounds ... Once you drink, your thirst for human blood will be insatiable. But if you can hold out for three days, you will return to your mortal state having tasted my power, and perhaps saved your people. [What if I feed?] I will be freed having granted the darkness a worthy offering. You will become … like me. A scourge on this earth destined to destroy everything you love… I, however, will be free to unleash my wrath against the one who betrayed me. And one day, I will call upon you to serve me, my pawn, in an immortal game of revenge." All this does is show that sometimes no explanation is the best explanation. Let's compare Coppola’s Dracula, in whose introduction — featuring modern Romanian dialogue with medieval English syntax (perhaps not historically correct but still much better than English-English) — Gary Oldman plunges his sword into the stone cross of a chapel, and drinks the blood that flows from it. This doesn't necessarily make any more sense, but at least it's short and to the point, and Coppola has the good sense to not even try to explain it. Conversely, all of Dracula Untold’s heavy exposition only raises more questions than it answers. How did this Roman guy end up in Transylvania? Are there no caves in Rome? Why can't he leave the cave and Vlad can? What exactly does "an immortal game of revenge" mean? This phrase simply reeks of oxymoron. Speaking of Coppola, he was the second to make the character of Dracula and the historical Dracula one and the same person, and add a Reincarnation Romance to the plot (the first was Dan Curtis in his own 1974 Bram Stoker's Dracula, written by Richard Matheson). Director Gary Shore and screenwriters Matt Sazama and Burk Sharpless repeat the formula in Dracula Untold, but their mistake is making an entire movie out of this premise. If they had done their homework, they would know that the link to Vlad III is tenuous at best, and that the real and probably only reason Stoker used the name 'Dracula' is because he was under the mistaken impression that it meant 'devil' in Romanian (but who knows; maybe the confusion of ' Greek pi' with Albanian 'pi' was a tribute to this linguistic faux pas on the Irish author’s part).


Here are some translations about the film:

كل سلالة لها بداية. فلاد تيبس بطل عظيم ، ولكن عندما يعلم أن السلطان يستعد للمعركة ويحتاج إلى تشكيل جيش من 1000 صبي ، يتعهد بإيجاد طريقة لحماية عائلته. يتحول فلاد إلى قوى الظلام من أجل الحصول على القوة لتدمير أعدائه ويوافق على الانتقال من بطل إلى وحش حيث تحول إلى مصاص دماء أسطوري ، دراكولا.

Language: Arabic

Дракула: Неразказан

Роди се легенда

Той е обикновен семеен човек в земя, тласната към война, където свикват градските деца за военна повинност. Хората му са нападнати от османски войници, а животът на собствения му син е застрашен. Инстинктите за самосъхранение го отвеждат при силите на мрака, за да стане върховна машина за убиване. Разбира се, такава тъмна сила може да промени добрите хора по начин, неизмерим от простосмъртен, и той накрая се превръща в силата на злото, която ужасява човечеството векове наред. Дракула е може би най-известното филмово чудовище в историята, но никоя от екранизациите досега не се е фокусирала върху това какво е подтикнало принц Влад да се превърне в сила на злото.

Language: Bulgarian

Drákula: Neznámá legenda

Zrození monstra

Než se stal Drákulou, byl Vladem III., vládcem malé zemičky jménem Transylvánie, která se krčila ve stínu mocné osmanské říše. Dobře věděl, že jakýkoli odpor proti silnému sousedovi by znamenal jeho konec. Když ho však sultán „požádá", aby mu poslal tisíc chlapců včetně jeho vlastního syna coby čerstvé rekruty do armády, rozhodne se neuposlechnout. Aby porazil zlo a odvrátil nevyhnutelné, spojí se se zlem mnohem větším. Stane se Drákulou. Nezničitelným démonem, který je schopný porážet obrovská vojska, ale který zároveň ztrácí ty, jež svým zoufalým aktem zachránil. Své nejbližší.

Language: Czech

Stillet over for et umuligt valg risikerer fyrst Vlad III af Vallakiet sin sjæl for at redde sit folk fra Sultan Mehmeds terror og sin egen søn fra slaveri for sultanen. Engang blev Vlad selv revet bort fra sin familie for at blive opdraget som en af sultanens slavesoldater, men ikke denne gang. Men sin viljestærke dronning Mirena ved sin side vælger han at kæmpe mod overmagten. Da alt ser håbløst ud vender han sig til den dæmon, han ved skjuler sig i de nærliggende bjerge: Han får hurtighed, styrke og magt til at knuse sine fjender. Blot skal han i tre dage overvinde sin tørst – sin tørst efter blod – så er han fri. Fyrst Vlad, der også er kendt som ’dragens søn’, Dracula!

Language: Danish

Der Beginn einer Legende.

Die Heimat des Adligen Vlad Tepes wird vom gnadenlosen Sultan Mehmed bedroht, der als gefürchteter Eroberer die Lande unsicher macht. Um seine Frau Mirena, seinen Sohn und sein geliebtes Volk zu beschützen, lässt sich der junge Prinz auf eine uralte, mystische Macht ein und muss das wohl größtmögliche Opfer bringen, das von einem Menschen verlangt werden kann: seine Seele. Schließlich wird Vlad Tepes zum ersten Vampir, den die Menschheit je gekannt hat. Als Dracula bekämpft er seine Feinde und setzt alles daran, sein Land und seine Familie aus den Klauen des Sultans zu befreien. Während seine Lieben dem Tod entgehen, ist der Prinz fortan verflucht, als Toter unter den Lebenden zu weilen und seinen Blutdurst an den Kehlen der Menschen zu stillen...

Language: German

Κάθε αιματοβαμμένη διαδρομή έχει μια αρχή

Στην Τρανσυλβανία του 1462 ο πρίγκιπας Βλαντ αρνείται να παραδώσει στον πανίσχυρο σουλτάνο 100 αγόρια από τους υπηκόους του για να γίνουν γενίτσαροι. Γνωρίζοντας ότι δεν μπορεί να αντιμετωπίσει τον τουρκικό στρατό που κινείται εναντίον του, καταφεύγει στη βοήθεια ενός ανθρωποφάγου τέρατος που ζει κρυμμένο στα σκοτάδια.

Language: Greek

Drácula, la leyenda jamás contada

Toda historia tiene un origen.

Los orígenes del mito se revelan en esta película ambientada en los años de reinado de Vlad Tepes, príncipe de Rumania que inspiró la leyenda por sus peculiares métodos para provocar el miedo entre su población y sus enemigos. Una mezcla de mitología e historia para recoger cómo se transformó el sanguinario emperador en el primer vampiro de la historia. Uno de los más terribles y sádicos personajes de Europa que inspiró la clásica obra literaria de Bram Stoker mezclando el terror sobrenatural, las leyendas y pinceladas de amor, para cautivar por completo.

Language: Spanish

ناگفته های دراکولا

زمانی که ولاد متوجه یک تهدید خارجی علیه قبلیه و خانواده اش می گردد، تصمیم می گیرد با نیروهای ماورای طبیعی معامله ای انجام دهد که سرانجام سیاهی به همراه دارد…

Language: Persian

On vuosi 1462. Transilvaniassa vallitsee rauha Vlad III:n ja hänen rakastetun vaimonsa, Mirenan hallitessa maata. Mutta sota Turkkia vastaan ja sopimus paholaisen kanssa muuttavat Vladin elämän ainiaaksi. Dracula Untold on jännittävä toimintaseikkailu, joka herättää henkiin pulssia nostavalla tavalla sekä hirviöiden aikakauden että legendan kuolemattomasta, jota pelkäämme auringon laskiessa... Draculan.

Language: Finnish

Dracula Untold

Chaque lignée a un commencement.

Les origines du mythe sont révélés dans ce film situé dans les années de règne de Vlad Tepes, prince roumain qui a inspiré la légende pour ses méthodes propres à provoquer la peur parmi son peuple et ses ennemis. Un mélange de mythologie et d'histoire nous raconte la manière dont l'empereur sanguinaire est devenu le premier vampire de l'histoire. L'un des personnages les plus terribles et sadiques d'Europe qui a inspiré le classique de la littérature de Bram Stoker mélangeant l'horreur, le surnaturelle et une touche d'amour.

Language: French

דרקולה: ההתחלה

הגיבור הכי אפל יוצא לאור

"דרקולה ההתחלה" חושף את הצופים, כמאה שנים לאחר שנחשפנו לראשונה לדמות דרקולה, אל סיפור מוצאו של האיש שהפך לדרקולה - בסיפור שלא סופר על הערפד המפורסם ביותר בעולם. הסרט עוסק בערפד (לוק אוונס). הסרט מתרחש ברומניה במהלך הפלישה הטורקית ועוקב אחרי לוק אוונס המגלם את ולאד אימפלייר, אשר מוכן "למכור את נשמתו" ולהפוך לערפד על מנת להציל את מולדתו מהכיבוש הטורקי.

Language: Hebrew

Az ismeretlen Drakula

Legenda születik

Bram Stoker klasszikus történetének legújabb feldolgozásában a havasalföldi fejedelem, III. Karóbahúzó Vlad történetét ismerhetjük meg. Az uralkodó nem a saját érdekeit tartja szem előtt, a legfontosabb az számára, hogy megmentse a birodalmat és ezzel együtt a családját is. Ehhez pedig kénytelen alkut kötni a gonosszal, egy olyan „szerződést” amelynek következtében ő maga is pokoli szörnyeteggé válik és így vonul be a történelembe.

Language: Hungarian

L'inizio di una leggenda

Il giovane principe Vlad guida la carica per respingere i tentativi dell'impero Ottomano di utilizzare la Romania come un punto d'appoggio per conquistare il resto d'Europa. In un momento di disperazione, Vlad sale su una montagna dove risiede un oscuro potere magico con la speranza di trovare qualcosa che tenga a bada le orde turche. Quel potere lo aiuta a sconfiggere i turchi, ma questo avviene pagando il prezzo della sua trasformazione in una creatura della notte.

Language: Italian




Language: Japanese


ვლად დრაკულა იყო უდიდესი მმართველი, მამაცი მეომარი და ვნებიანი ადამიანი. მაგრამ ბედმა ის მტერთან შეკრიბა, რომლის მოტყუებას საზღვარი არ ჰქონდა. შემდეგ კი დრაკულამ გარიგება დადო - ზეადამიანური ძალა უმცირესი რამის - უკვდავი სულის სანაცვლოდ...

Language: Georgian

드라큘라: 전설의 시작

악에 맞서기 위해 스스로 어둠의 길을 선택한 영웅!

강인한 군주이자 아버지 그리고 위대한 영웅, 드라큘라 백작은 백성들을 평화로 다스리며 절대적인 신임을 받는다. 하지만 막강한 군대를 앞세운 투르크 제국의 술탄이 세상을 정복하기 위한 야욕을 드러내며 복종의 대가로 사내아이 1천 명을 요구하자, 분노한 드라큘라는 그들과의 전쟁을 선포한다. 압도적인 전력의 투르크 대군을 물리치기 위한 유일한 방법으로 그는 전설 속 악마를 찾아가 절대적인 힘을 얻고 자신을 담보로 한 위험한 계약을 하고 만다. 스스로 어둠의 존재가 되는 것을 선택한 그에게 주어진 시간은 단 3일. 피할 수 없는 악마의 저주로부터 벗어나 그는 세상을 구원할 영웅이 될 수 있을 것인가…

Language: Korean

Drakula. Pradžia

Rašytojo Bram‘o Stoker‘io 1897 m. sukurto ir į pasaulį paleisto kraujasiurbio grafo Drakulos istoriją žino visi. Jis – pirmasis pasaulio vampyras ir šių padarų karalius. Tačiau žymiai mažiau žmonių žino, kad grafas Drakula turėjo realų prototipą. Manoma, kad Rumunijos princas Vladas Tepesas gimė 1431 metais, kalnuotoje Transilvanijos grafystėje. Musulmonų invazijos metais jo tėvas, Vladas II įstojo į krikščionišką „Drakono broliją“, kovojusią su atėjūnais. „Drakonas“ rumunų kalba yra „dracul“. Vlado II sūnus, princas Vladas III, buvo pavadintas „mažuoju drakonu“ – „dracula“. Pakeitęs soste tėvą, jaunasis princas pagarsėjo kaip nuožmus musulmonų skerdikas, nukautų savo priešų galvas susmeigdavęs ant kuolų – taip grafas Vladas III gavo ir „Smeigiko“ pravardę. Kruvini jo žygdarbiai ginant tėvynę tapo įkvėpimu B. Stoker‘iui sukuriant nemirtingą grafo Drakulos paveikslą.

Language: Lithuanian

Drakula: Leģendas sākums

Lai varētu aizsargāt savu ģimeni un iedzīvotājus, kad karaļvalsti apdraud turki, jaunajam princim Vladam Cepešam jākļūst par briesmoni, no kura baidās pat viņa paša pavalstnieki.

Language: Latvian

Elke bloedlijn heeft een begin.

De vijftiende eeuw. De jonge prins Vlad Tepes (Luke Evans) offert zich op, in een poging om zijn vrouw (Sarah Gadon) en zoon te redden uit de handen van een moordlustige sultan, door zijn ziel te verkopen. Hij wordt daarbij de eerste vampier die de wereld ooit gezien heeft: Dracula.

Language: Dutch

Dracula: Historia nieznana

Każda linia krwi ma swój początek.

Film łączy w sobie dwie opowieści. Jedna z nich bazuje na autentycznej postaci - walczącego z Turkami Vlada Palownika, druga odnosi się do legendy dotyczącej pojawienia się pierwszego na Ziemi wampira. Vlad Tepes (Luke Evans) to młody książę, który chcąc uwolnić i zarazem ocalić życie rodziny z rąk okrutnego sułtana, a także mając na uwadze dobro swojego kraju, postanawia sprzedać duszę diabłu. W ten sposób staje się pierwszym wampirem na świecie - znanym jako Hrabia Dracula. [opis dystrybutora dvd]

Language: Polish

Drácula: A História Desconhecida

Nasce uma lenda.

Quando a Transilvânia é ameaçada pela invasão dos Turcos Otomanos, o rei aceita um humilhante tratado de paz e entrega ao inimigo o seu próprio filho para criar. Ensinado pelo inimigo, Vlad conhece todos os seus truques militares e, assim que pode, começa a liderar o seu povo numa guerra pela liberdade, onde o preço da vitória será a ferocidade e brutalidade sem limites, e florestas de prisioneiros turcos empalados... até Vlad se transformar noutra coisa pouco humana.

Language: Portuguese

Dracula: Povestea nespusă

Istoria României are parte de o nouă cosmetizare din partea Hollywood-ului cu Dracula Untold, care spune povestea lui Vlad Țepeș explorând evenimentele tragice ce au dus la transformarea sa în "cel mai faimos vampir din toate timpurile". Povestea începe când Vlad era încă muritor și descrie relația turbulentă a familiei domnitorului cu violentul și lacomul sultan Mehmet. Pentru a-și salva țara și familia, Vlad și-a vândut sufletul diavolului, ne învață filmul regizat de Gary Shore.

Language: Romanian


«Легенда обретёт бессмертие»

Влад Дракула был величайшим правителем, доблестным воином и страстным мужчиной. Но судьба свела его с врагом, коварство которого не знало границ. И тогда Дракула заключил сделку - нечеловеческая сила в обмен на самую малость - бессмертную душу...

Language: Russian

Drakula: Zrod legendy

Zrodenie monštra

Nebál sa postaviť obrovskej presile. Obetoval sa, aby ochránil svoju rodinu a svoj ľud. Stal sa legendou, ktorá úspešne brzdila turecký vpád do Európy. Napriek tomu ho dnes vnímame predovšetkým ako jedno z najväčších monštier, aké ľudská mytológia stvorila. Reč je o grófovi Drakulovi, krvilačnom vládcovi Transylvánie. Režisér Gary Shore sa rozhodol túto postavu aspoň čiastočne rehabilitovať a tak namiesto tradičného hororu vzniklo výpravné historické fantasy, ktoré potvrdzuje, že cesta do pekla je obvykle dláždená len tými najlepšími úmyslami.

Language: Slovak

Дракула: Неиспричана прича

За разлику од многобројних претходника који су у центар стављали вампирски свет Влада III рођеног у Трансилванији 1431., акцијски спектакл Дракула Неиспричана прича упознаје нас са догађајима који су претходили његовом преласку на тамну страну.

Language: Serbian

Året är 1462. I Transsylvanien råder fred och vid makten sitter Vlad III och hans älskade fru Mirena. Men ett krig med turkarna och en pakt med en demon är på väg att förändra Vlads liv för alltid.

Language: Swedish

แดร๊กคูล่า ตำนานลับโลกไม่รู้

เรื่องนี้เล่าถึงเจ้าชายวลาด (รับบทโดย Luke Evans) ที่มีชีวิตในวัยเด็กอยู่กับชาวเติร์ค มหาอำนาจที่ยิ่งใหญ่ในยุคนั้น กาลเวลาผ่านไป เจ้าชายวลาดได้กลับมายังปราสาทของตัวเองอยู่อย่างสงบสุข จนกระทั่งชาวเติร์คคิดทำศึกสงครามอีกครั้ง และชาวเติร์คมีความต้องการให้เจ้าชายวลาดส่งมอบเด็ก 1,000คน ให้เป็นเครื่องมือบรรณาการทางทหารซึ่งหนึ่งในนั้นมีลูกชายของเจ้าชายวลาดอยู่ด้วย เจ้าชายวลาดผู้ไม่มีกำลังทหารอยู่ในมือจึงทำได้แค่เพียงหันหน้าเข้าหาอำนาจมืดที่เปลี่ยนแปลงเขาไปตลอดกาล

Language: Thai

Dracula: Başlangıç

Efsane doğuyor.

Dracula, gerçek bir efsane olan Vlad the Impaler'ın hikayesini odaklanarak Drakula'nın ve vampir mitolojisinin köklerine iniyor. Dracula'nın anlatılmamış hikayesine odaklanılan bu epik-aksiyon filminin yönetmenliğini ilk yönetmenlik tecrübesine imza atan Gary Shore gerçekleştirirken, başrollerde Luke Evans (Hızlı ve Öfkeli 6, Ölümsüzler: Tanrıların Savaşı), Dominic Cooper ve Sarah Gadon bulunuyor.

Language: Turkish

Дракула. Невідома історія

Легенда відродиться

Невідома історія кривавого правителя Румунії – князя Влада Дракули. Темні і жорстокі часи. Молодий і харизматичний князь змушений продати душу дияволові, щоб захистити свою землю і своє кохання. Так на світ з'являється наймогутніший вампір, який і досі викликає страх і тремтіння...

Language: Ukrainian

Ác Quỷ Dracula: Huyền Thoại Chưa Kể

Dracula Untold là bộ phim đầu tay của đạo diễn Shore và anh đã có hướng đi táo bạo khi cố gắng kể một câu chuyện hoàn toàn mới chứ không dựa trên nguyên tác Dracula kinh điển của nhà văn Bram Stoker. Nhân vật chính của phim là hoàng tử Vlad (Luke Evans thủ vai), người cai trị xứ Transylvania vốn chịu ảnh hưởng lớn từ đế quốc Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ. Trong quá khứ, Vlad từng được cha gửi gắm vào quân đội xứ Thổ và tạo dựng danh tiếng như một chiến binh bất khả chiến bại. Trở lại quê hương trên cương vị người đứng đầu, anh quyết tâm bảo vệ gia đình gồm vợ và con trai cùng thần dân trước mọi kẻ địch.Tuy nhiên, ý chí đó lại bị thách thức bởi người đứng đầu đế chế Thổ hùng mạnh Mehmed II (Dominic Cooper). Vị Sultan (Vua) này ra ...

Language: Vietnamese


第一滴血咒 造就永生 第一个僵尸传奇 惊·异诞生……

  15世纪中叶,作风彪悍残忍的穿刺王弗拉德(卢克·伊万斯 Luke Evans 饰)在土耳其苏丹的扶持下回到故乡特兰西瓦尼亚,建立起一个和平祥和的国家。然而此时此刻他仍受制于土耳其苏丹王穆罕默德(多米尼克·库珀 Dominic Cooper 饰),苏丹要求弗拉德献上一千个男孩充军,包括他儿子在内的孩子们都将成为嗜血统治者的牺牲品。不愿孩子重走自己当年血腥之路的弗拉德奋起反抗,屠杀使者。为了赢得战争的胜利,他闯入神秘而恐怖的断牙山,期望借助传说中的怪物之手击退土耳其的入侵者。   他为了国家不惜抛弃良知和灵魂,由此注定了千古悲剧的开始。吸血鬼德古拉的传说由此上演……

Language: Mandarin