Sunday, June 2, 2024

Barbie: Princess Charm School Film

This Barbie: Princess Charm School movie has Fantasy, Animation, and Family genres.

Barbie: Princess Charm School Film was made by Mattel, and Rainmaker Entertainment The film was successfully completed and released in 2011 The spoken language used in the film is English.

Barbie stars as Blair Willows, a kind-hearted girl who is chosen to attend Princess Charm School: a magical, modern place that teaches dancing, how to have tea parties, and proper princess manners. Blair loves her classes -- as well as the helpful magical sprites and her new friends, Princesses Hadley and Isla. But when royal teacher Dame Devin discovers that Blair looks a lot like the kingdom’s missing princess, she turns Blair’s world upside down to stop her from claiming the throne. Now Blair, Hadley and Delancy must find an enchanted crown to prove Blair’s true identity in this charming and magical princess story!

Barbie: Princess Charm School Movie Backdrop

Barbie: Princess Charm School Movie Stars:

Morwenna Banks as Miss Privet (voice), Derek Waters as Brock (voice), Lee Tockar as Male Announcer (voice), Tabitha St. Germain as Lorraine / Grace (voice), Brian Drummond as Prince / Guard / Royal Judge (voice), Brittney Wilson as Delancy (voice), Nicole Oliver as Dame Devin (voice), Ali Liebert as Portia / Hadley (voice), Anna Cummer as Caprice (voice), Kelly Metzger as Wickellia (voice), Cathy Weseluck as Female Announcer / Keypad (voice), Ellen Kennedy as Blair's Mom (voice), Shannon Chan-Kent as Isla (voice), Diana Kaarina as Blair (voice), Bethany Brown as Josette (voice), Kazumi Evans as Harmony (voice), Miranda Ram-Nolte as Princess Miranda - Special Guest Star (voice), Vincent Tong as Prince Nicholas / Guard #2 (voice), Madeleine Peters as Emily (voice), and Rachel Franco as Pawdicurist Sprite (voice).

Morwenna Banks Photo Derek Waters Photo Lee Tockar Photo Tabitha St. Germain Photo Brian Drummond Photo Brittney Wilson Photo Nicole Oliver Photo Ali Liebert Photo Anna Cummer Photo Kelly Metzger Photo Cathy Weseluck Photo Ellen Kennedy Photo Shannon Chan-Kent Photo Diana Kaarina Photo Bethany Brown Photo Kazumi Evans Photo Vincent Tong Photo Madeleine Peters Photo Rachel Franco Photo

Professional involved in the making of the Barbie: Princess Charm School movie:

Walter P. Martishius (Production Design), BC Smith (Music), Rob Hudnut (Producer's Assistant), Elise Allen (Screenplay), Ezekiel Norton (Director), Kati Rocky (Writer), Shawn McCorkindale (Producer), Shelley Tabbut (Producer), Liliana Bravo (Production Manager), Bryon Rickerson (Music Editor), Pamela Prostarr (Art Direction), Ryan Nowak (Sound Designer), Ruth Handler (Characters), Nate Barnard (Production Manager), and Jordan Hemsley (Editor).

Elise Allen Photo Ruth Handler Photo

Here are some translations about the movie:

Барби: Академия за принцеси

Този път в ролята на Барби е красавицата Блеър. Момичето е избрано да посещава престижното Училище за очарователни принцеси. Тя веднага става любимка на останалите ученички. В това вълшебно място, Блеър открива, че във всяко момиче се крие една малка принцеса, която очаква да бъде открита и да излезе наяве.

Language: Bulgarian

Barbie a Škola pro princezny

Barbie se představuje v roli Blair Willowsové, dobrosrdečné dívky, která dostala možnost chodit do školy pro princezny. V téhle neobyčejné škole se princezny učí společenské tance, pravidla správného stolování i královského chování. Blair si všechny předměty hned oblíbí a zamiluje si kouzelné skřítky – pomocníky i své nové kamarádky, princezny Hadley a Delanca. Když ale Blair začne jejich královské učitelce připomínat princeznu, jež se z království ztratila, učitelka udělá všechno proto, aby si Blair nemohla činit si nárok na trůn. Blair, Hadley a Delanca budou muset objevit zakletou korunu a odhalit skutečnou identitu Blair v tomto kouzly nabitém princeznovském příběhu!

Language: Czech

Barbie: Prinsesse Akademiet

Barbie spiller Blair, en ung kvinde fra Gardania, der vinder et studielegat til Princesse Akademiet. Blair føler sig uden for, fordi hun ikke kommer fra en kongelig familie som de andre studerende. Men Blair og hendes nye venner bliver snart overbeviste om, at hun er den retmæssige arving til Gardenias trone. Kan pigerne bevise, at Blair er den forsvundne prinsesse, som kongeriget har ledt efter?

Language: Danish

Barbie: Die Prinzessinnen-Akademie

Barbie darf als Blair Willows die Prinzessinnen-Akademie besuchen. Dort lernt sie, wie man bei Hofe tanzt, nach welchen Regeln eine Teeparty abläuft und wie sich eine richtige Prinzessin benimmt. Blair liebt den Unterricht, die hilfsbereiten Feen und ihre neuen Freundinnen Prinzessin Hadley und Prinzessin Delancy. Doch die königliche Lehrerin Dame Devin glaubt, in Blair die verschwundene Prinzessin des Königreichs zu erkennen, und macht ihr das Leben schwer! Dame Devin will nämlich nicht, dass ihre Schülerin jemals Königin wird. Nur wenn es Blair gelingt, zusammen mit Hadley und Delancy eine verzauberte Krone zu finden, können die Freundinnen beweisen, wer Blair wirklich ist.

Language: German

Barbie: Σχολείο για Πριγκίπισσες

Στη νέα ταινία, η Μπάρμπι είναι έτοιμη να γίνει Πριγκίπισσα. Η Μπλερ, ένα απλό κορίτσι, κερδίζει μια υποτροφία στο Σχολείο για Πριγκίπισσες. Για να μπορέσουν να αποφοιτήσουν οι μαθήτριες πρέπει να μάθουν να συμπεριφέρονται σαν πραγματικές πριγκίπισσες. Η Μπλερ όμως αντιμετωπίζει προβλήματα με τα μαθήματα και έρχεται αντιμέτωπη με την Ντελάνσι και τις φίλες της, που δεν θεωρούν ότι έχει θέση στο Σχολείο για Πριγκίπισσες. Με τη βοήθεια της φίλης της Χάντλεϊ και άλλων συμμαθητριών της, η Μπλερ θα προσπαθήσει να ανακαλύψει ένα μυστικό, που θα την κάνει βασίλισσα της Γκαρντένια. Θα τα καταφέρει;

Language: Greek

Barbie: Escuela de princesas

Barbie es Blair Willows, una chica de buen corazón que resulta elegida para asistir a la Escuela de Princesas. Se trata de un lugar maravilloso donde las futuras princesas aprenden a bailar, protocolo para tomar el té y las actitudes correctas de princesa. A Blair le encantan sus clases, sus duendecillos mágicos y sus nuevas amigas, las Princesas Hadley y Delancy. Cuando la profesora real Dame Devin advierte que Blair se parece mucho a la princesa desaparecida del reino, intenta librarse por todos los medios de Blair para evitar que pueda reclamar el trono. Blair, Hadley y Delancy han de desvelar la corona encantada que han encontrado y demostrar la verdadera identidad de Blair en esta historia de princesas llena de magia.

Language: Spanish

Barbie: Prinsessakoulu

Elokuvan pääosassa on Barbie Blair Willowsina, hyväsydämisenä tyttönä, joka valitaan Prinsessakouluun. Se on ihmeellinen paikka, jossa tulevat prinsessat opiskelevat tanssia, teekutsuetikettiä ja prinsessoille sopivia käytöstapoja. Blair rakastaa oppitunteja, avuliaita taikakeijujaan sekä uusia ystäviään, prinsessoita Hadleya ja Delancya. Kun kuninkaallinen opettaja Dame Devin tajuaa Blairin muistuttavan kuningaskunnan kadonnutta prinsessaa, hän tekee kaikkensa Blairia nousemasta valtaistuimelle. Tässä taiantäyteisessä prinsessatarinassa Blairin, Hadleyn ja Delancyn on paljastettava löytämänsä lumottu kruunu ja todistettava Blairin todellinen henkilöllisyys!

Language: Finnish

Barbie apprentie Princesse

Toutes les filles sont des princesses !

Blair Willows (Barbie), jeune fille au grand coeur, est choisie pour intégrer l'école des apprenties princesses. C'est un endroit incroyable dans lequel les futures princesses apprennent la danse et les bonnes manières. Très vite, Blair se passionne pour ses cours et se fait de nouvelles amies : Princesse Hadley et Princesse Delancy. Mais c'est sans compter sur l'effroyable enseignante Dame Devin. Cette dernière est persuadée que Blair est la princesse disparue du Royaume. Elle décide de faire tout ce qui est en son pouvoir pour que Blair ne revendique pas la couronne. C'est alors que Blair, Hadley et Delancy unissent leurs forces afin de prouver la véritable identité de Blair...

Language: French

ברבי: בית הספר הקסום לנסיכות

בלייר וילוז מתרגשת ללכת לבית הספר הקסום לנסיכות, שם היא פוגשת את הנסיכות דלנסי והאדלי, ומחפשת כתר קסמים.

Language: Hebrew

Barbie: A Hercegnőképző

Barbie: A Hercegnőképző

Barbie ezúttal a melegszívű Blair Willows szerepében tündököl, aki felvételt nyer a Hercegnőképzőbe. A Hercegnőképző egy olyan iskola, ahol társastáncot, teázási etikettet és hercegnői illemet oktatnak. Blair szívesen jár ide, szereti segítőkész kis varázstündérét és új barátait, Hadley hercegnőt és Delancy-t. Amikor a királyi oktató, Dame Devin felfedezi a döbbenetes hasonlóságot Blair és a királyság eltűnt hercegnője között, minden fondorlatot latba vet, nehogy Blair kerüljön a trónra. Blair, Hadley és Delancy küldetése, hogy felfedjék a megkerült Varázskoronát, és Blair valódi kilétét ebben az elbűvölő hercegnős kalandban.

Language: Hungarian

Barbie: Prinsessuskólinn

Líf og fjör í skólanum

Hér bregður Barbie sér í hlutverk hinnar góðhjörtuðu Blair sem fær að stunda nám við Prinsessuskólann þar sem stúlkum er kennt að dansa, halda teboð og haga sér eins og alvöru prinsessur. Blair finnst mjög gaman í skólanum ásamt nýju vinkonum sínum, prinsessunum Hadley og Islu. Þegar einn af konunglegu kennurunum áttar sig á því að Blair lítur út alveg eins og prinsessan sem konungsríkið er að leita að, reynir hann að koma í veg fyrir að hún geri tilkall til kórónunnar. Nú þurfa Blair og vinkonur hennar að finna töfrakórónu sem getur sannað hver Blair er í raun og veru, en það reynist þeim ævintýrarík leit í þessari heillandi og skemmtilegu prinsessusögu!

Language: Icelandic

Barbie - L'accademia per principesse

Barbie è Blair Willows, una ragazza dal cuore d'oro, selezionata per frequentare l'Accademia per Principesse. L'accademia è un posto fantastico dove tutte le ragazze imparano a danzare e a comportarsi da vere principesse. Blair adora le lezioni, i magici folletti sempre pronti ad aiutarla e le sue nuove amiche, la Principessa Hadley e Delancy. Quando Dama Devin, la maestra reale, si convince che Blair assomiglia alla Principessa scomparsa del loro regno, fa di tutto per ostacolarla togliendole la possibilità di salire al trono. Blair, Hadley e Delancy dovranno svelare a tutti di aver ritrovato la corona incantata e dimostrare qual'è la vera identità di Blair in questa magica storia di principesse!

Language: Italian

바비의 프린세스 스쿨

Language: Korean

Barbie: De Prinsessenschool

Barbie speelt de rol van de zachtaardige Blair Willows, een meisje dat uitverkoren werd om naar de Prinsessenschool te gaan. Op deze fantastische plek leren prinsessen-in-spe hoe je stijlvol danst, een theekransje organiseert volgens de regels van de etiquette en je gedraagt zoals een echte prinses.

Language: Dutch

Barbie: Prinsesseakademiet

I denne filmen spiller Barbie Blair, en god og snill jente som er utvalgt til å få gå på Prinsesseakademiet. På dette magiske stedet, finner hun nye venner og oppdager at det finnes en prinsesse i alle jenter!

Language: Norwegian

Barbie i Akademia Księżniczek

Akademia Księżniczek to prestiżowa uczelnia, którą od wieków kończyły damy dworu. Blair Willows wygrywa los na loterii pozwalający jej na naukę w niezwykłej Akademii. Dziewczyna jest zachwycona. Wkrótce na jaw wychodzi pewna tajemnica…

Language: Polish

Barbie: Escola de Princesas

Em Cada Uma de Nós, Há Uma Princesa.

Blair Willows está empolgada para começar as aulas na Escola de Princesas. Lá, ela conhece Delancy e Hadley e procura uma coroa mágica.

Language: Portuguese

Barbie la școala prințeselor

Blair Willows este încântată că va merge la Școala Fermecată de Prințese, unde le cunoaște pe prințesele Delancy și Hadley și caută o coroană magică.

Language: Romanian

Барби: Академия принцесс

Барби исполняет роль Блэр Уиллоус, девочки с добрым сердцем, которой выпадает честь учиться в Академии Принцесс. Это удивительное место, где принцессы учатся официальным танцам, чайному этикету и правильным манерам. Блэр в восторге от уроков, всегда готовых помочь волшебных фей и ее новых подружек, принцесс Хадли и Айла. Когда королевская наставница понимает, что Блэр похожа на пропавшую принцессу их королевства, она изо всех сил пытается не позволить Блэр взойти на трон. Блэр, Хадли и Айла должны показать всем заколдованную корону, которую они нашли, и доказать подлинность Блэр. Это история о настоящих принцессах, полная волшебства!

Language: Russian

Barbie a škola pre princezné

Blair Willowsová (Barbie), dobrosrdečné dievča, ktoré dostalo možnosť chodiť do školy pre princezné. V tejto neobyčajnej škole sa princezné učia spoločenské tance, pravidlá správneho stolovania aj kráľovského správania. Blair si všetky predmety hneď obľúbi a zamiluje si čarovných škriatkov - pomocníkov aj svoje nové kamarátky, princezné Hadley a Delancy. Keď ale Blair začne ich kráľovskej učiteľke pripomínať princeznú, ktorá sa z kráľovstva stratila, učiteľka urobí všetko preto, aby si Blair nemohla robiť nárok na trón. Blair, Hadley a Delancy budú musieť objaviť zakliatu korunu a odhaliť skutočnú identitu Blair...

Language: Slovak

Barbie: Prinsessakademin

Barbie spelar Blair Willows, en godhjärtad flicka som blir utvald och får gå i prinsesskolan. Det är ett fantastiskt ställe där blivande prinsessor får lära sig att dansa, gå på tebjudningar och hur man uppför sig som prinsessa. Blair stortrivs med undervisningen, de hjälpsamma feerna och sina nya vänner, prinsessan Hadley och prinsessan Delancy. Men när hovlärarinnan Dame Devin upptäcker att Blair liknar kungarikets försvunna prinsessa gör hon allt i sin makt för att hindra Blair från att göra anspråk på tronen. Blair, Hadley och Delancy måste avslöja att de hittat en förtrollad krona och bevisa vem Blair verkligen är i detta magiska prinsessäventyr.

Language: Swedish

บาร์บี้ กับโรงเรียนแห่งเจ้าหญิง

บาร์บี้ กับโรงเรียนแห่งเจ้าหญิง

บาร์บี้ รับบทเป็น แบลร์ วิลโลว์ส เด็กสาวจิตใจงามผู้ถูกเลือกให้เข้ามาเรียนในโรงเรียนเจ้าหญิง ที่นี่คือโรงเรียนที่น่าทึ่งซึ่งเหล่าเจ้าหญิงทั้งหลายต้องฝึกหัดเต้นรำเพื่อออกงาน มารยาทในงานเลี้ยงน้ำชา และการวางตัวเป็นเจ้าหญิงที่ดี แบลร์รักชั้นเรียนของเธอ รักบรรดานางฟ้าตัวน้อยที่คอยช่วยเหลือ และรักเพื่อนใหม่อย่างเจ้าหญิงแฮดลี่ย์ และเจ้าหญิงดีแลนซี่ จนเมื่อเดม เดวิน คุณครูแห่งราชสำนักเชื่อว่าแบลร์คือองค์หญิงรัชทายาทที่หายตัวไป นางจึงจัดการขัดขวางทุกโอกาสเพื่อไม่ให้แบลร์ได้ครองบัลลังก์ เวลานี้ แบลร์ แฮดลี่ย์ และ ดีแลนซี่ ต้องนำมงกุฎแห่งมนตราที่พวกเธอค้นพบออกมาเพื่อพิสูจน์ตัวตนที่แท้จริงของแบลร์ ในเรื่องราวอันเปี่ยมมนต์มหัศจรรย์ของเจ้าหญิง

Language: Thai

Barbie: Prenses Okulu

Blair Willows adında nazik bir genç kız Prenses Okulu'na katılma hakkı kazanır. Burası dans etmeyi, çay partisi vermeyi ve bir prensesin nasıl davranması gerektiğini öğreten büyülü ve modern bir okuldur. Blair, bu sihirli dersleri ve yeni arkadaşları Prenses Hadley ve Delancy'yi çok sevmiştir. Ancak öğretmeni Dame Devin, Blair'in krallığın kayıp prensesine benzediğini fark ettiği zaman, Blair'in dünyası altüst olacaktır. Tahta sahip olmaması için karşısına türlü engeller çıkarılan ve entrikalar arasında kalan Blair, dostları Hadley ve Delancy ile asıl kimliğini ispat etmek zorundadır.

Language: Turkish

Barbie: Trường Công Chúa Duyên Dáng

Blair Willows rất phấn khích khi được đến Trường Công Chúa Duyên Dáng. Tại đó, cô gặp các công chúa Delancy và Hadley, đồng thời tìm kiếm chiếc vương miện thần kỳ.

Language: Vietnamese


苏菲亚(Diana Kaarina 配音)是一位出生高贵的公主,不幸的是,很小的时候,她的母亲就遭到邪恶的德温女爵士陷害,去世了,而苏菲亚也就此下落不明。为了扶持自己的女儿德兰西公主登上王位,德温女爵士不惜向世人谎称苏菲亚已死,以完成自己的野望。

Language: Mandarin

Thirteen Erotic Ghosts Movie

Thirteen Erotic Ghosts Backdrop

The Thirteen Erotic Ghosts film has Fantasy, and Horror genres.

Thirteen Erotic Ghosts Film was made by American Independent Productions The film was successfully completed and released in 2002 The spoken language used in the film is English.

When a Reality-Based TV crew arrives at the creepy old "Waufle House School for Wayward Girls" to prove once and for all if the place is really haunted by the restless Ghosts of Young Lovelies, they get quite an eye-full. Armed with special GHOST-GOGGLES that allow them to see the spirits up close and personal, the crew slowly succumbs to the charms of the Lusting Dead. You will too as you don y

Thirteen Erotic Ghosts Movie Backdrop

Thirteen Erotic Ghosts Movie Stars:

Peter Spellos as Hugo, Fred Olen Ray as Professor Ted Isor (uncredited), Julie Strain as Baroness Lucrezia, John Henry Richardson as Ted Nightingale, Mia Zottoli as Gina DiCaprio, Zen as Erotic Twin Ghost, Zero as Erotic Twin Ghost, Aria Giovanni as Erotic Ghost, Felony as Erotic Ghost, and Nicole Specht as Erotic Ghost.

Peter Spellos Photo Fred Olen Ray Photo Julie Strain Photo John Henry Richardson Photo Mia Zottoli Photo Aria Giovanni Photo Felony Photo

Peoples involved in the making of the Thirteen Erotic Ghosts film:

Gary Graver (Director of Photography), Fred Olen Ray (Writer), Kimberly A. Ray (Producer), and Peter Stewart (US) (Editor).

Gary Graver Photo Fred Olen Ray Photo

Here are some translations about the film:

Wanneer een op reality gebaseerde tv-ploeg arriveert bij de griezelige oude 'Waufle House School for Wayward Girls' om voor eens en voor altijd te bewijzen of de plek echt wordt achtervolgd door de rusteloze geesten van Young Lovelies, krijgen ze behoorlijk wat aandacht. Gewapend met een speciale GHOST-BRIL waarmee ze de geesten van dichtbij en persoonlijk kunnen zien, bezwijkt de bemanning langzaam voor de charmes van de Lusting Dead. Jij ook als je durft.

Language: Dutch

13 эротических призраков

Когда телевизионная команда исследует старую школу для девочек, они находят миловидных призраков, которые готовы обнажиться.

Language: Russian


Language: Mandarin

The Sparkling River Film

The Sparkling River Poster

This The Sparkling River film has Fantasy, and Drama genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2013 The spoken language used in the film is Mandarin.

In an undetermined future, a group of Chinese travelers have appeared on an alpaca farm, seemingly by accident. Among them is a young Chinese woman who tries to connect with farm's proprietor. The Sparkling River is a 3D-stereoscopic film and vies for the use of this technology to engage the viewer into a contemplative and dreamlike cinematic experience. The film explores enduring themes of memory, migration and place.

The Sparkling River Film Stars:

Debbie Wong as , Qizhen Song as , and Jesse Zubot as .

Professional involved in the making of the The Sparkling River movie:

Doug Taylor (Screenplay), Félix Lajeunesse (Director), Paul Raphaël (Director), and Guillaume Corbeil (Screenplay).

Félix Lajeunesse Photo Paul Raphaël Photo

In the Blink of an Eye Movie

The In the Blink of an Eye film has Fantasy, Drama, and Thriller genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2009 The spoken language used in the film is English.

A vacationing detective begins to suspect that the Biblical apocalypse is at hand after being forced to relive the day of the Rapture time and again.What was supposed to be the perfect vacation comes to a horrific crossroad for Detective David Ramsey. Aboard a private yacht on the shimmering Sea of Cortez, his wife and friends suddenly disappear. During the investigation, David begins to unravel the evidence surrounding a worldwide Nostradomic event revealed in ancient Biblical prophecies.

In the Blink of an Eye Movie Backdrop

In the Blink of an Eye Film Stars:

Eric Roberts as Captain Jones, Sean Sedgwick as Ethan, Anise Fuller as , David A.R. White as David, Andrea Logan White as Lori (as Andrea Logan White), Lonnie Colón as Larry (as Lonnie Colon), Kass Connors as Gary, Russell Wolfe as Police Detective Franks, Byron Jones as Police Detective Roberts, Phillip Abraham as EMT, Monte Rex Perlin as Max, Carey Scott as Police Detective Wopat, Peter Kretchmar as Kevin, and Jessica Magnuson as Lindsey.

Eric Roberts Photo David A.R. White Photo Andrea Logan White Photo Kass Connors Photo Russell Wolfe Photo Phillip Abraham Photo Carey Scott Photo

Peoples involved in the making of this In the Blink of an Eye movie:

Jon Macy (Writer), Mark Burman (Executive Producer), David A.R. White (Writer), Michael Sinclair (Director), Russell Wolfe (Writer), Jay Allen Richardson (Executive Producer), Byron Jones (Writer), John Molli (Executive Producer), William J Bruce III (Story Editor), Jeffrey Peterson (Executive Producer), and Tom Saab (Executive Producer).

David A.R. White Photo Russell Wolfe Photo William J Bruce III Photo

Here are some translations about the movie:

כהרף עין

מה שהיתה אמורה להיות חופשה מושלמת הופכת להיות מרדף אמתני לבלש דיויד רמזי. על פני מים המזכירים יהלומים, שטה היאכטה, זוג נשוי וכמה חברים נעלמים. באמצע החקירה, דיויד עולה על אירועים חריגים ברחבי העולם, המתגלים כנבואות מימי התנך ונוסטרדאמוס. בכיכובם של אריק רוברטס ודיויד א.ר. וויט.

Language: Hebrew

Num Piscar de olhos

Por meio de uma revelação, um homem descobre que foi deixado para trás.

Aquelas que deveriam ser as férias perfeitas transformam-se em uma terrível encruzilhada para o detetive David Ramsey (David A.R. White). A bordo de um iate particular no mar do México, sua esposa e amigos desaparecem misteriosamente. A situação se complica quando o chefe de polícia de David (Eric Roberts) o alerta sobre uma ligação criminosa entre o capitão do barco e seu proprietário. Preso em uma série de visões sobrenaturais, o detetive Ramsey não percebe que uma nova oportunidade de tomar a decisão que determinará seu futuro está sendo lhe dada. Seriam mesmo verdadeiras as profecias bíblicas da antiguidade a respeito de um iminente apocalipse?

Language: Portuguese

Во мгновение ока

Это должен был быть замечательный отпуск, вдруг всё стало ужасным отпуском для детектива Дэвида Рамси. На борту частной яхты, жена Давида и его друзья внезапно исчезают. В ходе расследования, капитан милиции Давида по

Language: Russian

劇場版 そらのおとしもの 時計じかけの哀女神 Movie

The 劇場版 そらのおとしもの 時計じかけの哀女神 movie has Fantasy, Animation, Comedy, and Romance genres.

劇場版 そらのおとしもの 時計じかけの哀女神 Movie was made by THE KLOCKWORX, NTT Docomo, KADOKAWA Shoten, Anime International Company, and Glovision The film was successfully completed and released in 2011 The spoken language used in the film is Japanese.

Sakurai Tomoki goes on a trip to a hot spring, and is soon up to his usual perverted antics. In addition, he's about to receive his first love confession! However, his desire to pass his days peacefully is challenged once again by another Angeloid. Compared with the hostile Angeloids he had encountered in the past, this new Type Zeta Angeloid is by far the most powerful!

劇場版 そらのおとしもの 時計じかけの哀女神 Film Backdrop

劇場版 そらのおとしもの 時計じかけの哀女神 Film Stars:

Soichiro Hoshi as Sakurai Tomoki (voice), Saori Hayami as Ikaros, Yoko Hikasa as Kazane Hiyori, Tatsuhisa Suzuki as Sugata Eishirou, Asuka Ohgame as Daedalus (voice), Ayahi Takagaki as Satsukitane Mikako, Kaori Fukuhara as Astrea (voice), Iori Nomizu as Nymph, and Mina as Mitsuki Sohara.

Soichiro Hoshi Photo Saori Hayami Photo Yoko Hikasa Photo Tatsuhisa Suzuki Photo Asuka Ohgame Photo Ayahi Takagaki Photo Kaori Fukuhara Photo Iori Nomizu Photo Mina Photo

Professional involved in the making of this 劇場版 そらのおとしもの 時計じかけの哀女神 movie:

Tetsuya Yanagisawa (Director), Suu Minazuki (Novel), Yuko Kakihara (Screenplay), Motoyoshi Iwasaki (Original Music Composer), Nanae Hirabayashi (Director of Photography), Hideki Imaizumi (Director of Photography), Takashi Sakurai (Editor), Hiroshi Gouroku (Art Direction), Seiichi Hachiya (Producer), Seiichi Kawashima (Producer), Yoshikazu Kumagai (Producer), Jun Fukuda (Producer), Yoshihiro Watanabe (Character Designer), Yu Wakabayashi (Compositing Artist), Tetsuya Watanabe (CGI Director), and Rie Kawaguchi (Storyboard Artist).

Motoyoshi Iwasaki Photo Seiichi Hachiya Photo

Here are some translations about the movie:

Heaven's Lost Property - The Angeloid of Clockwork

In der ersten Hälfte des Films werden Geschehnisse aus der Serie nochmal aufgerollt, zum Teil unverändert oder abgewandelt aus Hiyori Kazanes Perspektive erzählt - einer stillen, zurückhaltenden Schülerin, die ihre Stadt und Feldarbeit liebt und langsam Gefühle für Tomoki Sakurai entwickelt. Ab ihrem Eintritt in den "New World Discovery Club" beginnt ein neuer Handlungsabschnitt, der den Hiyori-Arc des Mangas umsetzt und bei dem es um das Schicksal des Mädchens und das Geheimnis hinter ihrer Existenz geht.

Language: German

Sora no Otoshimono: Tokei jikake no Angeloid

Sora no Otoshimono: Tokei jikake no Angeloid

Sora no Otoshimono: Tokei jikake no enjeroido, Es la continuación de la serie "Sora no Otoshimono: Forte", esta comienza con un breve repaso de la serie original, pero bajo el punto de vista de Hiyori Kazane, una chica que compartió con los demás personajes del anime e incluso tenia cierto tipo de relacion con ellos, pero... ella no es una persona mas, ya que tiene una relación muy directa con los Angeloid

Language: Spanish

Sora no Otoshimono: Tokeijikake no Angeloid

Le film reprend la série, en adoptant cette fois le point de vue d'un nouveau personnage : Kazane Hiyori, secrètement amoureuse de Tomoki Sakurai. Elle est timide et n'ose pas l'approcher directement, elle va alors rejoindre le club de recherche du nouveau monde dont Tomoki et ses amis font partie. Elle participe ainsi aux activités du club et y prend même plaisir, mais un terrible accident va survenir…

Language: French

Sora no Otoshimono: Tokei Jikake no Angeloid

Sakurai Tomoki va in gita alle terme, e subito mostra il suo lato perverso. In aggiunta, sta per ricevere la sua prima confessione d'amore! Ad ogni modo, il suo desiderio di passare pacificamente i suoi giorni è combattuto ancora una volta da un altro Angeloid. Comparato agli altri Angeloid ostili che ha incontrato in passato, questo nuovo Type Zeta Angeloid è di gran lunga più potente!

Language: Italian

劇場版 そらのおとしもの 時計じかけの哀女神

新たなる天使、降臨——。 「本当に…。あなたの事が好きでした。」


Language: Japanese

하늘의 유실물: 시계 태엽의 엔젤로이드

토모키를 오랫동안 짝사랑하던 히요리는 큰 마음을 먹고 자신의 마음을 토모키에게 고백한다. 그러나 그의 대답을 들으러 가는 길에 히요리는 사고로 죽게 된다. 히요리는 토모키가 보고 싶은 마음에 자발적으로 엔젤로이드가 돼, 제타라는 이름으로 다시 지상에 내려온다. 하지만 제타는 이미 적에게 세뇌 당한 엔젤로이드. 그녀는 토모키를 죽이라는 마스터의 명령을 받아 자신이 살던 마을을 파괴한다. 다른 엔젤로이드들이 히요리를 적으로부터 구해내려고 노력하지만, 그럴수록 제타의 폭주는 그칠 줄 모르는데…. 과연 엔젤로이드들은 무사히 히요리를 구할 수 있을까?

Language: Korean

Sakurai Tomoki gaat op een reis naar een warmwater bron, en is al snel bezig met zijn gebruikelijke perverse capriolen. Daarnaast staat hij op het punt, om zijn eerste liefdesverklaring te ontvangen! Echter, zijn verlangen om zijn dagen rustig door te brengen worden onderbroken door een nieuwe Angeloid uitdaging. Vergeleken met de vijandige Angeloids die hij in het verleden tegenkwam, is dit nieuwe type Zeta Angeloid verreweg de krachtigste!

Language: Dutch

Sora no Otoshimono: Tokeijikake no Angeloid

A trama gira em torno de Sakurai Tomoki, um estudante que tenta levar sua vida em paz sem nenhuma preocupação, a não ser por um estranho sonho, que ao despertar, ele começa a chorar. Sua amiga Sohara lhe diz para que vá ver Suagata-Sempai, que sabe de muitas coisas. Ele diz que Sakurai possui uma ligação com o Novo Continente. O que será esse sonho e que relação possui com o Novo Continente?

Language: Portuguese

Утраченное небесами (фильм первый)

Сакурай Томоки отправляется в путешествие на горячие источники, где продолжает предаваться своим извращённым забавам. Вдобавок, ему предстоит получить его первое признание в любви. Однако, желанию Томоки прожить жизнь мирно и обыденно угрожает появление очередного ангелоида. В сравнении с прошлыми экземплярами, этот новый ангелоид типа Зета не в пример сильнее.

Language: Russian


剧场版将会紧接着第二季完结时的剧情,新的天使机器人风音日和将会正式在剧场版中登场。风音日和是智神的第四位天使机器人后宫,同时也是四个天使机器人中最温柔,最容易害羞,最有女人味的一个,也是智树发誓绝不会忘记的一个人。她是原来居住在西纳普斯的天使,新大陆的原住民,在作品中是第一个说出“喜欢智树”的女孩。面对主动告白的风音日和,猥琐的男主角樱井智树还能够继续对她做出像TV版中对待其他女生一样的猥琐行为吗? 当她变成了万能天使之后,智树和天使们又该如何去拯救她呢?这一切都是这部剧场版的看点所在。各位喜欢《天降之物》的粉丝们,你们是否知道结局了呢?

Language: Mandarin

Super Ninja Doll Movie

Super Ninja Doll Poster

The Super Ninja Doll movie has Fantasy, Comedy, Science Fiction, and TV Movie genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2007 The spoken language used in the film is English.

A comic book loving college coed is transformed into a superhero and attempts to thwart an alien invasion.

Super Ninja Doll Movie Stars:

Evan Stone as Gorath, Beverly Lynne as Marsha, Christine Nguyen as Eriko / Super Ninja Doll, Nicole Sheridan as Tantella, Syren as Megan, Kitty Jung as Yumi, Voodoo as Jim, and Angela M. Eads as Super Ninja Doll Double.

Evan Stone Photo Beverly Lynne Photo Christine Nguyen Photo Nicole Sheridan Photo Syren Photo Kitty Jung Photo Voodoo Photo

Professional involved in the making of this Super Ninja Doll movie:

Fred Olen Ray (Director), Kimberly A. Ray (Producer), Cyrus Nickleby (Writer), Angela M. Eads (Costume Design), Dean McKendrick (Editor), Molly McClintock (Director of Photography), Daytona Sands (Production Design), and Peter Dang (Art Direction).

Fred Olen Ray Photo

Here are some translations about the film:


Language: Mandarin