Friday, June 7, 2024

7 Zwerge - Männer allein im Wald Movie

7 Zwerge - Männer allein im Wald Backdrop

This 7 Zwerge - Männer allein im Wald film has Fantasy, and Comedy genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2004 The spoken language used in the film is German.

The Seven Dwarves live deep within a female-free-zone of the Enchanted Forest, but they cannot resist the innocent charms of Snow White when she enters their world. So when the evil queen abducts her, it is up to the dwarves to save her life.

7 Zwerge - Männer allein im Wald Movie Backdrop

7 Zwerge - Männer allein im Wald Movie Stars:

Heinz Hoenig as Brummboss, Harald Schmidt as Hofnarr-Kandidat, Hilmi Sözer as Türsteher, Cosma Shiva Hagen as Schneewittchen, Helge Schneider as Der Weiße Helge, Nina Hagen as Böse Königin, Mavie Hörbiger as Rotkäppchen, Christian Tramitz as Jäger, Hans Werner Olm as Spliss, Otto Waalkes as Bubi, Norbert Heisterkamp as 8. Zwerg, Douglas Welbat as Vollstrecker, Boris Aljinovic as Cloudy, Martin Schneider as Speedy, Tom Gerhardt as Kerkerwache, Mirco Nontschew as Tschakko, Ralf Schmitz as Sunny, Atze Schröder as Hofnarr, Rüdiger Hoffmann as Spieglein an der Wand, Okko Bekker as Fanfarenbläser 3, Helmut Zerlett as Dirigent, Markus Majowski as Cookie, Lena Amende as Speedy's Freundin, Horst Tomayer as Fanfarenbläser 2, Antonio Monfort as Black Man, Till Hoheneder as 2. Wache, Katharina Beissel as Frau Dr. Billerbeck, and Doris Hasslinger as Alte Dame.

Heinz Hoenig Photo Harald Schmidt Photo Hilmi Sözer Photo Cosma Shiva Hagen Photo Helge Schneider Photo Nina Hagen Photo Mavie Hörbiger Photo Christian Tramitz Photo Hans Werner Olm Photo Otto Waalkes Photo Norbert Heisterkamp Photo Boris Aljinovic Photo Martin Schneider Photo Tom Gerhardt Photo Mirco Nontschew Photo Ralf Schmitz Photo Atze Schröder Photo Rüdiger Hoffmann Photo Helmut Zerlett Photo Markus Majowski Photo Horst Tomayer Photo Antonio Monfort Photo Till Hoheneder Photo

Peoples involved in the making of the 7 Zwerge - Männer allein im Wald movie:

Andreas Grosch (Executive Producer), Andreas Schmid (Executive Producer), Jo Heim (Director of Photography), Julia von Frihling (Editor), Otto Waalkes (Screenplay), Douglas Welbat (Producer), Bernd Eilert (Producer), Sven Unterwaldt Jr. (Director), Jürgen Draabe (Executive Producer), Maren Elbrechtz (Executive Producer), Bastian Griese (Executive Producer), Klaus Hefele (Executive Producer), Jörn Holm (Executive Producer), Dirk Lisowsky (Executive Producer), Gereon Sommerhauser (Executive Producer), Joja Wendt (Original Music Composer), and Ralph Thiekötter (Sound Re-Recording Mixer).

Jo Heim Photo Otto Waalkes Photo Sven Unterwaldt Jr. Photo Bastian Griese Photo

Here are some translations about the movie:

7 trpaslíků

Za sedmero horami, hluboko v začarovaném lese, žije 7 trpaslíků. Tentokrát ale nejde o malé mužíčky se špičatými čapkami, nýbrž o dospělé muže, kteří se důsledně straní všech žen. Když však do jejich životů vstoupí Sněhurka, která je na útěku před ďábelskou Královnou, jsou ztraceni. Královna u nich Sněhurku najde a unese. Trpaslíci se musí vydat na záchrannou misi dříve, než bude pozdě. Sedm trpaslíků, v komedii plné nečekaných zvratů a velmi lechtivého humoru, jak jste je ještě nikdy neviděli.

Language: Czech

Von der Welt enttäuscht, haben sich die Sieben Zwerge hinter den sieben Bergen zurückgezogen. Sie ziehen ihre Bärte nur an, wenn sie den Märchenwald verlassen müssen, denn sie sind Zwerge aus Überzeugung. Die frauenfreie Idylle wird gestört, als Schneewittchen, von der bösen Königin verjagt, auftaucht. Sie wird von einem Helfer der bösen Herrscherin entführt, die Zwerge machen sich auf den Weg, sie zu befreien ...

Language: German

7 nains - hommes seuls dans le bois

Les Sept Nains vivent profondément dans une zone sans femme de la forêt enchantée, mais ils ne peuvent pas résister aux charmes innocents de Blanche-Neige quand elle entre dans leur monde. Alors, quand la méchante reine l'enlève, il appartient aux Nains pour sauver sa vie.

Language: French

7 törpe

A mesebeli hegyek között, az erdő mélyén békességben éldegél a világ tán leghíresebb lakóközössége, a hét törpe. Egyetlen szörnyű dolog elől menekültek el, mégpedig a nők elől. Bántották őket az anyukájuk, a tanító nénik és hasonló őrült hölgyek, s most egymás sebeit nyalogatják. Már-már azt hitték, hogy révbe ért az életük és örökre nyugalomban élhetnek, míg egy napon Hófehérke, az igazi bombázó meg nem jelenik. Először persze mindenki tiltakozik, hogy egy nőnemű lény lakjon velük, ám szép lassan mindegyiküket megpuhítja a csinos lányka. Majd a gyönyörű hölgy érkezésével a bonyodalmak hosszú sora is beköszönt a törpék életébe.

Language: Hungarian

7 Zwerge

Zeven dwergen, teleurgesteld in de wereld, hebben zich teruggetrokken achter de zeven bergen. Daar leiden ze aanvankelijk een gelukkig bestaan, maar de idylle wordt ruw verstoord als Sneeuwwitje, op de vlucht voor de wrede koningin, ook haar toevlucht zoekt tot het verder vrouwloze sprookjesbos.

Language: Dutch

7 krasnoludków - Historia prawdziwa

Po Czerwonym Kapturku przyszedł czas na odkrycie całej prawdy o 7 krasnoludkach i Królewnie Śnieżce... Specjalna komisja śledcza powołana do zbadanie tej sprawy ujawniła fakty, których nikt się nie spodziewał. Za górami, za lasami, siedmiu krasnoludków schroniło się w lesie. Szczycik (Maciej Stuhr), Dołek (Paweł Wilczak), Knedel (Robert Makłowicz), Loczek (Jerzy Kryszak), Prezes (Cezary Morawski), Czak (Jarosław Boberek) i Młotek (Zbigniew Suszyński) wybrali własne towarzystwo nie zakłócane odgłosami łamanych serc. I żyliby sobie dalej tak spokojnie, gdyby nie nagłe pojawienie się Królewny Śnieżki (Joanna Jabłczyńska), która wywróciła do góry nogami ich uporządkowane życie. Ta sytuacja może jednak nie potrwać długo, gdyż na poszukiwanie Śnieżki wyruszył właśnie Wielki Łowczy (detektyw Krzysztof Rutkowski) wysłany przez Złą Królową (Katarzyna Figura). Ale na zamku – poza Złą Królową – czeka na Śnieżkę również wielka miłość w osobie Królewskiego Błazna (Kuba Wojewódzki).

Language: Polish

7 гномов: и целого леса мало

За семью горами, в глубине заколдованного леса живут самые известные в истории холостяки: Семь Гномов. Только сейчас гномы это больше не настоящие гномы и не карлики в крошечных колпаках, эти гномы — мужчины, которые живут согласно строгому кодексу чести. Одно из самых популярных и неправильных устоявшихся мнений то, что все думают, что они маленького роста. Только потому, что гномы в детстве маленькие — как и все остальные — не означает то, что они всегда остаются маленького роста. На самом деле они намного великодушнее, чем большинство людей. Как говорится в пословице: Мал золотник, да дорог. Семь Гномов прожили в глухом лесу много веков по своему выбору — «территория, свободная от женщин», так сказать.Но когда в их жизни появляется Белоснежка, они полностью забывают о своих убеждениях.

Language: Russian



Language: Mandarin

Tadao Ando: Samurai Architect Movie

The Tadao Ando: Samurai Architect movie has and Documentary genres.

Tadao Ando: Samurai Architect Film was made by NHK The film was successfully completed and released in 2019 The spoken language used in the film is Japanese.

Tadao Ando (b.1941) is a world-renowned architect, and a recipient of the Pritzker Architecture Prize. His calm, minimalist architecture with elegant concrete designs reflects the Zen principle of simplicity. In the film he reveals the experience a building should evoke, as he discusses a number of iconic designs, such as The Row House and The Church of Light.

Tadao Ando: Samurai Architect Movie Backdrop

Tadao Ando: Samurai Architect Film Stars:

and Tadao Ando as Himself.

Tadao Ando Photo

Peoples involved in the making of the Tadao Ando: Samurai Architect movie:

and Shigenori Mizuno (Director).

Here are some translations about the film:

안도 타다오

“빛의 교회, 지중미술관, 푼타 델라 도가나 미술관 등 세계를 사로잡은 건축가!”

전문적인 건축교육을 받지 못했지만, 타고난 예술성과 도전정신으로 실력을 인정받은 안도 타다오. 고교시절엔 복서로, 청년시절엔 건축 현장에서 치열한 나날을 보냈던 그는 우연히 서점에서 설계도면을 본 후, 건축가의 꿈을 안고 유럽으로 향한다. 현장에서 익힌 건축지식을 기반으로 콘크리트를 연구한 끝에 누구도 만들 수 없는 건축물을 만들며 노출 콘크리트의 거장이 된 그의 이야기가 시작된다!

Language: Korean



Language: Mandarin

Jack Frost 2: The Revenge of the Mutant Killer Snowman Film

Jack Frost 2: The Revenge of the Mutant Killer Snowman Backdrop

The Jack Frost 2: The Revenge of the Mutant Killer Snowman film has Fantasy, Horror, and Comedy genres.

Jack Frost 2: The Revenge of the Mutant Killer Snowman Film was made by A-Pix Entertainment The film was successfully completed and released in 2000 The spoken language used in the film is English.

The sheriff and his deputies from the first movie decide to take a vacation in the Caribbean. Their holiday will be short-lived, however, as the thawed murderer gets inadvertently re-frozen and brought back to life. As if that weren't bad enough, he now has the ability to remain frozen even in tropical temperatures, and he's headed south to settle some old scores.

Jack Frost 2: The Revenge of the Mutant Killer Snowman Movie Backdrop

Jack Frost 2: The Revenge of the Mutant Killer Snowman Movie Stars:

Scott MacDonald as Jack Frost (voice), Ian Abercrombie as Psychiatrist, Doug Jones as Dave, David Allen Brooks as Agent Manners, Ray Cooney as Colonel Hickering, Jennifer Lyons as Rose, Melanie Good as Sarah, Eileen Seeley as Anne Tiler, Chip Heller as Joe, Christopher Allport as Sam Tiler, Stephanie Chao as Cindy, Tai Bennett as Bobby, Sean Patrick Murphy as Captain Fun, Shonda Farr as Ashlea, and Marsha Clark as Marla.

Scott MacDonald Photo Ian Abercrombie Photo Doug Jones Photo David Allen Brooks Photo Ray Cooney Photo Jennifer Lyons Photo Melanie Good Photo Eileen Seeley Photo Christopher Allport Photo Tai Bennett Photo Sean Patrick Murphy Photo Shonda Farr Photo

Professional involved in the making of this Jack Frost 2: The Revenge of the Mutant Killer Snowman movie:

Michael Cooney (Director), Dean Lent (Director of Photography), Carl Schurtz (Original Music Composer), and Chris Anderson (Original Music Composer).

Michael Cooney Photo Chris Anderson Photo

Here are some translations about the film:

Jack Frost 2 - Die Rache des Killerschneemanns

Jack Frost, der eiskalte Killerschneemann mit der Seele eines Serienmörders, hat die Frostschutz-Attacke von Sheriff Sam Tiler (Christopher Allport aus 'Leben und Sterben in L.A.') überlebt – und sinnt auf Rache: Sam und Gattin Anne verbringen den Winter dieses Jahres auf einer Karibikinsel, fernab von Eis und Schnee. Doch als plötzlich drei Standschönheiten tot im Sand liegen und es trotz tropischer Hitze zu schneien beginnt, erkennt Sam mit Schrecken: Der kaltblütigste aller Killer ist zurück.

Language: German

Μανιακός χιονάνθρωπος 2: Παγωμένη εκδίκηση

Language: Greek

Jack Frost 2

En esta secuela, los supervivientes de la primera parte, deciden irse de vacaciones al Caribe para recuperarse de la reciente experiencia traumatica vivida. Lo que no se imaginan, es que la fiesta les durará poco, cuando el objeto de sus infortunios, accidentalmente recongelado y, cómo si eso no fuese bastante malo, ahora tiene la capacidad de seguir congelado incluso en temperaturas tropicales. El Caribe ya no será lo mismo trás la aparición de Snowman.

Language: Spanish

Le bonhomme de neige tueur est de retour pour tuer encore plus de personnes pendant Noël.

Language: French

잭 프로스트 2

Language: Korean

De sheriff en zijn plaatsvervangers uit de eerste film besluiten op vakantie te gaan naar het Caribisch gebied. Hun vakantie zal echter van korte duur zijn, omdat de ontdooide moordenaar per ongeluk opnieuw wordt ingevroren en weer tot leven wordt gewekt. Alsof dat nog niet erg genoeg is, heeft hij nu het vermogen om zelfs bij tropische temperaturen bevroren te blijven, en gaat hij naar het zuiden om wat oude rekeningen te vereffenen.

Language: Dutch

Jack Frost II

O boneco de neve assassino retorna para matar mais pessoas durante o Natal.

Language: Portuguese

Jack Îngheț 2: Răzbunarea Omului de Zăpadă ucigaș de mutanți

Language: Romanian

Снеговик 2: Месть

Language: Russian


Language: Mandarin

Les Nuits les plus Longues Film

Les Nuits les plus Longues Poster

This Les Nuits les plus Longues film has and Drama genres.

Les Nuits les plus Longues Film was made by La Fémis The film was successfully completed and released in 2021

Lilian is Michael Jackson's impersonator. He performs in clubs borrowing Michael's gestures and face. In Sweden a teenager is selected to embody Santa Lucia in a religious parade. The destiny of Lilian and the girl intermingle freely. Their respective icons slowly invade them to literally take control of themselves.

Les Nuits les plus Longues Movie Stars:

Liv Henneguier as The young Santa Lucia, and Mj Lil as Lilian Carles.

Liv Henneguier Photo

Peoples involved in the making of this Les Nuits les plus Longues movie:

and Sacha Teboul (Director).

Jealous Alan Movie

Jealous Alan Poster

This Jealous Alan movie has Drama, and Comedy genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2019 The spoken language used in the film is English.

Alan’s jealousy drives him to foil his friend’s relationship and wrestle with where his passions really lie.

Jealous Alan Film Stars:

Kate Dickie as Angela's Mum, Ryan Hunter as Alan Anderson, Elysia Welch as Angela Hendry, and Jack Stewart as Stuart Cummings.

Kate Dickie Photo Jack Stewart Photo

Professional involved in the making of the Jealous Alan film:

James Heath (Producer), and Martin Clark (Director).

Simply Red - Symphonica In Rosso - Live At Ziggo Dome, Amsterdam Movie

Simply Red - Symphonica In Rosso - Live At Ziggo Dome, Amsterdam Backdrop

The Simply Red - Symphonica In Rosso - Live At Ziggo Dome, Amsterdam film has and Music genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2018 The spoken language used in the film is English.

Simply Red headlined the annual Symphonica in Rosso music event in Holland on 25, 26, 27 October 2017. Mick Hucknall brought some of his best-loved songs to be accompanied by a 40-piece symphony orchestra. The spectacular red setting and famously good sound & lighting that the show employs promised to make this a truly memorable show. Without doubt Mick Hucknall is one of the country’s most gifted singers with a voice like no other. His band Simply Red have had an incredible career so far with 5 UK number one albums, and selling over 60 million albums. ‘Symphonica In Rosso’ is an annual event in Holland where a prestigious artist is invited to perform over three nights with a full orchestra, with Simply Red’s 2017 series marking its 10th anniversary. Previous artists to play ‘Symphonica In Rosso’ include Diana Ross, Sting, and Lionel Ritchie.

Simply Red - Symphonica In Rosso - Live At Ziggo Dome, Amsterdam Film Backdrop

Simply Red - Symphonica In Rosso - Live At Ziggo Dome, Amsterdam Film Stars:

and Mick Hucknall as hisself.

Mick Hucknall Photo

Here are some translations about the movie:

Simply Red: Symphonica in Rosso

Eine außergewöhnliche Show

Im Oktober 2017 spielten Simply Red eine außergewöhnliche Show im Ziggo Dome in der niederländischen Hauptstadt Amsterdam. Mit »Symphonica In Rosso (Live At Ziggo Dome Amsterdam)« gibt es jetzt den Mitschnitt in Bild und Ton. Zum ersten Mal ließ sich die britische Band um Sänger Mick Hucknall auf der Bühne von einem 40-köpfigen Orchester unterstützen. Gemeinsam performten sie Hits wie Holding Back The Years, Stars, Fairground, If You Don’t Know Me By Now und viele mehr. Die Farbe Rot ist das Erkennungsmerkmal der aufwendigen Show, die mit Mick Hucknall alias Simply Red den Großmeister des Blue-Eyed-Soul-Pop präsentiert.

Language: German

I Simply Red hanno guidato l'annuale evento musicale Symphonica in Rosso in Olanda il 25, 26, 27 ottobre 2017. Mick Hucknall ha portato alcune delle sue canzoni più amate per essere accompagnato da un'orchestra sinfonica di 40 elementi. Senza dubbio Mick Hucknall è uno dei cantanti più dotati del paese con una voce come nessun'altra. La sua band Simply Red ha avuto una carriera incredibile fino ad ora con 5 album al numero uno nel Regno Unito, e vendendo oltre 60 milioni di album. 'Symphonica In Rosso' è un evento annuale in Olanda dove un artista prestigioso è invitato ad esibirsi per tre notti con un'orchestra completa. Tracklist.: 1.- For Your Babies 0:40 2.- Holding Back the Years 5:28 3.- Stars 10:00 4.- A New Flame 14:09 5.- It's Only Love 18:05 6.- Sunrise 22:38 7.- Something Got Me Started 26:15 8.- Fairground 30:28 9.- My Way 36:28 10.- If You Don't Know Me by Now 41:19

Language: Italian

Degas, il corpo nudo Movie

Degas, il corpo nudo Poster

This Degas, il corpo nudo film has and Documentary genres.

Degas, il corpo nudo Film was made by RAI The film was successfully completed and released in 2020 The spoken language used in the film is Italian.

A documentary about the painter Degas.

Here are some translations about the film:

Un’indagine intorno all’opera di Degas, che rivela tutto il suo modernismo. Il filmato evidenzia il rapporto dell’artista con i costumi della sua epoca e il suo profondo coinvolgimento con una cultura in transizione, concentrandosi sul modo in cui Degas trattava il nudo.

Language: Italian