Friday, July 5, 2024

Wei-Lai Movie

Wei-Lai Poster

The Wei-Lai film has Drama, Comedy, and Family genres.

Wei-Lai Film was made by University of Southern California, School of Cinematic Arts at a cost of $20,000. The film was successfully completed and released in 2022 made a revenue of $20,000. The spoken language used in the film is English, Mandarin.

Tired of getting pushed and punished by his own parents, Wei-Lai, an 11-year-old Chinese American boy, decides to show up at his best friend's family and offers himself up for their adoption.

Wei-Lai Film Stars:

Chris Devlin as Mr. Francis, Zhan Wang as Mr. Hao, Eon Song as Mrs. Hao, Arthur Zhang as Wei-Lai, Benjamin Widner as Luca, and Laura Chowenhill as Mrs. Francis.

Chris Devlin Photo Benjamin Widner Photo

Professional involved in the making of this Wei-Lai film:

and Robin Wang (Director).

Robin Wang Photo

Once I Dreamed Film

Once I Dreamed Poster

The Once I Dreamed movie has and Drama genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2020 The spoken language used in the film is Mandarin.

Two men on opposite sides of the globe experience each other's lives as dreams.

Once I Dreamed Film Stars:

Bob Woolsey as Jacob, Lauren Martin McCraw as Julia, Aidan Wang as Chen, and Justin Derickson as Will.

Justin Derickson Photo

Professional involved in the making of this Once I Dreamed movie:

Tom Belding (Visual Effects), Eric Mouawad (Sound Designer), Darren Borrowman (Producer), and Bob Woolsey (Director).

Till the End, Friend Movie

Till the End, Friend Poster

This Till the End, Friend movie has and Drama genres.

Till the End, Friend Film was made by XII IPS U Production, SMAKARA, and Movie Everything The film was successfully completed and released in 2022

It is a story about friendship, where one guy decided to befriend another group of friends who would eventually hurt him and his old friend, and fate would make him choose between his true friends or his new ones.

Till the End, Friend Movie Stars:

Jason Kirana as Main character, Yosua Dominikus Lionel as Good Friend #1, Clarissa Audrey as Good Friend #2, Brent Tomson as Bad Friend #1, Vanessa Leviane as Bad Friend #2, Stefany Cendy as Bad Friend #3, and Marcelino Ari as Bad Friend #4.

Jason Kirana Photo

Professional involved in the making of the Till the End, Friend film:

Jason Kirana (Director), Andrew Leonard Singkali (Producer), Michael Wantoro (Director of Photography), lidya idris haruna (Editor), and Michael Wantoro (Assistant Director).

Jason Kirana Photo

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Olga Film

This Olga movie has and Drama genres.

Olga Movie was made by Cinéma Defacto, and Point Prod The film was successfully completed and released in 2021 The spoken language used in the film is French, Portuguese, Russian, Ukrainian.

2013. Exiled in Switzerland, Olga, a talented and passionate 15-year-old Ukrainian gymnast, is trying to secure a place in the National Sports Centre. But the Euromaidan revolt erupts in Kyiv, and suddenly her loved ones are involved. While the girl is adapting to her new country and preparing for the European Championships, the Ukrainian revolution makes its way into her life, and nothing will ever be the same again.

Olga Movie Backdrop

Olga Movie Stars:

Stéphanie Chuat as Catherine, Oleksandr Mavrits as Vassily, Tatiana Mikhina as Ilona Budishkina, Thea Brogli as Zoé, Sabrina Rubtsova as Sasha, Caterina Barloggio as Steffi, Jérôme Martin as Adrien, Alicia Onomor as Juliette, Lou Steffen as Andrea, and Anastasia Budiashkina as Olga.

Oleksandr Mavrits Photo Tatiana Mikhina Photo Thea Brogli Photo Sabrina Rubtsova Photo Caterina Barloggio Photo Anastasia Budiashkina Photo

Peoples involved in the making of the Olga movie:

Tom Dercourt (Co-Producer), Raphaëlle Desplechin (Writer), Pierre Desprats (Music), Jean-Marc Fröhle (Producer), Suzana Pedro (Editor), Françoise Mayor (Co-Producer), Alla Samoilenko (Casting Director), Lucie Baudinaud (Director of Photography), Mariia Kero (Costume Design), Kara Baleyan (Production Design), Elie Grappe (Director), and Virginie Pernet (Makeup Artist).

Alla Samoilenko Photo Mariia Kero Photo Elie Grappe Photo

Here are some translations about the film:

2013. Una gimnasta ucraïnesa de 15 anys està dividida entre Suïssa -on s'entrena per al Campionat Europeu com a preparació per als Jocs Olímpics- i Kíev, on la seva mare treballa com a periodista, informant sobre l'Euromaidan.

Language: Catalan


Ukrajina, podzim 2013. Patnáctiletá vrcholová gymnastka Olga má před sebou tréninkový pobyt ve Švýcarsku, zemi svého otce, znamenající zásadní krok v kariéře přes evropský šampionát až na olympiádu. Politická situace v Kyjevě se však vyostřuje, Olžina matka, aktivistická novinářka, se přidává k tisícovkám demonstrujících na Majdanu, kde se pohybuje i Saša, Olžina výrazně politicky angažovaná bývalá kolegyně z ukrajinského týmu a kamarádka.

Language: Czech

Olga und Sasha sind beste Freundinnen und trainieren zusammen, um zu den besten Kunstturnerinnen ihres Heimatlandes Ukraine zu gehören. Als Olga zusammen mit ihrer Mutter, einer ukrainischen Politjournalistin, nur knapp einem Anschlag auf sie entkommt, entscheidet Ilona, ihre Tochter in die Schweiz zu schicken, wo die Familie ihres verstorbenen Mannes lebt.

Language: German


2013. Una gimnasta ucraniana de 15 años está dividida entre Suiza -donde se entrena para el Campeonato Europeo como preparación para los Juegos Olímpicos- y Kiev, donde su madre trabaja como periodista, informando sobre el Euromaidán.

Language: Spanish


Le film est présenté à la Semaine Internationale de la Critique au Festival de Cannes 2021 2013. Une gymnaste de 15 ans est tiraillée entre la Suisse, où elle s’entraîne pour le Championnat Européen en vue des JO et l’Ukraine où sa mère, journaliste, couvre les événements d’Euromaïdan.

Language: French

2013. Esiliata in Svizzera, Olga, una talentuosa e appassionata ginnasta ucraina di 15 anni, sta cercando di assicurarsi un posto nel National Sports Centre. Ma a Kiev scoppia la rivolta di Euromaidan, e all'improvviso vengono coinvolti i suoi cari. Mentre la ragazza si adatta al suo nuovo paese e si prepara per i Campionati Europei, la rivoluzione ucraina si fa strada nella sua vita e niente sarà più come prima.

Language: Italian


〈올가〉는 현재 벌어지고 있는 러시아와 우크라이나 전쟁의 단초가 된 유로마이단 반정부 시위를 배경으로, 어린 우크라이나 체조선수 올가가 국적을 옮겨 스위스 대표팀이 되면서 그녀의 마음속에서 벌어지는 갈등을 주축으로 하고 있다. 우크라이나와 유럽, 러시아라는 삼각구도의 미묘한 정치적 관계는 국가를 대표해서 뛰어야 하는 스포츠 선수들의 이야기에 고스란히 투영된다. 우크라이나 어머니와 스위스 아버지 사이에서 태어난 올가가 선택할 수 있는 길. 고국에 남겨둔 친구들과 엄마, 한때는 동지였던 이들과 적으로 다시 마주쳐야 하는 스포츠 세계의 현실은 자유를 갈망하며 폭력과 싸우는 우크라이나 시민들의 상황과 맞물려 있다. 〈올가〉는 국가와 시민, 연대와 폭력 사이에서 흔들리는 굳건하지만 연약한 소녀의 마음을 들여다보게 만드는 섬세하고도 담대한 작품이다.

Language: Korean

De 15-jarige Olga is een van de beste Oekraïense turnsters van het moment en ze droomt van een Olympische medaille. Maar als het journalistieke werk van haar moeder hun levens in gevaar brengt, wordt Olga voor haar eigen veiligheid naar een gastgezin in Zwitserland gestuurd. Wanneer in Kiev de Euromaidan-protesten losbarsten – met haar moeder en beste vriendin in de frontlinie – wordt Olga verscheurd tussen haar sportieve ambities en de liefde voor haar geboorteland.

Language: Dutch

Jest 2013 rok. Olga ma 15 lat i jest ukraińską gimnastyczką, która uprawia tę dyscyplinę z prawdziwą pasją. Przebywając na zgrupowaniu w Szwajcarii, dokłada wszelkich starań, aby jak najlepiej wpasować się do drużyny narodowej. W tym czasie w Kijowie zawiązuje się ruch społeczny Euromajdan, który niespodziewanie wciąga w swoje tryby wszystkie bliskie jej osoby. W czasie, gdy Olga przygotowuje się do Mistrzostw Europy, w jej życie wkracza rewolucja, która zmiata wszystko, co stoi na jej drodze…

Language: Polish

Em 2013, Olga, uma talentosa ginasta ucraniana de 15 anos, está exilada na Suíça tentando conquistar seu espaço no National Sports Center. Mas a revolta de Euromaidan, uma onda de manifestações nacionalistas e de agitação civil, irrompe em Kiev, e repentinamente envolve seus familiares. Enquanto Olga precisa se adaptar ao novo país e se preparar para o Campeonato Europeu, a revolução ucraniana entra em sua vida, transformando-a completamente. Representante da Suíça no Oscar 2022 de Filme Internacional. Vencedor do SACD Award para melhores novos autores na Semana da Crítica do Festival de Cannes 2021.

Language: Portuguese


Ukrajina, Kijev. Piše se leto 2013. Olga je mlada, komaj petnajstletna telovadka, izjemno talentirana, zato jo mati novinarka pošlje k očetu v Švico, da bi ji prizanesli z morebitnimi družbenimi pretresi, ki se obetajo v domovini. V novem okolju lepo poskrbijo zanjo in lahko se priključi švicarski ekipi telovadk v njihovem narodnem športnem centru. Olgo daje domotožje, zato je pogosto na videozvezi z mamo iz Kijeva. Toda nekega dne v Kijevu izbruhnejo siloviti nemiri in vsenarodni protest, ki vase posrka tudi Olgino mamo. Olga je zelo zaskrbljena in želi nazaj v Ukrajino, kar pa je trenutno nemogoče. Prisiljena je potlačiti svoje želje, se prilagoditi novemu okolju in se pripraviti za evropsko prvenstvo v gimnastiki. Toda ukrajinski nemiri postajajo vse silovitejši in hočeš nočeš vstopijo v Olgino življenje ter ga pretresejo do obisti.

Language: Slovenian

Ülkesinden uzakta İsviçre’de yaşayan 15 yaşındaki Olga Ukraynalı, yetenekli bir jimnastikçidir. Kariyerinin zirvesindeki tüm sporcular gibi, hayali Olimpiyatlar’da altın madalyaya ulaşmaktır. Yeni milli takımına uyum sağlamak için elinden geleni yapmaktadır ancak Avrupa Şampiyonası yaklaşırken Kiev’deki Turuncu Devrim Olga’nın dünyasını alt üst eder.

Language: Turkish


2013 рік. 15-річна гімнастка Ольга розривається між Швейцарією, де вона тренується до чемпіонату Європи в рамках підготовки до Олімпійських ігор, та Україною, де її мати – журналістка, веде репортажі про Євромайдан.

Language: Ukrainian



Language: Mandarin

Le Pénitencier Film

This Le Pénitencier film has and Documentary genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2022

In 1982, Patrice Berthelot reports on the conditions of his detention in Sion prison through a correspondence with the director Anne Theurillat, who now transforms his words—by turns cheerful or imbued with mellow bitterness—into images, through an inspired cinematic construction. A question remains: is it possible for humanity to exist between four walls?

Le Pénitencier Film Backdrop

Here are some translations about the film:

En 1982, Patrice Berthelot rend compte de ses conditions d’enfermement dans le pénitencier de Sion à travers une correspondance avec la réalisatrice Anne Theurillat. Celle-ci met aujourd’hui ses mots en images en leur donnant une résonance inattendue.

Language: French

Secrets of the Oligarch Wives Movie

Secrets of the Oligarch Wives Backdrop

The Secrets of the Oligarch Wives movie has and Documentary genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2022 The spoken language used in the film is English.

Fresh insights and stunning details about the most dangerous man in the world from the women close to the ultra-wealthy oligarchs who put Vladimir Putin in power. Delivering a rare, female perspective on the oligarch world, this documentary meets the wives and girlfriends who have lived for years, some for decades, inside this inner circle. Putin's once closest allies are now taking a stand...and some are paying the ultimate price.

Secrets of the Oligarch Wives Film Backdrop

Secrets of the Oligarch Wives Movie Stars:

Ranvir Singh as Narrator, Tatiana Pokina as 타티아나 포키나, and Alejandra Tolstoi as 알렉산드라 톨스토이.

Ranvir Singh Photo

Professional involved in the making of this Secrets of the Oligarch Wives movie:

John O'Mahony (Director), Justine Kershaw (Executive Producer), David McNab (Executive Producer), Laura Jones (Producer), Lesley Davies (Producer), and Daisy Brown (Producer).

Here are some translations about the film:

올리가르히의 여인들: 러시아 재벌가의 비밀

러시아의 재벌 집단이자 집권자를 좌지우지할 정도로 큰 힘을 지닌 올리가르히는 푸틴이 집권하면서 제재를 받아 해외로 도피한다. 해외에서 호화로운 생활을 하면서도 불안이 떨며, 푸틴 정권하의 조국이 망가지는 모습에 안타까워하는 올리가르히 여인들의 이야기를 들어본다.

Language: Korean

Os Segredos da Oligarquia: Esposas

Neste documentário, as esposas dos magnatas russos revelam segredos e contam detalhes sobre como o presidente Vladimir Putin assumiu o controle do país.

Language: Portuguese

Hustrurna och flickvännerna till männen som hjälpte president Vladimir Putin komma till makten riskerar sina liv genom att avslöja nya insikter och hittills okända detaljer om hans regeringstid

Language: Swedish

Treasure Movie

Treasure Poster

The Treasure film has and Animation genres.

Treasure Film was made by Animate Projects The film was successfully completed and released in 2021 The spoken language used in the film is English.

A metal detectorist’s quest through the Shropshire Marshes leads us to a spectacular gold masterpiece, and the leader who sacrifices it for the sake of her child.