Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Samurai Jack: The Premiere Movie Movie

Samurai Jack: The Premiere Movie Backdrop

This Samurai Jack: The Premiere Movie film has Fantasy, Animation, Action, Science Fiction, and TV Movie genres.

Samurai Jack: The Premiere Movie Film was made by Cartoon Network Studios The film was successfully completed and released in 2017 The spoken language used in the film is English.

A small boy is sent away from his village. He is to be trained as a samurai warrior and return to fight the evil shapeshifter, Aku, who has wreaked havoc throughout the village. His skills honed, the warrior attempts a return to his home, but winds up in a future time landscape. Here, the locals call the stranger, a sort of Dirty Harry kung fu loner, "Jack" and assist him in his path homeward. This is the original feature length presentation that kicked off the SAMURAI JACK phenomenon on the Cartoon Network.

Samurai Jack: The Premiere Movie Film Backdrop

Samurai Jack: The Premiere Movie Film Stars:

Mako as Aku, Kevin Michael Richardson as Brobot/Bouncer/Vada 2, Phil LaMarr as Samurai Jack, Jeff Bennett as Alien/McDuffy/Dreyfuss/Leader/Dog #2, Rob Paulsen as Rothchild/Cole Lampkin/Lizor, Jennifer Hale as Girl/Waitress, and Sab Shimono as The Emperor.

Mako Photo Kevin Michael Richardson Photo Phil LaMarr Photo Jeff Bennett Photo Rob Paulsen Photo Jennifer Hale Photo Sab Shimono Photo

Peoples involved in the making of this Samurai Jack: The Premiere Movie movie:

Brian A. Miller (Supervising Producer), Genndy Tartakovsky (Director), Paul Rudish (Writer), Collette Sunderman (Casting), Dan Krall (Art Direction), Diana Ritchey (Associate Producer), Paul Douglas (Editor), Scott Wills (Art Direction), and Joel Valentine (Sound Designer).

Genndy Tartakovsky Photo Paul Rudish Photo Dan Krall Photo Scott Wills Photo

Here are some translations about the movie:

Samurai Jack - La Trilogia

I primi tre episodi della saga "Samurai Jack"

La storia narra di un samurai senza nome, in possesso di una spada benedetta in grado di dissipare il male. Un giorno sulla sua terra arriva Aku, un demone nero, figlio del Male Puro. Aku è malvagio, possiede potenti poteri magici e porta corruzione, morte e distruzione sulla terra. Il samurai, che possiede l'unica arma in grado di distruggere il potentissimo essere, si fa avanti per annientarlo...

Language: Italian

Samurai Jack: O Filme

No Japão antigo, um guerreiro samurai embarca em uma missão para derrotar o mestre do mal, Abu. Antes de concluir sua tarefa, ele é enviado milhares de anos no futuro. De repente, ele descobre que está em um mundo onde Abu agora goza de total poder sobre todas as coisas vivas. Assumindo o nome de Jack, ele sai em uma missão para libertar o futuro do domínio de Abu e encontrar um caminho de volta para seu próprio tempo para que ele possa destruir o mal para sempre.

Language: Portuguese

Самурай Джек: Премьерный фильм

В далёком прошлом существо Аку, умеющее менять форму по своему желанию, принесло на Землю смерть и разрушение. Последней надеждой людей стал юноша, посланный на обучение мастерству воина-самурая. Но когда он возвращается уже повзрослевшим, то, не без помощи Аку, оказывается перенесённым в будущее через портал в неизвестное место и время. В новом для него месте местные зовут его Джек и помогают ему вернуться в прошлое, чтобы исправить всё зло, сотворённое Аку.

Language: Russian

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