Wednesday, June 26, 2024

劇場版 ×××HOLiC 真夏ノ夜ノ夢 Movie

劇場版 ×××HOLiC 真夏ノ夜ノ夢 Backdrop

This 劇場版 ×××HOLiC 真夏ノ夜ノ夢 film has Fantasy, Animation, Drama, Comedy, and Mystery genres.

劇場版 ×××HOLiC 真夏ノ夜ノ夢 Movie was made by Production I.G, movic, Funimation Global Group, Nippan Group Holdings, dentsu, Kodansha, and Shochiku The film was successfully completed and released in 2005 The spoken language used in the film is Japanese.

Invited to a wealthy client's mansion, time-traveling witch Yuko and her companions arrive to find a group of collectors assembled to participate in a mysterious auction. And the mystery only deepens when the collectors go missing one by one. As more guests disappear and strange occurrences abound, Yuko and her friends realize they must solve the mystery before they vanish as well.

劇場版 ×××HOLiC 真夏ノ夜ノ夢 Film Backdrop

劇場版 ×××HOLiC 真夏ノ夜ノ夢 Film Stars:

Miyu Irino as Syaoran, Kazuya Nakai as Shizuka Doumeki, Jun Fukuyama as Watanuki Kimihiro, Sayaka Ohara as Yûko Ichihara, Hisayo Mochizuki as Moro, Shizuka Itoh as Himawari Kunogi, Kazuko Kojima as Maru, and Mika Kikuchi as Mokona.

Miyu Irino Photo Kazuya Nakai Photo Jun Fukuyama Photo Sayaka Ohara Photo Hisayo Mochizuki Photo Shizuka Itoh Photo Kazuko Kojima Photo Mika Kikuchi Photo

Professional involved in the making of the 劇場版 ×××HOLiC 真夏ノ夜ノ夢 movie:

Hiroyuki Okiura (Key Animation), Kazuchika Kise (Character Designer), Tsubaki Nekoi (Creator), Junichi Fujisaku (Screenplay), Taiki Sakurai (Screenplay), Nanase Ohkawa (Creator), Tsutomu Mizushima (Director), Keigo Sasaki (Key Animation), Futoshi Higashide (Key Animation), Tetsuya Nakatake (Producer), Mokona Apapa (Creator), Takayuki Goto (Key Animation), Shinya Ohira (Key Animation), Yasunori Miyazawa (Key Animation), Minefumi Harada (Key Animation), Junichiro Taniguchi (Key Animation), Nobuyoshi Souzaki (Key Animation), Satsuki Igarashi (Creator), Minoru Ueta (Key Animation), Hisashi Ezura (Director of Photography), Sayuri Yoshida (Color Designer), Yoshimitsu Yamashita (Key Animation), Daiki Ohno (3D Animator), Kaname Wakabayashi (Key Animation), Toshiharu Sugie (Key Animation), Shinji Hashimoto (Key Animation), Mariko Oka (Key Animation), Jun Uemura (Key Animation), Akiko Nagashima (Key Animation), Toshiyuki Yahagi (Key Animation), Keita Matsumoto (Key Animation), Jouji Sawada (Key Animation), Takaharu Ookuma (Key Animation), Yasutaka Kubota (Key Animation), Mitsunobu Nakamura (Key Animation), Sachiko Oohashi (Key Animation), Mizuka Takahashi (Key Animation), Tetsuya Watanabe (Producer), Chie Hashimoto (Key Animation), Miyoko Shikibu (Key Animation), Kazunori Akiyama (Key Animation), Etsuko Tomita (Key Animation), Katsumi Matsuda (Key Animation), Hiroyo Izumi (Key Animation), Dai Suzuki (Key Animation), Fumiaki Sahara (Key Animation), Hiroshi Nohara (Key Animation), and Masahiro Hamamori (Key Animation).

Hiroyuki Okiura Photo Kazuchika Kise Photo Taiki Sakurai Photo Tsutomu Mizushima Photo Keigo Sasaki Photo Tetsuya Nakatake Photo Takayuki Goto Photo Shinya Ohira Photo Hisashi Ezura Photo

Here are some translations about the film:

Yuko modtager et brev fra en ukendt afsender. Det er en invitation til en auktion. Syv inkarnerede samlere blev inviteret til en gammel herregård. De har alle indrømme, at de tog imod invitationen til at fuldføre deres samlinger. De ventede for værten, men han gør ikke en udseende. Og en efter en de samlere forsvinde. Det mærkelige vært og en mystisk pige. En aften hvor underlige ting ske efter hinanden. Hvad bliver der bortauktioneres? Hvem er vært? De snedige og tåbelige mennesker, der er besat med "besiddelser" og værtens "tidløs" lidenskab. Hvad venter i slutningen af denne gådefulde serie af gåder? Og hvad er konklusionen på den triste kærlighedshistorie bag dem? Mystery fører til mystik, og når det uventede

Language: Danish

xxxHolic - Der Film

Ein Sommernachtstraum

Die geheimnisvolle Yuuko erfüllt im Austausch gegen ein Opfer jeden Wunsch. Um seinen größten Wunsch erfüllt zu bekommen, ist der junge Watanuki gezwungen als Diener Yuukos zu arbeiten. Als Yuuko zu einer mysteriösen Auktion in einer alten Villa eingeladen wird, begleiten Watanuki und sein Schulkamerad Domeki sie. Aber in dem Haus geschehen merkwürdige Dinge und nach und nach verschwinden einige der Gäste spurlos.

Language: German

XXXholic - El Sueño de una Noche de Verano

Yuuko ha recibido una misteriosa invitación para una subasta. Cual es su sorpresa cuando al llegar a la mansión en la que va a celebrarse, encuentra a varios coleccionistas que también están dispuestos a pujar en ella... pero sin embargo el anfitrión y anónimo remitente de las invitaciones no aparece. La situación da un giro inesperado cuando los coleccionistas empiezan a desaparecer, tras lo cual Watanuki, Doumeki y Yuuko se verán envueltos una serie de extraños sucesos... ¿qué es lo que realmente esconde esta lúgubre mansión?

Language: Spanish

xxxHolic, le Film

Watanuki Kimihiro est un jeune lycéen qui a la capacité de voir les esprits. Ces esprits lui compliquent la vie. Un jour, pour échapper ses poursuivants en vain, il touche une barrière de la maison de Yūko Hichihara. Elle lui propose de l'aider à faire disparaitre ces esprits, en compensation il devra être à son service à mi-temps. Watanuki est alors plongé dans l'univers étrange de Yūko, qui lui dispense des leçons de sagesse et qui n'hésite pas une seconde à l'exploiter. Yūko incarne la femme fatale : elle est désirable, intelligente et manipule les hommes sans aucune difficulté… Et Watanuki va en faire l'amère expérience. Mieux vaut-il être tourmenté par des esprits ou par Yūko ?

Language: French

xxxHolic: Il film - Sogno di una notte di mezza estate

Una giovane donna chiede a Yuko di investigare sulla sua casa, nella quale non può più entrare per qualche misterioso motivo. Nella stessa casa è in corso un'asta per collezionisti fanatici, a cui è stata invitata anche Yuko. Questo sembra essere il vero motivo per cui la strega si trova in questa villa, mentre la presenza di Watanuki e Domeki viene attribuita alla missione che devono svolgere. Nel frattempo, uno dopo l'altro, i collezionisti cominciano a scomparire, e ogni notte accadono strani avvenimenti, e l'organizzatore dell'asta non è ancora apparso. Per svelare il mistero, Yuko e il suo gruppo dovranno scoprire il vero motivo dell'asta. Quando viene chiesto ai personaggi cosa collezionano, Domeki risponde che ha l'hobby di collezionare francobolli, mentre Watanuki predilige i cataloghi premi dei negozi. Si pensa, comunque, che questi hobby sono stati inventati per non destare sospetti.

Language: Italian

劇場版 ×××HOLiC 真夏ノ夜ノ夢

アナタの願いを叶えましょう。 それ相応の<対価>を支払うならば——


Language: Japanese

XXX홀릭 극장판: 한여름 밤의 꿈

어느 날 발신자 불명의 경매행사 초청장이 유코에게 전달되면서 시작된다. 수상한 초청장이지만 뭔가 재미있을 것 같다며 초대에 응한 유코는 와타누키를 데리고 오래된 저택을 찾게 된다. 행사에 초대된 사람들은 7명의 Hard Collectot. 이 열혈 수집가들은 저마다의 컬렉션을 완성하기 위해 저택주인의 초대에 응한 것이었다. 그러나 초대한 장본인은 나타나지 않고, 초대받은 사람들이 하나 둘씩 사라지기 시작하는데...

Language: Korean

De tijdreizende heks Yuko en haar metgezellen worden uitgenodigd in het landhuis van een rijke klant en treffen een groep verzamelaars aan die bijeen zijn gekomen om deel te nemen aan een mysterieuze veiling. En het mysterie wordt alleen maar groter als de verzamelaars één voor één vermist raken. Naarmate er meer gasten verdwijnen en er steeds meer vreemde gebeurtenissen plaatsvinden, beseffen Yuko en haar vrienden dat ze het mysterie moeten oplossen voordat ook zij verdwijnen.

Language: Dutch

xxxHOLiC: Manatsu no Yoru no Yume

Language: Polish

xxxHOLiC Movie: Manatsu no Yoru no Yume

Yuuko recebe de um desconhecido um convite para um leilão. Da mesma forma, ávidos coleccionadores são convidados para visitarem uma velha mansão onde supostamente decorrerá o leilão, e cujo dono não comparece. Um por um, cada coleccionador desaparece e estranhos acontecimentos ocorrem durante essa mesma noite. O que será que está a ser leiloado? E quem será o dono da mansão? São questões que Yuuko e Watanuki vão tentar resolver.

Language: Portuguese

Триплексоголик: Сон в летнюю ночь

Школьник Ватануки Кимихиро обладает необычной способностью — он может видеть духов и других сверхъестественных существ, и эта способность его, откровенно говоря, раздражает. Однажды по дороге домой на Ватануки внезапно нападают духи, и уже через пару минут он, сам того не заметив, оказывается в чужом доме. Там он встречает Итихару Юко — таинственную женщину, которая утверждает, что может избавить последнего от способности видеть и притягивать к себе потусторонних существ. Взамен она предлагает Ватануки работать в её «магазинчике», который предоставляет услуги по исполнению желаний.

Language: Russian

xxxГолік: Сон літньої ночі

Language: Ukrainian


侑子收到来路不明的信,那是一封召开拍卖会的邀请函。在古老的邸宅里被招待的是7个狂热的收藏家。据说他们都是为了完善自己的收藏而应邸宅主人的邀请来到这里的。可是,等了很久都不见主人现身。不久,收藏家一个接一个的离奇消失了… 充满神秘的馆主,不可思议的少女。一夜里接连发生了很多奇异的事情。要拍卖的到底是什么呢?究竟招待的主人是谁呢?执着于将物品据为己有的狡猾而愚蠢的姿态以及住在馆里的主人超越时间的思念。云雾缭绕的谜团的结果,以及悲惨的恋爱故事的结尾…

Language: Mandarin



This DE LUSIONAL BLOOM film has Drama, and Music genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2018

she's never been into what has been surrounding her. a personal audiovisual piece. the story covers a self-aliening and internal vibrations that swirls innerly


and Julia Furdyna as Her.

Peoples involved in the making of the DE LUSIONAL BLOOM movie:

and Tom Motarski (Director).

Annabel Lee Movie

Annabel Lee Poster

This Annabel Lee movie has and Drama genres.

The film was successfully completed and released in 2019 The spoken language used in the film is English.

A young couple flee to the coast to await a boat that will take them on to a new life. As they wait, dark forces close in and their plan starts to unravel. Based on the poem by Edgar Allan Poe and set in the aftermath of the war, under the long lingering shadow of the Irish-Anglo conflict, ‘Annabel Lee’ is a tale of a forbidden love between two young stowaways from opposite sides of the Irish sea. As the couple run for their lives, they make it as far as a a cottage in Devon, awaiting rescue to take them to France. With the end of their journey in sight, they finally allow themselves to believe they might have made it.

Near Death Film

This Near Death film has Fantasy, Horror, and Thriller genres.

Near Death Movie was made by Cinema Factory The film was successfully completed and released in 2004 The spoken language used in the film is English.

Ghost hunters find film director's haunted mansion and anger the flesh-eating ghouls inside.

Near Death Movie Stars:

Brannon Gould as Harlan Montgomery, Joseph Haggerty as Dr. Blanchard, Darlene Tygrett as Vena Marshwood, Perrine Moore as June Rivera / Maria, Carl Darchuk as Willie Von Brahm, David Ortega as Young Priest, Carol Rose Carver as Stella, Vida Ghaffari as Priscilla, Scott Lunsford as Billy Strand, and Ali Willingham as Tammy Garrett.

Joseph Haggerty Photo Vida Ghaffari Photo Scott Lunsford Photo

Peoples involved in the making of the Near Death movie:

Ian Phillips (Set Decoration), Jeff Leroy (Director of Photography), Joe Castro (Producer), Steven J. Escobar (Producer), Darlene Tygrett (Costume Design), David Ortega (Producer), Daniel Benton (Executive Producer), Heather Mages (Special Effects Makeup Artist), Paul Mitrisin (Music), Brian Holligan (Visual Effects), and Nick Saglimbeni (Cinematography).

Jeff Leroy Photo Joe Castro Photo

Here are some translations about the film:


1947年著名的电影导演Willi Von Bram 精神错乱。他疯狂沉浸在与漂亮的少女Maria Delarosa的爱恋中。当她拒绝他的激情越轨举动,Von Bram残暴的袭击了她, 卡住她,并挖出勒她的心。绝望中,他跳崖寻死。据传说他那凶残的鬼魂还经常出没于他的海滨大屋,在大厅中穿梭!50年后,一个出色的捉鬼队前来一探 “Maria诅咒”的究竟,解开缠绕人们心头的迷雾!

Language: Mandarin

Nos amis les Terriens Film

This Nos amis les Terriens movie has Fantasy, Drama, and Comedy genres.

Nos amis les Terriens Movie was made by Les Films 13 The film was successfully completed and released in 2007 The spoken language used in the film is French.

What on earth would extraterrestrials think if they could observe us? This is the movie they made.

Nos amis les Terriens Movie Backdrop

Nos amis les Terriens Movie Stars:

Pierre Arditi as Le narrateur (voix), Annelise Hesme as Ursuline, Audrey Dana as Agathe, Shirley Bousquet as The Photographer, Thomas Le Douarec as Donatien, Boris Ventura-Diaz as Bertrand, Wioletta Michalczuk as , and Viktoria Li as .

Pierre Arditi Photo Annelise Hesme Photo Audrey Dana Photo Shirley Bousquet Photo Thomas Le Douarec Photo Boris Ventura-Diaz Photo Viktoria Li Photo

Those involved in the making of this Nos amis les Terriens movie:

Claude Lelouch (Producer), Jean Gargonne (Sound Editor), Jérôme Peyrebrune (Director of Photography), François Chauvaud (Production Design), Bernard Werber (Writer), Stéphane Mazalaigue (Editor), Alex Jaffray (Original Music Composer), Marité Coutard (Costume Design), Loïc Etienne (Original Music Composer), and Stéphane Krausz (Director of Photography).

Claude Lelouch Photo Bernard Werber Photo Alex Jaffray Photo

Here are some translations about the movie:

Nos amis les Terriens

Que pourraient bien penser les extra-terrestres s'ils pouvaient nous observer ? Nos amis les Terriens est précisément un documentaire extra-terrestre sur notre planète et ses curieux habitants. À travers l'observation de nos cités et de nos comportements, un commentateur extra-terrestre essaie, tout comme dans un documentaire animalier, de nous comprendre. Deux couples tests sont tout particulièrement étudiés : Ursuline et Donatien, une femelle et un mâle terriens, vont se rencontrer et s'aimer dans leur milieu "normal". En parallèle, nous suivons Agathe et Bertrand, deux autres terriens, qui eux ont été enlevés pour être étudiés en cage.

Language: French

우리 친구, 지구인

Language: Korean


导演:Bernard Werber

Language: Mandarin

Поліські тенета Film

Поліські тенета Poster

The Поліські тенета film has and Documentary genres.

Поліські тенета Movie was made by DocNoteFilms The film was successfully completed and released in 2021 The spoken language used in the film is Ukrainian.

Poliske was contaminated with radioactive material after the 1986 Chornobyl disaster. Soviet authorities did everything they could to erase the ancient history of this town, and after Chornobyl, they destroyed its future.

Here are some translations about the movie:

Документальний фільм про мешканців забрудненого після аварії на Чорнобильській АЕС смт. Поліське, в якому в доаварійні часи жило понад 13 тисяч жителів, а історія сягала князівських часів. У спілкуванні з переселенцями, самоселами, експертами з історії та спеціалістами Зони Відчуження автори фільму повертають до життя історію давнього міста, знищену радянською владою та забуту.

Language: Ukrainian

Elza Soares: O Que Se Cala Movie

This Elza Soares: O Que Se Cala film has and Music genres.

Elza Soares: O Que Se Cala Movie was made by Academia de Filmes, and Film Designs Ltd. The film was successfully completed and released in 2018 The spoken language used in the film is Portuguese.

Brazilian icon Elza Soares shines again.

Elza Soares: O Que Se Cala Movie Stars:

and Elza Soares as .

Elza Soares Photo

Professional involved in the making of the Elza Soares: O Que Se Cala movie:

Cesar Gananian (Director), Ana Julia Travia (Director), and Luiz Augusto Moura (Director of Photography).

Ana Julia Travia Photo