Thursday, July 11, 2024

Brød & Sirkus Film

This Brød & Sirkus movie has Adventure, Fantasy, Horror, and Comedy genres.

Brød & Sirkus Movie was made by Wring Wrong Films at a cost of $78,000. The film was successfully completed and released in 2003 The spoken language used in the film is English, Norwegian.

One man's courage and will to break loose from the system, and the ability of one individual to bring down the kingdom.

Brød & Sirkus Movie Stars:

Lars Torpp Thomsen as The Fugitive (Old) / Third Appearing Monk, Martin Loke as The Normal One / Post 2 / Voice in speaker / Voice of Monks / Goat chewing, Oliver Boullet as Oliver, Miriam Johansson as Mother Earth, Magne Jahrestein as The King, Silje Andresen as The Princess, Benjamin Rørstad as Post 1 / First Appearing Monk, Lars Erik Ringstad Nordrum as The Fugitive (Young), Lise Loke as Second Appearing Monk / Girl Going Into Anus, and Hilde Loke as Woman In Radioroom / Voice of Mother Earth.

Lars Torpp Thomsen Photo

Professional involved in the making of this Brød & Sirkus film:

Martin Loke (Director), Stian Tveit (Music), Oliver Boullet (Cinematography), Trond Loke (Cinematography), and Miriam Johansson (Costume Design).

Here are some translations about the film:

Moder Jord føder et barn som blir innført i systemet. Barnet blir en mann og innser at livet hans har vært en illusjon. Mannen avviker fra sin faste bane og møter en eldre herre som forteller ham en historie. Deretter returnerer han visere til systemet og blir gammel. Systemet har ikke lenger bruk for ham og han blir tatt ut for sin henrettelse. Han får flashbacks fra livet, motstrider seg sin sjebne og rømmer ut i ingenmannsland. Der hamrer han ut en steintavle med et budskap for fremtidige generasjoner. Noen år senere finner et ungt par denne steintavlen, inspirert av budskapet og uten noen forvarsel begir paret seg ut på en vendetta for å styrte det tyranniske systemet.

Language: Norwegian


Language: Mandarin

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